Female Human

Mala's page

49 posts. Alias of Aluvian.


Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Ok, sorry to do this to you guys, but RL is heating up. Work is picking up, and as I prepare to start up classes for my Masters I'm getting more heavily into my own writing. (The masters is in creative writing) I'm doubting I'll be able to come back at all. There's just too much going on with no end in sight. I wanted to thank you all for the great RP and I really hope that you can continue and keep this game alive.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala moves in cautiously, but heading directly to the small cages to take a closer look.

Perception on the room in general: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Perception: (Taking 20 on one of the cages) 27

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Mala also heads into the room to have a look around. Trinkets are of esspecial interest to her, and she'll even pocket one (worthless I'm sure) that catches her eye. As the party moves on she is likely the last to leave the room, hurrying to get back to the front again if she can.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala crouches down to peer through the door at a point lower down, or perhaps through Asim's legs. Like a child trying to get a peek at a shelf of toys.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Approaching cautiously, Mala will take a look at the doors to see if she spots anything obvious, then begin a more detailed search of each door.

Perception check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Well that roll makes taking 20 a bit superfluous. :)

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala looks at Garrik quizzically. "Well I'm not going to stand under the hole while I disarm it. That would just be silly." She takes in everyone's response, her eyes flitting from person to person. "Well I could try to sneak through and see if there is anything interesting on the other side... Or I can just mark it so we don't forget and we can look the other way for now." She shrugs, but she can't hide the fact that the former sounds much better to her.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

I'm not sure how careful someone would need to be to get through, but if it's just that they have to take a standard or full round action to do it than this...

Mala considers for a moment before turning back to look at her companions. "It looks like these wires trip something above to come down through the hole. I can try to disarm it, or I can mark it and we can just sneak past. Which would you prefer? Obviously if I try to disarm it and... well... misjudge something, it could fall now. But on the upside we'd all see it coming.

If it looks like it would be too difficult, like taking an escape artist check or some such, she will just disarm it.

Disarm roll either way (hidden so it doesn't influence PCs votes on disarming it):
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala, too, will try to hold everyone back, though she's far too small to do it effectively. If she needs to she'll grab articles of clothing or gear to pull/push in order to get the job done.

Assuming that everyone stops shy, she will walk carefully forward and take a closer look at the trap in order to discern what it was meant to do and how best to disarm it.

Don't know if she needs to make another check, but if so she will take 20, giving her a 27.

Shooing everyone else back with a wave of her tiny hands, she'll pull a worn set of tools from her belt and get to work.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Thanks. I am correct in my reading of the spell that the duration is permanent and you can have as many active as you want... correct?

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala slows as she spots the doors, looking more carefully about.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Upon checking I realize that I only have 1 casting of arcane mark per day from a racial ability. If possible, I'd like to swap her prestidigitation spell for arcane mark as it fits much better.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala will most likely want to be as close to the front as possible. Both because of her innate curiosity, and so she can try to spot any threats before they come up (aka traps). That said, she'd most likely run and hide behind someone big if fighting starts. :) But if one of the big people tell her to get behind them, she'll do it, even if she does pout a bit.

Mala hurries into the doorway, but once past the threshhold she slows considerably, her eyes scanning walls and floor as she walks. Her little crossbow is once again in her hands, and her fingers tap softly but nervously upon it as she walks. "If it is symetrical, I wonder if the design is purposeful. Like a symbol or something..." she muses softly to herself.

As she reaches the intersection she reaches up to trace a symbol near the right turn with one finger. arcane mark She then makes the right turn without much pause. One way is as good as another.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Can Mala tell where the spiders were trying to head to? Where they heading for the door?

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Peeking out from behind Garrik, Mala makes sure nothing else is going to happen before creeping out and walking up to her jar with a pouting frown. "Well that was kind of disapointing. If it was going to destroy itself it could at least have done a more spectacular job of it." Reaching down she plucks up the jar, peering inside it to see how much of it she might be able to salvage. She then walks over and busies herself collecting the pieces of the other spider, placing them into the jar as well before putting it back in her pack. For future study.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala isn't sure putting a jar around something that's about to explode is such a good idea. Shrapnel and all. But she's willing to take the risk for science. That doesn't mean she want's to stick around to see what happens either though.

If she can bottle it she will, but she's taking cover as soon as she does. Probably behind the nearest person bigger than she is. :)

I'd do another knowledge check myself, but I think I've already done plenty on these and well, if Sylvalia can't figure it out with that roll. :)

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

At her freind's sugestion, Mala will rush over to Garrick in an attempt to catch the little curiosity before he can destroy it.

If possible of course. And if he lets her. I doubt she's doing anything if he doesn't. :)

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

If Mala has anything appropriate to catch one in...

Mala breaks out of her fascination and hurries after the closest one, grabbing a jar from her pack to pop over the top of the closest one.

Dex check? 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

If she doesn't...

Mala jumps as the construct tears itself from the body she is watching in morbid fascination, but her surprise is short lived as she hurries after it, intent on discerning where it goes.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Note that Mala isn't actually studying anything. She's just thinking about it. All she's doing is looking at the dead body from about six feet away with an expression between nausea and fascination. Apologies if that was unclear.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala give a surprised squeek at the sudden gore and looks away for just a moment. But her curiosity still manages to get the better of her and she begins to creep closer, her eyes watching the body.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

She pauses about six feet away, wondering whether they have time for her to try to remove a sample of the spines.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala watches from next to the door with a sort of odd fascination, not wanting to watch but unable to look away. She can't really argue with the man with the crazy weapon, though. He gave them fair warning and they made their choice. She just wishes it all wasn't taking so long.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Good with me.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala shrugs and hops back to her feat, obviously considering that to be the end of that. Hefting her small pack she wanders back over to the door. Not right in front of it... She actually rather fond of the idea of keeping behind the big friendly giant. She giggles a bit at that thought.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala gets wide eyes. "Ohhh!"

In Elven (Though it doesn't look like it's on purpose):
Maybe someone is slowly turning the bandits into an army of human-o-constructs using the unknown knowledge that lies within the Redoubt, and then when people come to investigate them, they capture them and turn them into constructs as well so they just get more and more of them, and then eventually they're going to unleash an army of human-o-constructs onto the city in a bid to wrest control, then they'll rule over everyone in a city-state where disagreeing with anything that you're told gets you turned into a human-o-construct and you forget all about your friends and just walk around doing whatever you're told...
Mala makes a vaguely zombie motion with her arms as she gabbers away excitedly in Elven to no one in particular.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala shrugs a bit, and starts to just wander about aimlessly as she waits. However, as she sees Sylvalia go retrieve her pack she snaps her fingers. "Knew I was forgetting something." And off she goes to do the same. She doesn't have much interest in interrogating the men, but she does sit nearby, with her crossbow in her lap, listening attentively.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala humms to herself as she inspects the door. When she does speak, it's hard to say exactly who she's talking to, but its loud enough for everyone to hear. "You know. I heard that the city had a bounty out for some of the bandits hiding out here. Dead or alive as I recall. The Redblades. And as the only other bandit group to be known to be camping here are half-orcs, I can only assume that these..." she gestures vaguely to the two bodies, "...are two of those." She pauses again as she scrutinizes a particular piece of wall. "If more lay beyond, and our propensity for violence continues, this could be a quite profitable expedition."

She smiles and, apparently satisfied, pushes gently on the door, testing their resistance. Not trying to open them, at least until everyone is looking in their general direction.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala peeks around the taller people as the battle ends, giving an apreciative "Oooohhh" at the spell her friend uses. "Nice one, Sylvalia." Seeing the threat has ended she hurries around the big folk so she can get a better look at the spines as well, crouching down next to Sylvalia. In an odd way, her flighty nature seems to vanish as she becomes utterly absorbed in the sight in front of her. "You know..." she mutter softly, whether to herself or to Sylvalia is hard to tell, "It would be facinating to get a better look. I'd be esspecially interested to see how it ataches to the spine..." She hmms softly as she runs her hand over the metal, taking careful note of where it runs.

Then she springs back to her feet and starts to walk to the door, her intesity shatterd as quickly as it formed. "I should check this for any traps they may have laid on it."

I already did a knowledge check for any info about creatures like this, but she'll do her own for anything she knows about augmenting people with machenery. Oh, and for the bounty possibility as well. :)

Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Knowledge (Misc, if it isn't Arcana): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Knowlesge (Local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Taking 20 searching for traps on/around the door. That's a 27 total.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Finally getting her weapon set aright, Mala looks up to find herself left far behind. "Hay! Wait for me!" she calls out as she heads off towards the fight, all the while idly thinking about men who have spines coming out of them. I can see how that would be handy esspecially if you were being hugged like that guy is, well not if you liked the person hugging you obviously, but if you didn't then it might make him stop hugging you, assuming of course that the spines are long enough and sharp enough, it might be like trying to hold a prickly pear...

I'm not sure what knowledge check that would be. But here's a spread.

Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Knowledge (Almost anything else): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala drops the small pack that had been slung over one shoulder to the ground as she crouches down, pulling her crossbow around to point at the guards as she does. "We don't need to fight about this! We just want to get past and have a look inside!" she calls out as she fits a bolt into her weapon.

Never said she was carrying it or that it was loaded, silly me. So I'll do that.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Hearing the people behind her chatting about the direction and apparently choosing east, Mala alters her course to head in that direction.

She's not being reckless, she's looking about her carefully as she goes. She's just not one for standing around when there's somewhere to go.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

I'm pretty sure that as her instructions are as vague as 'clean it out', Mala will just go to the entrance that looks the most impressive, or is closest. She wont see how it really matters where they start if they have to clean it all regardless. Whether you clean the house top to bottom or bottom to top, it's all clean in the end. :)

course if someone else has an opinion, they can feel free to stop her and have her go another way.

Mala looks up at Garrick with an innocent expression.

Whispered back:
"Oh exploring is much more fun when you do it with friends."

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Whichever one is more impressive naturally. If they are of equal impressiveness, then the one closest. Barring that... pick one at random. :)

Mala pishes softly and makes to walk under the man's arm. "Who said anything about not beiong careful?" Her eyes are still scanning. Hopefully still using her previous roll

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala fingers the wayfinder in her pocket as she stares out at the ruins in front of her. There is no trepidation in her gaze, only delightful wonderment. She closes her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath of that wonderment, then with a wide smile she starts forward, heading for what look to be the main doors, her eyes peering about her as she goes.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Mala is already bouncing in her seat before the Pathfinder is even finished talking. This sounds like just the thing to help her, and she knows that's why Shevala is asking her. She's such a good friend. Mala beams up at the woman with wide eyes. Taking one of the wayfinders she immediately starts to examine it, her fingers running over it carefully as her eyes squint down at it. She doesn't even seem to notice that Sylvalia is asking questions, her mind bent entirely on the shiny thing in her hands. I wonder how it works? Or if I could take it apart to find out? Or if I really should? Or what kind of crystal that is? Or how they made it? Or what they hope to find out? And just how are they going to get any information if they aren't there? Is it some kind of recording device? Is it going to track their movement? Is it going to explode? Could she make it explode if she had to? What else could she do with it?.... And well... you get the idea.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Yeah I saw that as well when I was messing with her stats. But then she's starting with a 15 dex and I kinda wanted that 16 there. :)

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1
Shisumo wrote:

She needs a modifier for her Knowledge (psionics). It's a Knowledge skill like any other, and all her usual bonuses apply.

Unless I'm doing my math wrong, it doesn't look like you've included her stat modifiers for being middle-aged.

I had just thought of the knowledge psionics today, but thanks for pointing that out.

I actually did include the middle aged modifications to her stats. At least I'm 99% sure I did. But I'll look those over again too.

EDIT: Yup. Her starting stats were

str - 11
dex - 17
con - 9
Int - 13
Wis - 11
cha - 13

Which should come to 20 points. A +2 to Cha and Con and a -2 to Str, and then a -1 to the physical stats and a +1 to the mental ones gives her the current scores.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1
Garrick Hathorne wrote:
I'm here, and ready to choke some people out.

//bounces up and down// Wow, another student of Shevala. She's a busy Pathfinder. :) Welcome to the class. :)

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

I believe Mala is done, complete with background and equipment.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1
Sylvalia Tesseril wrote:
Mala wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

That sounds pretty much like what I was thinking. Mala grew up on the streets of Absalom before being taken in by a professor and given a job at the Academy. I see them as having been acquaintances for many years, until they both became students of the Pathfinder. From that point I see them as studying and training together, each with their own talents of course.

Which brings me to another point if that is acceptable. What is Sylvalia's personality like? Mala is a pretty typical gnome, very excitable. She's especially fond of words, though, and language in general. Particularly stories of any kind. The more fantastic and unbelievable the better. And is quite fond of mixing stories that she's heard into each other without any real regard for veracity. She's far more concerned with entertainment. Unless of course the stories are actual history. She LOVES history. She also has something of a word-vomit issue. :) I'm curious how their personalities would have meshed so far.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

How long were you wanting to have known each other? Reading your BG, Sylvalia's been in Absalom for about a century, which is exactly what I was thinking for Mala as well. I'd also planned for Mala to have been working for last last fifty years or so at the Academy as sort of a research assistant. I'm just trying to get an idea of how long/well they know each other.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1
Sylvalia Tesseril wrote:
Mala wrote:
Well I'm more than happy to already know you, Sylvalia. I like the idea of us both working with the Pathfinder. So far I've envisioned Mala as having stayed in one place, such as a university, for quite some time. Making her at severe risk of bleaching, which is the cause of her seeking out such a dangerous place.

I didn't ignore thee on purpose, Mala, I completely overlooked thy post! I'm quite confounded and chagrined that I missed it.

Indeed, it will be a pleasure to hath made thy acquaintance, and as fellow students of such an esteemed personage.

I just hope that Sylvalia can take a joke. :)

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1
dbauers wrote:
Mala wrote:

A bodyguard? Mala could make that very fun, and exausting, for you. :)

Btw, Since I'm going to be playing the part of rogue as well, I'd like to ask... Do y'all think I should swap out my feat for a Skill focus in Disable Device (to make up for it not being in class) or just do a dip into rogue at 2nd? The latter would be more thematic for the character, but I'm willing to do the first if others feel it's more needed. Or I could always just pick up the skill focus at 3rd which would be the most thematicly appropriate. :)

Hmmm. I dunno how keen you are on having that +2 init trait, but I'm sure there is a DD trait for +1 trait bonus, and making it always a class skill, if you wanted to go that route

Then you could take imp init instead of skill focus, and come out ahead, with 2 more unit and 1 more DD. ;)

I'll look and see, but I'm not sure I've seen a trait like that for disable device. I'd certainly prefer that route.

EDIT: Nevermind. I found it. Vagabond Child. An urban regional trait. I'll go that route. Thanks dbauers!

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

A bodyguard? Mala could make that very fun, and exausting, for you. :)

Btw, Since I'm going to be playing the part of rogue as well, I'd like to ask... Do y'all think I should swap out my feat for a Skill focus in Disable Device (to make up for it not being in class) or just do a dip into rogue at 2nd? The latter would be more thematic for the character, but I'm willing to do the first if others feel it's more needed. Or I could always just pick up the skill focus at 3rd which would be the most thematicly appropriate. :)

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

For some reason I'm reminded of The Gamers and a pile of dead bards. :)

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1
Shisumo wrote:
Mala wrote:
Eh, what's an extra 1 or 2 HP a lvl? :)
I will be sure to quote this back to you the first time I hit you for 6-7 damage at first level.

And I'm sure I'll rue it too. :) But who ever heard of a bard with a con bonus?

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Eh, what's an extra 1 or 2 HP a lvl? :)

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Well I'm more than happy to already know you, Sylvalia. I like the idea of us both working with the Pathfinder. So far I've envisioned Mala as having stayed in one place, such as a university, for quite some time. Making her at severe risk of bleaching, which is the cause of her seeking out such a dangerous place.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Looks great. I'll likely trade out one of the traits I picked for Student of Shevala. I'd thought about her being connected to the Pathfinders already so it fits.

Female Gnome Bard (Archivist) 1

Well here is my gnome bard. She's not quite done so I might make some changes still. I don't really like the disable device skill she's got (or lack thereof) but I'm planning to pick up a skill spec in it latter to compensate. Any comments are welcome.