
Hadra's page

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Full Name



HP 18/18| AC 20| F:+5, R:+5, W:+9| +7 Perc, +0 Stealth, +2 on Initiative Rolls


Speed 20 ft.| Hero Points 1/3| Focus Pool: 1/1| Reactions: Shield Block| Conditions: None


Female Versatile Human Druid 1










Hallit, Druidic

Strength 12
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 18
Charisma 10

About Hadra


Ancestry: Versatile Human
Background: Mammoth Speaker
Class: Druid 1
Size: Medium
Traits: Humanoid, Human
Alignment NG
Languages: Hallit, Druidic
Ability Scores:
STR 12 (+1), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2)
INT 10 (+0), WIS 18 (+4), CHA 10 (+0)
Perception: +7 [T]
Special Senses: None


AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +3 item, +3 proficiency, +2 Shield)

Unarmored: [T], Light: [T], Medium: [T], Heavy: [U]

Fortitude: +5 [T]
Reflex: +5 [T]
Will: +9 [E]


Class DC: 14 [U]

Speed: 20 Movement Types: Normal

Melee Strikes
Club +4 [T]
Damage 1d6+2 (B) (Club, Thrown 10ft.)

Ranged Strikes

Weapon Proficiencies
Simple: [T], Martial: [U]

Magic Traditions

Spell Attack Roll (Primal): +7 [T]
Spell DC (Primal): 17 [T]
Focus Points: 1/1
Focus Spell: Heal Animal
Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Electric Arc, Know Direction, Tanglefoot, Produce Flame
1st: Heal, Snowball


Acrobatics:+0 [U]
Arcana:+0 [U]
Athletics: +2 [T]
Crafting: +0 [U]
Deception: +3 [T]
Diplomacy: +0 [U]
Intimidation: +0 [U]
Lore (Herding): +3 [T]
Medicine: +7 [T]
Nature: +7 [T]
Occultism: +0 [U]
Performance: +0 [U]
Religion: +4 [T]
Society: +0 [U]
Stealth: +0 [U]
Survival: +7 [T]
Thievery: +0 [U]


Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Heritage 1st: Natural Ambition

Skill Feats
Background: Train Animal

General Feats
1st: Incredible Initiative

Class Feats and Abilities
Feature 1st: Druidic Language
Feature 1st: Anathema
Feature 1st: Primal Spellcasting
Feature 1st: Druidic Order-Animal
Feature 1st: Wild Empathy
1st: Shield Block
1st: Reach Spell
1st: Animal Companion


Combat Gear: Club, Wooden Shield, Hide Armor
Other Gear: Adventurer's Pack, Coin Pouch, Healer's Tools
Magic Items: Healing Potion (minor)
Bulk: 5.1 (Encumbered at: 6; Maximum at: 11)

Coins: 12 sp

Hadra was born into the Otter House of the Broken Tusks. From a young age, she displayed a talent for working with nature, being able to help skin animals for their fur and forage for food, even when she was only a child. When she was a teen, she accompanied some of the other youths from Otter House on a hunt, as she was now old enough to do so. As the band was hunting, they managed to capture a wolf in a snare trap. One of the youths, a boy named Karst, wanted to kill the wolf, in order to prove himself to the rest of the Otter House. But instead of using a spear, or a bow, or even a knife to get a clean kill of the beast, Karst took a club, intending on bashing the helpless creature’s skull in. Hadra objected to the killing. She believed that if they were going to kill it, it should not be done in such a cruel and unusual method, especially since one of the animals associated with their house was the wolf. Karst paid little heed to Hadra’s objections, at least until she pulled out a club of her own and threatened to do to him whatever he did to the wolf. Karst got the message and backed off, instead going off with his friends in search of some other creature to kill. Now alone with the wolf, Hadra felt unable to kill the beast, even though she had no qualms with the taking of an animal’s life, so long as it was not cruel and for a good purpose. While she didn’t know why, Hadra released the wolf and told it to avoid Karst and his friends.

Hadra, Karst, and the other youths would return from their hunt, and while Karst was still able to bring back a kill along with the others, he still became an enemy of Hadra’s for what she had done, although she cared little for his wounded pride. Shortly after this, Hadra was out foraging, when she was surprised by a wolf. She was startled for a moment, but instead of attacking her, the wolf was friendly. Hadra then realized that this was the wolf whose life she saved from Karst and a bond formed between her and the wolf. The wolf was responsive to the commands she gave it and it even responded to her when she gave it the name of Molliva. She also found that the gift she had with nature was more developed, as she was able to use a bit of druidic magic. When she returned to the tribe, she had a hard time convincing around her to allow her to keep Molliva, even after she explained that she had a bond with it and could control it with her Druidic abilities. However, Argakoa thought differently, seeing that there was potential in Hadra and that both her and Molliva could be invaluable to Otter House if they were allowed to foster their bond and grow in strength together.