Cleric of Pharasma

Phillip Goettsch's page

Goblin Squad Member. ***** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 88 posts (539 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 34 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.


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Thank you Xenocrat, those were some pretty good points. I hope my squishy contemplative lives long enough to see the rewards of such a powerful vehicle!

I will certainly remember to ask the riders to pony up for their transportation.

I hope there will be a lot of outdoor combat. The compacted vehicle is going to be less helpful than noted when in a building/dungeon. Kind of like a mount I suppose.

Other views or thoughts are certainly welcome. I'd like to get the most out of this feature!


I've been prepping to play in Horizons of the Vast with my home group and am planning to play a mechanic with the Experimental Vehicle alternate class feature. I think it will be great to have a ready built conveyance for our exploration activities, however I have some concerns for the character at later levels.

Normally, a Mechanic's Drone/Exocortex (or any other alternate class feature that replaces Artificial Intelligence) advances in level with the character at no additional cost.

CRB pg. 74 wrote:
If your drone is ever destroyed or lost, you retain its mind and all its subroutines in your custom rig and can replace its body for free using your custom rig after 24 hours of uninterrupted work. You can take a single 8-hour rest during each 24 hours spent working, but any other interruption greater than a moment of conversation requires you to add 12 hours to the time required to rebuild your drone. In addition, every time you gain a mechanic level, you can rebuild your drone from scratch with the same amount of work, allowing you to change any or all of the choices you made for your drone (including ability scores, chassis, feats, mods, and skills).

The exocortex is automatic and the experimental armor/weapon prototype (from COM) can use looted gear or be changed at each level up with the same omission of cost. I also noted that the Experimental Explosives alternate class feature will never cost the character a single credit. However, the Experimental Vehicle has a very steep cost requirement of the character.

TR pg 22 wrote:
In addition, every time you gain a mechanic level, you can redesign and rebuild your vehicle with the same amount of work, though if the new design's price is higher, you must expend credits equal to the difference between their prices.

The only question I have here is are modifications (which seem to require separate purchase, similar to arming a drone) included in the design price of a given vehicle.

I'm trying to figure out why this particular class feature has a draw on the character's resources and the others do not. I'd like to know what others think or if there has been any specific information about this released. I do not believe this belongs in Rules Questions since I fully understand what the text is saying.

Thank you for any discussion.


5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi all, just wanted to pop in and give some feedback. By the way, Acyd69 is my user id in many places.

First I am so glad that the sheet has been taken up by someone that really wants to keep it going, thanks to you Khan!

Second, with regard to BigNorseWolf's "Item 3/4";

BigNorseWolf wrote:
A long name will push the full name of the weapon off screen,

The issue here (and maybe the collective can help) is that when the name is 'wrapped' instead of truncated it disturbs the background image. I was never able to come up with a good way to allow the title bar to expand with text like I did with the central portion. (Coincidentally, this is why the bottom section with the (C) symbol is so large as well.) It is a point I always felt needed more work, but I always grew too frustrated with it and other things came up.

Lastly, best of luck to everyone and I look forward to checking back and seeing the improvement I know this change will bring.

Happy gaming to all.


So tonight, my party of six was wiped out and utterly destroyed by the Photonic Anomaly. I did a quick skill challenge allowing them to crash land on Noma to keep the story moving forward, but I am concerned that I might have missed something.

The Sun Diver was not in the best of shape when they encountered the "Solar Roomba" (32 of 50 Hull Points), having endured 3 days of solar travel (they rolled 2 4's and a 1) and 6 rounds without power during the Diver Down event (9 points here).

During the encounter, the anomaly ate through their shields every round. Of course they were so very concerned that they should balance the shields each round that the shields became weaker and weaker and the 10d6 particle beam just started punching through the hull. After 5 rounds, the hull points were in the negatives and I began the hand waving...

I described the anomaly disabling their shields after the starship was no longer able to fight and then simply leaving. Since they cannot affect repairs to the ship while in the solar atmosphere, the ship would continue to take damage (without shields) and drift on its last course. This basically ends the campaign as the group burns up after a few days.

I'm curious what others have or would have done in this situation.


I wish to change the e-mail address associated with my account, but the system informs me that my new e-mail address is not a valid address.

I am trying to use phillip[dot]goettsch[at]gmail[dot]com for my e-mail address.

I tried reloading the page several times, but continue to get the error message stating that this was an invalid address. Please advise.


I'm interested in picking up this as a PDF, but my big concern is what is on the inside. I typically game online so the players can't see what I have in front of me anyway. I typically use the GM screen so I don't have to sort through a PDF or the book to find a fact. If the data on the inside of this screen isn't what I will be using during play then I don't think I should squeeze it into the budget.

Could someone please extol its virtues in the form of a list of tables and sections included on the interior?

Thanks in advance for the help.


Gary, I think we are in agreement. I think however that there may be many players out there using the bonus to computers listed in starship stat blocks for every computers skill check made while on board the starship.

I had been hoping for a developer response on this.


So, let's say that my group's starship just came out of the Drift and we are attacked by another starship. I am the Science officer. I have a Computers skill check bonus of 10. My ship is equipped with sensors that have a +2 modifier. When I roll a check to scan the enemy ship, do I add +2 for the computers modifier and +2 for the sensors for a total of +14 to my die roll? Or should I only add a +2 for the sensors for a total of +12?

Subsequently, things have gotten bad and I now need to balance the ship's shields. Do I add +2 for the computers modifier to this check? If so, why bother calling out the sensors modifier at all for scan and target system actions?

Gary Bush wrote:
It applies to all computer checks that relies on the sensors.

Is not really a straight forward answer. Your answer makes me believe that I am correct in thinking that the computers modifier listed on some starship stat blocks applies only to the Science Officer Scan and Target System actions, since that is the only place where it is called out.


To the point!

Page 301 of the CRB states:

The modifier listed in the table below applies to some checks attempted by the science officer in starship combat as specified in the science officer’s actions ...

Page 325 of the CRB states:

You can scan a starship with your sensors to learn information about it. This action requires your starship to have sensors (see page 300). You must attempt a Computers check, applying any modifiers from the starship’s sensors.


You can use your starship’s sensors to target a specific system on an enemy starship. This action requires your starship to have sensors. You must attempt a Computers check, applying any modifiers from the starship’s sensors.

Many of the sample starships provided in this section list a Modifier to Computers in the stat block. It is presumable that this Modifier is from the sensors installed on the ship. However, the way the modifier is listed in the stat block makes it seem as if every computers check on board that vessel benefits from the modifier.

Is this true or are the Science Officer actions listed above the only actions that benefit from the Computers Modifier listed in a starship's stat block?


For those just reading through the new book, here is the link to the FAQ that corrects the deficiency.

As most probably expected, the word increase should be reduce.


Okay, so I ran a quick search on this message thread and am only a little surprised that no one has mentioned the Cyphergate in Riddleport.

The thing is super big and on the water... anyone remember that show with Richard Dean Anderson? Not Macgyver!

Anyway, I can't decide if it is too be an invasion or perhaps a lost traveler (ship thief?) with baggage.

I can't wait to send my players through untold numbers of linked gates throughout the universe!


I have been reviewing my characters recently and found one that I must have entered as a new RPG character when it should have been entered as a Core Character. The only session credited is properly reported. Would it be possible to have the character designation changed to Core in the system.

Thank you very much.

Character number is 8548-16 named Dayveed


Further issue with reporting. It appears that Scenario 1-0A has been removed from the list of available scenarios for events. It was previously listed with the other Season of the Righteous scenarios.

I have completed four separate demos that I need to report and am unable to because the scenario is no longer listed? I am hopeful you will see this Cort and help out.

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

Best wishes to you and your family Mike. Thank you for everything you have done to make this group what it is. Your efforts will be missed, but we know your legacy will live on. See you at GenCon.


Looks like a really intensive copy paste setup, but I'm sure it would be a blast.

I have one recommendation that you may have already incorporated to make things a bit easier to read. I noticed that you were including card text on some posts; putting that text in a quote would certainly highlight it as card text. Good use of OOC for thoughts on tactics and such.

This really has me thinking about putting together a group.

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

When: Monday, March 23rd 2015 at 6:30 PM CDT [GMT-6]

Where: Roll20 + G+ Hangout

Who: Characters between levels 5 and 9.

What:The Pathfinder Society has discovered the hint of a monumental revelation, but in order to confirm their find, they must send a team of agents into the dangerous and unwelcoming orc-ruled Hold of Belkzen. While an expedition could easily be dispatched to the orc capital of Urgir, the Decemvirate urges caution to ensure success. Thus, a team of Pathfinders must seek out a guide in the Varisian orc city of Urglin. Can they navigate the treacherous city of denizens who wouldn't mind seeing them dead, or will the orcs' Second Home be the site of their final mission?

Signups here!

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

When: Monday, March 9th 2015 at 6:30 PM CST [GMT-6]

Where: Roll20 + G+ Hangout

Who: Characters between levels 5 and 9.

What:When the Pathfinder Society receives an invitation to a dinner party at the Thuvian Embassy, hosted by the guardian of this year's six doses of the infamous sun orchid elixir, the Decemvirate sends a team of Pathfinders to represent them and uncover the nature of the event. Can the PCs navigate the complex social landscape of Absalom's elite and gain access to the mysterious vault known as the Conundrum, or will they face public ridicule or worse in the face of the steepest competition in the Inner Sea?


Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

Challenge accepted, sir!

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

Thank you all.

It is great to be back in the seat as it were. Some of you will remember the work I did in Memphis, Tennessee, and may even remember me from PaizoCon (2013) and GenCon (2014). I am very excited about my new lodge and am jumping in feet first!

I am claiming to be based out of Mitchell, South Dakota, which is right on I-90 and about 70 miles east of the Minnesota/South Dakota border and about 45 minutes from where I am actually living. With a state that is over 400 miles across and such a low population density for much of it I will rely heavily on what David Higaki (Rapid City, West SD) and Jason Rosauer (Southeast SD) have been doing.

I am thrilled to be able to open our favorite pastime to those folks that are not near either of the two aforementioned areas. I am looking forward to game days in the cities of Mitchell, Huron, and Brookings. As I get a handle on these locations (and maybe a couple more VLs) I hope to branch to the central South Dakota cities of Pierre and Chamberlain.

My grandest goal at the moment is to host a PFS Convention in Central South Dakota some time in 2016. I'm sure I will be able to tap the vast library of ideas and resources here in the Society to help with that.

To conquer such lofty goals I will be using a variety of publicly available advertising. I am currently familiar with and as well as the message boards and event scheduler. I know there are several others out there and if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them.

Once more let me say thank you to everyone and it's so good to return to the grind!



Tarondor, you may do either. A single post here will allow you to follow the forum easily. Later on if you see a recruitment for a game you want to join in on, you can make an in character post for a character you want to use (you will still need to apply on the GM's signup sheet).


Hmmm, very interesting. While the modules are great for leveling, I have really been missing the Society missions.

I think I will hold out for Veteran's Vault with ShadowLord.

I will most likely bring Brother Bear.


FYI, 5-99 The Paths We Choose need not be limited to 3 factions. It is possible to gain all allotted prestige even if the table has four or more factions represented.

The down side to having more than 3 factions is that there will be one or more players that do not get to witness their factions' evolution.

Kuddos to Kludde for trying to work you all into appropriate tables.


Is there a way to get this thread into my campaign tab so that it is easier to watch?



@Marcèl: I kind of figured on both accounts, but wanted to draw Revvy's attention to it and hoped it might help if you had overlooked it. I know I do that sometimes.

@Torche: I too have the good ol' detect magic to complement my trapfinding ability and excellent Perception.

Just because I am excite and need to tell someone, I just made a purchase for my first set of Artisan Dice, beautiful koa, to be picked up at GenCon!


I have a 6th level Osirian wizard that is in need of the final scenario of this trilogy. I would like to request that I be kept in mind if a slot opens for that one.

The character's name is Silizam a' Zees. His profile needs to be updated, but he has credit for the first two scenarios.

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

Hi all,

I have recently been taken with the bug to play more PFS than my daily schedule will allow. I would like to do some play by post (or e-mail) but can't seem to find anyone getting started.

Is there a site (please provide URL) that people use to advertise?

I did notice that I just missed the PbP Gameday 2. Any plans to have another one some time soon?

If you can point me in the right direction or have need of another player, please let me know. I would be happy to try any manner of PbP and am currently a member of Obsidian Portal.

I am hoping for some starting level stuff (level 1 (0.0 exp) brawler), but have some characters (11 others) I might be willing to use in particular scenarios.

Honestly, thanks for reading this far and if you can provide any assistance feel free to double my thanks!

Phillip Goettsch

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

It gives me great pleasure to introduce Bryan Robinett of Jonesboro, Arkansas as my newest Venture Lieutenant. He has shown me such excitement for the Society and has already begun organizing games for me.

I expect to see great growth and prosperity in that area now.

Please take a moment and welcome him to our great Society.

Welcome Bryan!

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

Current Roster
1. Dhugon - Inquisitor 3
2. Ronell - Magus 3
3. Tisa - Sorcerer 2
4. Bimuukaa - Rogue 1
5. Aritian Brightsword - Paladin 1

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

Current Roster
1. Dhugon - Inquisitor 3
2. Ronell - Magus 3
3. Tisa - Sorcerer 2

I will update one more time today and send out the link to the Roll20 campaign page to everyone on the roster. See you tomorrow.

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

Current Roster
1. Dhugon - Inquisitor 3
2. Didi Dat - Cleric 1/ Bloodrager 1/ Monk 2
3. Ronell - Magus 3
4. Sevv Zero - Ranger 1

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

Current Roster
1. Dhugon - Inquisitor 3
2. Didi Dat - Cleric 1/ Bloodrager 1/ Monk 2
3. Ronell - Magus 3

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5.

Amenopheus has learned that the legacy of the Jeweled Sages lies near the Osirian trade city of Eto, and the Pathfinder Society has pledged its support in the Sapphire Sage’s investigation of his ancient order; however the lead dried up—that was until a familiar information broker contacted Amenopheus offering an exchange of services. To assist an ally and unlock the secrets of Osirion’s past, the Society must deal with a deadly antagonist once more by sending the PCs to fulfill the bargain and collect its due. The only question is what price their foe will demand.

“A Bitter Bargain” is the first scenario in the three-part Destiny of the Sands campaign arc. It is followed by Pathfinder Society Scenario #5–15: Destiny of the Sands—Part 2: "Race to Seeker’s Folly" and Pathfinder Society Scenario #5–16: Destiny of the Sands—Part 3: "Sanctum of the Sages." All three chapters are intended to be played in order.

Content in “A Bitter Bargain” also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Osirion, Qadira, and Sczarni factions.

Send an email to with the following information:

- Name

- Character Name

- Character PFS#

- Race/Class/Level

- Pre-mission purchases if any

- A token, if any

- Any unusual abilities/tactics you think I should know about so that we can minimize debate during gametime

This will be my first time running a PFS game on VTT, but I have some experience playing. I am using the free version of Roll 20 right now and am trying to decide if I want to upgrade. I also know this is kind of short notice, but if it goes well I may run Part 2 early next month.


Small point, but I was reviewing this scenario to get an idea what secondary success conditions would look like (running #13 tomorrow). I really like the addition of boons to the chronicle for faction goal advancement.

The small point I really wanted to make was that the chronicle lists gear rewards for all subtiers and subtler 8-9. I'm sure this was a layout/cut paste over sight as the scenario is level 1-5.

Just thought I would point it out in case no one has said anything yet.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Closing down shop. See you all later.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Anyone doing anything tonight?

If you want to come hang and chat I'll be at:

If you are looking for a player, drop me the URL.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

@Lissa Guillet:

Been out for a while and am still on vacation, but I see that you have rolled out some bug fixes. Anyway us testers could get a list of the fixes that have been pushed?

I know there is a lot of work going into bug fixes and such right now, and I know you have stated that the draw feature is pretty high on the next things to release list, but I have a request (desire to know the priority of) other maps being added for use.

With regard to using other maps, will there be a drop down menu for the maps or will the users have to scroll through a multitude of maps like we currently scroll through the three available options? I would think that something like the token selector filter would be useful. That way you could easily look through the forest maps or the city maps or desert maps without having to scroll through everything.

Anyway, I was hoping for some new maps sooner rather than later to begin running some PFS Scenarios (probably just for fun to start).

Thanks for any info.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Way to go Mage! I'm so happy to see other people starting to do some stuff with Game Space.

I'm on vacation currently, but would love to do some more stuff when I get home. I might even try running a scenario from Society Play if I can find something that is very light on map work.

Happy gaming everyone!

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Doctor, why do you think tokens cannot be added during a combat round? I had not tried, not having had any summoning spells cast, but after reading your post I went and checked it out for myself.

The GM certainly has the ability to add new token during a combat round. I did this in the middle of the combat round without choosing to end combat.

I clicked token tab, then new token at the bottom of that tab, selected animal to restrict the tokens. Selected the viper token. Named it viper, made it small, but left the other options alone. Next, I clicked save.

For the next step, I went back to the initiative tab and selected edit list at the bottom of the tab, added the viper to the list by clicking the plus symbol next to its token, then placed it in initiative order by dragging it where I wanted it (this even set its initiative value).

Hopping over to my wife's account and logging in as a player, I have confirmed that the viper is in fact visible and in the location I selected for it.

I hope this was helpful and if you would like I would be happy to meet up with you and walk you through what I did.

Happy gaming!

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

joe m. wrote:

Too bad!

When I would enter my login information it would give me a message, something like "Corgi had an error!" and would refresh to the standard login page, which would send me to my home screen.

We'll have to try again some time. Dev folk, any clues on what went wrong?

Lissa Guillet wrote:
Wow that was an interesting bug. It apparently kept anyone from entering that scene. It was crazy. The bug won't be fixed until we next roll Corgi which shouldn't be long but I hand fixed the problem for you guys and you should be able to get into it again.

Lissa do you know if this bug had anything to do with the way I was running the scene? Did a player cap get reached or some kind of data limit? I'm just trying to find out since it was my scene. If there is any information I could provide to help indetify the cause of the bug I would be happy to help out.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Seems to be the same for me, also noted that when rolling multiple d8's, i.e. xd8, the first result is always a 7.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

With regard to rolling damamge, you can certainly include multiple dice in the string. Such as for a rogue's dagger attack while sneak attacking: just put "/roll 1d4+1d6: dagger and sneak attack damage" in the macro or the chat panel and you are good to go. Obviously this would work with any other damage string as well.

The issue would be separating your attack roll and the damage roll. I know lots of gamers like to roll both at the same time, but I personally think that having it separate is just as good. I played around with the dice commands and figured out that this command string will generate separate rolls with out totaling the results; "/roll xdx; xdx". You'll note the use of a semicolon between dice sets. This returns a chat panel value in the format; "xdx » yxdx » y". Note there is no space between the first result and the second dice set. If you use a colon (:) in there it takes the text afterwards as the descriptor.

I know other VTT's do utilize multiple dice rolls, having it for those that want it would be good. I think I will play with it a little more and report back.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Yes, transferring GM is possible, it is done on the same panel as indicating active player.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Had a really great game session last night, everyone had a blast.

Couple of recommendations/comments I'd like to post though.

First, is there a reason the chat panel is a static size? I think being able to adjust the chat panel size would be great. When posting large blocks of text the chat bubble is very squeezed in the current sizing and requires players to scroll up and down to read it all. If the panel could be pulled wider then the bubble would not have to be so tall.

Second, the initiative tracker and it ability to roll for every one in the encounter is fantastic. Can we tweak it just a bit though. It would be great if it automatically added text to the main chat panel informing everyone that an initiative roll has been made. Additionally, a comment (in either the main chat panel or a player's PM panel) letting them know that it is their turn to act would be nice as well since they can't see the initiative tracker. I'll grant that both of these actions can and should be handled by the GM, but it would be nice to have.

Lastly, from this session, having an audible signal that you have received a PM would be awesome. The change in color of the grey bust in the tab is very subtle and may be difficult for some to even notice the change. A small audible "ping" would easily let you know something has happened and if there are a very few number of things that generate the "ping" then you can quickly see what changed.

Thanks for "listening", Game Space is a wonderful tool and I know it will grow into a most exceptional one.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Rusty Ironpants wrote:

So I learned an important lesson. In one of your own scenes, don't deselect yourself as an active player and then log out. You lose access to the scene. I lost about 2 hours of work adding tokens and dice macros!

But don't you see, you have found exactly what I was looking for a few weeks ago. This is how to clear away a mistaken/no longer needed scene/map. Now I realize it won't remove it from the server, but I am sure there is a way to have the server goblins delete any scenes that have no active players.

This is actually a good thing, but like all powers you have to be careful when you use them.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Yay! I've had a couple of people show some interest about participating in a demonstration. As it turns out I will be available tonight starting at 8:00 pm CST (0200 UCT). As long as someone else is there I will stay as long as I can.

Once again this will be a series of encounters from the Beginner's Box adventure "Black Fang". Each player will utilize one of the four pre-generated characters from the Beginner's box. The character sheets can be downloaded for free here on Paizo's website and you will need them for things like skill checks. The Game Space URL for this session will be:

You will need to have Beta Access in order to participate. Additionally, I have two small children and may be distracted when you sign in. Please give me a few minutes to respond before assuming I have left already.

Thank you and see you there!

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Is anyone else doing anything with groups with Game Space?

I tried to run a demonstration, but no one showed up. I would love to run some players through the Beginner Box adventure, which I have prepared and am ready to run, but I need to know when people would be available.

Please let me know when you could show up if you are interested and have beta tester access.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

I have noticed and it has been pointed out to me by a player I shared a beta code with that when the main chat panel is opened, the help field gets in the way of the first few lines of text. Normally this wouldn't be an issue as a person even vaguely familiar with software will know how to close the help field, but it could hide a much needed "Welcome" from the GM. Since the first line of text in the main chat panel tells you how to get to the help field, it may be worth not showing the help field when the main chat panel is opened.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Sara Marie wrote:
...if you click the name of the macro it inputs it into the chat for you with no copy/pasting needed. You just have to hit "enter/return" in the chat to publish it.


The macro copies the text into the chat panel for you.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Speaking of tokens...

I am happy with the breadth and range of the tokens currently available. There are quite a few options, but what I think is need is tokens for inanimate stuff.

There are currently no tokens for things like tables, chairs, treasure chests, coffins, beds, sleeping mats, and other typical dungeon dressings. These items would really spice up the visuals for players and give GMs some reminders about loot in each of thier encounters/rooms.

To answer your questions Lord Snow, the token selection appears to currently be restricted to a wide array of the characters and monsters presented in the core books. There certainly is a wide variety overall, but some categories are severly limited. For instance the category of "Vampire" currently contains the image of the female Vampire from the Bestiary; it includes both a full figure token and a closer "head shot" image. Wider ranging categories (ie. less specific) include many more tokens and options.

Sczarni Game Space Beta Tester

Managed to kill Merisiel on the first combat! Thank goodness Valeros stepped in and vanquished the silly goblins.

Wish there had been more participation, sorry I missed you "Foiled Again", and a big thank you to my wife for playing Merisiel.

Not much to report. Maybe I will bribe people with Beta keys in order to get someone to show up. Until then, if you are interested in seeing a demonstration let me know what a good time is for you!