Scions of the Sky Key, Part 3: The Golden Guardian
Marching Order
Gunari, Kaisharga
Finarin, Amaranti
Ibid, Miro
The following is known about the area around Deepblood Ravine:
• Deepblood Ravine runs from northeast to southwest in the eastern Kaava Lands. Most of the ravine’s western half is close to lizardfolk territory, and the eastern half is generally considered less dangerous. This check also grants the PCs a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to navigate the Kaava Lands during this scenario.
• Deepblood Ravine was once the home of a large tribe of lizardfolk, but the arrival of carnivorous dinosaurs in the ravine drove them out. Ever since, the lizardfolk have aggressively expanded their territory in every other direction.
The following is known about the gripplis and lizardfolk that inhabit the area:
• The lizardfolk of the Kaava Lands are generally more open than others of their kind when dealing with non-lizardfolk. Nonetheless, they are highly unpredictable, proud, and violent—a combination that has resulted in a many deadly encounters over the years. The lizardfolk of Deepblood Ravine, in particular, are aggressively pragmatic survivors. Their conquest of the Krihirik village is inevitable unless the gripplis can secure some advantage.
• Based on the Krihirik gripplis’ descriptions, a human with terrible scars on his arms leads the explorers. He carries numerous daggers, seems to know his way around the jungle, and wore a strange metal badge with a snake insignia. His colleagues sometimes referred to him by the nickname Fiveknives.
The Pathfinders have been able to discover and remember the following facts about the Bandu Hills:
Regarding the dangers present...
• Thanks to the rocky terrain and bright sun, the daytime temperature of the Bandu Hills can sometimes reaches lethal extremes. Fort Bandu is the only major settlement for miles, and serves to protect the prospectors in the region.
• Regional threats include the often-hostile Bandu tribes, ghouls and groups of kobolds, goblins, and hobgoblins. The one of the highest points in the Bandu Hills is Mount Nakyuk, famed for the veins of gold under it several centuries ago.
• Stories of ghoul activity in the Bandu Hills also include confused accounts of ghoul-like creatures that scholars call festrogs—horrific flesh-eating undead that walk upright but run on
all fours.
Regarding the local mining operations...
• The Bandu Hills remain rich in gold, silver, and gems, despite several centuries of colonial mining. Prospectors arrive from throughout the Inner Sea region to seek their fortune. The local Mwangi tribes often retaliate violently.
• Most of the larger mining operations belong to the Deeptreasure Mining Company, which has dominated the local industry for nearly three centuries. Their one- time competitors, the Gold Crown Company, are now better known for shipping and export services.
• Deeptreasure agents are always on the lookout for independent miners, whom they bully away from promising claims. A Deeptreasure representative in Fort Bandu is offering a bounty for information regarding any promising unoccupied (or ill-defended) mines.
Campaign Background
Part 1
Weeks have passed since Venture-Captain Nieford Sharrowsmith departed for the Bandu Hills, and having not heard from him since but learned of an Aspis Consortium expedition bound for the same destination, the Society and local allies have grown worried for the aging explorer’s safety. As the PCs travel south on Sharrowsmith’s trail, they must track the venture-captain to the ruins he sought while also dealing with the aftermath of his actions.
Part 2
A powerful guardian stands vigil over the ancient ruins where Venture-Captain Nieford Sharrowsmith disappeared recently, yet the beast has a weakness: a prophesied talisman now in the possession of an elusive grippli tribe deep in the Kaava Lands. The PCs must win the reclusive people’s trust and claim the prize—all before the Aspis Consortium does!