Patrick McGrath's page

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It states that when you are using a weapon of ancestry, you do critical effects when roll a critical.

Wouldn't that happen anyway? I am confused. What is the point of this feat?

There is a rule that arcanists cannot learn spells from a divine scroll. My GM referenced this from some where. Alchemists and Witches are arcane "Casters" (yes I know Alchemists don't technically cast) with spells that are usually divine on their spell list.

Does the rule about not crossing the streams apply to arcane classes that have typically divine spells on there spell list?

Can a witch or alchemist learn the cure serious spell from a divine scroll?


Can you cast Scrye from inside Mage's Private Sanctum?
If the answer is yes, how do handle the check that allows the scryee (the person being watched) to detect the scryer (the person watching)?

Healing bomb uses a bomb and either a cure extract or a cure potion.
Fast bombs lets you throw up to you number of attacks in bombs.

Can you throw multiple healing bombs? It is potentially even better with haste.

Rules as written, I don't see anything wrong with it. It feels a bit munchkiny to have the alchemist out-heal the cleric, even if it is just for a round or two.

Is this just good resource management or do I have stinky cheese on my hands?

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I am probably showing my age, but when I saw this archetype all I could think of was Popeye. Simply make the mutagen spinach based. I can picture having the theme to Popeye on my phone, and playing it each time the character imbibes his spinach (mutagen).

I am assigning the discovery of mummification to my alchemist. I want to describe how the process has changed the appearance of the character. The rules are silent on this, so changing appearance is fluff I am adding.

So far I am thinking of making his skin leathery and change the color of his blood to green (more like anti-freeze). Alchemists are generally creepy. I want to turn the creep factor up a bit without making him monstrous looking.

How have other players described the change? Did your character change appearance at all?
