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Berato's got a lesser extend metamagic rod, which he intends to use each night before bed to grant magic vestment +2 to Anthys, Vindler and himself (all 3 still have MW nonmagical armor). This will make the armor +2 for 16 hours I believe, until 4 or 5pm the next day, covering most adventuring days).
As everyone goes up in level I recommend you buy your own lesser extend rod, which Berato can use as part of his casting for various buff spells. I have a 13th level fighter in PFS who just bought his own... I can't believe I haven't thought of it sooner and bought it for him when he was under 10th level...

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@Berato, I'm not sure how that would work. If you cast it at 8 pm, it would expire at noon, and you'd have to leave three slots free to recast it that evening. I'd rather have the protection during the daytime hours when I am actually wearing the armor instead during the middle of the night. Like casting it when we wake up. But really, Anthys's AC is quite good, and that 3rd-level slot might be better saved for Dispel Magic. Unless we know we are going up against giants or golems or something.

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Berato goes to bed late, but yeah, I can cast it in the morning. I was actually thinking to leave a bunch of spell slots open, especially for the long-term buffs. And if you have a good AC, that's even more of a reason to buff it by another 2 pts. Nothing wrong with having an unstoppable juggernaut in the front lines as it cuts down on the healing I need to do and I can actually try fun and hilarious stuff like divine power and righteous might.
PS: I don't see AC 25 as 'really good AC' btw; granted, this is pre-teamwork buffs, but there'll be times when we're separated...

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You are right that Anthys's base 25 AC is not that good.
But with the Ring of Tactical Precision and adjacent to 3 allies:
Shield Wall +3
Heart of the Streets +1
Lastwall Phalanx +4 vs evil
AC 33 hits that benchmark of "25+level" that I think of as "great".
And that's before Magic Circle or Haste.
The Ring boosts both Shield Wall and Lastwall Phalanx, so Anthys has 2 better AC than he did during the last module.
His whole approach has been to make good use of teamwork feats, so he will try to avoid being separated from Vindlér and Marcus. To date, Anthys has not been a drain on your spell slots for healing, so I think you can feel comfortable casting your other spells.

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That ring is paying for itself if you can apply it to ALL teamwork feats simultaneously! :)
Ok, I will re-jigger my spell selection then. Who wants magic vestment? 'cause Berato needs it badly... might even cast it twice on Berato (armor and shield) if no one wants it..

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Don't forget that the ring also increases the bonus that I give out for any teamwork feat.
So Berato gets an additional +1 Shield Wall bonus and an additional +1 Scion bonus if Anthys is adjacent (or Marcus).

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Don't forget that the ring also increases the bonus that I give out for any teamwork feat.
So Berato gets an additional +1 Shield Wall bonus and an additional +1 Scion bonus if Anthys is adjacent (or Marcus).
that's awesome... at higher levels when gold is a bit less an issue I might join in the fun...

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Anyone heard from Marcus?
you should PM him with the game link as he has not dotted yet

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Marcus would like Magic Vestment for his armor, if its available. It will increase the bonus to AC he grants from Aid actions due to the benevolent enchantment in addition to protecting Marcus.

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Isn't your armor +1 already? all this will do is make it +2...

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Its fine if you don't have the spell slot to spare. The +2 doesn't just boost Marcus though, it boosts anyone he aids (the benevolent armor enchantment make it add its enhancement bonus to any of Marcus' aid AC attempts). That's usually just one or zero people depending on the situation, but can be everyone if Covering Fire is active from Tactician.

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It's not really +2 though... you mean the additional +1 above and beyond your +1 armor right?

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Correct, the additional +1.
Enchanting yourself is also good, Anthys is so durable there's incentive to try and kill his support, so the tougher we are the better.

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Marcus' base AC is about 4 higher than Berato's, and about two lower than Anthys.
'At rest' AC without teamwork or aid involved:
Berato 19
Vindler 21
Marcus 23
Anthys 25
I plan to use at least one magic vestments, and I'm thinking about adding two more provided the receivers have a lesser extend rod.
Please cross out the spells from my list you wish to sacrifice for this. My preference is always to have something against disease, fear, curses, etc. but with Purifying Touch as my 8th level ability, I can get away with trading some of these spells for buffs you guys want I think. So go ahead and begin crossing out things in exchange for things! :) (PS: magic circle vs. evil must stay... it's Berato's only source of deflection until level 13 at least...)
Cleric Spells (Caster Level 8th; Concentration +14)
Orisons (DC 16) - create water, detect magic, light, guidance
1st (DC 17) - divine favor (D), bless, command, divine favor, diagnose disease, stunning barrier, weapons against evil
2nd (DC 18) - align weapon (D), bull's strength, protection from evil communal, remove paralysis, restoration lesser, suppress charms and compulsions
3rd (DC 19) - remove blindness/deafness (D), magic circle vs. evil, magic vestment, remove curse, remove disease
4th (DC 20) - spell immunity (D), air walk, freedom of movement, protection from energy communal

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Remove Blindness/Deafness is extremely important when it becomes relevant, but also very situational. Marcus has not really spent much in the way of his Prestige; I think I could get some scrolls and a potion of this that could help cover us. That can free up a spell slot for communal resist energy or a second Magic Vestment.
Remove Curse and Remove Disease are both also situational, but much worse as potions or scrolls because they need a caster level check, so I like that you have those. Marcus can aid that caster level check, which is nifty.
I also retract Marcus' request for Magic Vestment at this time, I think you're right that protecting yourself and/or Vindler is better. I do like the Lesser Metamagic Extend plan, however; Marcus will get one soon.

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Maybe we each need pearl of power 3rd... that way I could replicate magic vestment without sacrificing remove curse/disease. Very pricy though. I wish the PFS staff would relax the scribe scroll restriction for PF1E at this time, in light of the mass exodus to 2E... that would enable some really good options/backup plans.
I think I'll let go of those two remove spells for now, and hope Purifying Touch takes care of the bad stuff. I'll go magic vestment x3 to cover Vindler at least, and at some point I'll spring for a mithral breastplate for Berato (nonmagical, so that I can sleep in it at least)

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Perhaps Elaril can add Swift Girding to his spellbook. Then if at this wedding Anthys just happens to need his armor on, and he has it stored nearby, we can solve that problem.
Walking around at the wedding as if it were a war zone is not my preference.
Maybe there will be no combat at the wedding. But just in case, Swift Girding would be good to have.

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As worshiper of Torag I will wear full armor at the wedding. Which means I must now buy that mitral breastplate and those sleeves of many garment...

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I'm highly tempted to mem 'imbue with spell ability' and cast it on Anthys... that would give him two 1st level spells and one 2nd level spell... since our strength lies in remaining in formation, he's prone to waste his first round just waiting for the enemy to close on us while the rest of us cast spells or use ranged weapons.
With 'imbue', he could buff himself with bull's strength, divine favor, protection from evil, etc. (his choice) during that first round, OR ahead of a fight when we have scouting enabled.
Q: do we have a scout? Elaril with fly+invisibility seems like a good choice, but do we have a magic-less sneak?

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The spells imbued are limited to cleric spells of the Abjuration, Divination, and Conjuration (Healing) schools. It's a good choice for letting Anthys cast Shield Other on a more vulnerable PC, or having some emergency healing.
But Berato would be down a 4th-level cleric slot as long as the Imbue is active. And 4th-level cleric spells are really valuable.
Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, Air Walk, Dimensional Anchor, Dismissal, to name a few.
Honestly, I haven't felt my opening rounds wasted. If it's a tough fight, I can use the opening round for Tactician to share Lastwall Phalanx, and maybe use Barroom Brawler. I could look back at previous combats but I really only remember delaying when there were enemies flying or in pits.

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Just a heads up: for the next two weeks I'll have a spotty connection and won't be able to do lengthy post or any amount of map handling. After that things will go back to normal. Thanks for your understanding!

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Hey folks! My wife is going into labor with our first child so I’m probably going to be afk for a couple days at least. Please feel free to bot me.

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Next couple of days? lol! you wish! (hint: this is for life, my man... ;) )

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Put the game on pause for 2 or 3 weeks. I did that beginning of Aug for my campaigns as I wanted to focus on family during my vacations, and it really helped. There's no shame in pausing the game. Moreover, I am in no rush to go anywhere with this character as I've dedicated him to this group.
May the gods be with you and provide you with the endurance necessary to suffer through many powerpoint presentations... :)

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Next couple of days? lol! you wish! (hint: this is for life, my man... ;) )
Wait, what?! You think having a newborn will affect my life for more than a couple days?! Oh nooooo!!! ;P
No, I just meant I’d be away through labor, delivery, and through the hospital stay. We just got home yesterday, so I’m back in a limited capacity, but it looks like the timing for that worked out okay anyway.
No problem with me on taking a short break. I’ve also dedicated Vindler to this group, so he’s not going to be expected elsewhere.

GM Fez |

Ok, so here's my situation now. My new job has me on a 4-10 schedule and I've got an hour drive to and from work. Normally I'd log in from work during down time, but I don't have access to google drive or outside sites because of the products being built. I'm going to try and figure out how I'll be able to keep running games with the lack of time.

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Well, I am here, and am willing to be patient.
Can you access Google Drive and Paizo.com from your phone's data plan during downtime, rather than through the work wifi? Not as optimal as being able to use a computer.
I am sure you'll figure something out.

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Take the time you need! we'll be here once things have settled! :)

GM Fez |

I'm really sorry about this everyone, but I'm going to be dropping all of my games. I just don't have the bandwidth to run games with the new job, my one year old, and another on the way (my wife's nesting instincts are running hard which means all sorts of house projects for me to do).
You guys are a great group, and I think we managed to prove how effective the Teamwork feats can be. You've only just started on the Fellnight Queen module, so it shouldn't be too hard to get another GM to pick up from here, or move on to another scenario or module as you see fit. Good luck everyone.

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No worries GM. We had a great run, you did a great job and I really appreciate it. Thanks!

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Yes. An 8-level run with the same group was a great experience in PFS. Take care GM Fez, and congrats on the two little bundles of joy! :)

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It has been a great run - over 4 years!
Thank you for running this, GM, and best of luck with the new job and the little ones.
I would certainly love to find a new GM to take over here - maybe after Gameday.

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Congrats on the new player joining your team, Fez! And I'll also add my sincere gratitude for running games for our little experiment for the past few years!
Best of luck with the new work schedule, the ever-growing honey-do list, and the new little Fez-let!
I'd still be interested in sticking around to see if we can pick up a GM to step in and at least finish up this module for us. Waiting until after Gameday seems like a reasonable idea too. So, the break time continues!

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I would also be ok to continue if one of you finds a replacement GM on Flaxseed. Aldizog is a regular and knows the community pretty well, so I would trust him to find a pro replacement GM. There are many GMs who seem to enjoy picking tables that are halfway through, especially when they've run the same adventure before and prep work is thus next to nil.

GM RePete |

With gameday wrapping up, I should be able to fill in for this module. I have not read this module yet, though I do own it.
With it being a module and an established group, I would certainly request you decide together if you want me taking over this run. I am a 3 star GM with a 2 month old daughter and I work as an emergency 911 dispatcher.
I would not be the least bit offended if you decided you'd rather go with someone else.