
Oro-Tu's page

1,127 posts. Alias of evandariel.

Current Campaigns

The Horror, the Horror! A Golarion Adventure.

Darkness comes to the land and the moon turns others mad. Uncertainty hides truth somewhere in the center of all this; that center being a small farming village.

Rappan Athuk Old School

Initiative Order:


Rappan Athuk Player's Will

Razor Coast Texas Style!

Razor Coast, a devil’s paradise, where a man’s fortune can bleed out quicker than a spitted pig, and where the dawn sky blazes across endless oceans. Oceans that for centuries hid a lost people of whom legend whisper were born into these wild reaches as the sons of sharks. Here, within in the kraken’s clutches, law means little while gold breaks all boundaries and blood, pearls, and rum pay for all sin.

The Veiled Isle
Roll20 Map Site

The Wizard's Amulet

brvheart's Reign of Winter Game (inactive)

This will be a new Reign of Winter Campaign with some Northlands thrown in.

Giantslayer Clan Style (inactive)

The Giantslayer Campaign as told from the Dwarf Perspective.
Map of Trunau

GM WhtKnt's World's Largest Dungeon (inactive)

The World's Largest Dungeon beckons. Do you have what it takes to complete it?

Agromite Monshoon: HP 11/11; AC 16/14/13; F+2 R+5 W+2; Init +3
Klevum Athknees: HP 15/15; AC 18/11/17; F+5 R+1 W+5 (+2 vs. poison and spells); Init +1
Grumthar: HP 8/8; AC 11/11/10; F+2 R+1 W+2; Init +3
Jamadar: HP 8/8; AC 18/13/15; F+0 R+7 W+2; Init +5
Shae Oakenshield: HP 14/14; AC 17/12/15; F+5 R+2 W+5; Init +2

Roll20 Site

Lost Lands Campaign (inactive)