Haley Starshine

Proxima Sin of Brighthaven's page

489 posts. Alias of Proxima Sin.


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Goblin Squad Member

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Gentlemen! You can't fight in here this is a war room!

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
Personally, I'm more an Oakland Raiders fan. I really like their history of giving second chances to players. Plus, they have cool colors/uniforms :)

Yeah but throw them in with the Penguins, Warriors, and Manchester United and they still may not win their division.

Goblin Squad Member

Woah woah woah slow your rickroll. I will not abide the bastardization of my art. Posted in the CotP (Brighthaven) private forums four hours before this thread


by Proxima Sin

Oh Em Gee. You actually opened this thread. Do you EVEN REMEMBER what day it is !?

I've actually been in the guild longer than Cheatle and Gedi, almost everyone other than Lifedragn. As proof here is our original sign up list from pre-CotP days.


I followed a simplistic prank about leaving, once your guard is down, with a surprise prank that sings "Never gonna give you up" to you and that is Tier 2 Comedy. So Cheatle straight up followed on my (much better) use of April 1 comic tools, even used my exact link. Cheatle following me... that means I now own Brighthaven! Minions, gather around, and bring lemonade and pie.

Goblin Squad Member

Go Penguins!

Goblin Squad Member

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Due to the fact that the Empire of Xelias is no longer Evil, the Everbloom alliance worries this will leave an Evil vacuum of sorts which may draw all manner of unsavory types into the game to play the new Evil group. To head off this scary possibility, Everbloom Alliance has decided to follow the axiom "If you want something done right, do it yourself".

BRIGHTHAVEN - Is now fully Chaotic Evil and will be using its superior numbers to raid gathering operations across the map to inhibit gear advancement among any other groups.

KEEPERS PASS - Is now Lawful Lawful and declares every item in its auction house, no matter what it is, shall be sold for 47 copper.

PHAEROS - Are now Pittsburgh Penguins fans.

Goblin Squad Member

Wow. Good job.

Goblin Squad Member

Al Smithy wrote:
I thought Goblin Works was "crowdforging" this game. Did a lot of people ask for hex chat to be removed?

We asked for global to return since the population is still so low most hexes are ghost towns. I don't know how they decided to eliminate Hex - other than it was the only useful chat channel.

Goblin Squad Member

Give us Hex in place of Local in EE7 please.

Everything you type in the Chat tab goes to local, having a Local tab that broadcasts and displays the exact same channels is completely redundant and Hex was actually useful.

I am trying to run escalation groups out of Marchmont for new characters, the entire world doesn't need to know that but I want to tell more than are standing at the bank.

And what about holding a conversation AND checking the market at the same time?

Etc. etc. etc.

Goblin Squad Member

Deianira wrote:

To fight, or not to fight, that is the question -
Whether 'tis easier in rhe hex to flee
The spells and arrows of the ravenous horde,
Or to stand firm against invading armies,
And by defending, beat them? To fight, to die -
That's sure; and by a death, to say we rez
And run back, and then gather our possessions
Less what bandits took? 'Tis an evening's outing
Devoutly to avoid. To fight, to die,
To die, perchance to lose; Aye, lose our stuff,
For in that loss at death, what wasted time,
When we have staggered back to safety
Must give us grief.

That's beautiful. You should write that down on a graphic and post it to Tumblr. It might even get famous some day.

Goblin Squad Member

4 people marked this as a favorite.

People who PvP are competitive and want to see clear evidence they won. Everywhere. Even the forums. You can't put much import in these threads because at least half of every post is tactical verbal maneuvering, feints, and pushes to disable some ideas and and advance their own so they can win that too.

Goblin Squad Member

Keep in mind the warning (at least my interpretation of how that section twisted out of the version notes) that later these sanctified weapon attacks won't be available without being a member of that church faction and you won't get an xp refund for them.

Goblin Squad Member

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The entire point of Emerald Lodge was to be a base of lore and eventual operations for the Emerald Spire and its impact on our version of Golarion. The neutrality is purely in service of that goal. Without the neutrality and achievement of that goal, Emerald Lodge is just another city but also sandwiched between two lumbering superpowers.

The reason every other political entity was willing to go along with the idea of "Emerald Lodge is neutral so maybe allow it to be a stable platform for the Spire" is we believe that is good for the game.

The simplest answer with current changes is we, the political entities in the game world, agree to let Emerald Lodge have eight specific towers unmolested to be a successful settlement, again for the long term good of the game. The Emerald Eight need not all be the closest ones to the town. Some/most could be far flung ones that we wouldn't want to trudge out to fight over anyway.

WoT is a temporary condition we find ourselves in and there will be plenty of other towers to fight over for the bloodthirsty. Having level 10 training available gives Emerald Lodge a healthy environment for Pathfinder Society players to join the game, be successful, stay in the game and bring others.

Id and schadenfreude aside, if we were all willing to not destroy Emerald Lodge long term for the good of the game, then donating eight out of the way towers to the same end should be a simple decision.

Goblin Squad Member

11 likes in the OP in 2 days and many more likes in follow-up comments before the derailment.

I hope GW is paying attention to this thread.

Goblin Squad Member

Hobson Fiffledown wrote:
In the non-GM-policed hours, it actually feels like a larger community again.

Goblin Squad Member

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Pharasma imbued us with the ability to know the general thoughts of our fellow Marked. It's mysterious, just like coming back to life.

Goblin Squad Member

11 people marked this as a favorite.

In a game where players are the content, if you can't connect to many other players immediately and easily, there is no content. Targeting, auction houses, husks, resource distribution, what constitutes ganking, nothing else matters if people log in for a few hours see a barren world with no one to interact with and never come back.


Well, that didn't take long. Maybe I'll expand a little.

The game in it's current state is REALLY REALLY boring as a solo game. The first time I played EVE I quit after a few weeks because running missions and dodging low sec death became boring, and there's even less to do in the current game world.

On the other hand, ask any person that has played in the last two months what their most fun moments were and 98/100 of them will say when players gathered and stacked 14 high, waged a 12-person skirmish for a tower, battled the escalation with purple NPCs, or some big team event like that.


For anyone not already a part of the handful of large organizations, in-game chat is the only way they have to connect with anyone else. Right now hex chat might get three people talking at a time on the best day.

Recruitment Channel - I know Ryan has a personal vendetta against global channels (and Help should definitely be limited to help), but we NEED a global recruitment channel. The organized player groups need to be able to reach every new player whatever hex they wander into. Every new player needs to interact with different companies to spot one that feels like the best fit. Some day far in the future it might get shades of Barrens chat which also removes real communication and game community, but losing a conversation at the hex border or limited to five other people in a party is vastly oversteering in the opposite direction to the same results. Today reaching players wherever they are is vital for growing groups and seeding the game world like we're supposed to be doing.

Settlement Channel - Ask anyone in any settlement, we need it right now.

Last thing is the actual typing, we should be able to see all the channels and whispers like Local currently does, but chat in a specific one until we manually change to another i.e. everything we type is in settlement chat until we /h to hex for a quick comment then /s back to settlement.

Most people agree GW is making great progress in art, coding, design, new features etc. but don't kid yourselves. Players connecting to other players is the only thing that brings any of us back to any multiplayer game and right now when Pathfinder Online is being actively judged and talked about we don't have the tools to do that most fundamental part of an MMO.

Goblin Squad Member

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One Way To Guide:

I sit in the Help channel and not only answer the questions as asked but also offer extra information that seems like it will improve the game experience of whoever was asking something. When something comes to mind, sometimes they just want to know where the skirmisher is.

Goblin Squad Member

Once a tower comes under attack by a force from another settlement the defending company should make points just the same as any attacking companies. Kick out most of a team they make points more slowly, first to 1000 wins the tower (locks it up) that day.

Goblin Squad Member

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Duffy wrote:
The EBA in general has made an interesting opening move that is currently being heavily discussed among some factions who are debating how this affects them, how much they should ultimately care, and what if any response should be. The EBA's intent is also not entirely known, so perhaps some of this is overblown, we'll probably find out in the next few days.

That party that fought Thod was looking for pvp fun at a contested tower not covered under the NAP. That's the answer to all your questions.

Details: EL had a 700 point lead by the time combat started in earnest and could generate up to 50 points per minute. The outcome as far as tower control was never much in question in my mind. Tactically it's a bad time sink to anyone planning to take over the entire world considering all the nearby claimable unoccupied towers at the time (first thing after server came up).

Crafting is fun but many people enjoy an occasional quick pvp change-up.

Goblin Squad Member

Qiang Tian Zsu wrote:


Aragon had shown such aggression and gluttony, the self righteous of the South would label our actions as "turning PFO into a murder sim."

LOL, how these forums have been duped!

Clearly I believe we can all dispense with the plain truth, Brighthaven is no beacon of "Light".


Oh look, Bluddwolf DOESN'T want people to pvp.

I'd like to see anything that says the tower fought over is protected to Emerald Lodge or anyone else. Otherwise all this slander is just stirring the pot (and doing the awful thing Bludd accused others would do given the chance).

Goblin Squad Member

Happy third birthday So, how many times have YOU clicked refresh on goblinworks.com / blog? thread.

Goblin Squad Member

Proxima Sin of Brighthaven wrote:
...you'll be leaving new players without a source of +0 gear unless you put it into the tutorials (where I think it should have been all this time anyway).
Lee Hammok wrote:
Also we are modifying the quests in the starter towns that previously gave you shortbows, focuses, etc, to give you a basic set of tier +0 gear for a given class if you buy some skills associated for that class. So the quest NPC who previously gave you a shortbow if you talked to him twice will give you a shortbow, light armor, and rogue kit if you go buy the proficiencies for all three. So players will be able to get a set of starter gear, and one tailed to their class, but not an infinite number of them.


That is a super important bit that probably would have de-aggrod the masses if it had been in the blog.

Goblin Squad Member

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If this is to stop the ridiculous recipe farming from starter goblins then just take out the recipes, tokens, and coin from their tables so there is no point to killing them except the tutorial quest and if you're a new character after starting gear.

As an armor smith I *KNOW* I'm not going to make +0 for the market - the raw inputs have a minimum value for their use in T1+2 armor which makes +0 armor way too expensive for first day players who start with no copper. T1+0 is entirely separate from the blossoming economic system. The only reason to take an unlimited +0 spigot out of the game is if there was scrapping for crafting materials, which there isn't.

Armor +0 is already incredibly hard to find with just a club/wand/focus/shortbow as it is. If you take starter gear off the starter mobs, you'll be leaving new players without a source of +0 gear unless you put it into the tutorials (where I think it should have been all this time anyway).

Goblin Squad Member

Same as longbow. The smaller stamina costs are 123, the bigger ones 456.

Once they're in your feat list, 123 have a light border and 456 a dark border.

Goblin Squad Member

Look at the Stamina costs. Longbow's 123 will be in the 20s or 30s. 456 will be in the 50s-60s, roughly twice as much. Whatever the stamina costs this generality applies to all weapons.

Goblin Squad Member

Boom. Here we go.

Goblin Squad Member

I want you to make this Duelist build so I can beat it in a duel :p

Goblin Squad Member

The road is clear! Let the EE download begin (increasingly more slowly as more people start downloading).

Goblin Squad Member

Illililili wrote:
Reactives are not something you need to worry about right away. Most of them only happen on crit, and crits won't happen often until you have been playing for some time and get more than 50 skill with whatever you are using as a weapon.

Only partly true. Dreadnaughts train critical reactives that happen on crit.

There are also reactives triggered by Opportunity trained at Fighter College and ones triggered by Flat-footed trained at Thieve's Guild. For a fighter, either the Critical or Master of Opportunity reactives are a viable choice depending on your specific circumstances. And there are Precision bonuses from several sources that can take you well past 50 Hit on your first day so it's good to have reactives ready in support.

Finally I must add - when you fight a player that has all their feats and gear pointed in the same direction as their tactics reactives make big difference and add a lot of force to their combat. They do matter.

Goblin Squad Member

Giorgo wrote:
Proxima Sin of Brighthaven wrote:
This is where you have to play your game your way; I won't tell you what feats to take. But keeping in mind the notes about size and channel pick what you feel like adds the most support to your main tactics.

I appreciate the reply, but I still don't UNDERSTAND the game. The math, keywords and combat system are extremely complex to me. I have been following PFO since basically day one and I consider myself well read and up to date on blogs, all the guides, the PFO Wiki and community resources. I still struggle to make sense.

Basically, I just need some guidance: I want to play a dwarven fighter in heavy armor (no shield) that uses Axes, Hammers and Longbows. What 2 reactive feats are best for this type of character?

Let me ask you this:

Do you want to be more of a defensive fighter that's very tough and outlasts nearly anyone in pvp and is the never-die bulwark of a pve group, or a more offensive fighter character with decent heavy armor defense but is oriented to making everything around you dead as fast as possible?

Goblin Squad Member

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So the alpha period is over and the servers are offline to switch over to Early Enrollment.

When you follow the instructions in the blog to download the new version of the client, you end up at a page that currently says "Current client version is 16.0".

That is the older version of client from alpha that GoblinWorks is recommending we uninstall. It means the page is not yet updated with the link to the new EE client. We need to wait just a little longer for the version to update past the alpha 16.0 to get the Early Enrollment client.

I'm sure someone will update this post when the new client is available.

Goblin Squad Member

Giorgo wrote:
Proxima Sin of Brighthaven wrote:
...Fallout Boy lyrics ...
Can you provide some examples of this? :)

Fallout Boy - The Phoenix

Wearing our vintage misery
No, I think it looked a little better on me
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

Put on your war paint.

Goblin Squad Member

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
So, when do we have to worry about activating our subscriptions/three month packages in order to play?

If you log in to the game, you've used a month of time from the package you bought.

You can create a character any time in the first month (not Explorers or OE'ers obviously) and get your xp backdated to when EE servers first came online, so you won't lose xp if you get delayed a couple weeks making a character in the first month.

Goblin Squad Member

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Y5: finished stealthing around the goblin shaman packs to reach the other side of the map.

Goblin Squad Member

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If anyone sees a redhead with a name similar to mine in game going on a sangria fueled consequence-free murder spree muttering Fallout Boy lyrics incoherently over the mangled corpses of unsuspecting victims it's... umm... an imposter. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Goblin Squad Member

Is the first character we create on the account automatically assigned the backdated xp or do we have to manually assign a character to accrue xp before the backdating is initiated?

I ask because I really prefer to log in and make sure the character is working properly and I'm satisfied with the avatar in action before the special case of backdating xp is used up.

Goblin Squad Member

1.) They had enough investors to develop the game already, the Kickstarter was to develop it faster.

2.) I've never seen a game two years before release with this many people playing it.

Goblin Squad Member

F#@k yeah.

Goblin Squad Member

At a connection speed that I never saw actually go over 275kB/sec (streaming video was rough half the time) I never had a problem with Pathfinder Online up to at least 6-8 characters nearby. Frame rates dropped a little during escalation scrubbing but playing through it was nothing worse than what GW does on purpose.

I'm now at a theoretical 5MB/sec (more like 2-3MB in practice) and streaming is much better, haven't noticed a difference in the game.

My latency is also pretty low in both cases.

Goblin Squad Member

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Wow I wonder what Andius is doing in all those other games he's paying attention to because he doesn't care about Pathfinder Online and never thinks about it and has forever ceased testing the software or reading the forums about it because it's so awful and just a waste of his supremely valuable time.

Well, I guess we'll never know.

Goblin Squad Member

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Getting around to putting this in a linkable/downloadable space and making sure this link to Sin's Subterfuge Guide actually works.

Goblin Squad Member

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I'm not old but I have the technological enthusiasm of someone in a rocking chair on a porch whittling wood the day a storm is going to hit, or so my knee tells me. I've put off doing the new-fangled tricks until just now.

This is a test to see if this link to the Martial Guide works.

Edit: Ok I think I properly set it to access with the link and hopefully no one else can edit. Time to start making it presentable I guess.

Goblin Squad Member

I have moved just under 500 items in and out of the market since I posted this. It sound like you all are building momentum behind it too, spreading the sand around the box.

Let's hope Mark saw the title of the post and was paying attention :).

Has anyone had trouble or lag in any of them?

Goblin Squad Member

randomwalker wrote:
Proxima Sin of Brighthaven wrote:
He's also not really left-handed.
who? the six-fingered man?

No, different scene.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

He's also not really left-handed.

Goblin Squad Member

Giorgo wrote:
Proxima Sin of Brighthaven wrote:
This also means we're right back to everyone with DT trying to log in minute one and get two characters set up so as little xp as possible is lost.
I believe it has been stated that a two week or so "backdating XP" will be implemted to avoid a massive server crash as everyone tries to log in on day 1, hour 1.

Latest released information on that (before the change to how DT works) is:

the first character you create on the account will get its xp backdated if you do it in the first two weeks of EE. The second character you create on the account gets no backdated xp even if you have a DT account.

Now add the stitch with changes to DT and you have people racing to be first minute again so they can create TWO characters- one designated DT and the other gaining xp the regular way as early as possible. Only one of them gets the backdated xp we're still racing to get the first minute xp for the other character.

Goblin Squad Member

I look in my vault. Or, at three hours after downtime today, maybe in the Rathglen bank, wink wink nudge nudge.

Goblin Squad Member

That's the spirit!

I'll be loading up Rathglen after downtime today. Remember your stuff is getting wiped soon anyway and it costs 0 to list at 1 copper so (other than time to get it there) it's free to help break the banks.

With more time, I've been seeing the benefit of an assault on two fronts. The first is get as much stuff into any bank as you can to stress out that whole region of the code which it seems like we're starting to do.

The other is an all out frontal attack on a single vault. See if putting so much into a single vault causes stuff to pop out the windows, or boring strings of code or something. Empirically the Rathglen vault seems the best candidate for that. I call this: Operation Whatever the Opposite of Bonnie and Clyde Is.

Goblin Squad Member

Diego Rossi wrote:

A question about EE. The Destiny Twins will be available or not at the stat of EE?

Last information was yes the new form of Destiny's Twin will be available at the start of EE. Now you can permanently and irrevocably select one character on the DT account to always receive xp as long as any character on the account is gaining xp. If that character is deleted you lose the DT perk too.

What this means is that your "main" should be the one to get selected for Destiny's Twin then you can set to train one or two other characters on the account as you please and your main will always be gaining xp too.

This also means we're right back to everyone with DT trying to log in minute one and get two characters set up so as little xp as possible is lost.

Goblin Squad Member

<Tavernhold> Locke wrote:
Actually these cost 1% per item for sale and then 5% on the actual sale (minimum 1c for each). If you do not have copper, there is no entry.

Au contraire mon friar. This is alpha you can't go around assuming things, that makes an ass out of u and... ming, and what did poor ming ever do to you?

My penniless dwarf who has never lifted a softwood club in combat or ever had one copper of coin or Abadar credit in his life put an entire pack full of +x goods up for sale in Keeper's Pass. Sin did the same with a couple packs of goods and Abadar credit never went down by a single copper.

If you're listing items for one copper each, at least for now it costs nothing. We climbed on top of the banks now let's blow up the auction houses (then rebuild and rename them "Market" because that's what they are).