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Male Human GM Murder's Mark
![]() This is discussion thread for closed recruitment of PbP Murder's Mark adventure. ![]()
![]() Hi, friends! I have a character with 2XP, means effectively can build rebuild into anything and I have a race boon to play a specific race. Can I use my character XP and rebuild him into this race? I am in doubt, because race boon specifically say: "This chronicle should be first", but character already has some chronicles assigned to him. ![]()
I currently have Store Credit more than 34 USD available to me.
Steps to reproduce:
I'm happy to announce the promotion of Aleksejs Futs as a VL in Riga, Latvia. Aleksejs Futs is a long-time GM and player. He has experience for LARP, PbP and, of course, face-to-face gaming. Aleksejs has both head for rules and great role-playing skills. Most important, he has great amount of energy, he is willing to invest into Pathfinder Society, both as GM and as Coordinator. As Aleksejs is always there to provide me helping hand in building solid gaming community in the area, which was only recently introduced to Organized Play. I expect him to cover all my weak sides and be reliable partner in crime. Please welcome him on boards! ![]()
![]() Hello, all! I have a tricky question. For example, there is a crowd in a bar and they are drinking and looking for fight. I need to take a man out of there, but I do not want to make this bloody. My character jumps on a table and looks around with his pair of loaded pistols (chainsword, anythings) and screams: "This guy now walks out of pub and no one follows us and you drink further..." What type of DC can we expect in this case:
I can imagine taking random number (like 42 for such DC) or using conditional modifiers.. But I'd like to hear some more or less legalistic rulling for situation in question. ![]()
Male Human GM Murder's Mark
![]() Please, list following information for your characters. Player name:
Chronicle #:
Code for copy-pasting:
Just add ] symbol at the end of each line [b]Player name:[/b [b]Character name:[/b [b]PFS ID#:[/b [b]Faction:[/b [b]Chronicle #:[/b
If you like, you might want to supply any other information, you'd like to see on your chronicle. ![]()
![]() Hello, We are group of 5 players, who self-organised during GM Aneirin recruitment. All have their characters, with reasons to join expedition into Stolen Lands (backstory), backpacks full of equipment (generated) and eyes full of excitement to go for common goal (motivated). Only thing we miss is GM, who is willing to jump into our boat and lead us to great future. Roleplay examples are in Gameplay thread.
NG Male Human (taldan) Druid1 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF15, CMD12; hp 9/9; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +4
at will - light, purify food and drink, stabilize; 1st goodberry [x], entangle [x] ![]() Nalys was sitting in reception of Great Hall. Getting a charter, was an official ceremony and he was summoned in Great Hall by messenger, who left a note in Erastil chapel, while Nalys was away. He was 5'10" with deep black hair. His ears were a bit pointy, showing probably small portion of elven blood somewhere in background. He was not a muscular build, pretty much usual for a human. While sitting, he was looking around and it was a look of a hunter. Nalys wore a hide shirt and has a club on his belt. His explorer's outfit was mostly of dark-brown color and done in very rough manner. Most probably, it was repaired and re-tailored by man himself. He looked at other people in reception. One lady and couple of forceful men. "This might be a good company, if they also are here by same business as me" "Good evening, travellers!" he said with his loud voice, ruining all the silence of the moment, "Excuse me asking, but are you here to stand in front of watchful eyes of the Swordship of Restov?" He decided to give word to other and paused to listen for their response. ![]()
NG Male Human (taldan) Druid1 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF15, CMD12; hp 9/9; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +4
at will - light, purify food and drink, stabilize; 1st goodberry [x], entangle [x] ![]() Hi, everyone. This is our campaign discussion thread. I haven't made a recruitment thread yet, but we can start roleplaying in gameplay thread and see how it goes.
![]() Hello, friends! This game is part of the Official Pathfinder Society PbP Game Day. For more information please visit: http://PbPGameday.com A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5. Few societies have so vaunted a tradition of leading crusades as Taldor, yet the constant revisions to its history by scheming factions leaves the truth obscured by countless acts of political modifications. Even the lauded Kitharodian Academy’s texts are riddled with these changes, so when a secretive ally approaches the Pathfinder Society with information about a hidden archive that contains the unaltered histories, the Pathfinders plan a daring infiltration to recover the secrets of Taldor’s past victories so that Mendev might benefit from the discovery. Content in "Library of the Lion" also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Cheliax / Dark Archive, Grand Lodge, and Taldor / Sovereign Court factions. Think of this more as “Mission Impossible” adventure, than a classic dungeon-crawl/hack-n-slash one you’ve been before. So combat-oriented characters with Int and Wis below 10 aren't welcome Please post from your PFS alias in this thread in case you'd like to apply and confirm your participation in DM Kludde’s spreadsheet. I plan to start adventure November, 3rd, 12:00 GMT and willing to finish it December, 15th midnight. Players are free to choose continue or take partial reward at that point. Requirements:
In game:
In combat:
Please, keep game thread as much cinematic and as less mechanics as possible.
Any more questions, feel free to discuss it below. ![]()
I'm DMing my first play-by-post scenario (MoFF) and party is stepping over bodies without any consideration of loot.
For example:
They found coccoon, that contains collar worth 50gp and then went further without anyone posting "Took loot".
They killed trog-s at level2 and found some stuff, but no one is going to take that masterwork light steel shield. Should I give them less reward if they leave those treasures behind? More PFS related questions:
Successful outcome:
Since there was no scenario briefing and mission as such, I'd put: Primary objective: * saving Pathfinder Balenar * defeating BBEG Secondary objectives are: * bringing Banner of the Phoenix to Society HQ * bringing jade statue of angelic being to Society HQ * copying holy texts of Nethys and bringing copies to Society HQ Completion of any primary objective is awarded by +1XP Chronicle. Completion of all secondary objectives is awarded by +1XP Chronicle. In any case, the chronicle max can have +1XP, +1PP as per PFS rules. 2) If one of the players is more in character and doing all the mentioned stuff, and others are more like, "let's do this" and "here comes an action" can still I reward him (with +1XP Chronicle), but do not reward others if they unable to complete primary objective? Is it possible that some in party will receive +1XP Chronicle and another one +0XP? Am I violating Society rules? RaW: Conclusion wrote:
So only success possible is both "kill'em all" and "save good guy". ![]()
Male Human GM Murder's Mark
![]() It was a sunny afternoon, when all of you, feeling a bit of internal disturbance, are waiting in a hall of Grand Lodge in Absalom. Travelling different path and finishing long ways, you came that day to Headquarters of Pathfinder Society to apply and discuss joining the greatest organization in Avistan.
PCs, please, describe and introduce yourself. You have all reason to expect, that guys around you are your future colleagues.
Male Human GM Murder's Mark
![]() This is discussion thread. Any questions you'd like to solve between yourself, but not in character, please, make it here. Feel free to ask me any questions, try to incorporate my answer in your post. Example:
Anything, that is not game related should be down there. ![]()
![]() Hello, friends! This is my first recruitment thread on messageboards for PbP. I'm pretty familiar with PbP subject, played and DMed alot, but its first time I'm doing this both in English and for PFS. Anyway, I hope this will go well and we'll have lot of fun. Back to recruitment. This will be Master of the Fallen Fortress module. One of my friends already applied, so we have 4 more slots. Please post from your PFS alias in this thread in case you'd like to apply. I plan to start adventure August, 26th, 12:00 GMT and willing to finish it September, 18th midnight.
Consider reading Painlord's guide before playing. I'll use majority rule (3 of 5 support proposed action) or Painlord's PbP Rule of Two if party has put someone on a leader role (leader propose and someone supports him). I pre-roll Initiative in start of combat, Perception & Sense Motive in case they are required. It's OK to act or put action before your initiative, but not before enemies done their actions. If OOC ends with question and takes more than 2 lines in post, it should go to Discussion page. Please, keep game thread as much cinematic and as less mechanics as possible. I'm open to feedback and discussions over PM. Because, I still doubt my power, only one table this time. ![]()
According to new, version 6.0 Guide, Quote:
bolded by me For example, I have level 2 character, that died during "The Dalsine Affair" scenario. Will this free "The Dalsine Affair" and other scenario's I played with this character for replay with other characters? What should I do, if several years later, I found that I occasionally overlooked replay rules (was it different in 2012?) and played with one of my characters a scenario I played with another character several years before? ![]()
Hello, fellow DMs! I'm currently started a new party in Pathfinder Society. There are some new to Pathfinder and new to DnD players, so I decided to start with a classic dungeon crawl as first assignment.
I'd like to keep this as campaign-like as possible, so the guys who just started understand a basics of classic adventure, before actually getting deep into Pathfinder Society specifics.
So, the thing that bothers me is travelling. I feel myself not satisfied with default Society approach - this is a mission, go with it, skip 5 weeks on ship or 4 month in a cart before you reach a target destination. I understand, that they will face this reality with other DMs (which, I expect will appear someday in out area), but at the moment, I think that 2nd level party doesn't deserve to be believe in Society like "hire specialist", which is hired in one city for work and his relocation back and forth is paid on "project account". As they will level up and advance, they will move north, to Mendev to fullful a Faction mission, which is help nation of Mendev in their fight against the Worldwound (which they don't even understand, what it is, because they don't have a specific Knowledges and experience). 1) That's why I have a question about which Scenario or Module for 2nd-level is held in Nirmathas (Kassen, Skelt) or near locations (Lastwall, Molthune, Nidal, East of Varisia, Lake Encarthan)? 2) Does GM have an option for moving scenario from one area to another, without altering the main part? For example, "Season 3 - 15 Tide of Twilight" is ment to be played in Venduran Forest,
Since this are home games, we don't have time limit per adventure scenario, but our sessions are actually rare, because I myself is travelling for work on weekly basis. ![]()
Hello, fellow DMs around here! I just started a small Pathfinder Society as a secret lodge in distant lands of Latvia. I have several newbie players (new to DnD at all) as well as one experienced pathfinder and experienced player (DnD previously). We've gone through Varisian forest with 4-19: The Night March of Kalkamedes and they liked that, but one of newbies is pretty dissapointed in game battle mechanics and asked me to prepare something, which is more social, so he could demonstrate his wits and solve a mystery without lots of fighting. I need your help in finding Scenario which involves lots of talking and other social actions, to make them feel more as part of sleeping cell of secret society, not just open adventurers, that fight goblins/monsters/thugs/badguys for gold and glory.