Boggard Champion

Nathan Hartshorn's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 320 posts (7,734 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters. 11 aliases.

Welcome aboard. I'll be preparing things to get started shortly.

Preparations underway.

Report prepared by Observer-Cypher Six

The Inter-Guild Task Force (hereby known as the IGTF) has been created to discover the location of an Azorius Courier gone missing (hereby known as Fblthp) while delivering key evidence to the Simic guild. The IGTF has representatives from five guilds, the Azorius, The Gruul, the Izzet, the Simic, and the Orzhov.

The Azorius representative, human Lon' Jon Von Ron Son, is an investigator and leading the task force. The Gruul representative, centaur Kozim, appears to be smarter than the average clan member and professes to be there only to avoid being squished by the guild head, Borborygmos. The Izzet representative, human Lucian Karlaous, just wants to find his work, which was given to the courier. The Simic representative, shapechanger Morrrgle (true name spoken as a gurgle), wants to stop the evidence from falling into the wrong hands as it may cause damage to his guild. The Orzhov representative, human Sergei Vinoskagra, self proclaimed everyone's best friend, is here to investigate if Fblthp's life insurance policy needs to be doled out. It is the opinion of this observer that the task force is likely to implode before accomplishing its intended task.

The evidence provided to the courier is a forged Simic keystone. Lucian was given a task to work with bio-material and managed to create the same genetic sequence of a Simic keystone. It mutated in the same way as a true keystone until it exploded. This has caused consternation among several Guild heads who fear their keystones may also be able to be replicated. According to Dream-Scanner Four-Oh-Four this also brought Lucian to the attention of Niv-Mizzet and is the reason he has been placed on the task force.

At the first meeting of the IGTF, after they had been gathered by Ragash Orduun (see Addendum C - Ancillary Personnel) and met the Precognitive mage Geetra (see Addendum C - Ancillary Personnel) they had their first meeting. Investigator Son brought up the leads for the case that he had been given by his superiors. The first lead was a man named the Cozen, disowned by the Orzhov and hunted for murder, unlawful removal of a head, and stealing an Azorius detention sphere. The second was a gang of guildless goblins called the Yellow-Cloaks. The leader is Bogun Redcap and wanted for assault, theft, using a thrull as an incendiary device, and more. The third lead was a Rakdos Bloodwitch known only as Massacre Girl wanted for 47 murders (see Appendix M - Massacre Girl's victims), disturbing the peace, and arson. Investigator Son brought up a final lead, one Milash Milan, an Azorius Arrestor that may also be working the case. Observer's opinion is that this final lead is a matter of rivalry nothing more.

After consulting Geetra the IGTF proceeded through the fourth district until they were stopped at Bulwark. The Boros, including Ragash Orduun, An Indrik had been startled by the Yellow-Cloaks firing arrows tipped with fireworks and crashed into a building. It was propping up the building as it had taken out the support structure and would need care before being removed lest the entire building collapse. The group proceeded to search the neighborhood. Kozim was accosted by Ragash and accused of giving up already. When it was pointed out that Fblthp's course took it through the district the Reckoner backed off. Moorrrgle takes time away from investigating to calm down the Indrik. A team dispatched by Izzet arrived soon after to safely extract the beast. During their setup they were mercilessly mocked by Lucian for using simple pulleys and muscle power.

After some time and discovery of the remains of fireworks Investigator Son concluded Fblthp's likeliest departure point during the disturbance. Somehow Morrrgle also came to this conclusion, through scents or some other strange Simic nonsense. It is the recommendation of Handler Two-Seven that the last line be omitted for final report sendoff. From that direction the group proceeded. They discovered a small group of Yellow-Cloaks causing more of a ruckus further down and firing off more fireworks. Bodies had already piled up in the intersection by the time the group reached it. Goblin archers on an overhanging bridge fired arrows tipped with fireworks indiscriminately while others with spears and knives were killing citizens. A goblin holding a lantern on a stick was leading the squad and causing havoc.

It is here that the combat capabilities of the IGTF were observed. Investigator Son is capable of powerful magic and was seen leading the others with his voice and mace. Kozim, despite being more intelligent than the average Gruul clan member, shows their proclivity for combat and a minor ability to lead the others. Lucian was able to move around the field and throw down magical turrets. Morrrgle used Simic magic and morphed into a giant spider. Sergei held back from the main scrum and threw bolts of magic at the goblins. Despite the observer's initial thoughts the group managed to work well together and killed all but three goblins. Two fled and escaped into the city while the third was paralyzed by spider venom and tied in webs.

The remaining goblin was taken to a nearby Azorius checkpoint. Unfortunately the following is taken from the mind of the goblin and may be considered unreliable. Many of the thoughts were about the revolution of the guildless against the Guilds, led by Bogun. It saw Fblthp before the homonculus disappeared. When not given information he wanted Kozim broke the goblin's shin with an 'accidental' kick. Lucian healed him with small robots that sewed the goblin back together. Eventually it let loose that Bogun Redcap is in Precinct 6, gathering forces for the Yellow-Cloaks.

More reports incoming

Hello all. We've suffered some attrition moving through a CORE run of a PFS campaign designed by ScorchedOne intended to take a party of characters through the majority of seasons 5 and 6. The party is down to 3 players and we would like to recruit 1 to 3 more to get back up to fighting strength. The party has just reached level 4 and consists of the following characters:




Here is the campaign path that we are following.

Come join us!

Phaendar’s Market Festival draws a crowd from all over Nirmathas, many solely to hear Aubrin the Green—the retired Chernasardo Ranger-turned-Caydenite cleric—recount bawdy tales of adventure from her youth. Having left the watchful eye of the Keepers to start your own journey you figured this would be a good place to make some contacts that don't know your parents and mentors, and figure out where to begin.

Character Creation:
20 point buy
Standard Races as well as Aasimar, Dhampir, Ifrits, Oreads, Sylphs, Tieflings, and Undines allowed
Avg gold for class and a free heirloom*
Background Skills per Pathfinder Unchained are in use
2 traits, one campaign, one other
Drawbacks are allowed, giving you access to one more trait
Max hp at first

*Heirloom - Being the child of one of the Keepers of the Flame you have been gifted an heirloom from your parents to help with your journeys. Pick any single item from your previous character as a bonus item during creation.

Houserule: Instant Death: This is something I have developed over time and while it comes up rarely I feel it adds to dramatic tension when it does show. If you roll a 20 on your attack, and follow with a 20 on your critical confirmation you get one more attack roll at the same bonuses. If this attack roll meets or exceeds AC the creature being attacked is instantly killed, regardless of any effect that may prevent such a thing from happening.

I use this both for and against PCs, and in the many years I’ve run using this rule (or had it adapted by my players who wanted a turn GMing) I have seen exactly 1 PC die because of it, where I have seen probably 25 or so NPCs die. 8 of them were in one campaign from a Praying Mantis animal companion (which was later Awakened and gained Monk levels to become Mantis-Bro)

Houserule: Sometimes you're just faster: A natural 20 on the initiative check will put you as the first person to act in the round, regardless of bonuses or negatives normally applied. I like the thought that heroes (and occasionally villains) have that little extra 'oomph' to get the first shot in as everything around them devolves to chaos and mayhem.

If you guys don't want these house-rules to be invoked let me know and we won't use it.

Here we are, all ready for the next adventure

You find yourselves on the road to Arwyll Stead after your successful mission within Lastwall. Venture-Captain Shevar Besnik received reports of increased Orc activity in the area of that small border town, as well as murmurs of devil sightings. He asked that you personally look into it, and deal with the potential planar threat, the same way you did when closing that evil rift. The following Knowledge checks are what you know or have heard about Arwyll Stead

DC 10 Kn. (local or nobility):
The border region between Vigil and Urgir is a hotly contested battleground between the humans of Lastwall and the orcs of Belkzen, in addition to being plagued by horrors from the Hungry Mountains to the east.

DC 15 Kn. (local or nobility):
The mining town of Arwyll Stead is one of the numerous border settlements standing between the Hold of Belkzen and Lastwall. It’s named after the Arwylls, a well-known family of Lastwall crusaders and knights who have fought against the orcs for generations.

DC 20 Kn. (local or nobility):
The Arwyll family has been steadily dwindling over past few decades; a knight named Wate Arwyll is the sole remaining holder of the Arwyll name. While the Arwylls aren’t the official rulers of the town, the townsfolk all but revere their namesake family, looking to them for guidance and security in the face of orc savagery.

Human Expert 2

You find yourselves on the road to Arwyll Stead after your successful mission within Lastwall. Venture-Captain Shevar Besnik received reports of increased Orc activity in the area of that small border town, as well as murmurs of devil sightings. He asked that you personally look into it, and deal with the potential planar threat, the same way you did when closing that evil rift. The following Knowledge checks are what you know or have heard about Arwyll Stead

DC 10 Kn. (local or nobility):
The border region between Vigil and Urgir is a hotly contested battleground between the humans of Lastwall and the orcs of Belkzen, in addition to being plagued by horrors from the Hungry Mountains to the east.

DC 15 Kn. (local or nobility):
The mining town of Arwyll Stead is one of the numerous border settlements standing between the Hold of Belkzen and Lastwall. It’s named after the Arwylls, a well-known family of Lastwall crusaders and knights who have fought against the orcs for generations.

DC 20 Kn. (local or nobility):
The Arwyll family has been steadily dwindling over past few decades; a knight named Wate Arwyll is the sole remaining holder of the Arwyll name. While the Arwylls aren’t the official rulers of the town, the townsfolk all but revere their namesake family, looking to them for guidance and security in the face of orc savagery.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Darcsen's Journal

2 August 1930

Today was a strange day. I decided to climb the wall again, just because I could and because I needed to get away from the other orphans. Being 12 and having no prospective parents wanting to adopt you makes life very sad. When the others are always clamoring for attention, it really gets to you, you know? So I climbed over the wall, ready to head into Arkham proper. Luckily none of the officers that know I'm an orphan were on route today or I would have been sent back to the orphanage right quick. While exploring I found a bunch of flyers for a technology demo in an old, I guess almost abandoned, theater. So I went.

A lot people that still had some form of money were able to go inside, they had fancy clothes and proper hats! When I saw that they were producing tickets I knew I wouldn't be able to go in the front door. I tried to be the same as my favorite detective, Mr. Troy. He would sometimes tell me his stories about his work when he would catch me and send me back to the orphanage. Now we have a game where I try to follow him and see if he'll notice me. Usually he does and I get sent back. Anyway, I went to the back of the theater and crawled behind some stacked boards and trash. Unfortunately it all fell on the ground in a big Crash! Lucky for me no one was back there, and a door was even unlocked!

I made my way inside and climbed up to the rafters where some of the equipment was kept. I sat myself down, wishing I could go and get some of the snacks that the rich people brought in with them. Then a large man appeared in a puff of smoke onstage! I thought this was about technology, not magic! He had olive skin, was covered in nice perfumes, and had a shiny, shiny beard. He was also wearing a turbin and sounded like he was from a different country. Maybe Arabia? I don't know other countries that well. On stage with him were a bunch of different metal machines.

There were two large towers with round things on top of them, and when the man threw a lever they exploded with lightning! The lightning kept dancing between the two towers, and made funny noises depending on the different things he threw between the towers. The crowd was real excited for that. Then he showed us more, a lot more! He showed us a television without antennas, a box that melted stuff real quick, and even floating metal plates! He set them up then flipped another switch and he used them as a staircase! I was worried for that one because he climbed so high up he was only a little below me when he stopped and started descending again. Then came the finishing act, a machine that made a funny noise and a bunch of swirly lights. Then he spoke, what seemed like for the first time. His voice was rich, and deep, but soft, like velvet. He told everyone to start heading underground, where his master needed their help. I scratched my head, it seemed a strange thing to do, but then the audience did it! They all started heading downstairs. I ignored them and paid attention to his machines again. But then I remembered what he said, and felt like going underground was the right thing to do.

Lucky for me his plates were still up and I was able to use those to get down. I didn't even feel scared slowly climbing down from plate to plate. I must have made a noise when I hit the stage because the man turned around and looked at me. "Hello little one," he said. I could feel him looking me over as I started toward the door, but before I got more than two feet he put his hand on my shoulder and stopped me. "You are very special young man. I think your help would best be used elsewhere." Then he reached out and poked me in the forehead with his index finger. Darkness...

Date Unknown

I woke up and found myself in a big leather chair, the smell of cigar smoke and mothballs hanging in the air. Across a large desk from me was a big man, rotund almost, with a big bushy walrus mustache. He greeted me but didn't tell me his name, so I didn't tell him mine. After inquiring as to why I was here and where I was he informed me I was in the Dreamlands. We talked for a little while before he got to the point of why I was here. I was special and was able to visit these Dreamlands. So were some of the others that I knew, but they were already in the Dreamlands and I might meet up with them later. He told me we were supposed to do something important. The gods in the Dreamlands were gone, they disappeared and no one was able to find out why or where they went. It was up to us to do so. I could smell a mystery so I held out my hand, quickly engulfed with his own, and shook saying we were on the case. Finally, a real mystery! He sent me into another room where one of the gods, Hypnos, managed to make contact with this part of the realm, saying he had questions for me.

After going to that other room Hypnos asked me a series of questions, seven of them I think. Every question seemed to be simple, who my hero was, what I wanted to be. Then the last question, which I didn't really understand. This god asked me, "What did your face look like before you were born." That one really made my brain itch and hurt. I remembered something from our schoolings, about evolution and we came from something else? So I answered "Scalie," then fell asleep again.

Date Unknown, Location Unknown

I woke again to observe my surroundings, my tongue flicking out to taste the air. I appear to be in a prison cell, though this one is sized for someone 10 times my size, as are the furnishings within and without it. The bars are so large I can just step outside without effort, my equipment a familiar weight as I move outside. I gnash my teeth and flex my arms, assured of the strength in my jaws and scales, then check my swords, tools, and gear is all in place. I observe my surroundings closer, seeing a mousehole, large enough for me to escape through, a writing desk, chair, and giant door leading out. Instead of heading for immediate freedom I decide to observe what I can through the door. Somehow I got my head under the jamb but couldn't get my shoulders through, so I just called out for a response. "Hello. Isss anyone out there?"

I was shocked when a response came back asking for help. I couldn't see where the voice originated from location but could see that it was another room filled with giant furniture, and a giant hearth as well. The voice asked for my name and my response came out automatically, "Korth Greenssscale, at your ssservice." A bit of a shock for me, but it felt right, as everything has since awakening again. Promising to help I pulled my head from the jamb and started coming up with a plan. The closest I came up with was to move the chair in the office close to the door to open it up. It took some muscle, but I was able to get it over there. Unfortunately the door was locked. I pulled my short swords from my belt and had a rough time jimmying the lock open using them as a set of thieves' tools like the regular size set on my belt.

The door swung open and I was able to get to the other room finally. Heading out, swords at the ready in case of attack, I turned a blind corner and saw who had been calling for me. A woman, about 20 years of age had been calling for help from a cage built for people our size, though looking at it it seemed as though it were a giant sized mouse trap. Along with her were 14 other humans, ranging from ages of 7 or 8 to 16 or so.

There were also three goblins, two of which kept their backs to me at all times. The third was rather strange looking, wearing a bandit mask and a pair of the most colorful socks I've ever seen. He was wearing a potato sack and had a hole for his raccoon tail as well. The woman I discovered was named Brenda, and she was the impromptu leader of this group of humans by dint of being the oldest. I quickly opened the three cages, and had the strange goblin talking to me almost immediately. Turns out he calls himself Socks, because of his fancy socks.

Brenda was worried about the giant that had captured them all, saying they were from some place called Brettonia and wanted to go back, but didn't know how to escape. I explained there was a mouse hole in the next room that looked promising for moving through the walls but to move everyone in front of it while I explored. Socks volunteered to go with me, collecting a small selection of rocks for throwing, before saying he would look for an exit. He ran ahead of me and came back saying there was a giant rat in the wall and he couldn't get past it. I handed him a spare dagger and went into the hole asking where he had seen it.

He pointed in the direction and I started traveling that way, soon coming to a small warren and the rat, which was chewing on something bloody. I immediately set upon it with my short swords, cutting into its mangy hide and dropping it at my feet. I asked Socks if he had seen any more while watching ahead of us. His answer of "Nope!" followed by a scream was less than reassuring. Turning back I saw another rat had snuck up behind him. In the small space I couldn't reach the rat, so I called for him to get behind me while I faced off with the beast. It managed to nip me with its nasty teeth, luckily they failed to break through my tough green scales. I responded by stabbing it in the chest and biting it myself, ripping into its throat and allowing its vitality to fill me.

Confidence overflowing I decided we should explore further. We followed the direction the second rat had come from and found ourselves ascending, leading up to the rafters in an enormous room. Peeking around the corner I saw a large mushroom man, and several smaller white blobby men hanging out on the rafter. After describing them to Socks he said we should avoid them, they gave off a bad smell and filled lungs with spores. I agreed with his sentiment and traveled back down to the ground floor. We took the other direction, going through the warren where the first rat was killed and found ourselves in a small area with water running under us and enormous spider webs nearby. Looking carefully we could see the two spiders who had laid the traps. Deciding to pull them into the tunnels where we could fight them one on one I asked Socks to throw a stone at the first spider.

We drew its ire and retreated, facing it in the tight confines of the tunnel where I was sure my short stabbing blades would give me an advantage. I was right...mostly. Socks continued to pelt it with rocks from behind me, injuring its eyes and allowing me to get several good stabs on its thorax. Its response was enthusiastic as it bit at me, poison dripping from its mandibles. At one juncture it wrapped them around my calf, crushing it and leaving a fierce bruise I was sure. I managed to end the fight shortly after, but winded and wounded I asked Socks if he had any experience as a healer. When he replied negatively I suggested we get that last spider out of the way.

Our lure worked a second time, perhaps too well as this spider was angry. I barely managed to stab it once before it jumped on me, knocking me to the ground and flicking one of my blades away. I pounded at its head with my closed fists, but it sank its mandibles deep into my less protected stomach, piercing through the scales and filling me with its venom. I blacked out from the pain and poisonous ichor flowing through my veins.

I came to with Brenda hanging over me, my stomach fully healed and the poison in a pile of my vomit close by. I don't know what Socks did to save my hide, but he gave me back my short sword and went to go wring out his potato sack, mask, and socks of the ichor left by the spider. After thanking Brenda profusely I got back to my feet, a large scar across my abdomen and a distinctive distaste for spiders my trophies from the battle. I found the carcasses and quickly broke off pieces of its carapace to forge into a quick shield for Socks as thanks. To get over the running water I headed back to the giant office, shovel in hand. Using it like an axe I broke of a large splinter of the wood from the chair to use as a bridge. Using it to cross the water Socks and I found another hole in the wall that allowed us to peek into the next room.

In it was a giant throne, and in that throne was a Giant! I now understood who owned this place. Making obeisance to him were a dozen strange pale creatures, of my own size, perhaps a bit larger. They were grossly rotund with skinny arms and legs, tiny tentacle like appendages coming out of their faces about where their mouths should be. Something primal in me snarled in fear, wanting to destroy these abominations, though I didn't know why. Even stranger than their appearance was their speech, a high pitched buzzing whine that made sense if you cocked your head the right way. They were negotiating with the Giant for witches he had captured from Brettonia.

They offered "Moon Gems", pearls and rubies the size of my chest for 15 'brides'. Shuddering I listened as they bargained back and forth, trying to make sense of everything. It appears these gems are useful for capturing magical enchantment and the giant was looking to make rings of power for himself. When their business concluded the Giant indicated the moon men should remain in the throne room while he obtained the prisoners for the trade. Fear bolting through me I rushed back to Brenda and the other witches, nearly falling into the water until Socks helped pull me up.

"Brenda! Call the others into the mousehole, now! The Giant is coming!"

The only way through the other room was by confronting the moon men, and I'd rather not have the witches be in their clutches, so I decided we had to go and confront the mushrooms from the ceiling rafters instead. Rushing up the wall and into the rafters the mushrooms were still there, and as I stepped out they started surrounding me, though they seemed more curious than hostile. Instead of drawing my blade forth or my lips back I indicated, as quickly as I could through mime work, for them to back off. The largest mushroom man in the back seemed to understand and called the others back, allowing us safe passage. I stood at the hole into the wall, ushering everyone else forward. Socks and Brenda led the way across the rafters to another hole in the opposite wall, and as the final witches were through I heard through the wall, "WHERE ARE MY PRISONERS?! FEE FI FO FUM! I SMELL THE BLOOD OF A LIZARD MAN! I WILL FIND YOU SCALED ONE!" Fear again bolted through my bones as I rushed to the other side of the rafters and through the mouse hole. I wound up at the front of the group and led the way, glancing back every so often to check that everyone was still with the group.

The mouse hole led to the outside of the...castle I soon found out. What stopped me was the sheer drop off the side. Looking down led to a moment of vertigo as the only thing below me The white puffy stuff rolled beneath us, as though the castle were floating high in the sky. Unsure of what to do I froze. Socks, more brave, or more foolish than myself, immediately leapt down I turned, watching the first friend I made in this world plummet to his doom. Until he landed on the cloud, bouncing twice and calling for us all to follow him down. I immediately leapt, and after I landed safely was able to convince Brenda and the rest of the prisoners to follow Socks' example.

With everyone out of the castle we started looking for ways to escape, as the sounds of Giant feet could be heard just on the other side of the large structure. Brenda was the one who pointed out a green stalk, just over our height, and slowly moving along the cloudy ground. Taking that as our only chance we rushed to it. It was a long way down, but I asked Socks to lead the way as I could see the Giant turning the corner toward us. Socks started climbing down as the cloud the castle was situated on continued to float on, slowly leaving the beanstalk alone in the air. I held back, ensuring the rest of the group started making it down before climbing myself. We got lucky, the cloud was too far away from the stalk by the time the Giant reached us, his cursing loud as thunder, and twice as striking.

Reaching the ground we found we were in an abandoned farmstead. Socks and I started exploring the house and reached the kitchen when we heard voices...

You travel to Lastwall, Anthys and Vindler leading the way, where you meet with the Venture-Captain Shevar Besnik in the back room of the Ace of Dreams, a gambling house that serves as the Pathfinder Society’s Uscalin Lodge.

Loud and raucous conversation filters through the door from the common room of the Uscalin Lodge, which doubles as the Ace of Dreams gambling house. “I know it’s here. I had it just a moment ago.” Venture-Captain Shevar Besnik lifts piles of papers and numerous boxes off of his desk, stacking them on various side tables and chairs in his clean but overly cluttered office. The tall, Varisian man’s face parts in a toothy grin as he lifts up a solid oak box. “Found it!” As if to punctuate his discovery, a crowd of players in the gambling hall erupts in cheers. Distracted for a moment, Besnik stares at the closed office door that leads to the common room. “Desna laughs. Well, she laughs at me, but she smiles on them.” The venturecaptain shrugs. “All they have is gold; what I have in here is far more valuable.”

Besnik opens the box’s lid painstakingly slowly, careful to keep the contents out of sight. With reverence, he lifts a large tome from the box and gently sets it on the table. “Careful, the binding hasn’t held up well. This is one of the few Tomes of Righteous Repose left in the world. I’m pretty sure there’s one in the library of the Sancta Iomedaea in Vigil, but I’m—well, let’s just say I’m no longer welcome there. That’s a story for another time.

Up until today, I’ve only skimmed the pages. I didn’t want to damage it, but now that you’re here, I can’t wait any longer. Care to plumb the depths of this most ancient and wonderful storybook? Oh, the marvelous adventures we will soon read! This tome is a collection of tales describing how various crusaders died gloriously and honorably. I’m hoping to find some clues in the text that will lead us to an as-of-yet undiscovered site or relic. Maybe we can trade a bit of what we find with the Knights of Ozem and earn ourselves some goodwill. After what happened last time, we need it.

Care to peruse the pages with me?”

DC 15 Diplomacy (Gather Information), Kn. (Local), or Linguistics:
Rellakarabee Fustbickle is a gnome poet, known mostly among literary scholars. His subject matter revolves around heroic figures and tragic deaths. His style is too melodramatic to gain significant acclaim, though he is popular in some circles.

DC 20 Diplomacy (Gather Information), Kn. (Local), or Linguistics:
Fustbickle based his poems on true stories from the Shining Crusade. However, the finer details are ambiguous at best. Rumors suggest he was on speaking terms with the mortal Iomedae.

DC 10 Kn. (History or Religion):
Lastwall was established in 3828 ar, when it seceded from Taldor. It is a military dictatorship, primary focused on keeping the Whispering Tyrant locked away and the orc hordes of Belkzen at bay.

DC 15 Kn. (History or Religion):
Lastwall originated from the remnants of crusaders living in the area after the conclusion of the Shining Crusade, the great war against the evil wizard-king Tar-Baphon (also known as the Whispering Tyrant, who rose after his death as a lich).

DC 20 Kn. (History or Religion):
Lately, Lastwall has had to recruit less pious individuals to fill its ranks. On the borders, followers of Gorum and Kurgess are more common than paladins of Iomedae and Sarenrae.

As promised a new discussion page. New gameplay thread will be up soon.

Derailed your campaign so hard you've had to stop in the middle of a session and say, "I need to consider the ramifications of what just happened."? I like stories, and am extremely interested in hearing about something like this.

The strange city of Carrion Hill has long loomed over the surrounding swamps in eastern Ustalav, yet its rulers have shifted many times through the centuries. Often enough that only a few sinister scholars and curious minds know the true nature of the hill’s original inhabitants—vile and depraved cultists of the Old Gods. Yet this morning, a dreadful recrudescence rises from the depths of buried nightmare in the vaults below Carrion Hill. A monster stalks the twisted alleys of the city, spreading panic before it and leaving destruction in its wake. Can the Carrion Hill Horror be stopped?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello all! We're down a character in Hell's Vengeance, and we're only a third of the way through the first book so it should be easy to integrate a new character in.

In the campaign we have:
Penance a gnome inquisitor

Rurisa a human bloodrager


Vokrin a tiefling wizard

Below are the character creation guide-lines that I used at the start of the campaign, changed to reflect what has happened thus far.

Character Creation:
15 point buy
Standard Races as well as Aasimar, Dhampir, Ifrits, Oreads, Sylphs, Tieflings, and Undines allowed
1000 gold and a free masterwork weapon
Background Skills per Pathfinder Unchained are in use
2 traits, one campaign (see below), one other
Drawbacks are allowed, giving you access to one more trait

I really enjoyed GM Nightmare Knight’s format for backgrounds. I’ve seen others say it really helps them with the mindset of the character, and it did for me as well. OOC remarks are my own, requirements as follows are otherwise verbatim:
1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. Doesn’t have to be more than blurbs. More are welcome, but no less than five.

2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.

3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling. Not sure about the third secret just yet, but I like the idea

4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.

5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission.

All that is to help you and me tell a compelling story not only you, but any who read our adventure, will enjoy. If this is asking too much, let me know.

Finally, some rules of my own.

Posting expectations: I do enjoy quicker games, but I realize that with different time zones it may be tricky to pull off (Ex: I have family in an 8 hour time zone away. Between work and sleep it is difficult to catch up with them). So I ask that you post once per day Mon-Thurs minimum, and once per Fri, Sat, Sun period, even if it’s something entirely ooc. I also understand real life happens and I am more than willing to accommodate, just drop me a line about what’s up. All of that being said, my posting schedule will revolve around yours, meaning: I will post more when you guys post more. Some campaigns run smoothly at 1 post a day, others run fast where I post 3 or more times per day.

Houserule: Instant Death: This is something I have developed over time and while it comes up rarely I feel it adds to dramatic tension when it does show. If you roll a 20 on your attack, and follow with a 20 on your critical confirmation you get one more attack roll at the same bonuses. If this attack roll meets or exceeds AC the creature being attacked is instantly killed, regardless of any effect that may prevent such a thing from happening.

I use this both for and against PCs, and in the many years I’ve run using this rule (or had it adapted by my players who wanted a turn GMing) I have seen exactly 1 PC die because of it, where I have seen probably 2 dozen or so NPCs die. 8 of them were in one campaign from a Praying Mantis AC (which was later Awakened and gained Monk levels to become Mantis-Bro)

Houserule: Sometimes you're just faster: A natural 20 on the initiative check will put you as the first person to act in the round, regardless of bonuses or negatives normally applied. I like the thought that heroes (and occasionally villains) have that little extra 'oomph' to get the first shot in as everything around them devolves to chaos and mayhem.

If you guys don't want these house-rules to be invoked let me know and we won't use it.

Hell's Vengeance
Recruitment will be open until August 18th, 2017, 11:59 PM EST.
Character creation above
Background above
Houserules: 2

Time to get an actual recruitment thread going now that we've got 36 days until the start. Looking for 5 more to join the game, this will be a first come first served basis. Muster over in the Discussion Thread. If there is enough interest I will start a second, and potentially third table. Information about the game day can be found here.

Discussion thread where the majority of the mustering will occur. This will be a first come first serve basis. Remember modules assume a level is gained in the middle of it, which doesn't happen in PFS, so a party of level 4s will have issues, while a party of level 6s may have too easy of a time.

Here is the thread for the module Carrion Hill. It is a 4-6 module that will begin on August 25th, 2017 when the gameday officially starts. Signup is on the main PbP Gameday page. Module description follows:

The strange city of Carrion Hill has long loomed over the surrounding swamps in eastern Ustalav, yet its rulers have shifted many times through the centuries. Often enough that only a few sinister scholars and curious minds know the true nature of the hill’s original inhabitants—vile and depraved cultists of the Old Gods. Yet this morning, a dreadful recrudescence rises from the depths of buried nightmare in the vaults below Carrion Hill. A monster stalks the twisted alleys of the city, spreading panic before it and leaving destruction in its wake. Can the Carrion Hill Horror be stopped?


Question in the title thread, what are some adventures that involve rescuing other Pathfinders? This can be part of the mission statement, extra add-ons, or just "Hey these guys should have been rescued but weren't (and here are their corpses to prove it).

The town of Longacre sits just outside the fringes of the Whisperwood. A few lights shine in the streets and windows, and the occasional snippet of conversation or laughter issues from open doors, but here on the outskirts of town, the night is quiet and dark. Sparse clouds scud across the sky, momentarily obscuring the dim light from the moon overhead. Across a scrubby field, barely distinguishable under the starry sky, a darkened, fortlike compound hunches in the distance.

Cimri points toward the dim structure. “That’s it—Louslik Tannery. Here’s the job: We break in, sack Ol’ Louslik’s office, take whatever’s shiny, and get out before the sheriff shows up. If we get separated, meet back at the Ash House by dawn.”

Dull moonlight glints across her dagger as she flicks it in emphasis. “If you get pinched, remember: you’re mute. Keep your mouth shut, and I’ll handle things. I got assurances that we won’t take any blame if things go south. But get chatty and I’ll let you rot.” A beat passes and her usual crooked smirk appears. “If you don’t screw things up, we’ll all be drinking on Razelago’s coin come dawn. Any question?”

A log palisade surrounds the tannery. In places, gaps between the gray, dry-rotted trunks are wide enough to pass a hand through. To the west, a muddy trail slips beneath a plank gate similar to a barn door. These barriers do absolutely nothing to block the heavy stench of chemicals and dung drifting from within.

Perception DC 15:
portion of the palisade surrounding the tannery has been damaged by repeated impacts from inexpertly steered work carts. This has opened a narrow gap in the palisade near the beamhouse that is out of the way, and could be squeezed through with a bit of effort.

Kn. (local) DC 15:
A small night crew works at the tannery. The tannery’s owner, Jabral Louslik, handles the operation’s accounting well into the evening. Additionally, Shaul and Pippa Umbre—the town’s elderly gong farmers—come and go throughout the night, bringing loads of dung to use in softening leather.

Here's the discussion thread for Hell's Vengeance.

Episode 1: The Wounded Wisp

You have been stationed at the Grand Lodge in Absalom, awaiting assignment for a mission of utmost importance. Things finally seemed in motion when Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng sent out a summons for available agents. Specialized in the history of Absalom, Dreng is known for putting off-duty agents to work on sundry tasks when he finds them resting within the city’s limits.

Coming to the meeting place—an odd choice of venue, as it is a street corner far from the Grand Lodge—a lone beggar garbed in baggy robes approaches. The only figure visible in the constant drizzle, the beggar sticks out his hands for currency.

“Have you any coin to spare, fine folk?”

The question hangs in the air for only a scant moment before the figure pulls back his hood to reveal the wizened face of Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng. He gives a crooked smile, soaked head to toe from his unprotected time in the rain. His clothes smell faintly of cabbage.

“Sorry about that,” he says with a wink. “I always like to play a little joke on agents when I stumble across them during my jaunts into town. Now, why did I summon you fine folk here again…?” Dreng shakes his head from side to side, as though trying to knock water out of his ears, despite the constant downpour.

“Ah yes, the Wounded Wisp! I’m undercover now and can’t stray far from the site I’m watching, but I need someone to retrieve a package for me from that fine establishment. It’s among Absalom’s most storied taverns, you see, and one that holds a special place of privilege in the Society’s lore as the place where the organization began. Well, I could drone on and on about it, but standing out in the rain is doing none of us any favors.” As if anticipating agreement, the bedraggled Venture Captain produces a small slip of folded paper from one of his many stitched pockets. Dreng quickly shows a glimpse of the page’s contents: a map detailing the location of the Wounded Wisp bar.

“The bartender is a woman by the name of Heryn Gale, a fine lady who came to own the Wisp after the passing of her father from—oh, bah, it’s really getting too cold for me to give a proper history lesson! If you could just go to the Wisp, and tell Heryn you’re there to pick up my parcel, it would be most appreciated. I’ll be around here for several more hours at least.”

Kn. (History) DC 10:
The Wounded Wisp was a bar once frequented by the original members of the Pathfinder Society before the Society was even formed. Inside the Wisp, acquaintances would share stories about their adventurous exploits with one another.

Kn. (History) DC 15:
Many volumes of the Pathfinder Chronicles came together under the Wisp’s roof. Famous Pathfinders like Eando Kline and the Seeker Osprey often stopped by for a drink while they relaxed in Absalom between assignments. Though not officially affiliated with the Society, the bar maintains good relations with Pathfinders, offering discounts and prompt service. The owners have always kept themselves and the Wisp afloat through the generosity of Society agents who spend coin at the establishment.

Kn. (History) DC 20:
Selmius Foster was one of the founding members of the Pathfinder Society, known to have frequented the Wisp often and occasionally taken up residence in a spare room between his
travels. His celebrated exploits first appeared in Volume 1 of the Pathfinder Chronicles.

Kn.(History) DC 25:
Following the death of Selmius Foster on the island of Bhopan, his assistant Adolphus made several donations to maintain one of his mentor’s favorite sites. The exact arrangement between Adolphus and the owners of the Wisp was never disclosed, but it is said that some of this gold came from the same fortune that Adolphus used to found the Pathfinder lodge in Quantium.

Build/Character discussion first

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Remember guys, this is the core table.

Here is the list of scenarios we will be running through:

6-10 (Evergreen) The Wounded Wisp
6-05 (LE, SovC) Slave Ships of Absalom
6-06 Hall of the Flesh Eaters
6-08 (SovC) The Segang Expedition
6-15 (DA) The Overflow Archives
6-18 (GL, SS) From Under Ice

6-09 (Ex) By Way of Bloodcove
6-11 (LE, SCru) The Slave Master's Mirror
6-19 (SS) Test of Tar Kuata
5-12 (SS, Ex) Destiny of the Sands 1
5-15 (SS) Destiny of the Sands 2
5-16 (SS) Destiny of the Sands 3

6-03 The Technic Siege
6-07 (LE, SCru) Valley of Veiled Flame
6-17 Fires of Karamoss
6-21 (GL) Tapestry's Toil
5-06 (Ex) You Have What You Hold
5-09 (GL) The Traitor's Lodge

5-02 The Wardstone Patrol
6-13 (SovC) Of Kirin and Kraken
5-05 The Elven Entanglement

5-13 (SCru) Weapon in the Rift
5-18 (LE, Ex) The Stranger Within
5-23 (LE, DA) Cairn of Shadows
Module: The Harrowing

5-17 (DA) Fate of the Fiend
5-20 (GL, SCru) The Sealed Gate
5-25 (GL) Vengeance at Sundered Crag
6-20 (Ex, LE, SCru) Returned to Sky
7-23 (GL) Abducted in Aether
7-28 Ageless Ambitions

46 Eyes of the Ten 1
54 Eyes of the Ten 2
2-05 Eyes of the Ten 3
2-22 Eyes of the Ten 4
7-20 All for Immortality Pt 1
7-26 All for Immortality Pt 2
7-29 All for Immortality Pt 3

We'll check in here and I'll open up a discussion thread to talk about classes, builds, etc.

31 Lamashan, 4716

Cecil Rosencrad:
Your day begins as normal, waking in a cold home and thoughts always upon your daughter. You spend the day plotting, thinking, scheming, trying to think of a way to find Lamm and get your daughter back. After hours without results (and several more skipped meals) you turn to your spellbook, letting your weary mind rest on the arcane in case there's an answer there. You open the book and are surprised to see a Harrow Card tucked in between the pages. Turning it over there is a note penned on the back of it:

I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.

Aloysia Sett:
You've been spending your days tracking your new mark, one Gaedren Lamm. He's a slippery old man, never stays in the same place for long and constantly sending out new drugs and stealing away children. You've been hired, for less coin than you'd like, but enough to make it worth your while 100gp, to find and eliminate Lamm. He took the page of some minor noble and now they want revenge. The guard won't do anything so you'll have to do (as the messenger so eloquently told you). Hanging out in the rafters and planning how to obtain the information you seek you practice tossing your daggers. A card catches your eye and your dagger pierces it expertly. Pulling the card off your dagger you see a message on the other side.

I know what Gaedren has done. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others will be there, though for personal reasons. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.

Jolun Vulture-Heart:
You begin your morning routine as usual, and as always there is a cool, but not cold presence surrounding your mind. It dissipates more as the day goes on, but that in itself is not unusual. Thinking back, it was this day, many years ago, that your mother was stabbed by Gaedren Lamm. Your spirit boils with rage that you were unable to do anything then and that the guard refuse to do anything now. You calm yourself, thinking of how others view you already. Returning to your place of residence you find a card on your bed, strange because no one has access here but yourself. On the back you find a short message:

I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.

Gamon Neles:
You begin your day as you usually do, helping Johan in his apothecary. More addicts are brought in by friends and family, each begging for help or release. You do what you can, but each day weighs heavy on your heart. Thoughts turning to the man pushing this disease across the city only reminds you of Alena and what she has gone through. You can almost feel a faint heartbeat underneath your fingers. Grinding up some more herbs for a poultice you move to return the mortar and pestle to their proper place when a card catches your eye. On the back is a short message:

I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.

DC 12 Kn. (local):
You know that that particular address belongs to a rather infamous fortune telling shop owned by a Varisian woman who goes by Zellara. You find the address rather quickly all things considered.

Anyone that does not make the above check and asks around about the address roll 1d3. You learn the information in the spoiler and arrive after that many hours of travel.

Here's a discussion thread to get everyone started then. I'm hoping to get started officially within the next week or so, but it'll wait until everyone has a character they like.

Hello all and welcome to the recruitment thread for the Curse of the Crimson Throne! This will be where we can discuss builds, group needs, and so on while waiting for everyone to check in. If you haven't seen it before one of the blogs had the "new" Player's Guide for CotCT linked here. Below I have also posted the campaign traits as they are straight from the book.

Character Creation:

  • 15 point buy
  • Average gold for classes
  • Background Skills per Pathfinder Unchained are in use
  • 2 traits, one campaign (see below), one other
  • Drawbacks are allowed, giving you access to one more trait

    Not required, but here are things that I have seen/used/done to help flesh out characters more, posted from another campaign I am running. As I said, not required, but very helpful.

    Background Help:
    I really enjoyed GM Nightmare Knight’s format for backgrounds. I’ve seen others say it really helps them with the mindset of the character, and it did for me as well. OOC remarks are my own, requirements as follows are otherwise verbatim:

    1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. Doesn’t have to be more than blurbs. More are welcome, but no less than five.

    2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.

    3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling. Not sure about the third secret just yet, but I like the idea

    4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.

    5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission. Edited out campaign specific reqs

    All that is to help you and me tell a compelling story not only you, but any who read our adventure, will enjoy. If this is asking too much, let me know.

    Editing out something that fit in the original campaign better than it would this one

    Finally, some rules of my own.

    Posting expectations: I do enjoy quicker games, but I realize that with different time zones it may be tricky to pull off (Ex: I have family in an 8 hour time zone away. Between work and sleep it is difficult to catch up with them). So I ask that you post once per day Mon-Thurs minimum, and once per Fri, Sat, Sun period, even if it’s something entirely ooc. I also understand real life happens and I am more than willing to accommodate, just drop me a line about what’s up. All of that being said, my posting schedule will revolve around yours, meaning: I will post more when you guys post more. Some campaigns run smoothly at 1 post a day, others run fast where I post 3 or more times per day.

    Houserule: Instant Death: This is something I have developed over time and while it comes up rarely I feel it adds to dramatic tension when it does show. If you roll a 20 on your attack, and follow with a 20 on your critical confirmation you get one more attack roll at the same bonuses. If this attack roll meets or exceeds AC the creature being attacked is instantly killed, regardless of any effect that may prevent such a thing from happening.

    I use this both for and against PCs, and in the many years I’ve run using this rule (or had it adapted by my players who wanted a turn GMing) I have seen exactly 1 PC die because of it, where I have seen probably 2 dozen or so NPCs die. 8 of them were in one campaign from a Praying Mantis AC (which was later Awakened and gained Monk levels to become Mantis-Bro)

    If you guys don't want this house-rule to be invoked let me know and we won't use it.

    Campaign traits:
    You were hardly a model citizen as a child or young adult. Your reasons for turning to a life of crime may be varied, but what matters is that you eventually fell in with a certain well-connected and notorious crime lord named Gaedren Lamm. His reputation as a snake and a treacherous scoundrel was known to you, but for reasons of your own, you chose not to turn him down when he offered you a chance to work for him. You may have assumed you were an exception, or that you’d be able to handle him, or perhaps even planned to betray him. As it worked out, though, Gaedren got the upper hand and took you down you first. You may have served time in jail, may have been beaten by his thugs and left for dead, or could simply have had your profits stolen out from under you. Whatever the cause, Gaedren wronged you, and you are eager for the chance to get revenge.

    Choose one of the following benefits.
    Hungry for Revenge: You’ve never forgiven Gaedren for his betrayal, and have vowed to make him pay for what he did. Whether that’s seeing him rot in jail or a shallow grave, you hope to taste vengeance someday. Whenever you deal damage with a melee weapon on a creature that is flat-footed, you gain a +1 trait bonus on the damage roll.
    Reformed Criminal: You’ve given up the life of crime, and managed to talk your way out of any repercussions such as jail time or fines. You’ve told yourself that you would rather leave your past behind, yet the concept of seeing Gaedren Lamm pay for his crimes still appeals to you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is a class skill for you.

    Drug Addict
    Someone you know has become addicted to shiver, a drug distilled from the venom of tropical arachnids known as dream spiders. The drug induces sleep filled with vivid dreams, during which the user’s body shakes and shivers, giving the substance its street name. You’ve always thought of shiver as a problem of the lower class, but then someone you know overdosed on the stuff. You’ve done a bit of investigating and have learned that the villain who got your friend addicted in the first place was a crime lord named Gaedren Lamm. Unfortunately, the guards seem to be focused on the bigger dealers. They don’t have time to devote many resources to what they’ve called “a bit player in a beggar’s problem.” It would seem that if Gaedren’s operation is to be stopped, it falls to you.

    Choose one of the following benefits.
    Addicted Friend: The addict is a friend or lover who might or might not have survived the overdose. Your research into the drug scene and local politics has given you a respectable education in street knowledge. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (local) checks, and Knowledge (local) is a class skill for you.
    Personal Addiction: You were the addict. You blame Gaedren for your brush with death and hate how his drugs are causing similar problems among other youths. Fortunately, your body recovers quickly from toxins, and you gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws.

    Someone you know and love was accused of murder. A supposed eyewitness account from a local fisherman seemed to be enough to seal the case, but the accused had enough alibis that sentencing wasn’t immediate. Someone confronted the fisherman and discovered he was intimidated into providing false witness and forced into planting the murder weapon by the actual murderer—a local crime lord named Gaedren Lamm, whose thugs killed the fisherman before he could recant his testimony. Although this removed the key witness and resulted in the accused being set free, the stigma was enough to badly damage the accused’s reputation. If you can find Gaedren, you’re sure you can find evidence that ties him to the murder and can clear the accused’s name.

    Choose one of the following benefits.
    Dropout: You were the one accused of the murder. Although you were eventually freed when a friend confronted the fisherman and got the truth, the damage had been done. You were forced to leave your school or church. As a result, you were forced to self-train and promised yourself you would become better at your chosen profession despite the spurning of your peers. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks, and Spellcraft is a class skill for you.
    Family Honor: The person who was framed was a family member, perhaps a father or sister. You managed to trick the fisherman into revealing the truth with your skilled tongue. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is a class skill for you.

    Love Lost
    Someone you loved was knifed to death in a dark alley one night. You were called to the scene by the Korvosan Guard to identify the body, and as rough as that was for you, you also noticed a ring was missing from your loved one’s finger. Whoever murdered your loved one stole that ring— you’re convinced of it. You’ve done some investigation on your own and recently found the ring for sale at a local merchant’s shop. To your great frustration, you can’t yet afford the 500 gp to buy it back, but the merchant did tell you from whom he purchased the ring: a man named Gaedren Lamm. It seems likely this criminal killed your loved one, or at the very least, he knows who did. The only problem is finding him.

    Choose one of the following benefits.
    All Alone: The murder victim was a lover. With your lover’s death, a part of you died as well, leaving you haunted, grim, and prone to dark musings. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is a class skill for you.
    Orphaned: The murder victim was your only surviving parent. You had to work hard to make ends meet for yourself and any siblings, and often had to scavenge for food. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks, and Survival is a class skill for you.

    Missing Child
    You suspect that a child you know has been abducted by Gaedren Lamm. Whatever the relationship, you’ve heard rumors about “Lamm’s Lambs,” and of how the old man uses children as pickpockets and agents for his crimes. You’ve even heard rumors that the child you’re looking for has been spotted in the marketplaces in the company of known cutpurses and pickpockets. Although the Korvosan Guard has been understanding of your plight, it has its hands full with “more important” matters these days, it seems, and has not yet been able to learn anything more about Gaedren. No one else is interested in bringing Gaedren down and rescuing his victims—that task falls to you. Yet where could the old scoundrel be hiding?

    Choose one of the following benefits.
    Missing Sibling: The missing child is a brother or sister. Although everyone else has given up hope, you believe your sibling still lives. Your constant search for the missing sibling has developed into great skill at rumormongering and finding out information from others. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is a class skill for you.
    Missing Son or Daughter: The missing child is your own son or daughter, a niece or nephew, or a child you were charged with protecting. The child was abducted during a trip to the market or other daily event. Your stubbornness and long hours spent searching for rumors grant you a +1 trait bonus on Will saves.

    Unhappy Childhood
    You spent a period of time as one of Gaedren Lamm’s enslaved orphans, doing all manner of dirty work for him. Maybe you were abducted from your parent’s home or during a trip to the market. Perhaps the irresponsible matron who ruled your orphanage traded you to him in return for a desperately needed financial loan. Or perhaps you, like most of Gaedren’s slaves, were merely a child of the street who succumbed to his promise of regular meals and a roof in return for what he said would be “a little light work.” Whatever the case, you spent several years of your life as one of “Lamm’s Lambs” before escaping. You’ve nursed a grudge against the old man ever since.

    Choose one of the following benefits.
    Religious: Today, while on a job for Gaedren, you found a holy symbol of the god you worship, and intrigued by it, you snuck off to attend services. When Gaedren found out, he beat you to within an inch of your life and broke your holy symbol. Your faith let you block out the pain, and you escaped his control and took shelter in the church, where you spent the rest of your youth. You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks and Constitution checks to stabilize at negative hit points.
    Tortured: After you made one too many errors, Gaedren tortured you and left you for dead in a garbage heap. Your scars and memories have motivated you to hone your reaction speed and make you rather jumpy. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.

  • Gameplay thread is live.

    Opening the Discussion thread like I promised. First scenario will be The Wounded Wisp. I'll open the Gameplay thread as soon as we get a couple more players.

    Gameplay thread is live. I will post initial scene later today

    Discussion thread is live

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Banished to the Material Plane by Cyth-V’sug and cut off from the powers of the Abyss, Treerazer is an ambitious and deadly Demon Lord, known more often by his title Lord of the Blasted Tarn. In the year 2497 AR Treerazer found the vacated realm of Kyonin and made it his personal playground, mutating and destroying the life within it until he found the Sovyrian Stone, a magical device powering a portal that transported the elves back to their homeworld of Castrovel during the Age of Legends when the Starstone fell. Seeing this as a way to return his Abyssal connection Treerazer began to experiment with the Sovyrian Stone. The elves on Castrovel could tell someone was trying to use the stone and sent forth their armies to destroy the intruder. Many battles were fought and hundreds of elves lost their lives. Though they did not defeat Treerazer they did manage to contain him to a small portion of Fierani forrest. This blighted and corrupt land became known as the Tanglebriar where Treerazer waits and plots to this day.

    Where you come in: at around the tender age of 40 you were taken by one of the cults that follow Treerazer in an attempt to sacrifice you and power some horrid abyssal ritual. Luckily you were saved by none other than Queen Edasseril herself, and her personal guard, who slew the cultists to a man. Now that you are full grown there have been rumblings that Treerazer is getting ready to make his move once again with dire consequences should he succeed…

    Character Creation rules:

    • Elves only. I feel strongly about this because I don’t think the elves would let anyone else handle their troubles for them.
    • 20 point buy
    • No 3PP material, have a link for non-PRD books
    • Max Health at 1st level
    • Two traits, it is not necessary to choose a campaign trait, may take a drawback for a third
    • Max gold for your class
    • Background skills will be used
    • Hero points will be used Please note this is my first time using this system
    • Everyone gains the feat Concentrated Fire, (see below) for free, regardless of the prerequisites

    Concentrated Fire (Combat, Teamwork): Your Simultaneous ranged attacks punch through your foe’s defenses with ease.

    Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot, elf, weapon familiarity racial trait

    Benefit: If you and a single ally who also has this feat both ready an action to each make a ranged attack against the same opponent and choose the same condition for the readied action, when you and the ally make those attacks, each of you can use the highest of the two attack rolls for your attack roll. Furthermore, if you and your ally both hit the target, you can total the damage for both attacks before applying the target’s damage reduction or energy resistance.

    Campaign traits:

    Demon Scourge: You have spent decades, if not centuries preparing to fight demons, knowing of the ever present threat of Treerazer and and his minions. You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (Planes) checks to recognize demons and their powers. In addition you gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and caster level checks to penetrate spell resistance made against creatures with the demon subtype and Knowledge (Planes) is always a class skill for you.

    Guardian of Fierani: You have been more in-tune with the Fierani Forest than most other elves, even druids! This makes the creation and abuse of the Tanglebriar all the more outrageous. Spells you cast that are harmful to life do not damage plant life and enemies can never use natural plant life (such as trees or underbrush) as cover against you. In addition healing spells you cast while within a forested area cast at +1 caster level.

    Encarthan Trader: Living on the edge of Lake Encarthan has given you many opportunities to trade and speak with the younger lived races as well as make contacts with whole family lineages of traders. You gain a +1 bonus to Knowledge (Local) and Appraise and one of these is always a class skill for you. In addition whenever you are buying or selling items on Lake Encarthan’s coast there is a 10% gp reduction (buying) or bonus (selling) in your favor.

    Chameleon-like: While many elves take decades or centuries to adapt to their new environs you are able to manage it in the span of a few days. You gain a +2 bonus to Stealth and it is always a class skill for you. In addition if you spend 3 days attuning to your environment you can use Blur as a supernatural ability (CL = character level) 3 + wisdom bonus times per day.

    Aiudara Savant: You have spent more time with the Aiudara than hundreds of other elves combined. This has given you a greater understanding of the space between planes and intuition on the intricacies of conjuration. You gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge (Planes) and it is always a class skill for you. In addition when you are within 75 miles of an Aiudara all conjuration spells you cast are cast at 2 levels higher.

    Child of Vengeance: Someone close to you was kidnapped by the cults that follow Treerazer to sacrifice in his name. You gave chase but were too slow to save them, and now you desire vengeance against the cults and their master. You have learned to ferret them out and gain a +1 bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive and one of these skills is always a class skill for you. In addition you gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls against known cultists. As a spell-like ability you can cast Blood Biography a number of times per day equal to 3 + charisma modifier.

    Background format:

    I really enjoyed GM Nightmare Knight’s format for backgrounds. I’ve seen others say it really helps them with the mindset of the character, and it did for me as well. OOC remarks are my own, requirements as follows are otherwise verbatim:

    1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. Doesn’t have to be more than blurbs. More are welcome, but no less than five.

    2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.

    3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling. Not sure about the third secret just yet, but I like the idea

    4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.

    5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission. Edited out campaign specific reqs

    All that is to help you and me tell a compelling story not only you, but any who read our adventure, will enjoy. If this is asking too much, let me know.

    Editing out something that fit in the original campaign better than it would this one

    About myself: Yes, I call myself GM Fez because I wear a fez when I GM. My players say it makes me look distinguished. While I am used to running for both munchkins and roll-players I am always more happy to run for role-players with characters they care about. This has led me to the PbP section of the site, and while slower it does scratch an itch I’ve had for some time now. I try to post at least once a day, more when I have more free time, and even more if there is a lot of back and forth RP going on because I know that type of thing can put too much inertia on a game to keep it moving. For informational purposes I live in CDT (-6:00) which will hopefully explain posting rates depending on time zone. I tend to wax poetic, and if you ever feel I’m drawing something out too long please let me know. I have some posting expectations and a single houserule that I’ve played with for many years now, see below for these:

    Posting expectations: I do enjoy quicker games, but I realize that with different time zones it may be tricky to pull off (Ex: I have family in an 8 hour time zone away. Between work and sleep it is difficult to catch up with them). So I ask that you post once per day Mon-Thurs minimum, and once per Fri, Sat, Sun period, even if it’s something entirely ooc. I also understand real life happens and I am more than willing to accommodate, just drop me a line about what’s up.

    Houserule: Instant Death: This is something I have developed over time and while it comes up rarely I feel it adds to dramatic tension when it does show. If you roll a 20 on your attack, and follow with a 20 on your critical confirmation you get one more attack roll at the same bonuses. If this attack roll meets or exceeds AC the creature being attacked is instantly killed, regardless of any effect that may prevent such a thing from happening.

    I use this both for and against PCs, and in the many years I’ve run using this rule (or had it adapted by my players who wanted a turn GMing) I have seen exactly 1 PC die because of it, where I have seen probably 2 dozen or so NPCs die. 8 of them were in one campaign from a Praying Mantis AC (which was later Awakened and gained Monk levels to become Mantis-Bro)

    Party Size Looking for 4 more brave souls to take the fight to Treerazer. One slot is already filled, unsure of character concept as yet.

    Deadline: April 6th, 2016

    TL;DR A campaign, starting from level 1 that ends with the death of Treerazer or the fulfillment of his plans. 5 man party, one slot filled, deadline is the 6th of April

    For reals gameplay thread.

    P.S. Thanks Chris and team for helping

    Still researching River kingdoms and class stuff.

    To the guys (and gals) that make the website great,

    How do you add a new person to receive a digital gift? I've been trying for 15 minutes to add someone new to receive a pdf gift, but every time I type in their Paizo avatar name it sends me back to the shopping cart.

    Thanks much,

    Been trying to figure out for a while, what is the sword that Alain is reaching for on Ultimate Equipment and that Valeros is using on Mythic Adventures? I've looked through all of the sword descriptions and none of them seem to match.



    Hi all, I had a few questions about coming back to PFS. This requires a little backstory and if I haven't posted in the right place I apologize.

    I joined PFS way back in 2008 to help get things rolling and playing with some friends whom I didn't get to see very often. I created a character under what I think I remember to be updated 3.5 rules and was able to play in two scenarios in what I think is now called Season 0. The scenarios in question were Silent Tide and The Hydra's Fang Incident.

    I enjoyed playing in the society, however after those first two sessions life sucker punched me rather hard and I haven't been able to game or do much of that nature for the past 5 years. During this time I'm sure I've lost the character sheet for my original character and the 2 chronicle sheets for the scenarios I played in.

    Now the questions:
    1.) Can I use my old character even though he was created using the old rules?
    2.) Is there any way to get the chronicle sheets for the scenarios I've played with him or am I SOL in that department?

    I've been going through the boards some to try to see if there were answers to these questions, but there are so many posts and topics I wasn't able to find much.

    Thanks so much.