GM Valen |

I'd like to report the game on or before June 14th. To do that, I may need to get a couple of rounds in today and tomorrow each.
Please try to keep to the committed pace of at least two posts per day.

GM Valen |

If you want the game to end, stop rolling so good against us!
Yeah, I really have no control over the dice. : P
Since Astrator really couldnt do much this turn, I gave you two actions to keep things moving.
Thanks, that's a good idea.

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If I understand it right, "Staying in the fight" should only cost you one RP as well.
-1 RP to stabilize
-1 RP to bump to 1 HP (Round 2)

GM Valen |

@ All - You were all dealt some awful rolls there for a while, but you've really made quite the comeback! Well done!

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If I understand it right, "Staying in the fight" should only cost you one RP as well.
-1 RP to stabilize
-1 RP to bump to 1 HP (Round 2)
thank you! though mustachio would probably prefer to stay unconcious rather than to get up, get shot, and then die.
Are we looking at a TPK here?

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thank you! though mustachio would probably prefer to stay unconcious rather than to get up, get shot, and then die.
Are we looking at a TPK here?
I don't think so- but in combination with the tight deadline it is going to be a photo finish. He is going to have trouble running (for a bit), and attacks on him while prone are +4... so there is a chance we land 2 shots on him here and end it.
Astrator should also get an AoO at some point, so perhaps that 1d4+0 damage will be what puts him over the top ;)

Peet |

Okay, I think something is up with the number of images Talbot had.
In this post: http://paizo.com/campaigns/GMValensSFS102FugitiveOfTheRedPlanet/gameplay&am p;page=6#282
Standard action=Operative Exploit-Holographic Clone (Ex): He creates a number of clones of himself equaling: 1d4 ⇒ 3
He gets 3 images.
In this post: http://paizo.com/campaigns/GMValensSFS102FugitiveOfTheRedPlanet/gameplay&am p;page=6#294
1 is a hit on Talbot by Donavaan: 1d5 ⇒ 1
Crit damage by Donavaan: 1d6 ⇒ 6
1 is a hit on Talbot by Maxamas: 1d5 ⇒ 4
1 image has been eliminated, but for some reason you rolled as if there are four images, not three. There should be two images left.
Here: http://paizo.com/campaigns/GMValensSFS102FugitiveOfTheRedPlanet/gameplay&am p;page=7#302
1 is a hit on Talbot: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Donovan eliminates one image. Again you rolled as if there was an extra image. There should be only one left.
Now Obozaya attacks: http://paizo.com/campaigns/GMValensSFS102FugitiveOfTheRedPlanet/gameplay&am p;page=7#303
Then, Obozaya rushes toward the former Starfinder, doshku raised.
1 hits Talbot: 1d3 ⇒ 2
And destroys an image. Note once again you rolled as if there was an extra image. There should be none left after this attack.
And yet: http://paizo.com/campaigns/GMValensSFS102FugitiveOfTheRedPlanet/gameplay&am p;page=7#310
1 hits Talbot: 1d2 ⇒ 2
Here you are rolling again for an image, even though all the images should already be gone.
So even if you don't reroll for all the times you rolled for images, Talbot should have an extra 2 damage from this last attack.
If you do make rerolls then the first time Talbot takes a hit instead of an image, the rest of the rolls would not need to be rerolled.

GM Valen |

Okay, I think something is up with the number of images Talbot had.
For some reason, I couldn't post to this thread from my phone earlier-only in Gameplay.
@ Peet - You are correct; something was up. I really appreciate you checking up on this and taking the time to lay out where I went wrong so that I could easily go back and see the mistake I had made. I know that must have been time-consuming, so I truly thank you for your efforts. I'd welcome such a conscientious player at any future table I may run or play at.
@ All - Although I didn't realize it at the time I was posting, I made a couple of errors, which were then compounded with later posts. I certainly did not intend to make it more difficult for the PCs, but unfortunately that is just what I did. In my effort to get things done quickly, I wasn't careful to review my posts and catch mistakes--which then made the combat last longer. Again, my apologies.
I can't promise not to make mistakes in the future, but I say that I don't plan to rush future games as I did this one--so hopefully, by taking my time, I will make at least make fewer mistakes in the future.
@ All - As the PCs were able to defeat Talbot regardless, I don't see any advantage in going back and retconning corrections. If you think there is a reason to do so (I missed the use of an expendable resources, etc.), then I will do so.

GM Valen |

With respect to the decision as to what to do with Talbot, what happens to Talbot is to be reported, so I need to know before we concluder.
Also, just so it is clear, I don't believe that I am officially permitted to say whether or not keeping Talbot alive and turning him over to Philt impacts one of the scenario's success conditions, so I am not officially going to say anything about it.

GM Valen |

Okay, the game has been reported. The PCs earned both success conditions! Congrats!
Thank you all for a fun game. I'm sorry again for the mistakes. I appreciate your consideration and your help in getting the game completed on time.
Unless someone needs it earlier, it will probably be early next week before I get the Chronicles posted. If you haven't already, please send me any Alien Archive boons you want signed.

DoubleGold |

You still have the email I sent you with alien archive from the last game, since you were going to do both at once? Not that it matters that if you sign past 6 since I won't reach twelve, but if you're going to do signature number 6, you might as well signature number 7 just because it is a nice showoff, though if your computer only lets you do one signature, that's fine. Thanks for running

GM Valen |

You still have the email I sent you with alien archive from the last game, since you were going to do both at once? Not that it matters that if you sign past 6 since I won't reach twelve, but if you're going to do signature number 6, you might as well signature number 7 just because it is a nice showoff, though if your computer only lets you do one signature, that's fine. Thanks for running
I have a copy of your AA boon from last game and will get it to you with the Chronicle. Thanks for playing, for supporting my efforts to get more games in for the boon, and for running the AP. I really do appreciate it.

GM Valen |

Will you be running another scenario?
I'm currently running some CORE PFS games to level up a PC currently involved in a scenario.
I'm not likely to get back to running SFS until sometime in August most likely.

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Okay, the game has been reported. The PCs earned both success conditions! Congrats!
Thank you all for a fun game. I'm sorry again for the mistakes. I appreciate your consideration and your help in getting the game completed on time.
Unless someone needs it earlier, it will probably be early next week before I get the Chronicles posted. If you haven't already, please send me any Alien Archive boons you want signed.
Game is not showing up on my sessions in the Starfinder section. Did you forget my number and character when reporting 135676-703? He should be number 3, if not number 4.

GM Valen |

Game is not showing up on my sessions in the Starfinder section. Did you forget my number and character when reporting 135676-703? He should be number 3, if not number 4.
Oops. I had mistakenly ended your PFS/SFS number in a 5 and, since no prefilled info came up, had typed in your name and 703 number manually. I have since corrected it in the reporting and will make sure I get it correct on the Chronicle.
@ Mustachio & All - Yes. I am sorry for not getting pdf chronicles to each of you yet. A number of real life things have taken priority. I promise to get them out by Friday this week.

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ok! And also, just in case I'm missing something, do you have yet to record the fame/reputation? Because my character just has a "--" for our adventure. I don't know how any of this stuff is done, still being a noob at society play.

GM Valen |

ok! And also, just in case I'm missing something, do you have yet to record the fame/reputation? Because my character just has a "--" for our adventure. I don't know how any of this stuff is done, still being a noob at society play.
The scenario was accidentally reported twice. Should be corrected now. In any event, I have been told that the Chronicle with the GM signature-the pdf that I will send you a link for this week--is what controls, so once you have that, you should be fine for applying the credits, XP, reputation, etc. to all future adventures with this PC.

GM Valen |

For the Chronicles, I need Day Job rolls for the following (or please point me to where the checks were already rolled):

GM Valen |

[dice=Day job, Computer Programer]1d20+8
See, that's why I asked YOU guys to roll the Day Jobs instead of just rolling them myself.

GM Valen |

Okay, I have completed chronicles here for everybody except Donavaan and Obozaya. Please check them over and make sure everything is correct and whether I need to make any additions/corrections/changes.
Once I get your day job rolls for Donavaan and Obozaya, I will complete their chronicles.
Once I have all the Chronicles complete and uploaded, I will wait a few additional days and then put this campaign on inactive.
Thanks again for a fun game!

Peet |

Obozaya does not get a day job roll (she has no profession skill). I think most of the pre-gens are like that.
You can apply the chronicle to my 701 character. So that's PFS# 68401 - 701.

GM Valen |

Obozaya does not get a day job roll (she has no profession skill). I think most of the pre-gens are like that.
You can apply the chronicle to my 701 character. So that's PFS# 68401 - 701.
Obozaya has a Profession skill and pregens can participate in Downtown (which includes a Day Job) per page 7 of the SFS Guild Guide. Would you like to make a roll?

Peet |

Obozaya has a Profession skill and pregens can participate in Downtown (which includes a Day Job) per page 7 of the SFS Guild Guide. Would you like to make a roll?
Obozaya only has ranks in Athletics, Intimidate, and Survival (she only has 3 skill ranks at level 1). Pretty sure I can't use any of those for a Day Job roll, and Day Job rolls are trained-only.
The character the chronicle will be applied to has a profession skill. Can I use that one?

GM Valen |

GM Valen wrote:Obozaya has a Profession skill and pregens can participate in Downtown (which includes a Day Job) per page 7 of the SFS Guild Guide. Would you like to make a roll?Obozaya only has ranks in Athletics, Intimidate, and Survival (she only has 3 skill ranks at level 1). Pretty sure I can't use any of those for a Day Job roll, and Day Job rolls are trained-only.
The character the chronicle will be applied to has a profession skill. Can I use that one?
No, sorry. I messed up again. I kept seeing Profession (bounty hunter) on Obozaya's character sheet under skills, but didn't realize until you spelled it out that she didn't have any ranks in the skill.
Well, hopefully, my last error. I've added a Chronicle for everyone to the folder at the above link. If you have trouble accessing it or have any corrections/changes/additions, please let me know (as you can see, I am still prone to errors-please check the Chronicle).
If I don't hear anything else in about a week, then I will make this thread inactive.
Thanks again, everyone! Happy gaming!