The Blight of Treerazer (Inactive)

Game Master Nathan Hartshorn

The Lord of the Blasted Tarn has lived for too long!

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Male CG Elf Magus 2 | HP: 9/15| AC: 16 (14 Tch, 11 Fl)| CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +2| Init: +4 | Perc:-1, SM:-1 | Speed 30ft | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Spells: 1st 1/2|Active conditions: None.

Hello everyone!

Hi, happy to play.

Male Elf Wizard 3, HP 18/18, AC 13 Touch 12 FF 11, Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +4, CMB +2 CMD 12, Init +11, Perception +9 |
Prepared Spells:
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Color Spray x2, Gravity Bow, Web Bolt, Invisibility, Summon Monster II

Hey guys! Thrilled to be playing with you

Male Elf Druid/Barbarian 4/2 Init +2/ HP 61/63 // AC: 15/T:12/FF:14 - // F +8/R +3/W +7 /CMB +8 - CMD 19/ Speed 40'
Perception+12 Stealth+3 Sensemotive+2

looking forward to traveling with you all

Should we start working backgrounds together or are we doing that in game?

Also I didn't want to change before being accepted, but was going to swap out a trait as suggested by Sir Longears if that's ok.

Yep, that change is fine. I'll be working on the in game post now to gather everyone together.

Male Elf Wizard 3, HP 18/18, AC 13 Touch 12 FF 11, Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +4, CMB +2 CMD 12, Init +11, Perception +9 |
Prepared Spells:
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Color Spray x2, Gravity Bow, Web Bolt, Invisibility, Summon Monster II

As far as I'm concerned, anyone can look at my background and be linked to it. I feel like Maeglin will be a little infamous; a Branded, disfigured Elf is sure to stick out, so feel free to know him or know of him.

Hey does Maeglin wear the brand totally out in the open at all times? Sorry if it was stated in char sheet.

It is on his face, rather difficult to hide.

Understood, just getting a mental picture. That's awesome.

Maeglin part of my background is that I have a list of family names I am tracking down for the purpose of informing them of a relative's death.

If you want, it could be that your mom was the relative that died...or a less dramatic cousin or something. They would have been working with a group of violent Kyonin nationalists trying to rid Kyonin of foreigners.

I was just thinking it might be cool to have a connection that might pop up later.

Male CG elf fighter (lore warden) 2 | HP: 18/20 | AC: 19 (15 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +0 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM +0 | Speed 30ft | Stamina 3/3| Active conditions: None.

Hey guys, I'm finally here!

Callanniel is a bit of a loner since he is a Forlorn... will take a look in your backgrounds to see if I can suggest any connection.

Male Elf Wizard 3, HP 18/18, AC 13 Touch 12 FF 11, Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +4, CMB +2 CMD 12, Init +11, Perception +9 |
Prepared Spells:
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Color Spray x2, Gravity Bow, Web Bolt, Invisibility, Summon Monster II

That works just fine for me! That'd be interesting to have pop up

Great stuff so far all, this is going to rock. :)

Male Elf Wizard 3, HP 18/18, AC 13 Touch 12 FF 11, Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +4, CMB +2 CMD 12, Init +11, Perception +9 |
Prepared Spells:
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Color Spray x2, Gravity Bow, Web Bolt, Invisibility, Summon Monster II

I'm super happy everyone has been so active so far :D

Male Elf Druid/Barbarian 4/2 Init +2/ HP 61/63 // AC: 15/T:12/FF:14 - // F +8/R +3/W +7 /CMB +8 - CMD 19/ Speed 40'
Perception+12 Stealth+3 Sensemotive+2

I hope no one else is annoyed with Corrin's speech impediment yet, I plan on having it get better as the game goes on, as he gains confindence in his new friends and abilities. As Maeglin said, totally loving the activity of the group so far.

randomly in my head Im pronouncing your name as

Nil- Eh - lan -ee Am i close?

Heh, combat will probably be the thing that slows this down, as with most PbPs

Its not annoying, your character is sort of spooky in a way to me. Especially after your story just now with the dad, has me wondering if you are going to turn psycho. ;)

And I was thinking something like "NIGH-l'lane" rhymes a bit with "high profane", but not a big deal.

Male Elf Wizard 3, HP 18/18, AC 13 Touch 12 FF 11, Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +4, CMB +2 CMD 12, Init +11, Perception +9 |
Prepared Spells:
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Color Spray x2, Gravity Bow, Web Bolt, Invisibility, Summon Monster II

Yeah. Combat takes long enough IRL, especially once people get high enough for iterative attacks.

Question, Fez. Treerazer is a pretty tough baddie, so I imagine we have a lot of leveling to do. Will we have enough time to utilize item creation feats?

Male Elf Druid/Barbarian 4/2 Init +2/ HP 61/63 // AC: 15/T:12/FF:14 - // F +8/R +3/W +7 /CMB +8 - CMD 19/ Speed 40'
Perception+12 Stealth+3 Sensemotive+2

no no that cools I just wanted it right in my head :)

This character's crunch isn't really optimized for combat in the slightest...just saying. I'm going to try to do the melee flank thing with Cal/Any relying on unchained rogue stuff though. I'll likely be investing in AC/hp gear/feats as we go. I just love disable device and want to destroy some stuff really. And of course foil plans.

Or I don't know, I haven't played with teamwork feats before. Concentrated fire sounds like it could speed things up by pooling our initiatives together.

Yes, I imagine there will be downtime, I certainly don't plan on having you run from city to city without a break. On top of that I may drop a tier of mythic in, nothing crazy, just to give a small power boost, because yes Treerazer is a nasty piece of work. One of his abilities has a massive Fort save or you count as a plant (for his nice plant-bane weapon and abilities). We'll see where the story takes us.

Male CG Elf Magus 2 | HP: 9/15| AC: 16 (14 Tch, 11 Fl)| CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +2| Init: +4 | Perc:-1, SM:-1 | Speed 30ft | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Spells: 1st 1/2|Active conditions: None.

Since we are on the subject of names, don't worry about calling Anyborthelos by his full name. Any (pronounced Annie) will work just fine.

It was good enough for Anakin, right?

Male Elf Wizard 3, HP 18/18, AC 13 Touch 12 FF 11, Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +4, CMB +2 CMD 12, Init +11, Perception +9 |
Prepared Spells:
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Color Spray x2, Gravity Bow, Web Bolt, Invisibility, Summon Monster II


I hated Phantom Menace for years. Now its my favorite. Jar Jar will forever suck though.

Male CG Elf Magus 2 | HP: 9/15| AC: 16 (14 Tch, 11 Fl)| CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +2| Init: +4 | Perc:-1, SM:-1 | Speed 30ft | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Spells: 1st 1/2|Active conditions: None.

Even Maeglin's avatar is mad at my joke.

Male Elf Wizard 3, HP 18/18, AC 13 Touch 12 FF 11, Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +4, CMB +2 CMD 12, Init +11, Perception +9 |
Prepared Spells:
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Color Spray x2, Gravity Bow, Web Bolt, Invisibility, Summon Monster II

Heh. Btw am I the only one hoping we now have constant drunken pixie commentary?

My 2nd ed group's DM had a wife who played a pixie PC. Every. Single. Time. XD

Male Elf Druid/Barbarian 4/2 Init +2/ HP 61/63 // AC: 15/T:12/FF:14 - // F +8/R +3/W +7 /CMB +8 - CMD 19/ Speed 40'
Perception+12 Stealth+3 Sensemotive+2

hehe aw man that would be rough pixie antics every game *lawls*

I just came up with the idea when asked for friends and associates and was all "what would a nervous shy druid spend time with besides animals and other druids? "

Heh, no its great and should continue. Actually got me thinking about elves and fey in Golarion (would Nilelane accept their presence in Kyonin?), other settings elves are almost fey...but not so in Golarion, no?

Male CG Elf Magus 2 | HP: 9/15| AC: 16 (14 Tch, 11 Fl)| CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +2| Init: +4 | Perc:-1, SM:-1 | Speed 30ft | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Spells: 1st 1/2|Active conditions: None.

I know the difference between nymphs and dryads, to be clear. Any...not so much.

Very funny :)

Male CG elf fighter (lore warden) 2 | HP: 18/20 | AC: 19 (15 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +0 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM +0 | Speed 30ft | Stamina 3/3| Active conditions: None.

Man, it is more difficult than I though to RP a blind PC... according to the rules, they are pretty much able to do everything that a normal PC does but I'm constantly fighting between reality/fantasy when I describe his actions!

And I am constantly fighting to include descriptions that are non visual in nature. It is difficult, but should be worth it in the long run.

While I'm here, I'll be traveling most of Wednesday, so I won't be as responsive as I usually am, but I will (eventually) respond.

Who's betting blind Cal is only one to make the save? ;)

Male Elf Druid/Barbarian 4/2 Init +2/ HP 61/63 // AC: 15/T:12/FF:14 - // F +8/R +3/W +7 /CMB +8 - CMD 19/ Speed 40'
Perception+12 Stealth+3 Sensemotive+2

I'm totally still about, just Corrin doesnt really have much to add. I would imagine that this discussion is outside his realm of knowledge.

Aye. I'm just sad no one picked up the Freakazoid references I was trying to throw at your faces.

After my time I'm afraid. And my face is good at dodging things.

Male Elf Wizard 3, HP 18/18, AC 13 Touch 12 FF 11, Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +4, CMB +2 CMD 12, Init +11, Perception +9 |
Prepared Spells:
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Color Spray x2, Gravity Bow, Web Bolt, Invisibility, Summon Monster II

Wow. Now that's a show I haven't thought of in years!

Male Elf Druid/Barbarian 4/2 Init +2/ HP 61/63 // AC: 15/T:12/FF:14 - // F +8/R +3/W +7 /CMB +8 - CMD 19/ Speed 40'
Perception+12 Stealth+3 Sensemotive+2

it's not the freak-a-me or the freak-a-you, its that I had no way to throw in the reference... as long as no one wants to run around making swooshy noises with their hands held up in the air at least

I'll be traveling again tomorrow, so I won't be able to respond until later in the evening, sometime at the beginning of the day, and maybe sometime around 10ish my time. Return trip is Sunday, so same thing there. In the words of Mortal Kombat: FIGHT

Male CG Elf Magus 2 | HP: 9/15| AC: 16 (14 Tch, 11 Fl)| CMD: 14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +2| Init: +4 | Perc:-1, SM:-1 | Speed 30ft | Arcane Pool 4/4 | Spells: 1st 1/2|Active conditions: None.

I didn't realize I was able to go in the surprise round. If that's the case, I'll write a post soon!

Elvish Battle Music

Hey guys, I have a 3d printer at work and tried doing a mini today. Check it out:

Image Link (work safe)

Male Elf Druid/Barbarian 4/2 Init +2/ HP 61/63 // AC: 15/T:12/FF:14 - // F +8/R +3/W +7 /CMB +8 - CMD 19/ Speed 40'
Perception+12 Stealth+3 Sensemotive+2


All, I will be traveling both tomorrow and on Tuesday, so don't expect my typical response times to the thread on those days, but I will try to make at least one post.

Again, travelling tomorrow, lack of alacrity with responding during the day.

Male CG elf fighter (lore warden) 2 | HP: 18/20 | AC: 19 (15 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 19 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +0 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM +0 | Speed 30ft | Stamina 3/3| Active conditions: None.

Hi guys, I created a Hell's Vengeance recruitment and would like to invite you to apply for it if you are interested! I can't promise any spot but since I know your playing stiles, that will work in your favor!

Scarab Sages

I look into it, I am more of a Diet evil sort of guy so I am unsure what might strike my fancy that is evil enough to play >.>

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