The Blight of Treerazer (Inactive)

Game Master Nathan Hartshorn

The Lord of the Blasted Tarn has lived for too long!

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Banished to the Material Plane by Cyth-V’sug and cut off from the powers of the Abyss, Treerazer is an ambitious and deadly Demon Lord, known more often by his title Lord of the Blasted Tarn. In the year 2497 AR Treerazer found the vacated realm of Kyonin and made it his personal playground, mutating and destroying the life within it until he found the Sovyrian Stone, a magical device powering a portal that transported the elves back to their homeworld of Castrovel during the Age of Legends when the Starstone fell. Seeing this as a way to return his Abyssal connection Treerazer began to experiment with the Sovyrian Stone. The elves on Castrovel could tell someone was trying to use the stone and sent forth their armies to destroy the intruder. Many battles were fought and hundreds of elves lost their lives. Though they did not defeat Treerazer they did manage to contain him to a small portion of Fierani forrest. This blighted and corrupt land became known as the Tanglebriar where Treerazer waits and plots to this day.

Where you come in: at around the tender age of 40 you were taken by one of the cults that follow Treerazer in an attempt to sacrifice you and power some horrid abyssal ritual. Luckily you were saved by none other than Queen Edasseril herself, and her personal guard, who slew the cultists to a man. Now that you are full grown there have been rumblings that Treerazer is getting ready to make his move once again with dire consequences should he succeed…

Character Creation rules:

  • Elves only. I feel strongly about this because I don’t think the elves would let anyone else handle their troubles for them.
  • 20 point buy
  • No 3PP material, have a link for non-PRD books
  • Max Health at 1st level
  • Two traits, it is not necessary to choose a campaign trait, may take a drawback for a third
  • Max gold for your class
  • Background skills will be used
  • Hero points will be used Please note this is my first time using this system
  • Everyone gains the feat Concentrated Fire, (see below) for free, regardless of the prerequisites

Concentrated Fire (Combat, Teamwork): Your Simultaneous ranged attacks punch through your foe’s defenses with ease.

Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot, elf, weapon familiarity racial trait

Benefit: If you and a single ally who also has this feat both ready an action to each make a ranged attack against the same opponent and choose the same condition for the readied action, when you and the ally make those attacks, each of you can use the highest of the two attack rolls for your attack roll. Furthermore, if you and your ally both hit the target, you can total the damage for both attacks before applying the target’s damage reduction or energy resistance.

Campaign traits:

Demon Scourge: You have spent decades, if not centuries preparing to fight demons, knowing of the ever present threat of Treerazer and and his minions. You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (Planes) checks to recognize demons and their powers. In addition you gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and caster level checks to penetrate spell resistance made against creatures with the demon subtype and Knowledge (Planes) is always a class skill for you.

Guardian of Fierani: You have been more in-tune with the Fierani Forest than most other elves, even druids! This makes the creation and abuse of the Tanglebriar all the more outrageous. Spells you cast that are harmful to life do not damage plant life and enemies can never use natural plant life (such as trees or underbrush) as cover against you. In addition healing spells you cast while within a forested area cast at +1 caster level.

Encarthan Trader: Living on the edge of Lake Encarthan has given you many opportunities to trade and speak with the younger lived races as well as make contacts with whole family lineages of traders. You gain a +1 bonus to Knowledge (Local) and Appraise and one of these is always a class skill for you. In addition whenever you are buying or selling items on Lake Encarthan’s coast there is a 10% gp reduction (buying) or bonus (selling) in your favor.

Chameleon-like: While many elves take decades or centuries to adapt to their new environs you are able to manage it in the span of a few days. You gain a +2 bonus to Stealth and it is always a class skill for you. In addition if you spend 3 days attuning to your environment you can use Blur as a supernatural ability (CL = character level) 3 + wisdom bonus times per day.

Aiudara Savant: You have spent more time with the Aiudara than hundreds of other elves combined. This has given you a greater understanding of the space between planes and intuition on the intricacies of conjuration. You gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge (Planes) and it is always a class skill for you. In addition when you are within 75 miles of an Aiudara all conjuration spells you cast are cast at 2 levels higher.

Child of Vengeance: Someone close to you was kidnapped by the cults that follow Treerazer to sacrifice in his name. You gave chase but were too slow to save them, and now you desire vengeance against the cults and their master. You have learned to ferret them out and gain a +1 bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive and one of these skills is always a class skill for you. In addition you gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls against known cultists. As a spell-like ability you can cast Blood Biography a number of times per day equal to 3 + charisma modifier.

Background format:

I really enjoyed GM Nightmare Knight’s format for backgrounds. I’ve seen others say it really helps them with the mindset of the character, and it did for me as well. OOC remarks are my own, requirements as follows are otherwise verbatim:

1) I'd like 5+ points that capture the concept and story of the character. Doesn’t have to be more than blurbs. More are welcome, but no less than five.

2) Two goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game.

3) Two secrets, one the PC keeps to himself, and one kept from the PC. I'll come up with a third that both the character and player aren't aware of, in hopes of shocking surprises within the storytelling. Not sure about the third secret just yet, but I like the idea

4) 3-5 people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc. I'd like at least one enemy in a set of three or four, with no more than two for a set of five.

5) Three key memories that define your character as the person they are at the time of submission. Edited out campaign specific reqs

All that is to help you and me tell a compelling story not only you, but any who read our adventure, will enjoy. If this is asking too much, let me know.

Editing out something that fit in the original campaign better than it would this one

About myself: Yes, I call myself GM Fez because I wear a fez when I GM. My players say it makes me look distinguished. While I am used to running for both munchkins and roll-players I am always more happy to run for role-players with characters they care about. This has led me to the PbP section of the site, and while slower it does scratch an itch I’ve had for some time now. I try to post at least once a day, more when I have more free time, and even more if there is a lot of back and forth RP going on because I know that type of thing can put too much inertia on a game to keep it moving. For informational purposes I live in CDT (-6:00) which will hopefully explain posting rates depending on time zone. I tend to wax poetic, and if you ever feel I’m drawing something out too long please let me know. I have some posting expectations and a single houserule that I’ve played with for many years now, see below for these:

Posting expectations: I do enjoy quicker games, but I realize that with different time zones it may be tricky to pull off (Ex: I have family in an 8 hour time zone away. Between work and sleep it is difficult to catch up with them). So I ask that you post once per day Mon-Thurs minimum, and once per Fri, Sat, Sun period, even if it’s something entirely ooc. I also understand real life happens and I am more than willing to accommodate, just drop me a line about what’s up.

Houserule: Instant Death: This is something I have developed over time and while it comes up rarely I feel it adds to dramatic tension when it does show. If you roll a 20 on your attack, and follow with a 20 on your critical confirmation you get one more attack roll at the same bonuses. If this attack roll meets or exceeds AC the creature being attacked is instantly killed, regardless of any effect that may prevent such a thing from happening.

I use this both for and against PCs, and in the many years I’ve run using this rule (or had it adapted by my players who wanted a turn GMing) I have seen exactly 1 PC die because of it, where I have seen probably 2 dozen or so NPCs die. 8 of them were in one campaign from a Praying Mantis AC (which was later Awakened and gained Monk levels to become Mantis-Bro)

Party Size Looking for 4 more brave souls to take the fight to Treerazer. One slot is already filled, unsure of character concept as yet.

Deadline: April 6th, 2016

TL;DR A campaign, starting from level 1 that ends with the death of Treerazer or the fulfillment of his plans. 5 man party, one slot filled, deadline is the 6th of April

I had to check in because I actually used Treerazor as a background-plot-point in an Elven Character of mine(geared for arcane archer).

Alas, I'm trying to get my own first pbp game off the ground as GM and will not submit to any recruitments until I'm confident I have the time to invest. I just mean to wish you best of luck.

And one question WILL possibly come up....the free teamwork-feat specifically states "you and a single ally"...did you intend to allow the whole squad to make use of it, or stick with it as written and get two fireteams a'la 2 elves each?(just asking because both variants could be interesting...)
I'll also want to bring to attention the Overwatch Combat Style to prospective submissions.(+tactician/vortex)

Thinking of a Brawler. The class is very much suited to PBP, with plenty of time to look up and apply feats. Demon Scourge looks handy. Have to ID something before I wrestle it to the ground.

Super interested. Either a fighter or a wizard.

Sounds fun will definitely come up with something for this...

MordredofFairy wrote:

And one question WILL possibly come up....the free teamwork-feat specifically states "you and a single ally"...did you intend to allow the whole squad to make use of it, or stick with it as written and get two fireteams a'la 2 elves each?(just asking because both variants could be interesting...)

I'll also want to bring to attention the Overwatch Combat Style to prospective submissions.(+tactician/vortex)

Running it as written for now. Nice find on the Overwatch, haven't seen anything in the X Master handbooks yet.

GM Mowque is the owner of the filled slot for the game.

Scarab Sages

dotting for interest will have something worked up by friday at the latest probably

I will definitely be making something for this! I saw you were looking to run this in the other recruitment, so I was keeping an eye out!

...that was you, right GM Fez?

I've been dying to play a Spell Dancer Magus, so I will probably be submitting that, or perhaps an Ancient Lorekeeper Oracle.

It occurs to me you may want to state whether or not you allow people to submit their characters from the other all-elf recruitment, as you will likely get a lot of overlap.

Thinking elven slayer, focused on two-handing the elven curve blade and killing things.
High intelligence, skill-monkey-ish character. Most likely Stygian Slayer.
Definitely Chameleon-like.

Will have to get something together.

I am interested in creating a cleric of Alseta with the Aiudara Savant campaign trait. Probably will be going for Exalted once Inner Sea Faiths comes out.

GM Fez, I know that you want an all-elf party, but would you be willing to allow in a half-elf? They synergize better with the cleric class than elves do, and I'd like to play up the angle of being a loyal but effectively second-class citizen of Kyonin.

Feeling pretty good about my guy here! Check him out.

Roycilo wrote:

I will definitely be making something for this! I saw you were looking to run this in the other recruitment, so I was keeping an eye out!

...that was you, right GM Fez?

Aye, that was me.

Roycilo wrote:
It occurs to me you may want to state whether or not you allow people to submit their characters from the other all-elf recruitment, as you will likely get a lot of overlap.

Yes, I figured there'd be some overlap considering the basic natures of each campaign, but I'm not too worried about it. And even if someone were to get in both it would be interesting if their characters were distant relatives.

Bob Evil wrote:
GM Fez, I know that you want an all-elf party, but would you be willing to allow in a half-elf? They synergize better with the cleric class than elves do, and I'd like to play up the angle of being a loyal but effectively second-class citizen of Kyonin.

I like the idea but I am wary off opening other races, especially this early in recruitment. Give me some time to consider offline and I'll swing back around to this question.

Grand Lodge

Dot for interest

Update: GM Mowque has had RL things come up and is bowing out, so now the 5th slot is open once again.

Hey Gm Fez,

Good recruitment post; I like the fact that you are looking for roleplayers.

For a PC, I am thinking of an elf who is really attuned to the forest and natural environs of South Kyonin and suffers greatly when he sees it tainted and fouled by the demon's presence.

So attuned in fact that he will be a kineticist with wood as his element, of course.

I know that elves get a -2 on CON, which is the character's main ability, but I'm going for the roleplaying aspect here. Although I'll build him such that he will definitely be able to pull his weight.

So are you considering Occult Classes? Should I continue to develop this PC or is this a no-go from the start?

Thanks for hosting!

Dotting for interest.. It seems you have a quite a few arcane caster types, which is no surprise being elves, so I'll prob work on a cleric or perhaps a shaman or druid..

Edit: After reviewing some options I think I'm going to build a Hunter with a big cat companion and the divine hunter and uprooter scout archetypes.. Should be pretty interesting.

Prob go with either Demon Scourge or Child of Vengeance trait. Question, can we choose more than one campaign trait?

GM Fez wrote:
I like the idea but I am wary off opening other races, especially this early in recruitment. Give me some time to consider offline and I'll swing back around to this question.

Fair enough. I'll start writing, but I won't set anything in stone until you make your decision.

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Fabian Benavente wrote:

So are you considering Occult Classes? Should I continue to develop this PC or is this a no-go from the start?

I'm fine with the occult classes, and this will actually help me figure out more about them, so feel free to build your kineticist.

WerePox47 wrote:
Question, can we choose more than one campaign trait?

I'll be following the rules for traits where you can only have one of each type (combat, campaign, social, etc.)

Part of it is my stickler side, the other part is that I built these traits myself and don't know where they fall on the power scale , though I was aiming at ~75% of a Feat power level.

Deep in the bowels of the Pathfinder Wiki, I stumbled across a note that Kyonin has an elf gate connecting it to the Mordant Spire. Would you be opposed to a Mordant Spire elf, brought through the gate as a child, by said cultists, who remained in Kyonin after his rescue? I have no reason for this other than I like how weird Mordant Elves are. Mordant elves are described as having "...a number of disturbing mannerisms. They rarely look at those they speak to, often cut off conversations in mid-sentence, and act as if they are listening to voices that no one else can hear."

That sounds like a lot of fun. Not a dealbreaker or anything, I just think a Mordant elf would be a fun ascetic choice.

Roycilo wrote: weird Mordant Elves are. Mordant elves are described as having "...a number of disturbing mannerisms. They rarely look at those they speak to, often cut off conversations in mid-sentence, and act as if they are listening to voices that no one else can hear."

This actually sounds like the symptoms of every character one of my FtF players creates. So long as you can avoid being intentionally disruptive with it (and avoiding the "shield" of It's what my character would do!) I'm fine with this choice. It'll make for some interesting conversations.

Absolutely, it's just a flavor thing. I've fleshed him out more, and here he is, if you'd like to look. I am keeping the quiet, weird vibe, but without it being overpowering. In aditiont to it being toned down, it will be hard to interrupt people on a PBP game anyway, you know? So that won't likely happen much, if at all.

I'm currently debating if that qualifies as an 8 Wisdom, or an 8 Charisma. Is it a lack of social ability, or an actual condition?


I haven't had the time to look through Unchained really since I bought it (mostly for PFS summoners), but one of the optional rules was pointed out to me in a PM. Having looked over the rules (and enjoying the crazy and cinematic things that can and will be needed to bring down a Demon Lord) I'm implementing the Stamina and Combat Tricks rules.

Here are the rules for those interested.

Fighters will gain the Combat Stamina feat at first level for free, though anyone can take the feat as they please.

Maeglin Starcaller:

I like what I see, just a few things that need a bit of work.

What drawback do you have for the third trait?
Seems you haven't got the Concentrated Fire feat listed.
Can you list your spells known and what spells are in your spellbook? I know I've used Googledocs before to keep spellbooks up to date.

Less crunchy but still important, age should probably be around 132 years old. You can keep your background as is and change the age in it to match.

GM Fez,

I've read your posting expectations for players but what will be your posting routine, that is, how often do you intend to post for the game?

Is the other game you are currently hosting indicative of the posting frequency that will be used for this game?


Fabian Benavente wrote:

GM Fez,

I've read your posting expectations for players but what will be your posting routine, that is, how often do you intend to post for the game?

Is the other game you are currently hosting indicative of the posting frequency that will be used for this game?


I intend to be posting every day, even if it's something small like descriptions of environment or NPCs to try and get some action moving along.

@GM Fez,
Thanks for the feedback! I will update that stuff when I get home from work. I totally forgot about the drawback.

I thought I had my spells known listed at the bottom under "special abilities" but will ensure that I do

Ok. Updated.

Maeglin Starcaller wrote:
Ok. Updated.

I like. I take it the brand is Treerazer's?

Thou art correct sir!

The sir is an assumption.

The LN alignment, by the by, is so that at level 7 I can snag an imp as an improved familiar. Maeglin, from an RP standpoint, will want to bind one of Treerazer's minions and use the imp against the demon lord.

Here is Roycilo's submission. Still a work in progress, but I am making strides. I did decide to go with a Spell Dancer Magus, after all.

Anyborthelos Sarin wrote:
Here is Roycilo's submission. Still a work in progress, but I am making strides. I did decide to go with a Spell Dancer Magus, after all.

Looking good so far, and to the last point under your advancement spoiler, yes this reflavoring is acceptable.

Ok here's Werepox47's submission. I still need to do a backstory and some refining etc, but his crunch is mostly complete in his profile if you wanna have a look..

GM Fez wrote:

Looking good so far, and to the last point under your advancement spoiler, yes this reflavoring is acceptable.

Excellent! You have my thanks.

Vermathus Silverleaf wrote:
Ok here's Werepox47's submission. I still need to do a backstory and some refining etc, but his crunch is mostly complete in his profile if you wanna have a look..

The only issue I saw at a quick glance is that both traits would give a trait bonus to initiative, which don't stack. I'll look in more detail at home.

Vermathus Silverleaf:

Most everything looks good. I take it the uprooter scout thing is just a fluff thing? Only issue other than what I stated above is that it looks like you spent about 30gp too much, and I'm thinking that discrepency is because of armor costing twice as much for non-humanoid medium creatures

Will there be alignment restrictions... thought it would be fun to do an evil character that had never really healed from the scars, both physical and mental, of the horrible things that were done to him so many years ago by the cultists. Was thinking he had actually been used in one of their vile rights and was never the same after.

He would have some major trust issues and lash out at those who care about him frequently... Thinking Ne or LE.

P.S. Absolutely love the Background format... prolly one of the most developed characters Iv'e ever made. All the decisions are pretty much recorded... still need to crunch numbers and put together an actual stat block for him... but I think he's ready for a looksy.

Super interested, as a Demonslayer Ranger. Likely going archery combat style.

Allendine Darkleaf wrote:

Will there be alignment restrictions... thought it would be fun to do an evil character that had never really healed from the scars, both physical and mental, of the horrible things that were done to him so many years ago by the cultists. Was thinking he had actually been used in one of their vile rights and was never the same after.

He would have some major trust issues and lash out at those who care about him frequently... Thinking Ne or LE.

P.S. Absolutely love the Background format... prolly one of the most developed characters Iv'e ever made. All the decisions are pretty much recorded... still need to crunch numbers and put together an actual stat block for him... but I think he's ready for a looksy.

No, I don't have alignment restrictions with the caveat that no matter the alignment you should be a team player and cooperative with the group. And yep, I was extremely pleased with Nightmare Knight's background requirements, they'll be what I use in the future.

I think your right on the armor. I'll revist my spending and work on a backstory.. Ill pick another trait as well. The Uprooter Scout is a Hunter Archetype. Pretty much made for this type of thing. I might end up dropping Divine Hunter. Haven't decided fully.

GM Fez wrote:
I was extremely pleased with Nightmare Knight's background requirements, they'll be what I use in the future.

I liked it so much, I stole it for the recruitment I opened up last week. Don't worry GM Fez, I gave you credit too!

Dotting in on this if you don't mind GM Fez. I'm thinking I might throw together a skald...never played one but seeing how popular bardbarians used to be why not try it.

I will see what I can throw together and post up tomorrow.

GM Fez wrote:
No, I don't have alignment restrictions with the caveat that no matter the alignment you should be a team player and cooperative with the group.

Copy that... I'm a "story teller" player. Not a "role player" player. It's not uncommon for my characters actions to be dictated by what I think will make a better story or be more fun for the people involved. I don't think it's cool for people to side track games and damage party dynamics "because that's what their character would do".

Ok I think Allendine is pretty much ready. If I get accepted into the game I'll prolly take the time to rewrite the character background into more of a story form. Please let me know if anything looks amiss with him.

I'm intrigued by the concept, and it's always fun playing in a homebrew campaign. That said, I'm thinking about making a leshy warden druid to go with the Guardian of Fierani trait.

Would you allow the pre-errata Heirloom Weapon trait, which gave you a masterwork weapon and a +1 trait bonus to attacks with that specific weapon only

I'm thinking my character is related(likely a nephew) to Queen Edasseril and his bow has been in the family for generations, thus it being masterwork.

Edit: If not, I'll likely take Rich Parents if that's allowed to be able to afford a masterwork longbow.

Which, while semi-thematic, is not nearly as appropriate as the original Heirloom Weapon trait.

Bob Evil wrote:
GM Fez wrote:
I like the idea but I am wary off opening other races, especially this early in recruitment. Give me some time to consider offline and I'll swing back around to this question.
Fair enough. I'll start writing, but I won't set anything in stone until you make your decision.

After much thought I have decided to allow Half-Elves as well. Just know that you will be considered a second class citizen by the majority of the elven NPCS in Kyonin and will be treated as such. Backstory will need to be changed just a tad but I trust you guys to adapt as necessary.

Allendine Darkleaf wrote:
Ok I think Allendine is pretty much ready. If I get accepted into the game I'll prolly take the time to rewrite the character background into more of a story form. Please let me know if anything looks amiss with him.

When I looked earlier today and didn't have time to respond the only issue I saw was Stealth bonus, but it looks good now. If you could change the level from 3 to 1, that'd be great, otherwise it's all spot on.

Monkeygod wrote:

Would you allow the pre-errata Heirloom Weapon trait, which gave you a masterwork weapon and a +1 trait bonus to attacks with that specific weapon only

I'm thinking my character is related(likely a nephew) to Queen Edasseril and his bow has been in the family for generations, thus it being masterwork.

Edit: If not, I'll likely take Rich Parents if that's allowed to be able to afford a masterwork longbow.

Which, while semi-thematic, is not nearly as appropriate as the original Heirloom Weapon trait.

Yep, I'll allow it, sounds like a fun concept and heirloom weapons as a whole give so many more hooks. All I'll ask is that you keep a copy of the original heirloom weapon text somewhere in your profile so I don't have to keep heading to weird sites to see it.

These categories are just a way for me to organize things, they mean very little as a character's role reveals itself over time with the group.

List of Submissions thus far:

Elegantly Wasted - Maeglin Starcaller (Diviner)
Roycilo - Anyborthelos Sarin (Magus)


Werepox47 - Vermathus Silverleaf (Hunter)

pdprong - Allendine Darkleaf (Slayer)
Sir Longears - Callanniel Breezeseer Dars'Mer (Fighter)

bigrig107 - potential Slayer
Bob Evil - potential Cleric
Fabian Benevente - potential kineticist (wood)
Monkeygod - potential Ranger
DM Mathpro - potential Skald
DekoTheBarbarian - potential Druid

There we go, I think I've captured everyone. If I've missed you let me know and I'll add you to the list.

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