Cleric of Pharasma

Phillip Goettsch's page

Goblin Squad Member. ***** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 88 posts (539 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 34 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.


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Hi all, just wanted to pop in and give some feedback. By the way, Acyd69 is my user id in many places.

First I am so glad that the sheet has been taken up by someone that really wants to keep it going, thanks to you Khan!

Second, with regard to BigNorseWolf's "Item 3/4";

BigNorseWolf wrote:
A long name will push the full name of the weapon off screen,

The issue here (and maybe the collective can help) is that when the name is 'wrapped' instead of truncated it disturbs the background image. I was never able to come up with a good way to allow the title bar to expand with text like I did with the central portion. (Coincidentally, this is why the bottom section with the (C) symbol is so large as well.) It is a point I always felt needed more work, but I always grew too frustrated with it and other things came up.

Lastly, best of luck to everyone and I look forward to checking back and seeing the improvement I know this change will bring.

Happy gaming to all.

The Exchange

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Male Kitsune Rogue 3/Sorcerer 2 HP: 29/29 | AC 22 | T 18 | FF 18 | Fort +2 | Ref +8 | Will +7 | CMD 17 | Init. +4 | Percpetion +10 | Sense Motive +2 | Reroll: Used to correct Nat 1
GM PFS Info:
PFS # 8548-7 | XP: 13 (normal advancement) | Faction: The Exchange | Starting Fame: 21 / Prestige: 19 | Next Chronicle Number: 12 | Starting Wealth: 2,795 gp

Takahiro, go ahead and use that reroll. I think we need it.

Hiro continues to monitor the machine.

The Exchange

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Male Kitsune Rogue 3/Sorcerer 2 HP: 29/29 | AC 22 | T 18 | FF 18 | Fort +2 | Ref +8 | Will +7 | CMD 17 | Init. +4 | Percpetion +10 | Sense Motive +2 | Reroll: Used to correct Nat 1
GM PFS Info:
PFS # 8548-7 | XP: 13 (normal advancement) | Faction: The Exchange | Starting Fame: 21 / Prestige: 19 | Next Chronicle Number: 12 | Starting Wealth: 2,795 gp

Okay, I have to say something. It is just bothering me way too much.

Sior, what bothers me the most about Baldwyn's actions is that you felt you had to specifically state that the "evil" act of slaying an incapacitated intelligent creature was in character based solely on an aribtray stat called alignment.

The CRB, Alignments, Chaotic Neutral wrote:
A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those others suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random.

You did follow it up with some in character fluff to mitigate the "blow".

Additionally, you just assumed that all of the other characters would follow your suggestion to leave you alone with the helpless enemy. As Hiro has not adventured with Baldwyn before, I took a hint from Nik and rolled a sense motive check. I believe it is good form to allow others a chance to state thier own actions vice assuming they do as desired by someone else.

With regard to Baldwyn's actions, I do believe that they could certainly be within character. I just get really concerned when someone feels they have to justify actions with alignment.

I don't really want this to become a flame war, but I had to get it off my chest and frankly I don't think my wife wants to hear about it. Based on this, I will not reply to any further comments about this situation, though I do intend to determine if Hiro notices the body when he returns to the ground floor of the book store. If he does, it will likely lead to in character discussion about the situation.

Thank you for reading my gripe, or just ignoring it as the case may be.

The Exchange

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Male Kitsune Rogue 3/Sorcerer 2 HP: 29/29 | AC 22 | T 18 | FF 18 | Fort +2 | Ref +8 | Will +7 | CMD 17 | Init. +4 | Percpetion +10 | Sense Motive +2 | Reroll: Used to correct Nat 1
GM PFS Info:
PFS # 8548-7 | XP: 13 (normal advancement) | Faction: The Exchange | Starting Fame: 21 / Prestige: 19 | Next Chronicle Number: 12 | Starting Wealth: 2,795 gp

Put her arse on the floor, I just hope she doesn't take you out with one shot...

Grand Lodge

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Male Dwarf Brawler (Wild Child) 1 HP: 13/13 | AC 15/T 12/FF 13 | Fort +5/Ref +4/Will +0 | Perception +5/Sense Motive +0
Special Abilities:
Martial Flexibility 4/4 (Power Attack active)

I think that Grym was shooting at vine #3, not the mushroom man. Not sure about it's health total.

Lashed by the vine creature, Bear growls a guttural oath about vegetables and dinner. Pulling back from the stinging barbs he is hit square in the chest by a ball of spores and mold. He tries to blink his eyes and prevent them from blinding him...

Fortitude save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Through his tears, Bear's vision clears and before him is the stinging vine thing! Raising his spear he calls to the vegetation; "You too shall pass! Much like the gas I get from eating your kind!"

Power Attack: 1d20 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (9) + 4 - 1 = 12
Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 3 = 14

Sczarni 3/5 5/55/5

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The information stated above is correct, but something that may not have been pointed out is that the ship is a "Vanity". So by deffintion only has worth as it applies to your prestige.

Addtionally, the text states that it is a maritime vessel and the it can be used for sea passage. I am not sure what case you are referring to about vessel speeds, but I can guess at one that I GMed recently. I would say that if the scenario required you to fight aboard your ship, you may just want to use the one the Society arranges for you. I say this out of pure "vanity", as I would not want to put "my" ship into harms way!

So again, I point out that the ship is a vanity.

Captain Ron
The Golden Rose

(I spent the points too =] )