Jolis Raffles

Rambone's page

* Pathfinder Society GM. 65 posts (194 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 26 Organized Play characters.

Scarab Sages

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I don't like the +level system. A 1st level rogue should be better at picking pockets than 10th level fighter, cleric, or sorceror. A wizard, even high level, should not be able to go into melee combat with the town guards and expect good things to happen.

Dark Archive 1/5

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The cats probably consider humans non-sentient.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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Nefreet wrote:
Bongo BigBounce wrote:
Looking for some clarification on snake companions. Can they wear anything at all without Extra Item Slot? It seems the FAQ calls out no barding, no neck, no nothin'. If so it seems quite unfair to those who wish to have a serpentine companion. Am I missing something?

Snakes haven't been able to wear Barding or Neck slot items for several years now. Nothing about this update changes that.

Sometimes an option isn't mechanically equal to all other options.

According to Disney's Robin Hood a snake can wear at least a hat and cloak... :) y+robin+hood+snake&qpvt=disney+robin+hood+snake&qpvt=disney+robin+h ood+snake&FORM=IQFRML

Scarab Sages 1/5

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There should be 1 or 2 adventures per year that are written using Core rules only, for people who want to judge but not worry about running into new rules they haven't seen before.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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It is too bad it was not phrased so eloquently in the initial rejection email or all this could have been avoided in the first place. However thank you for the clarification.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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I completely disagree. If you were playing a pregen, and you had the ability to shift the credit to a non-existent character number there was zero risk involved for you. The only way you could suffer any loss was if you chose to accept the consequences and not shift the credit.

You've just spent 5 hours of your life and have nothing to show for it, you lost the opportunity to gain gp and pp. So you definitely lose something! If you don't die, you have 3000 gp for your pc. Now instead you have none. How is that not a loss?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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I think it is a much better idea for a GM to 'check' the previous Chronicle at the start of an event to make sure it is up to date.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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The biggest problem I see with pregens is with Bonekeep, players have taken pregens because they are scared to lose their actual characters. If that is a problem driving this can't they just update rules so pregens are not allowed in Bonekeep-type modules?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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Sometimes a player needs to be convinced to play a pregen to help a table go off. Now this will become badgering and be a little less compelling to the needed person, and as a results fewer games will be played. BAD IDEA!

Dark Archive 1/5

12 people marked this as a favorite.

Wise man say, if you punish a man for an honest mistake, he will stop being honest.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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I've seen many cases where the DM has allowed a PC to try to tackle another PC before he does something that may be a bad idea.

Dark Archive 1/5

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If four guys at your table want to play hard mode and you don't, they can consider you 'being a jerk'. You can get tagged as 'that jerk player'. That's why I am not a fan of this.

Dark Archive 1/5

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I would never play hard mode but wouldn't mind if they put out a Bonekeep style mod once a year. Except I remember at a con a group of players sitting down for Bonekeep would inspect PCs and if you didn't cut the mustard they would shoo you away from their table.

Grand Lodge 1/5

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If it is made optional, and you decide to pass on the option, you are accused of breaking the "don't be a dick" rule, thus really not making it optional anymore but mandatory.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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My first games were with murderhobos who didn't have any problem killing unconscious, surrendering, or helpless NPCs. I thought 'this is pretty stupid, not very heroic, and actually kind of offensive' and didn't play PFS for about six months until I went to a con which didn't have 'the other game' and I was pretty much forced to. Luckily the other groups I played with weren't nearly so bad and I moved over to PFS most of the time.

Liberty's Edge

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Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
One place I don't feel like Ryan succeeded was in managing expectations. He was clearly in love with the idea of the game, and too eager, often creating inflated expectations, when the reverse would have served them better.

Ha, the last time I heard the name Ryan Dancey he had big plans for Living City, when his company Organized Play bought the license from Wizards, but ultimately he ruined it as his plans were much bigger than could possibly be enacted.

Note to Paizo - those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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There are some artifacts which can disrupt or threaten nature. It would be a good idea to catalogue those items and place them in safe keeping so they don't fall into the wrong hands. Sounds like a Dark Archive Druid.

Grand Lodge 1/5

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This was one of the worst Pathfinder mods I have ever played. We ended up only having one combat because we had no one able to climb the chains risking a huge fall so far up except for one character who once got blasted by the wizards knew he was outmatched and climbed back down before he became unconscious and fell. We didn't fall into the trap either so lost out on that gold as well. Very bad taste in my mouth.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Just played a mod where a certain PC just couldn't seem to do anything right. Had a animal companion that was just terrible. Then we got to a point where she had to make a strength check, and it was a non time critical point so could attempt multiple times. After missing about 5 checks in a row I discovered she was using one of those d20 percentage dice, so only 0-9 were on the die. Things went much better once that die was retired to the dice bag!

Liberty's Edge 1/5

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A guy really likes his fighter to fly. Now that it cost him 150 gp he does it at least once every adventure. I don't feel it was really necessary for him to be able to fly, maybe the combat ends 1 round earlier. But if I don't pay him 150 gp to 'reimburse' him I am accused of not being a 'team player'.

With consumables effectively 75% off I can see some folks using them left and right as long as they are being subsidized by others.