
Pitfall Rampage Cap'n Yesterday's page

26 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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Now you get it!

It's called a trap, son!

I had a lot of practice.

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I miss vines! Not enough games these days have vines.

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Boris the Bosmer wrote:

You know what I'm going to do to Daylight Saving Time?

Sneak into its shop and steal its Jewelled Decanter, that's what.

I'm going to swing over some pits like a motherf&%+er.

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Give me a pit and a vine.

No school like old school.

Turns up the volume on his boombox playing a Public Enemy cassette.

Damn it! That'll teach me to cut through Ron Jeremy's backyard.

Twilight Sparkle: alicorn royal wrote:

So... I made two new ones today, which should be fun to use, if i could just manage to get everything organized...

Aaahhh! This place is hopeless!

See! You only have four hundred and one more to go to tie me! You'll get there!

Hops across crocodile head and swings on a vine over a snake filled pit.

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I like to jump at the very last second, preferably with a vine close by.

Brigadier General Yesterday wrote:
My red button reloads!!!!! DAMMIT WHY CAN'T I BUTTON MAP!!!!

Why, back in my day, we only had the one button! And we called it a joystick!

What are you doing man!

Red button is jump!! red button is jump!!

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New topic.

PlayStation or Atari.

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If it helps, I've never played any version of Diablo.

Or 95% of the other video games i see referenced here. :-)

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Create Mr. Pitt wrote:
Look carefully, if there are chutes and or ladders you might not be.

All I need is one vine, just one.

And maybe an alligator to hop across.

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Sharoth wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Legend Of The Five Rings collection?!

Freehold, could you please distract Sharoth some more... I have an ocean to swim through and a hoard to steal appropriate...

~hides my hoard, then sets a lot of traps~

All I need is one vine, mate.

Now, if only he had an alligator to hop across...

No, I'm saying if you joust with Ostriches, you'd best have the lower ground, at least in my experience. Vines are just better, and NOTHING is more obnoxiously comfortable then a pair of Crocs.

Except, if you can get underneath them, then they aren't good for shit. Except dying. No, the only way to go is a nice sturdy vine and a pair of Crocs.

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For this game to end, eventually.

Just saying, at some point I'd like to see some tangible results, rather then the same thing repetitiously, over and over.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Delayed Blast Threadlock wrote:
That game is two generations of old news :-P
Not only did I just catch up with the cap'n's thread, before my compyndied the long death, I was in the middle of playing the first X-Com. From 1995. For the first time.

Can we talk pits for a minute here, and vines.

Man, I'd jump two snakes to swing on a sweet ass vine.

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I jumped over two pits, and swung across a vine.


Tho I thought there was a mix, either underground or above ground was a b&$@~ in that game.

Good times!

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In Pitfall what did you hate jumping over more, the underground snakes or those f#*~ing Alligators.

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Bah My first video game system was the Atari 2600

*Fist Bump* Mine too!

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Drat! I can't favorite that more then once! What's the point of having so many aliases if they can only vote in presidential elections!

Well said Tangent, I know my group loves building their own legends:-)

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Especially when it went from two crocodiles to three! With a f%@%ing snake down below! I was all like "Oh, it's on now! I am gonna nail this f!&$ing jum... noooo!!!!