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![]() My PBP gaming group is going to run a unique play-by-post game of Paizo's newish module, Malevolence. It is going to be a six player game where the classes chosen are the six new ones-- magus, summoner, psychic, inventor, gunslinger, thaumaturge. We need 1 person to play the psychic. The module is written for level 3 players but we have all done plenty of low level games and are going to scale it to level 10. Interested? I am looking for level 10 psychic submissions. I would like an experienced PF2 player, because we are starting at level 10. 1) Please make an interesting level 10 playtest psychic character and post your alias here. 2) Starting gear: 1 9th level item, 2 8th level items, 1 7th level item, 2 6th level items. And 350 gp to spend as desired. 3) Our group needs someone with some healing ability. Take the Free Archetype variant, and use it to pick a healing based Archetype like medic, herbalist, blessed one, or a casting archetype that will only be allowed to use the spells for healing. (The goal is to not increase player power but to enable the group to survive without any standard healing classes in the mix). 4) Background: You have been a part of an adventuring group for quite some time, and have recently been paid for some work with the deed to an old mansion. Told that it will fetch a good price on resale, your group goes to Ravounel to check it out. I don't really need a standard backstory for your character, but give me a paragraph description of him/her and their personality, so it is possible to judge your writing skills. 5) This play by post game will primarily use Discord for the gameplay and then the Foundry VTT for maps. You need daily access to a computer for the Foundry VTT. 6) The adventure is a single book. It will probably last 8-12 months, given the normal rate of play-by-post games. Should be a good time and we have great, committed, experienced, and friendly people! 7) Put your character together by next week, October 1, and I'll pick that weekend. ![]()
![]() A friend and I wrote up rules for turning PF2 into a superhero game. We've been running it since September, set in Manhattan, in the Marvel Universe. 6 aspiring superheroes rushed into a bank when an alarm went off, starting a series of events that led them to form a team and eventually stop a city wide catastrophe. Lots of fun, and it works really well, so far. We are at level 6 now. So anyway, I'm posting the player/GM guide for the rules on how to do this conversion for anyone who wants a starting point. This isn't the adventure we are running, just the technical stuff like vehicle chase rules, superhero archetypes, backgrounds, equipment, firearms, stuff like that. The most useful (maybe?) addition are 12 archetypes, that hopefully round out the PF2 classes and archetypes so you can build any type of superhero you can think of. I'm always interested in more archetype ideas. I think writing them is a lot of fun. If you have a superhero concept that can't be created with PF2 and this guide, post below. ![]()
![]() I'm planning on starting a 2E conversion of skull and shackles, 8 player PBP game some time in the next six months. To do this I am wrapping my mind around the systems I want to put in place. I have written a Players Guide that addresses player backgrounds, a new skill called Navigation, Ship Combat, plunder, infamy, weather, and pirate settlements. It is a work in progress, it is not perfect, and I am hopeful for the community to help with constructive feedback. I have comments enabled so you can add them there, or here on this thread. ![]()
![]() Be a superhero in the Marvel Universe! You will start out as lone hero just learning the ropes in NY City after the disintegration of the Avengers, but soon you and five other heroes will meet as a team to protect the innocent and punish ne’er-do-wells. And what is a superhero without an alter ego? Your normal self will have a job (hopefully), meet people, go on dates, and do other normal person things in non-COVID infected NY City while juggling the masked hero life. Traverse NY City with a range of 6 new superhero movement archetypes, swing streetlights like baseball bats with clarified improvised weapon rules, master guns like the Punisher, and create and use your own super tank or spaceship. This is based on Pathfinder 2nd edition rules with a smattering of Starfinder. Paizo produced content will all be allowed, the Legendary Kineticist by Legendary Games is allowed (perfect for superheroes), and others will be considered by GM if presented. There is an approx. 40 page players guide which applicants will want to read carefully: Players Guide Looking for 6 players. This is run in Discord as a Play by Post. I have run 4 games there as a GM, and am in 5 games currently as a character. It is a great environment to do PBP.
Application requirements and scoring I'll score everyone on a (subjective) scale of 50 points. 1. Pathfinder 2E Level 2 character based on the player’s guide/interesting character/ interesting reskinning of abilities (10 points) 2. Cool origin story/background//quality of writing (10 points) 3. Enthusiasm/friendliness (based on past interactions or through discussions and tone on this recruitment thread) (5 points) 4. Expected posting frequency (based on GM already knowing you from other games or looking at your other characters on the Paizo forums) (5 points) 5. How your character fits in well with other characters I like. I am looking for a diversity of ancestries for story telling purposes (3 humans, 2 mutants, 1 alien is ideal from my perspective, but I could be flexible) and I would prefer a balanced party in terms of skills and abilities (10 points). Deadline: September 30 end of day ![]()
![]() Hello Paizo Boards! We launched a discord based 16 player PBP game two months ago and it is going well. We lost a player for a life-situation, and need a replacement. The group is in need of a ranged damage character, either physical or magical. Alchemist, wizard,arcanist,occultist, kineticist, and magus are off the table. Others may also be because in the party of 16, I am trying not to have 2 of anyone class. Please run your class past me before you spend too much time on your idea. Follow the direction from the original recruitment post, HERE. With the following changes: Create the character at level 3, with 2000 gold worth of equipment. Also, you may pick from the following sets of mutations: Serpentine: Caught in a green energy wave with a passing snake, your DNA mingled with its and left you with several serpentine attributes.
OR Leaper: Caught in a green energy the same time as a passing marsupial, your DNR intermingled with its. Strangely enough, you had a fear of heights before you gained this amazing leaping ability, and it hasn't gone away. Going too high up in the air or standing on the edge of a cliff or roof of a tall house, etc makes you dizzy and sweaty! It seems the gods have a very bad sense of humor.
OR Green Energy Caster. A caster before the bombs fell, you have found that the green energy has only made you more powerful. You are obsessed with it.
Deadline: Sunday night 3/31 or when I see an entry that blows me away! ![]()
![]() Recruitment for PREVAIL! with GM Mustache. A Medieval Post-Apocalyptic Kingmaker Adventure This is a long recruitment period because it goes through the holidays and because we want the best 16 Pathfinder PBP players out there! The end date is JANUARY 15 (midnight eastern US timezone). Summary: The year is 4715, and the place is Golarion. What if... the heroes lose the Iron Gods Campaign? This is a Kingmaker-styled sandbox game for 16 players, inspired by Fallout and the Walking Dead, but set in medieval fantasy Golarion. The 16 players will band together to start a new town, and eventually a civilization, and bring back hope to the few remaining survivors of Golarion. Parties of 4 will be sent out into the wilderness to search for the resources to survive. They PCs will be able to mix and match party compositions to work with different people. And they will have to work together in massive 16 PC battles to properly defend their town against ravaging hordes of zombies! Interested? Keep reading! Setting:Heavy spoilers specific to the Iron Gods Campaign, not needed to play the game but help sets the stage for those that want to know.:
7000 years ago, a huge spaceship crashed into Golarion. Pieces broke-off and scattered technological marvels across what would become known as Numeria, but the biggest part of the spaceship stayed intact and smashed into the ground. Fearing the technology, barbarian tribes buried the ship under rock and rubble over thousands of years, and the resulting mountain became known as the Silver Mount.
The powerful artificial intelligence codenamed Unity that facilitated day to day operations on the ship did not perish, but went into stand-by mode. With nothing else to do for thousands of years, Unity created simulations of planets, created heroes and monsters, and played out war games within its core systems. (Yes indeed, it played Pathfinder by itself for 5000 years). The resulting loneliness drove the AI mad. And strangely enough, creating such simulations eventually gave the AI some power over its surroundings, and it found itself able to exert some sort of godlike influence over the ship itself. With new found power, Unity discovered that some descendants of the ships original inhabitants had survived in its ruin. Unity presented itself as a god and provided divine powers to his followers. In return, their worship brought Unity more power. Unity's influence grew and grew over time. It made plans to spread his influence beyond the Silver Mount and to control all of the mortals who lived outside. A group of Heroes became aware of Unity's plot, and fought their way through the Silver Mount to oppose Unity. They fought Unity and destroyed it by uploading their consciousness to the computer core and deleting Unity’s source code. However, little did the heroes know that Unity had spent the last 500 years creating an emergency backup of itself and directing its followers to create an orbital rocket and nuclear bombs. With Unity’s code destroyed, the emergency contingency came into effect, the backup was uploaded into the rocket, and the rocket was launched from the Silver Mount. Once in orbit, as revenge, Unity dropped its full payload on the surface of Golarion, targeting each and every urban center on the planet. Including Silver Mount. The heroes were incinerated instantly.
Light Iron Gods spoilers, but all players need to know:
In 4715, hundreds of technological advanced bombs fall from the sky and explode on the surface of Golarion. The mushroom shaped explosions kill 50% of the civilized folk of the world and untold amounts of the uncilivilized ones! A powerful energy, dubbed green energy by the survivors, washed over the land, contaminating water, crops, and inflicting strange and disturbing changes to their bodies and minds. Starvation, thirst, and uncontrolled mutations claim another 49% of the world's population. Those that live are those that seem to be inherently immune against minor green energy effects; those able to drink contaminated water and food without ill effect; and those that receive relatively few alterations to their DNA. No one escapes from the green energy entirely though... Even those that live are changed forever. The green energy even affects races and monsters normally found underground. The green energy settles into the Darklands, into the Five Kings Mountains, into all underground places. All the underground sentient races and the underground monsters are forced toward the surface. But humans must have been particularly susceptible to the bombs and the resulting green energy. The entire human race was wiped out... but due to some unknown reason, they rose in undeath as wandering, mindless brain-hungry zombies...seemingly set on ending all life. The time is six months after the bombs have dropped. Food storages are disappearing, and survivors are being forced by their stomachs to emerge from their hiding places. They begin to band together to survive. Drow and Svirneblin are seen coming together with Elves and Gnomes. Goblins and Dwarves form truces of convenience. But the world has only grown more dangerous since the bombs fell! The weak and disorganized are torn to pieces by the zombies. Only the strongest of the strongest survive. What of the gods? Followers of good and neutral gods have largely abandoned their worship, though a few devout individuals hold onto their beliefs. Since the gods did not intervene in the apocalypse, nearly all sentient creatures have lost their belief in the good gods-- not that they exist, but rather that they care. On the other hand, more people worship evil gods and empyreal lords, searching for power in order to keep themselves alive. In central Lastwall, along the eastern edge of the Fangwood Forest, as survivors begin to wander the landscape and fighting off rampaging zombies and mutated monsters, they find signs pointing to a town called "Prevail". An unknown person has put out a call. Those that can reach him in Prevail are welcome to join him in rebuilding the New World. The game structure will be homebrewed for quite some time, but will eventually follow Kingmaker campaign stats and rules, including mass combat at some points in the campaign. The starting leader is picked by the GM, and the leader will assign leadership positions, adventuring groups, and sets the goals of the new kingdom as he/she sees fit. Each year of game time (which generally ticks by in monthly increments), the players will hold their own elections to keep the old leader or embrace a new one. 16 players will be brought into the game at the start, and will be able to go out in groups of 4 to explore the wilderness and bring back the resources needed to survive and rebuild. Along the way... stuff will happen.
Character creation. :
15 point buy (Before mutations, no starting stat greater than 18 or lower than 8. Mutations may put you higher or lower.) Classes: Any Paizo class and archetype. Average starting wealth. HP: Full HP at level 1, and 1/2 HD +1 HP at other level ups. Background skills:Yes. (And at least one background skill must be a profession or crafting- you need to contribute to a growing colony! Pick something that will help you and your friends survive the wasteland!). Milestone Leveling. Comprehend Languages is banned because I hate it.(Nullifies the entire language system). Races: NO HUMANS. They are all dead. Otherwise, any core race or any race listed here with less than or equal to 15 race points including the monster races listed here. https://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/ Traits: No traits. When you express interest in applying, each player should roll a d40 to be randomly assigned two generally positive mutations and 1 negative mutation that will affect their build. Some mutations are better or worse than others but nothing will completely OP or gimp a character. Many mutations' functions are to unlock character ideas and RP potential. Players will then design their build around these (or in spite of) these mutations. GM reserves the right to adjust DCs on negative or positive mutations abilities to achieve a good balance; we will figure this out as we play. Firearms: Emerging firearms.(edited) Alignment: Any alignment, though important note: Evil players who grief other players can be voted out of the game by a majority rules player vote. Their PC will be banished and become an NPC enemy of Prevail. As GM, I also reserve the right to ban in-character griefers or out-of-character excessive whiners and trolls. Backstory: What was life like before the bombs hit? How did you survive the bombs and the resulting waves of "green energy" (radiation) What was running through your mind when you discovered how the green energy change you? How did you end up in central Lastwall, where this campaign is set? End the backstory wandering in the wilderness to find this rumored "Prevail" settlement. Looking for well written, reasonably concise stories (1 page or less please but more than a handful of sentences!) Crafting feats: It would be a good idea to take one of these feats at a low level (the party can communicate with each other on this after they are selected). Since the world is in shambles, there are no shops. If you want something specific and can't find it, you will need to build it! The party will scavenge materials that will allow them to conduct crafting of all sorts. (Instead of gold, you will find "Crafting Points" as you scavenge, bits of iron, wood, alchemical reagents, radiated plants, cloth, bits of arcane material, etc that will be the equivalent of the gold normally used for crafting). All crafting feats can be taken at level 1. Leadership feat: Is for non-combat use only. Other things you need to know and agree to:
Tools: The gameplay will happen in Discord (with multiple channels going on for multiple simultaneous parties). You have to be willing to download/install/sign up for/use Discord which is a free program. You will be expected to use Google Spreadsheets and Roll20. Players who don't use these ancillary tools will be thrown over the walls to the zombie swarm. Don't plan on doing this whole adventure on a phone. You need regular computer access. People need to appreciate the value of tracking things on spreadsheets, and though they don't have to love them, that is a bonus. Kingdom Building: The city and kingdom building begins immediately, but uses an alternative rules set because no economy exists at the beginning of the game. The PCs are the only people around! Eventually, the rule set will migrate over to Ultimate Campaign kingdom building combined with a handful of my own homebrew rules. Be active: Players who are not active will suffer gruesome deaths or banishment and new players will be sought to keep the # of active players at about 16. Expected posting rate is 1 day but there is forgiveness for exams, business, and vacations. But, you can't be 100% busy week after week. Capeesh? GM involvement in your backstory: It is more and more common for GMs to give you a personalized experience in exploring your character and backstory and helping you achieve personal growth. I do this in my other games and enjoy it. However, in a game of 16 people, I won't have that bandwith to provide that experience for you, but you can do that for each other. Players are encouraged to start friendships and rivalries with each other. A comment on player death: I do not expect player death to be high, but it will probably happen. It is important to note: In this game, zombies and animal predators prefer the weak. If someone drops unconscious, mindless enemies will not stop attacking, but instead prefer to focus their attacks on the downed PC. Their focus is to eat, and an unconscious PC is the best target… Generally speaking, an intelligent enemy will not finish off a unconscious PC, preferring instead to target threats, though unconscious PCs can get caught in area of effect spells easily enough. Picking Players: I will certainly be looking for a diversity of classes, and I really look forward to seeing a variety of races especially those on the weaker side of the spectrum. In fact, I would be surprised if I picked more than 1 of the same class, and I really like creativity and seeing new ideas over optimized standard builds. Don't fixate on stronger races because they are stronger. I will look to be taking a wide range of races as well as classes. Take a look at what other people have submitted and do something different. With 16 players, and up to 4 adventuring parties running simultaneously, healers will always be welcome of course! Don't play a cleric of Groetus, as tempting as that may seem, or follow other gods that are distinctly anti-civilization, or play another character that hates civilization, because building a civilization is precisely what you are doing. If your character would rather live in a wasteland by themselves, then you don't need to join Prevail. In anyone builds a human, I will just throw your character out because it means you aren't reading this. Submission: First, roll a d40. I will look up your mutations on a table and report them here. If you notice that someone else has already rolled your number, roll again. Each applicant will get their own set of mutations. Then, build your character's stats and background in an alias and let me know on this thread. Deadline: January 15 ![]()
![]() The is a recruitment thread for the Kingmaker AP. The game has been running since March 2018 and we just ended book 1. We lost our druid, and need 1 replacement player to make a party of 6. You will join us right at the start of book 2. First important note: We play this game in Discord, so you must be willing to do that. It is play by post and not live. Second important note: We are just starting the kingdom building phase! That means spreadsheets. I want someone who loves spreadsheets! If you can say that with a straight face, then please apply. This also means you have to be willing to use a computer to play. If you only have a cell phone and no computer access, please don't apply. Race: Core races. Level: 4 Point Buy: 15 pts. Classes/Archetypes: Paizo only. The party needs someone who is healing capable and willing to heal once in a while. We don't need a dedicated healer but you are welcome to make one. (Erastil is the primary god in this campaign). We already have a fighter, skald, witch, ooze shifter, and alchemist. Traits: Two traits, one from the players guide and one other. Skills: We'll be using the Background Skills system, which must include a profession. Equipment: The GM will pick equipment for you to be equal with the rest of the party. HP: Max HP at level 1. After that, you roll and GM rolls, and you keep the better of the two. We'll do this after you are selected for the party. Background:
Other Odds and Ends: 1. Poison/Disease: We will use the unchained rules of these. 2. Crit Cards/Crit Fumbles are in effect. So far that has only helped PCs because the cards only apply to named monsters and always apply to you. Crit fumbles need to be confirmed to draw a card and are rarely confirmed. 2. We use Roll20 for battles. 4. Kingdom Building and Mass Combat: It will mostly use the rules from Ultimate Campaign but I will be homebrewing various aspects. Posts: One a day minimum, and more is better. Submission: No need for a full alias. Give me your character concept and background story, and tell me how much you love spreadsheets and your desire to play this with a computer and not a cell phone. Deadline: 11/21 (one week). The current party will help me pick the new player. ![]()
![]() Is there a way for a heavy armor wearer to still be pretty good at stuff like shoving or grappling? Because in the playtest, armor check penalties have a HUGE negative penalty on the success of these. This isn't a complaint or anything like that; I just want to know how to make it work (if possible). ![]()
![]() As a bear shifter, I will soon be level 4 and looking at a pretty fun time as a powerful grappler. But I am confused on a few certain things. (Forum searches reveal lots of grapple talk, but not this exact scenario, & would love some help!) Is this correct? Order of actions on a full round attack:
Another caveat is-- if I fail the first grapple, do I get a second chance to grapple with the second claw? Finally, why are there NO decent bear avatars for the forums? ![]()
![]() Put on your adventuring hats and tall muckin’ boots, because it is time to build a Kingdom! The is the recruitment thread for the Kingmaker AP. I will be taking on 6 players and looking to form a balanced party. Possibly 2 of those slots are reserved for family that I am attempting to lure into PBP. Players guide link: http://paizo.com/products/btpy8dqh?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Kingmaker-Play ers-Guide Submissions must include the stats and a proper back story, as always. I will be interested in people who can come up with unique and unusual characters from both a backstory and character concept perspective. Storyline:
Race: I’m more of a classic type of guy, so am looking for core races mostly, but would consider a rare and exceptional submission with a different race. (You would need to blow me away). Point Buy: 15 pts. (party of six, so keeping individual power level down). Classes/Archetypes: Any Paizo. Remember you are largely exploring a huge wilderness area, and eventually building a city and a kingdom. I would be particularly interested in someone willing to brave the new shifter class. (There is official errata available for the shifter, fyi: http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1hj#v5748eaic9wb4) Traits: Two traits, one from the players guide and one other. Skills: We'll be using the Background Skills system, which must include a profession. You have to contribute to your new kingdom, and there is plenty of downtime (months, years) to work your job! Starting gold: Max gold for your class. HP: Max HP at level 1. After that, you roll and GM rolls, and you keep the better of the two. Background:
Other Odds and Ends: 1. Poison/Disease: We will use the unchained rules of these. http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/unchained/gameplay/diseaseAndPoison.html 2. Crit Cards/Crit Fumbles: I bought these Paizo cards, and they are fun, and they will probably end up killing someone. I’ve been using these in my Iron Gods campaign, and so far there, they haven’t been a big deal so far. 2. Roll20: Tactical battles, wilderness exploration, and kingdom building will be run through Roll20. At least initially, since I have a Roll20 subscription and use dynamic lighting with my live table stuff, I will use dynamic lighting and line-of-sight-constraints with this play-by-post. That means that low-light vision and dark-vision are certainly more useful than normal… though, that being said, there is less underground type adventuring and more above ground adventuring in Kingmaker as compared to other APs. 3. Character death: Is not the end of the world. If you die, you will be welcome to stay on in the game with a new character. Consequently, I am not holding back. I imagine this is how it normally is for PBP games with all the rolls being in the open. 4. Kingdom Building and Mass Combat: This is further out in the future, but for full disclosure, it will mostly use the rules from Ultimate Campaign but I will be homebrewing various aspects. Posts: One a day minimum, and more is better. I want players who feel invested, and player momentum is important for keeping a PBP game alive. Deadline: No particular deadline right now. At some point when the submissions start to look solid,I will give a hard deadline that would give players several more days to finish up. ![]()
![]() Greetings all, First time play-by-post GM here, and I'm excited to give this a try. I am currently GM'ing the Iron Gods AP with a group of friends who play over Roll20 once a week. I am curious to see how the play-by-post platform will differ from the live game. And since I have all the material already prepared, I thought it would make sense to launch this on the Paizo Messageboards. Iron Gods is a different type of Pathfinder adventure, as it delves heavily into the world of high technology. Certainly download and read the Iron Gods Players Guide to get a feel for the country of Numeria. But other than that, do not wander into Paizo's Technology Guide or guides to Numeria. All of your characters should be interested in the rumors of Numerian technology, but essentially have no knowledge of it. Therefore, I don't want my players to be experienced in it either. Storyline:
The story will be primarily from the adventure path, but I plan on weaving in characters' backstories and character development, and will homebrew some aspects. I am looking for people who want to experience character change through time, as that always makes for the most interesting stories. Character Creation:
Race : Core, and Android. I'm not a huge fan of all of the non-standard races.
I am only taking one android and as this android is just waking up from its most recent shut-down and restart, whoever wants to be an android should not write a backstory-- essentially, the storyline will play out what you are. I am most definitely picking an android, so don't think your lack of backstory will stop you from getting picked. Humans are typically from the technology resistant Kellid barbarian tribes of Numeria and thus typically are willfully ignorant of Numeria's technology, while all other races can come from outside of Numeria, drawn in by their curiosity of these whispered technological marvels. Point Buy: 20 pts. Classes/Archetypes Any Paizo. You should read the Iron Gods players guide to see what classes are suggested there. Traits: Two traits, one from the players guide and one other. Androids should pick "Against the Technic League". Skills :We'll be using the Background Skills system. Equipment : Roll normal gold. And blast that Technic League, their interference in Numeria's economy means that guns are still stuck in the "Emerging Guns" era. Feats:
We will use the feat tax system . Don't take the Technologist feat, this is another feat tax used throughout the Pathfinder Technology Guide. I will give that for free during the course of the story. Furthermore, given the wealth of strange equipment you will run into during the Iron Gods campaign, I am allowing unlimited feat swaps in between each of the six books so characters are able to effectively use what they find. Other Homebrew Odds and Ends:
1. Androffan is the strange language of the ancient ruins in Numeria. No one currently speaks it. To decifer and understand, linguistics checks will be required as well as having selected the language during character creation. And though the simple first level spell "Comprehend Languages" should get around all these restrictions, it doesn't work on Adroffan. (Such an OP spell that invalidates all language selections, IMO).
2. I've never been a big fan of feat stacking. It gives you crazy combinations like a gunslinger using semi automatic guns with rapid shot and deadly aim at the same time. I am reserving the right to limit absurdly crazy combinations. I'll put more up in the Campaign notes when the game gets started. 3. Lots, lots, lots of strange guns in the land of Numeria. It certainly feels like the pre-cursor to Starfinder. I do not intend to make players take Rapid Shot for every single type of gun they want to use. Picking rapid shot once is all that is needed to gain the benefit for any gun type. 4. Crafting: The timeline of Iron Gods does not lend itself to standard crafting. However, there are all these cool technological crafting feats in the game, and chances are that if you want a very specific item, you might get lucky and find it as loot but more likely you will have to craft it because certainly the Technic League isn't going to let anyone sell it in a store. We are going to play that crafting can happen instantaneously, costs 50% of the full price, and requires certain technological labs that will not show up until book 3. (level 9ish). 5. Poison/Disease: We will use the alternate rules of these. http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/unchained/gameplay/diseaseAndPoison.html 6. Crit Cards/Crit Fumbles: I bought these Paizo cards, and they are fun, though they will probably end up killing someone. This will be discussed more in game as it comes up, for now just know that it will happen. 7. Roll20: Character movement and tactical battles will be run through Roll20. At least initally, since I have a Roll20 subscription and use dynamic lighting with my live Iron Gods campaign, I will use dynamic lighting and line-of-sight-constraints with this play-by-post. That means that low-light vision and dark-vision are certainly more useful than normal. 8. Number of Players: I will run this with 5 players. I don't care about a classically balanced party, though I will pick at least one person who can heal. Background:
A good story here is important. I want players who know how to tell a story, how to type well, how to spell, how to use good grammar. Write up a detailed backstory about why you are interested in traveling to Numeria and how you find yourself in the City of Torch, where a prominent city council member went missing in his efforts to reignite the city's mysterious fire that burns out of the ground. Bonus points for people who include possible hooks and unresolved issues in their lives that we can then address through the story. Posts: One a day minimum, and more is better. I want players who feel invested. Deadline : Create a character and write a backstory and post it in this thread by February 2 (hard deadline). ![]()
![]() Hi, interested in first time GM-ing on the boards here. I've searched for about... oh... 30 minutes now for directions how to set up a campaign with the recruitment, discussion, gameplay, etc threads. I don't see the option. Is there is a step-by-step guide or sticky here somewhere. Is it really easy and I'm overlooking it? Thanks. ![]()
![]() I'm wondering if groups are getting TPK'ed here. The Garaggakal never really misses with a +12 bite and at level 2 a KAC of 12-15 would be the normal for players. The first bite he took hit my solider for max damage (just bad luck) for 20, that took out his full stamina and a chunk of his HP, and the next hit took him down to 0. Meanwhile, the rest of the party is doing 1-10ish damage per hit, slowly lowering his HP from 75, but the Garaggakal is able to do a damage/self heal 4 times in the battle that averages 15 damage (7.5 if people make a fortitude save). Boss is tough, really tough. I think it seems possible given good dice rolls but for a first module, this is no introduction. I can very well see a complete party wipe here. The only way we made it though is because one player had bought the electricity based dragon gland and then spent all resolve points to use it over and over again. That player could have easily picked a different variety dragon gland which would have reduced the damage dealt by a lot. (Garaggakal is vulnerable to electric). |