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Mustachioed's page

Organized Play Member. 95 posts (8,734 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 18 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.


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There is also the NPC Index line for sale on Pathfinder Infinite, and it has Foundry integration

My major 1e complaint is players who know the system so well that they can build characters with such high power levels, using every OP spell from every miscellaneous book, every OP ability. It is really hard to GM. I am getting better as GM but it is a real challenge to not nullify their fun while helping the less educated players. "Get good" advice isn't particularly helpful. I am a smart person. It is just a very hard system to adjudicate fairly. And even if I scale things back to just the CRB and APG these good players will be able to create uber powerful characters who trounce everything and it all becomes a game of rocket tag.

So far, every 2e character seems in relative balance with each other. If 2e keeps that balance I will continue to be happy with it! I have fully made the switch to 2e for new games... and eagerly awaiting all of my old 1e games to end.

Are any of the new archetypes really focused on using a shield? (I noticed a Bastion and Sentinel in the list but know nothing about them)

Male Human Ecologist/8, Dad/12

Thanks for running the game!

HP: We are starting at max, but the CR2 thing is confusing to me.

My monster stat block says (3d8+15) for this CR monster.

So how would you compute that?

Male Human Ecologist/8, Dad/12

Since you have erased my standard action, does that means I can take a make up standard action? I would have fired. i will take two shots right now and you can decide.

@ Atorhal, I'm interested in the Crusade of Reclamation but am having a hard time finding it in the wiki stuff on Ustalav. Can you point me somewhere helpful or give a paragraph as to what that war was about?

set 1, 2 point buy?, yuck that is a stinker:

4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 5, 1, 6) - 1 = 16
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 1) - 1 = 8
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 4, 1) - 1 = 7
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 4, 4) - 1 = 10
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 1, 5) - 1 = 8
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 4, 1, 5) - 1 = 10

set 2, 28 pt buy:

4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 1, 2, 6) - 1 = 10
4d6 - 4 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 6) - 4 = 17
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 6, 4, 6) - 2 = 16
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (4, 3, 2, 2) - 2 = 9
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 1, 6, 4) - 1 = 14
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 1) - 1 = 11

set 3, 29 pt buy:

4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 4, 5, 1) - 1 = 14
4d6 - 4 ⇒ (6, 6, 4, 4) - 4 = 16
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 5, 4, 1) - 1 = 14
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 1, 6, 3) - 1 = 13
4d6 - 4 ⇒ (1, 2, 5, 3) - 4 = 7
4d6 - 4 ⇒ (5, 5, 4, 6) - 4 = 16

going with set 2 then

I'll submit a fun character. Might be time to delve into the occult adventures!

edit: My initial plan is to try a medium, which I have never seen anyone do before. Each day he will be possessed by a different PC, all the different characters I have played over the years. I'll post all of your requirements when I get the chance!

That profile picture is Dinvaya from the Iron Gods book 2, and Caster is just about to run into her in that campaign. pretty funny.

lol. I worry about being able to keep up with you two!

What else could enrage a child of the montane forests? water pollution

Yeah I wasn't thinking iron gods level of tech, but a 18th century steam and gears tech, and fine with me if that doesn't include guns

Other keywords: Dwarves. Underwater ruins. Mystery. Sentient items.

How about Steampunk? That would give Tinalles a chance to have that try out that type of psychologist.

Railroads, cogs and wheels? Development is impinging on nature.

caster4life wrote:

Paul what do you think of the feat taxes rules? Basically everyone gets power attack, deadly aim, combat expertise, etc for free as these things seem kind of basic. They also combine some feats together to make them more viable (like dodge and mobility are combined into a single feat). They would benefit you the most.

I also like to play with the combat stamina feat and give it for free to all full-bab classes.

Thoughts on rule variants? They can be fun but we might end up regretting it if we throw too many in, in terms of manageability.

Phew! There are lots of things to respond to here. The kids are watching Toy Story though instead of swimming so it gives me time to read this. Thanks for approving those suggested changes. I don't think it will make the shifter OP or anything, hopefully, it will just put me equal to a fighter. I like feat taxes and combat stamina.

Here are my changes to verdant shifter for you to consider. (I'm going on vacation soon so I'm getting all these ideas out like verbal diarrhea.)

Proposed changes to Shifter: Verdant Shifter
Paizo issued an errata for the base shifter, but didn’t address a couple of glaring issues for the verdant shifter archetype. These are my proposed changes to the archetype to integrate the paizo errata into the archetype.

1. Verdant shifter should get plant shape 1 at level 4 and not 6. (Level 4 is when the base shifter gets wild shape). (I would also ask that plant shape 2 is accessible at 9th level, and plant shape 3 at 13th, because this is really the only advancement the class gets in power. For a druid, plant shape 2 is normally castable at level 13 and plant shape 3 at level 15)

2. Plant shape can last number of hours each day equal to shifter level+ charisma modifier. It need not be consecutive but must be spent in 1 hour increments. (This puts the shapeshifting time of the verdant shifter equal to the base shifter, and also makes the class more charisma dependent instead of wisdom dependent, which I think is thematic (the class is still MAD- you need str, con, and charisma but this change at least takes wisdom out of the mix). The vanilla rule is to maintain the form for rounds per day equal to shifter level, which is just insulting since the shape changing is the whole focus of the class.)

More thoughts about the verdant shifter. It is a little broken on the underpowered side of things, so I have some class changes for Caster to approve. It is a martial class, so will go along well with a wizard-enchanter friend. The reason it appeals to me is that plant shape allows you to turn into any one of a hundred or so pathfinder plants, so there is always something new to try, and that would be fun to RP.

My initial character concept is from a children's book I read recently. A boy from a family with a ton of kids runs away and lives in the woods, because as a middle child of 8 he doesn't feel any love from his parents or siblings. He has a tough time at first but ends up being able to live in the woods by himself for years, making his own clothes, surviving the elements, and foraging his own food. His parents always wonder what happened to him. Some people see him in the woods and all these rumors of a woods boy pop up, and eventually his parents go looking for him.

In my version of his backstory, we start with the boy being about 15 years old and living in the woods for several years now. He's been transformed by the magic of the area and is growing vines from his hair and his skin is patched by bark. He barely remembers what it is like living in a world with people. Perhaps Tinalles character finds him there and the two end up needing each other for some reason.

Hello Tinalles (Will?)

Yeah it is kinda funny how many preferences we have that are opposite, but I am game for anything!

I was leaning towards a wilderness adventure, and certainly point buy (higher the better). LOLOL.

I have already been dreaming about a verdant shifter. That is a shifter that excessively uses plant shape. It is a type of class that I have never even come close to trying out before. But, there is no reason that I couldn't play this class as a fish-out-of-water scenario. However, I am in the middle of an urban adventure where the group never leaves the city. So maybe Caster just gives us a varied environment so we can experience a mix of everything.

The reason for high attribute scores is that if there are only two of us, we need to be pretty powerful. My shifter idea is already pretty sub-par based on what everyone says, so he'll need as much help as we can give. I wouldn't even resist a 25 point buy, if you are willing to give it. After all, you probably will just scale the battles to our power level anyway.

Catharsis wrote:
Zautos' wrote:
I would love turn-based combat in this.

Oof, yeah... and a grid.

So Linzi keeps charging face-first into the fray, and when I try to get her out of there, she gets an AoO... There seems to be no 5’-step or Retreat, which makes this really deadly. I’m glad I didn’t go with my original idea of Rogue/Paladin; the flanking would have been super tricky to set up.

Has anyone figured out a good routine yet that allows combat to start with squishies staying back and firing ranged attacks?

I am not having this problem at all. Linzi holds a crossbow, so has no reason to get into combat. Are you auto pausing the game when combat starts and giving them orders? If so, she would never get close assuming you have tank up front.

DropBearHunter wrote:
how spoilery is this in terms of the last book of the AP? I had wanted to integrate that in my own homebrew.

It is going to be a while before anyone can really tell you what the end game is like. But... I would imagine it to be 100% spoilerly.

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My level 2 characters TOTALLY got wrecked by two spider swarms. Tried it a few times, started using torches to do fire damage, but... Gah! Will try it again at level 3. Also playing the "challenging" rules which is more in line with RAW pathfinder.

But the game is great. So faithful to PF. Love it.

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How many more outages should we expect on a daily basis?

Male Human Ecologist/8, Dad/12

zye's post just now is so full of nerd that I love it.

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I don't know why they just don't scale the cost of healing more properly.

There should be a set gold cost for each d8 of healing... be it potion or wand. Cure moderate wounds wand costs double a cure light wounds wand for example.

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I thought the centipede fight was really boring. (and dangerous).

But all the centipedes, without anything else to do, were taking 3 attack actions each. Almost one of these would hit, so then roll the fortitude check, then roll the poison damage... over and over again.

My opinion coming out of this battle was... wow, that was just a TON of dice rolling. Way too much. It got monotonous really really fast. Level 1 encounters in PF1 would never require this much math and rolls.

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bugleyman wrote:
So... does the title of this thread qualify as hyperbole? Asking for a friend.

Seems like she found a mistake in the book.Good job, OP.

Is there a way for a heavy armor wearer to still be pretty good at stuff like shoving or grappling?

Because in the playtest, armor check penalties have a HUGE negative penalty on the success of these.

This isn't a complaint or anything like that; I just want to know how to make it work (if possible).

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With Starfinder in very recent memory, I have to say I didn't have any of these complaints of lingo and confusion.

The Starfinder book made a lot of sense to me the first read through, and it was fun and exciting to read it.

This PF2 book is the exact opposite.

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I actually thought that non-trained meant -2 to that skill. Forever. That makes sense to me.

Now I am realizing that it is Level-2.

And that my high level fighter is going to have a pretty good stealth score.

And I am really disappointed.

24 people marked this as a favorite.

I think it is a good point being made here.

Essentially, why are we getting these lingo-esque words mixed into our abilities. It makes reading the book really confusing.

(Actually the poster above me said it better. The book isn't fun to read.)


Now I am really confused.

Developers please take notice!

Xenocrat wrote:
Lore is PF1 Profession. Arcana, Occultism, Nature, Religion, and Society are the knowledge skills in PF2.

You are probably right, but it seems that everyone here agrees that this is just explained terribly in the book.

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I agree that a lot of the information on proficiencies is scattered all over. This probably took me the most to figure out for the first character that I made.

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I just don't get lore. I couldn't find a list of acceptable lores in the rule book, and it really seems like you can just pick anything that floats your boat.

If that is the way it is, they should spell it out more clearly. I searched for "lore" in the pdf to try to find a list of lores and I had to go through 200 hits to realize there was no list.

Male Human Ecologist/8, Dad/12

We'll get a pdf or jpg of the Chronicles, right?


Darkwing_DM wrote:

mustached- Drognar (vigilante brute)- I saw you just opened a recruitment thread, I know Dming takes alot. Are you good with the extra postings? And on your secret trying to keep people from knowing your identity might last the first fight, LOL.

Ha, yeah. Well as for his secret identity, my hope is that Drognar can "excuse himself" to switch to monster form, so the party won't learn the truth until he passes out and runs out of time. Maybe it will last past the first fight, but it won't last past the first area/dungeon.

Also, yup, I am in a bunch of threads, GMing and otherwise. Many of those have slowed down to less than 2 or 3 posts a week, so I have the time. I prefer a faster game so my GM threads are more active, but I don't have control on those other ones.

Roger that. All for tryin', wanna see how crazy this will be!

Hi Darkwing_DM,

Lets... get... dangerous!

I would like to play a brute vigilante...You know, Bruce Banner/Hulk.

However, the brute gets a little thing put on him which makes him unplayable. Here: "While he still attacks enemies preferentially during a battle, when there are no more enemies around, each round he must succeed at a Will save (DC = 20 + 1/2 his vigilante level) or continue fighting against his allies or bystanders."

A brute gets 1/3 progression on Will saves, so this save to not kill his friends actually gets harder as the game proceeds, and that is a really high Will save to succeed at.

There are a whole bunch of other downsides to the archetype, like potentially losing your secret identity, and -2 to various things requiring intelligence, wisdom, and charisma, and you can get fatigued after being in your monster form. You can only be a monster for 6 hours a day.

Would you be willing to remove that quoted line so he at least wouldn't attack his friends?

I'll plan on submitting something. If you are going to wait til Easter which is still two weeks ago, my guess is you will have a LOT of submissions to go through (probably triple your current number).

Looks forward to seeing the results. Always a hard decision for the GM(s).

So one post a week? That is reallllly slow. No 1/day expectation?

GM Cyrioul wrote:
@Mustachioed, the d20PFSRD should reflect this, but make sure to take a look at the BIG FAQ for the Shifter class. Just in case the SRD isn’t updated yet. Thanks!

Thank you! I knew the book was poorly written and the class not well received by the community. I'm having fun trying to see how to make it work. It will not be overpowered certainly, but hopefully unique.

To add more flavor and personality, I am going to take the skinwalker race, which I believe is allowed because it is not a listed Uncommon race, but if I got that wrong please let me know.

It wasn't on your list, and you said "don't ask for permission to use other books", but I am interested in trying the new shifter class out of the 2017 Ultimate Wilderness book. shifter

It is 100% Paizo. Thoughts? I was thinking a dwarf taking on a wolverine shape. OR maybe some type of plant shifter. Ent-like. That would certainly be unusual... He would be a defender of the new colony, often ranging out of town into the wilderness to protect borders.

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From what I saw, the encounter was poorly designed. You can't give a bunch of level 1's with no magic weapons an incorporeal creature and then give them no way to defeat it. So they had no choice but to pass the dagger around. A good GM wouldn't put people in that situation in the first place. If he was going for realism, what would be realistic is a party wipe.

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Mark Seifter wrote:
Except for a particular time when my playtesters explicitly tried to see if they could get away with saving money on CLW wand spam despite being high level adventurers who could afford a better wand, and a few extreme stress test situations where I told them "This is the only fight today. Nova your heart out," my playtest group never really hit hard against the resonance caps, even the ones with lower Charisma.

Then why not change how the wands work, rather than making an entirely new (& confusing) system?

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If cure light wound wands are a problem, or quaffing cure light potions, the solution should be just to scale their gold cost so that there is a set cost to a d8 heal. (Each d8 heal costs 30 gold, for example. A 50 charge wand suddenly costs 1500. A 2d8 heal costs 60 and the wand costs 3000, rather than making these exponentially more expensive.

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Just basing it off of the Glass Cannon playtest and not reading all of the comments on this thread, the system was confusing to me and seemed really gamey. There has to be a better solution. In my opinion this system is doing the opposite of the stated goals of 2nd ed, which is to streamline and make it easier to teach.

(And why charisma of all things? That is part of what makes it gamey. I can hear the developers saying, "We need to give charisma more to do so people stop dumping it. Ok, let's stick it into this system!" Why not just level+some flat number?)

Even if this rumored system is true, doesn't mean all rogues will look just like all other rogues (insert whatever class in for rogue).

Maybe the proficiency system is just the base. There are skill feats we know nothing about, there are archetypes we know nothing about, and class feats, and general feats. And there might be who knows how many other options that will affect your whole build.

Too early to have any kind of judgement.

Fuzzypaws wrote:
My main concern is the monster fluff being too tied to Golarion. Let's be honest, most people use homebrew settings or old D&D settings or movie/book-based settings, not Golarion. So sure, give the monsters fluff and such... just don't tie them to the nations, gods and planets of the Golarion universe.

You don't really know this... this is conjecture. I would like the monsters tied into the setting personally.

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