Gods (Norse Pantheon)
In AD&D 1st Ed, there were 17 pantheons to choose from - all based around historical human ones. They are listed here.
Being old school D&D, they also have stats. Not just symbol and alignment, but AC, HP, classes, etc. So yeah, Odin's (among other things) a freakin' bard 15 / illusionist 30 / cleric 30 / druid 14 / ranger 8. Sure, why not?
Anyway, I've chosen the Norse Pantheon because it's the most D&D-esque to me. Probably because that's what most of my buddies ran it as. It should also be familiar to most of you nerds. ;-)
Greater gods grant spells up to 7th level, lesser gods up to 6th, demigods up to 5th. You can be within one alignment step of your god if you are a cleric (same as in Pathfinder).
You can look descriptions for each of these up online (Wikipedia should be fine, just be aware that some of these names are highly anglicized) since the personas are basically the same. Keep in mind that they've been much simplified in the D&D version and, obviously, you need to mentally redact Earth references. If you want to know more details about any given one of the gods, let me know. Otherwise, the pertinent game info is as follows:
- Odin "All Father" - NG, Greater God ; Supreme ruler of the gods. Holy Symbol: Watching blue eye.
- Aegir - CN, Lesser God ; God of the storms and the sea. Holy Symbol: Rough ocean waves.
- Balder - NG Greater God ; God of beauty, "charisma". Holy Symbol: Gem-encrusted silver chalice.
- Bragi - NG Lesser god ; God of poetry, eloquence and song. Holy Symbol: Harp.
- Fenris Wolf - CE Demigod (Loki's pet).
- Fjalar - N Demigod ; Dwarven hero of the Durin race. Holy Symbol: Warhammer over a shield.
- Forseti "Peacemaker" - LG Greater God ; God of justice. Holy Symbol: The head of a bearded man.
- Fossegrim - N Demigod ; Water spirit.
- Frey - NG Greater God ; God of sunshine and the elves. Holy Symbol: Ice-blue two-handed sword.
- Freya - NG Greater Goddess ; Goddess of love and fertility. Holy Symbol: Falcon.
- Frigga "Wife of Odin" - LN Greater Goddess ; Goddess of the atmosphere. Holy Symbol: Targe cat.
- Garm - LE Demigod ; Guardian of Hel-gate.
- Heimdall "Guardian of the Bifrost Bridge" - LG Greater God ; The bright god. Holy Symbol: His horn.
- Hel - NE Greater Goddess ; Goddess of death. Holy Symbol: Her face.
- Idun - CG Lesser Goddess ; Goddess of Spring and eternal youth. Holy Symbol: Apples in a wicker chest.
- Jormungandr - CE Demigod ; Midguard serpent.
- Loki - CE Greater God ; God of mischief, strife and fire. Holy Symbol: Flame.
- Magni - CG Lesser God ; God of strength. Holy Symbol: Mountain.
- Modi - CG Lesser God ; God of courage and berserk rage. Holy Symbol: Sword and hammer crossed.
- Norns - N Demigods ; The Fates. Holy Symbol: Lightning bolt.
- Sif - CG Lesser Goddess ; Goddess of excellence and skill in battle. Holy Symbol: Sword upraised.
- Surtur - LE Lesser God ; Lord of the fire giants. Holy Symbol: Flaming sword.
- Thor - CG Greater God ; God of thunder. Holy Symbol: Hammer.
- Thrym - CE Lesser God ; Lord of the frost giants. Holy Symbol: White double-bladed axe.
- Tyr - LG Greater God ; God of war and law. Holy Symbol: Sword.
- Uller - CN Lesser God ; God of hunting, archery and winter. Holy Symbol: Longbow.
- Vidar - CG Lesser God ; God of strength and silence. Holy Symbol: Iron shoe.