Radavel's page
Organized Play Member. 5,520 posts (12,474 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 73 aliases.
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Just dropping by to say: "Let us support Paizo and all the people who depend on it."
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SOLDIER-1st wrote: Radavel wrote: very interested.
to the GM, what for you, thematically, differentiates the Order of Gate from the other Hellknight Order? I'd like to submit a PC that complies with that.
In my opinion, their most defining trait is their focus on prevention. The Order of the Gate seeks to stop crime before it can happen, since that's the most efficient way. I also believe that this is why they're the Order most synonemous with evil. In order to do all that preventitive maintaince, they have to ignore peoples rights and freedoms. They also have to be well-informed and powerful, which frequently means being willing to do whatever it takes to get that power and information.
So more than anything else, I think of prevention when I think of the Order of the Gate. Oh the guys from Minority Report then. A spellcaster then is required ;-)
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sorry to hear that.
will be posting discussion thread later when i get home.
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Just found something that puts the Rogue Trader in the proper perspective:
WARRANT OF TRADE (Centralised and in Capitals)
Resolved henceforth in the name of the Most Beneficient God-Emperor of Mankind, the High Lords of Terra grant this Warrant of Trade to:
(Insert Name here in big letters)
And to all of his line, from now until the end of time.
The Bearer of this Warrant of Trade is granted the inalienable right to go forth beyond the sacred borders of the blessed Imperium, to contact such benighted civilisations as he may encounter, and to make war for the glory of the Emperor as he deems necessary. By the authority of the Senatorum Imperialis, this Warrant places the Bearer as a peer to the great powers of the Imperium, inter alia: Imperial Commanders, Chapter Masters of the Adeptus Astartes, and the masters of the Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition.
The authority this Warrant grants begins where the Imperium ends. Beyond the extent of Imperial rule, the bearer of this Warrant speaks with the voice of the Emperor Himself.
It is the bearer's right and his responsibility to claim whatever worlds, resources, or privaleges he may obtain in any manner he chooses.
By writ of Seal of Holy Terra
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Or we can just invest in wands?
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Just dropping by to say "Hi" to old friends :-)
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Sweet dreams (are made of these) ;-)
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Mike Shel wrote: There's minimal info re: the Order of the Torrent in currently available publications. For instance, they're historically centered in Kintargo and have dwindled to a rather small sect in more recent years. Turn of the Torrent fleshes them out a bit more.
Also: you'll become acquainted with the Silver Ravens over the course of the Hell's Rebels AP. Intimately acquainted.
I'd love to play this AP with an Order of the Torrent Hellknight PC
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You’re still not entirely certain how you found yourself dragged into this mess. Yes, boarding this craft did get you out of a sticky situation, and yes, it is clear that you’re now working with someone who has the blessings of the unholy. However, the whole idea of another person having authority over you does not sit well. At all. For the moment, you’ve decided to let things play out. If the plan is worthwhile, then there should be an opportunity to seize it for your own purposes. Until then, well, if you play along, you might get the best chance to exploit things later. In the meantime, sitting in a smoky room, listening to this seer tell her story and scheme, well, maybe there could be something of value, eventually.
Looking for a few good (by good I mean bad) heretics, who would like to work with the infamous oracle known only as "The Many-Eyed" to do a job worthy of the attention of the dark gods.
There are 4 slots open and you will be selected based on the skill-set you bring, as well as, a compelling account of the "sticky situation" The Many-Eyed helped you out of.
Character Generation Guidelines: A player can be human or a CSM created as per the Corebook with the slight modification that your character is created with an additional 2000 XP. (Nope, we won't use any of the character classes from the various Tomes.)
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WS 48, BS 43, S 63, T 43, Ag 50, Int 49, Per 55, WP 52, Fel 46 Wounds 22/22, Fate 3/3, Movement 5/10/15/30
Note also I am taking: Reading and Augury to round out Ulf's psychic powers and they are kinda connected with his nickname "Second Sight."
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What would be a great idea for a Black Crusade PBP?
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Paizo, please make a what-if module...
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got my copy now.
thanks to those who made it a reality.
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I would like to apologize to you for disappearing for the most part of the week. Circumstances beyond my control have left me no choice. My home city of Marikina in the Philippines was flooded for the most part since August 7, 2012 until today August 10, 2012. Water rose to as high as 20 meters. Power was cut to prevent electricity related fatalities, hence, the lack of posts.
For many of us here, this is the second time since 2009 that our homes have been flooded. We are still lucky since we are still here to celebrate our survival.
Now that power is constant, expect my posting to return to normal.
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Mothman wrote: Will 5th edition be Pathfinder compatible? ;) Love this post ;-)
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Targ the Unwieldy wrote:
Targ addresses Shalelu. "So what's the next step? What's the biggest tribe in the area? Where's their lair? Sounds to me like that should be our first stop."
Targ shakes a handful of goblin teeth in his fist. "At this rate, I'm gonna need a new belt."
"There are five tribes who live near Sandpoint:
Birdcruncher, they leave near the western edge of the Devil's Platter.
Licktoads, they live in Brinestump Marsh.
Seven Tooth, they live Shank's Wood.
Mosswood, they are the likely the largest and they leave further East.
Thistletop, they live along the Nettlewood Coast atop a small island."
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Grael wrote: Grael looks grave. "And there is no idea who this leader is?" "Can't say who exactly is leading these goblins. Though I suspect anyone of the following is the likely leader:
Big Gugmut, an unusually muscular and tall goblin.
Koruvus, the Champion of the Seven Tooth Tribe, extremely violent and short-tempered.
Ripnugget, the leader of the Thistletop goblins.
Bruthazmus, a bugbear.
Vorka, a cannibal."
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I started frequenting the Paizo site around October last year, when I started feeling the withdrawal symptoms due to the lack of Paizo material with the scrapping of the print editions of Dragon and Dungeon. Since then, I've joined quite a number of PBPs and gmed several here. All throughout, I noticed that all of the PBPs are low-level (1st to 6th). This made me wonder if there is a market for a high level PBP (11th level up).
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Jib wrote: Fair is fair! How about some little know RPGs that you can suggest? Now I am not talking the big one like Vampire, Shadowrun, D&D or Traveler. How about some little known games that have that certain edge... that extra color... that fun that keeps you returning for more. Try In Nomine.
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You must definitely try the atlantean undead slayer :D