Patrick McGrath's page

92 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I was unpleasantly surprised by the new classes. Where is the Inquisitor? I think they made an error not including it.

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This feels like a codification, possibly over-codification, of what is common sense / GM fiat. OK...I guess.

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kwiqsilver wrote:

Rather than:

Critical Success
Critical Failure

I think it would be more logical to list them in best -> worst (or worst -> best based on your POV) order:

Agree +1: Best to worst seems so logical. What was the design reason for not listing best to worst?

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Only LG Paladins? Very Disappointing. I say poor choice and Boo!

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DeathlessOne wrote:
Bah, no one LIKES change. Time to get over it and adapt.

G-Damn Millennials :P

Change is fine, but it should be gradual. The site actually hurts my eyes and is giving me a headache.

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It could just be the inner old man in me, but I do not like the change in the website at all. If possible, please roll back.

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I am also playing a trump-like Swashbuckler that has been a great deal of fun. The fun in this character is the role playing. He is the jerk of the group.

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I had a great bit of fun with an alchemist. He was never the best at anything, but he was always useful. Very high utility. Based on that an investigator may even be more fun.

I also suspect that for many people, the most fun class may be the first class they played.

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I have a question about Shifter's Edge. What was involved with the decision to treat this as a feat rather than making it a feature of the class? Even the recent version of this seems to be a must-have feat. One last thing, was there a reason you went with half the class as a bonus as opposed to keeping the damage the same as the class level, but making the damage bonus a precision bonus, much like the Swashbuckler?


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The old what is evil Paladin-can-of-worms. You should talk to your GM as to what is evil and what is not. Unless the GM is forcing a split second decision, your character should be able to pray to the god your paladin worships. If your god has a strong opinion on the topic, then he or she will let you know, otherwise you are simply going to have to use your best judgment. Perhaps this is a test? A character like a paladin should, from time to time, be unsure they chose the right decision. It really depends on how your GM is playing the game-world. In the end your character is mortal and therefore prone to make mistakes. If the decision was reached by good and honest intentions, then any punishment should not be too severe.

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I am probably showing my age, but when I saw this archetype all I could think of was Popeye. Simply make the mutagen spinach based. I can picture having the theme to Popeye on my phone, and playing it each time the character imbibes his spinach (mutagen).

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I hate to sound like a cheapskate, but the price of the PDF is a bit of a put-off. $27.99 is a bit much for a PDF. The book is selling on Amazon* for $28.06. Paizo is one of the few larger companies that treats their customers well. The price on this PDF feels like a departure from the normal treatment.

*Release date on Amazon is May 13.

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I've always suspected that Halfling sounds like a 1940's Private Investigator ordering lunch. You might recognize some of the words, but the slang, dialect, and jargon leave you confused unless you are proficient with the language.

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I heard in an effort to increase their sales, WOTC is going to start selling Pathfinder products.