Kiyu Amunatus |

Arriving back at the table a minute or two later Kiyu says to the party, "I suppose I'll have to keep settling for the magical sort of cleaning, the baths were quite crowded."
-Posted with Wayfinder

Alphonse Veritas |

Alphonse smiles widely at Annabelle's advances.
"Perhaps I will take you up on that, madame Annabelle. It's been a long journey from Paris."
"Is that right, your Bible says you should burn witches?" Kiyu asks Alphonse.
"Technically speaking, no. It says we should not "suffer them to live" and to stone them to death."
"'A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.'" Alphonse quotes.
"Leviticus, 20:27."
He hesitates, unsure whether to continue.
"But, Lord forgive me for saying so, this seems a barbarous practice. Certainly we should end the life of any Witch or Wizard who consorts with Satan, or threatens the lives of innocent folk, but killing those who do good with their magic seems...counterproductive. It does not build goodwill toward the Holy Word, and does more harm than good to deprive a town of a skilled midwife and healer."
"Why would God, in his wisdom, give them the power to help others if they were not meant to use it? And contrariwise, why would Satan gift people magic and not strip it away if they turn from him?"

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

To Molly,
Dear girl, make sure that I have a clean and private room and that you do your best to make sure I am not robbed and I will make sure you and your family eat well this month and have no trouble with rent. ...And if you need a friend to help you care for me she will be rewarded as well.
Iommi-Tyr Magnusson gives Molly a tip commiserate with double the normal merchant lord or small noble -- I assume about 10gp but my PC with his Skill check will know:
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 21 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 21 + (6) = 32

Wench Molly |

To Molly,
Dear girl, make sure that I have a clean and private room and that you do your best to make sure I am not robbed and I will make sure you and your family eat well this month and have no trouble with rent. ...And if you need a friend to help you care for me she will be rewarded as well.
Iommi-Tyr Magnusson gives Molly a tip commiserate with double the normal merchant lord or small noble -- I assume about 10gp but my PC with his Skill check will know:
[dice=Knowledge Local]1d20 + 21 +1d6
Oh! .... The saints preserve me! .... Th-thank you, m'lord! .... Thank you very much, indeed!
Wench Molly seems frankly stunned by Iommi-Tyr's rich tip....
She quickly recovers her wits, and sets about coming up with ways to make Tyr's stay more comfortable, convenient, and pleasant....

Paddy |

Not at all, I landed square on me head. Never felt a thing. You lasses are sure a welcome sight for sore and tired eyes. I think I could use some wine first...the road tends to dry me throat something fierce.
Paddy looks at the rest of the party.
Hey, where did that big bloke go? William, I think..the one with the big hammer? He get lost?

William Striker |

William Strikes down at the rat-men and Champion lashes out with his hooves and teeth.
William PA: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31 damage: 2d6 + 15 ⇒ (1, 1) + 15 = 17
Confirm: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23 Crit Damage: 4d6 + 30 ⇒ (6, 1, 5, 5) + 30 = 47
Bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 Damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Hoof: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Hoof: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19 Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Wererat of London |

William Strikes down at the rat-men and Champion lashes out with his hooves and teeth.
[dice=William PA]1d20+11 [dice=damage]2d6+15
[dice=Confirm]1d20+11 [dice=Crit Damage]4d6+30[dice=Bite]1d20+7 [dice=Damage]1d4+4
[dice=Hoof]1d20+2 [dice=Damage]1d6+4
[dice=Hoof]1d20+2 [dice=Damage]1d6+4
William's powerful thrust with the lance of thunderbolts impales the wererat on his right! It squeals a shrill death-squeal, and slides off the deadly shaft to slump lifeless on the cobbled street!
Champion bites one, but doesn't seem to hurt it much.... The horse kicks but misses with one fore hoof, and lands what would normally be a solid blow--if the wererat didn't have damage reduction! The wererat on the left hisses, unharmed, but enraged by the death of its brother....
Oh, damn ye, ye killed my dear brother! I'll gnaw out your guts while you're still alive for that, mate!

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

To Paddy & any PCs here -- after excusing the wenches and other droppers of eaves--
Did he say where he was going or with whom he would meet? ...Verily I repeat, it would be wise for us to give our itinerary as we split up. This city has hazards and though I am confident in the lad's abilities to care fir himself, I wish we at least knew where he had gone.

Michael Johnson 66 |

To Paddy & any PCs here -- after excusing the wenches and other droppers of eaves--
Did he say where he was going or with whom he would meet? ...Verily I repeat, it would be wise for us to give our itinerary as we split up. This city has hazards and though I am confident in the lad's abilities to care fir himself, I wish we at least knew where he had gone.
He did call out that he was off to look for a stable to replace his mount....

William Striker |

"Hey now! You fellows attacked me!"
William strikes again with his lance and champion continues to lash out.
Lance PA: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15 Damage: 2d6 + 15 ⇒ (5, 2) + 15 = 22
Bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 Damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Hoof: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Hoof: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12 Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Wererat of London |

"Hey now! You fellows attacked me!"
William strikes again with his lance and champion continues to lash out.
[dice=Lance PA]1d20+11 [dice=Damage]2d6+15
[dice=Bite]1d20+7 [dice=Damage]1d4+4
[dice=Hoof]1d20+2 [dice=Damage]1d6+4
[dice=Hoof]1d20+2 [dice=Damage]1d6+4
The agile wererat dodges William's thrust, is bitten by charger but seems unharmed, and dodges Charger's hooves!

Wererat of London |

Ugh.. get out of here you little pest!
[dice=PA]1d20+11 [dice=Damage]2d6+15
[dice=Bite PA]1d20+5 [dice=Damage]1d4+10Charger then backs away 50 ft. provoking from the rat.
This time, William pierces the wererat with his lance, and it shrieks in pain, stumbling back as Champion bites it! It seems badly wounded, and doesn't bother to take its attack of opportunity on the horse, instead scurrying off into the shadows....
Squeak!! Squeak!!!

Wererat of London |

William promptly turns Champion around and continues on his way.
William rides another block in search of a stable, when he hears the sounds of rat-squeals and hissing, combined with the agitated bellowing of a bull, from a nearby wooden stall adjoining a stable....
As he focuses his sight on what's happening in the gloom of the stall, William sees that a pair of wererats in hybrid form have just opened the stall door where a strong-looking adult bull with white-and-black mottled hide is lowering its head to show the unwelcome visitors its horns....
Wererats' (2) initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
War bull's initiative 1d20 ⇒ 20

Man-at-arms |

In the common room of The Boar's Head Inn, as the other Lusty Fools are discussing whether or not they ought to go find William, the front door swings open and a pair of burly men-at-arms clad in chain mail coats, with longswords in scabbards at their sides, bandoliers with throwing axes and daggers slung over their mail, heavy shields strapped on their backs along with light crossbows and bolt cases, stride in as if they owned the inn....

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Nacht was absorbing the area, these beings were different from other beings. What a plethora of prospective beings there had to be. These new beings were armored but that meant little to Nacht, most beings wore shells of metal to protect their fleshy insides.

Sir Godfrey Bullfinch |

Right behind the two burly men-at-arms swaggers a self-important-looking young man with styled, curled hair, clad in the latest courtly fashions, and reeking of too much perfume, a rapier in a jeweled scabbard hanging from an equally jeweled belt, as well as a jingling coin purse....
Clear a table for us, you oafs! .... It's too crowded with filthy peasants in here for my taste, but it shall have to do.... I have heard that the other inns of London are filthier and even more crowded with scum than this one, if that can be believed....*Sniff!*.... Dreadful! What is that stench!? Is it these unwashed swine?

Man-at-arms |

Following close behind the rude young dandy are another two burly men-at-arms....
Along with the first two who entered, these men-at-arms briefly scan the common room before deciding to evict a group of unarmed peasant laborers from their table by the fireplace, hauling them forcefully from their seats and tossing them to the floor when they refuse to willingly give up their seats!
Find another seat, scum! This one's for Sir Godfrey, now!

Sir Godfrey Bullfinch |

The rude and arrogant Sir Godfrey takes a seat at the newly-available table by the fireplace, along with his four rude and arrogant men-at-arms....
The former occupants of the seats taken by the newcomers stand up and dust themselves off indignantly, but don't dare to put up further resistance when the men-at-arms grip the hilts of their swords and bare a few inches of steel while glaring menacingly at the four humiliated laborers.... They slink off, grumbling under their breaths, in search of stools at the bar....

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Nacht stood up, absolutely interested in what was happening. The words were odd and strange but it appeared to him some sort of.. game? Perhaps a test of might? These being move over to a being and then pick them up.. dragging them away. It would go by the same token if you were to pick up and drag away the stronger one.. you would of course be the victor.
He crept slowly towards on of the larger beings and examined him as he moved the poorer-being.

Sir Godfrey Bullfinch |

Sir Godfrey sneers at Alphonse haughtily....
These filthy peasants should have willingly given up their seats to their obvious superiors.... They rudely refused.... Now, you look like a fairly respectable gentleman, so I'll give you a chance to turn around and walk away, and bother me with your unsolicited opinions no further!

Wench Anabelle |

Seeing the potential trouble brewing between Sir Godfrey Bullfinch's company and Alphonse of The Lusty Fools, Anabelle hurries over and tries to diffuse the situation by urging Alphonse to let the matter go and return to his seat....
To Alphonse, taking hold of his arm flirtatiously: Come, 'ansome! Why don't you sit back down, an' let me bring ye a fresh tankard on the house!

Wench Anabelle |

Acknowledging Sir Godfrey with a curt curtsey, Wench Anabelle smiles apologetically at Alphonse and whispers to him: Just ignore this bloody arse.... 'E ain't worth your trouble, 'ansome....
To Sir Godfrey: Aye, at once, m'lord! A carafe of our best red, and four tankards of our best ale, comin' right up!
Anabelle rushes off to get the rude dandy and his men their drinks....

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Nacht begins lightly tapping the armor-being in front of him that decided to sit down, clearly that was the trigger to the game. It seemed his choice was right as the Holy-being wanted to join in on the activity. One of the Wench-beings making an attempt on the Holy-being.

Alphonse Veritas |

Alphonse' pride and good sense war with each other, but his good sense wins out...for now.
He sits back in his chair and gives Annabelle a smile, though keeps his eye on Sir Godfrey and his men.
So long as they don't cause any more trouble. Can't get into the habit of fighting every rude person I come across.

Man-at-arms |

Nacht begins lightly tapping the armor-being in front of him that decided to sit down, clearly that was the trigger to the game. It seemed his choice was right as the Holy-being wanted to join in on the activity. One of the Wench-beings making an attempt on the Holy-being.
The man-at-arms that Nacht lightly taps grunts in irritation and turns in his chair to glare at Nacht....
Huh!? What d'ye want!?
He squints at the dark shadow under Nacht's hood, straining to make out a face, and gasps when he catches a glimpse of yellow-glowing eyes and what appeared to be a mandible slipping out from under a scarf wrapped over the lower face....
What in Hell are ye!? he mutters, his expression slightly changing from arrogant indignation to apprehensive uncertainty....
The other men-at-arms chuckle at the sight of the curious figure with features completely hidden under cowl and scarf, tapping their comrade on the shoulder....

Michael Johnson 66 |

Alphonse' pride and good sense war with each other, but his good sense wins out...for now.
He sits back in his chair and gives Annabelle a smile, though keeps his eye on Sir Godfrey and his men.
So long as they don't cause any more trouble. Can't get into the habit of fighting every rude person I come across.
Obviously, Alphonse notices Nacht right there, tapping one of the men-at-arms on his shoulder just as he turns to return to his seat....

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson ignores the stupid goings on until he sees Alphonse become agitated.
Whispers to Alphonse: NO! We can not do this; not only is it foolish to get involved in something the wenches deal with EVERY day -- and KNOW how to handle it -- it will draw attention to us that we CAN NOT risk.
Please, Alphonse.
Our mission with a certain Witch must not be put in jeopardy for a mere ruffian being grossly rude to some patrons.

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Let me suggest an alternative action:
We learn who this ass is and, later when we are more consolidated here in London, perhaps after we take out some Wererats and gain audience with Duke Humphrey, we hit this petty noble where it hurts him -- in his family estate.
But let us not draw attention to ourselves too much.
Let the wenches handle this. Maybe we can even give a few silvers to the patrons this ruffian mishandled and make some quiet friends, but let's not get into a bar brawl.

Paddy |

Paddy speaks in rapid fire German
He then walks over to the haughty man.
If I were you sir, I might think twice about pushing people around. You never know when they might push back. Just bear that in mind the next time you bust in and think you run the bloody place, aye?
Paddy leans in close and shows off a glimpse of his teeth.
You are no one special, mate. Remember that
intimidate: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson tries to get the attention of others of the Lusty Fools as well, gesturing inaction. He only hopes Nacht sees and understands his gestures.
Mike, have any of the wenches, ruffians or others mentioned aloud the family name of the ringleader so I may recognize the family with a Knowledge Nobility roll?
Nobility check if possible: 1d20 + 24 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 24 + (2) = 28

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Nacht lifts a hand up unsure what the armor-being was saying.. it was similar to the other beings the armor-being played this game with. Just as he thought about using the man's face as his target to pull, the Paddy-being speaks.
The Insectile man, hidden beneath the cloth turns his head in confusion.
" Ich war einfach da, um das gleiche Spiel wie sie Paddy Befinden spielen. Warum sollte ich kämpfen, etwas so schwach? Wenn ich gewinne, setze ich mich in seinem Sitz. Oder sagst du das Wesen hat etwas falsch gemacht? "
Nacht paused mid action.

Alphonse Veritas |

@Paddy these aren't the city guard, they're mercenaries that work for Sir Godfrey Bulldick.
Alphonse looks at Iommi with confusion.
"Well, yes, I was heading back to my seat..."

Paddy |

Paddy nods at Nacht.
I know, just hired thugs for Sir Bullchip

Sir Godfrey Bullfinch |

Paddy speaks in rapid fire German
** spoiler omitted **
He then walks over to the haughty man.
If I were you sir, I might think twice about pushing people around. You never know when they might push back. Just bear that in mind the next time you bust in and think you run the bloody place, aye?
Paddy leans in close and shows off a glimpse of his teeth.
You are no one special, mate. Remember that
On the verge of outrage for a second, Sir Godfrey seems to suddenly realize that Paddy is not only apparently completely unafraid of his men-at-arms, but seems to be with several other well-armed strangers, including the obviously valorous Alphonse, the somehow unnerving Nacht, and others.... He opens his mouth, about to retort, and seems to think better of it....
He looks at each of his men-at-arms, who look back at him with an unspoken question in their expressions....

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Nacht's eyes gleam as they look down on the Armor-being as his arm comes back under the cloak, another time then.. He was sure they went to separate homes.
He turned and added his presence back to the group, fun would have to come later.

William Striker |

Oops... I accidentally used the wrong alias earlier.
William looks at the rat-men with dictate and sighs.
"These things are everywhere."
Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
After the Bull
William quickly urges Champion into a gallop and hurtles towards them with a clap of thunder, ending his charge as far away from the rats as he can.
PA Charge: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28 Damage: 6d6 + 45 ⇒ (3, 1, 5, 3, 6, 4) + 45 = 67
Champion's PA bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 Damage: 1d4 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9