[PFS/PbP] Tiaburn's Murder's Mark (Inactive)

Game Master Nik B.

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Lantern Lodge

Male Human GM Murder's Mark


The Exchange

Female Varisian Human Fortune Teller 1 | hp 8/8 | AC 10 (MA 14) T 10 FF 10 (MA 14) | F+1 R+0 W+3 | Init +0 Prc +1 |

Hmm-mm a Varisian woman clad in flowing robes says as she makes her entrance I did sense I would be needed here. She looks a round the room such strength present here...

Lantern Lodge

Male Human GM Murder's Mark

The light from the rising sun performs a splendid dance upon the windows of Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch’s Magnimarian manor house as she pours the coffee. Her young servant brings in a platter of pastries and fruits before the Venture-Captain begins to speak about the mission at hand in her distinctively low, breathy voice. Group is sitting on small pillows in the fancy gazebo besides a beautiful pond.

- Welcome, friends, - says a nice woman, - My name is Sheila and I've recently put a call for free Pathfinders nearby to visit Varisian lodge. I am delighted that you've found time and got here. As you can see, we have agents of different origin here and of course your skills are totally different. I don't think you'll need most of them, but I actually don't know what to expect. Recently, my friend from Korvosa contacted me about a relic. He said, that thing actually has some potent powers, that need to be investigated, but haven't mentioned what it is. According a magic message I got, Aspis wanted this thing desperately and left some corpses behind. To be sure it didn't get to wrong hands, he used his connections to get it delivered me. I was expecting delivery next week, so I wanted to have couple of knowledgeable colleagues nearby.
Sheila takes a bite out of a chocolate filled biscuit before continuing.
- Yesterday I got another message. Courier noticed a tail and left "the relic" in Locked Box. This is somewhere in Ilsurian, midway from Magnimar to Korvosa. So, I want you to prepare, depart to Ilsurian, get the item from the Locked Box and return it here. Of course, this mission will be paid and you get a chance to be involved into something special.
She takes another pause, sipping her coffee and watching fish, playing in the pond.
- Take a minute, introduce yourselves as you'll be working together and I, as a Venture-Captain, should record your names into journal. Just in case something happens...
She looks slightly disappointed as her eyes meet a statue of archer half-elf armed with composite longbow, aiming something, standing on a bank of the pond.

Don't forget to check Handouts link for inspiring images

Silver Crusade

Female human Swashbuckler 2: HP 20 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: -1 | CMD 16 | Perc. +3 | Init. +3

A young human woman wearing lamellar armor of slender build with exotic looking almond-shaped black hue eyes and matching black straight hair steps forward.

Offering her sword in service as she bows "My lady Sheila, I am Keeley Irodla of Brevoy’s. As a Taldan it would be my honor to be at service to you and the pathfinder society and see to it that this relic is safely retrieved."

It is easy to see the the sword offered in service is an aldori dueling sword. From the way she moves it seems she the type of person more conferrable clad in armor and welding a sword than a fancy dress and ribbons.

The Exchange

Female Varisian Human Fortune Teller 1 | hp 8/8 | AC 10 (MA 14) T 10 FF 10 (MA 14) | F+1 R+0 W+3 | Init +0 Prc +1 |

You may call me Iridestine, the Varisian woman says in a calm, balanced flow of words. I am delighted to be in the company of such talented individuals.

Her long nails grasp a deck of cards, and she flips one over: I see we will encounter the unexpected, a test that requires sharp wit and strong blade. We will face hardship, but prevail thanks to cooperation. It is written in the stars.

The Exchange

Dwarf, HP88/88 - AC 24, T 14, FF 21/ F +10, R +9, W +8/ CMD 23, CMB +9/ Per +21(Dk Vis), Init +6, Move 30ft

The dwarf scratches under his leather breastplate absentmindedly as he puffs a cigarillo and listens to the story. The smell of his 'breakfast rum' cuts keenly through the slightly stale smoke of the last evening. His rough and broken smile indicates he is probably listening.

The metal trinkets in his hair make a clicking sound and for a moment it as if his hair has a life of its own, until the face of a weasel sticks out through it. The weasel is also equally rough looking and it is almost surprising it isn't swilling beers and smoking a cigar of its own. Given the disreputable and rough state of the man, his battle axe and crossbow seem remarkably well cared for.

"Philthy an' Bully, happy to help eh?" he offers by way of introduction. His hand stops scratching under his armour and moves to his greasy ash blond beard, the hand is decorated by cheap iron rings and expensive tattoos.

Silver Crusade

F Aasimar (Angelkin) Unchained Summoner/3 (HP 24/24 | AC:17 | T:13 | FF:14 | CMB:6 | CMD:19 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+4 | Will:+1 | Init:+3 | Perc:+3 | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-15
Lv1: 4/4 | Summon Monster II: 5/5 | Bond Senses: 2/2 | Alter Self: 1/1

"My name's Ayla," says a young woman with blond hair that she keeps in a bun of sorts, some strands still sticking out in front. She wears a cloth outfit that consists mainly of a shirt, jacket and skirt. Most of Ayla's clothes are a soft white, safe for her brown boots and the brown belt around the top of her knee-length skirt.

"It was only recently that I joined the society, but I'm eager to prove my worth. I look forward to cooperating with all of you."

Next to Ayla's seat stands a backpack with a spear tied to it and some javelins sticking out. A longspear rests against the seat itself.

The Exchange

Dwarf, HP88/88 - AC 24, T 14, FF 21/ F +10, R +9, W +8/ CMD 23, CMB +9/ Per +21(Dk Vis), Init +6, Move 30ft

"Cigar?" offers the Dwarf with a smile, a neat feat with a man with a face like a bag of axes.

Silver Crusade

F Aasimar (Angelkin) Unchained Summoner/3 (HP 24/24 | AC:17 | T:13 | FF:14 | CMB:6 | CMD:19 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+4 | Will:+1 | Init:+3 | Perc:+3 | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-15
Lv1: 4/4 | Summon Monster II: 5/5 | Bond Senses: 2/2 | Alter Self: 1/1

"I'm not a smoker, but thank you for the offer, Philthy," Ayla replies with the smile of an angel.

Silver Crusade

Female human Swashbuckler 2: HP 20 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: -1 | CMD 16 | Perc. +3 | Init. +3

Keelee can't decide whether she feels pity or disgust at the sight of Philthy, still if she is to be a professional she must behave as one, "May the gods smile on our endeavor. I am looking forward to working with such diverse group Iridestine, Ayla, and Philthy."

Looking to Sheila, "What else can the Venture-Captain tell us about the task at hand or Ilsurian?"

The Exchange

Dwarf, HP88/88 - AC 24, T 14, FF 21/ F +10, R +9, W +8/ CMD 23, CMB +9/ Per +21(Dk Vis), Init +6, Move 30ft
Ayla, the "Moonlight Angel" wrote:
"I'm not a smoker, but thank you for the offer, Philthy," Ayla replies with the smile of an angel.

Philthy looks at the weasel accusingly, "See how the nice lady spoke? That's manners right there. You'd do well to learn some of those, and have a bath while yer at it"

The dwarven axeman leaves a cigar box on the table for anyone else to help themselves to whilst he has another slug of 'breakfast rum' from a badly beaten hip flask. As he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand he continues "So anyways, we get this relic, convince any Aspis to go die in a fire, and bring it back here... and if you had one person cart it then its clearly not volatile and easily portable. We just need to go for a little wander down a long road and see the sight with a few nights sleeping under the stars... I can't wait, when do we hit the road?"

The Exchange

Female Varisian Human Fortune Teller 1 | hp 8/8 | AC 10 (MA 14) T 10 FF 10 (MA 14) | F+1 R+0 W+3 | Init +0 Prc +1 |

Iridestine watches the hands of Heidmarch move, recording names and details of the pathfinders.

She then says This magical relic, what is its origin? The Thassilonian magicks in this area are not to be trifled with

The Exchange

Dwarf, HP88/88 - AC 24, T 14, FF 21/ F +10, R +9, W +8/ CMD 23, CMB +9/ Per +21(Dk Vis), Init +6, Move 30ft

Philthy chuckles at the comment - you note all of his Tattoos are of Thassilonian origin.

Lantern Lodge

Male Human GM Murder's Mark

Sheila carefully noted names in her journal and closed that, pausing to answer questions:
- Yes, Philthy, you've summarized that quite nice. I don't know about the magic bound to the relic or it's origin. It's still to be studied. As I could get from messages, the relic is some kind of funeral urn with `a rainbow specter on arcane dweometer`, - she definitely was quoting the words from a letter, - About Aspis. They may be a powerful enemy, so I don't expect you to face them. We are Society of explorers and collectors, not the Hellknights to fight any scum by the name of law. Agents are known to be ruthless, when one have something they want. Better keep your heads low not to attract much attention from Aspis.
She checked her journal:
- You probably should departure today or tomorrow morning, if you have something to finish here. It probably will take you 3 or 4 days to get there. Your contact in Ilsurian is Mr. Archivin Walder, the owner of the Locked Box. He is expecting to recieve a word of appreciation from Paracount Marcellus Thurvian of Belde. After you will deliver that - he will give the relic to you.

The Exchange

Female Varisian Human Fortune Teller 1 | hp 8/8 | AC 10 (MA 14) T 10 FF 10 (MA 14) | F+1 R+0 W+3 | Init +0 Prc +1 |

At the chuckle of Philthy, Iridestine smiles I read that you're not scared of these matters. Embraced them with an open mind... she says, slowly, as her eyes scan the arcane markings on Philthy ... no reservation, no discomfort with the secrets lost to the past. Remarkable, master dwarf, quite remarkable. Can you harness the power that these markings represent?

Turning her attention back the mission, of course. Talk to mister Walder, receive the urn, and head back. If all matters were but so simple...

Iridestine's voice fades, and is replaced by something deeper, darker. Rasping, it says... Beware the Heids of March

The Exchange

Dwarf, HP88/88 - AC 24, T 14, FF 21/ F +10, R +9, W +8/ CMD 23, CMB +9/ Per +21(Dk Vis), Init +6, Move 30ft

"Some, it's early days an all, but these symbols" he jabs a finger at a few markings which have been repeated through his strange tattoos "are those of Azlanist, a Runelord, who's school of magic I follow. I study her works, the knowledge serves me well. So no, nothing to fear there - as long as you are cautious and respectful of what you are playing with"

Silver Crusade

Female human Swashbuckler 2: HP 20 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: -1 | CMD 16 | Perc. +3 | Init. +3

Keelee idly looks at Philthy's Azlanist tattoos symbols as he points them out to see if any of it is readable Azlanti.

Replying to Sheila, "The word of appreciation from Paracount Marcellus Thurvian of Belde, that Mr. Archivin Walder is expecting. Is that a pass code or is there a document to be delivered?"

The Exchange

Dwarf, HP88/88 - AC 24, T 14, FF 21/ F +10, R +9, W +8/ CMD 23, CMB +9/ Per +21(Dk Vis), Init +6, Move 30ft

They are in beautifully scripted Thassilonian, accented with Sihedrons.

Dark Archive

Human Sorceror 1 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | HP 3/6 | F +2 R +4 W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +0

A human male in his late teens/early twenties enters the room, looking embarrassed and a bit flustered. "My apologies, Venture-Captain, ladies, ummm dwarf, for being late. I was...preoccupied...with other business that needed attending to. I am here now, though and ready to serve the Society." His pale skin is flushed and he is breathing as though he walked very quickly from several blocks away.

As he finishes speaking his eyes meet Madame Iridestine's, and he gasps a little and looks slightly shocked. "You see Him sometimes, don't you. Death, I mean. I can sense His touch on you..."

The Exchange

Female Varisian Human Fortune Teller 1 | hp 8/8 | AC 10 (MA 14) T 10 FF 10 (MA 14) | F+1 R+0 W+3 | Init +0 Prc +1 |

He sends his regards. Iridestine says to Camaenor with a curious smile.

Silver Crusade

F Aasimar (Angelkin) Unchained Summoner/3 (HP 24/24 | AC:17 | T:13 | FF:14 | CMB:6 | CMD:19 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+4 | Will:+1 | Init:+3 | Perc:+3 | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-15
Lv1: 4/4 | Summon Monster II: 5/5 | Bond Senses: 2/2 | Alter Self: 1/1

Ayla nods at Camaenor. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Ayla."

"That makes five," Ayla says to the Venture-captain, "wasn't one more person joining us?"

She turns to Philthy. "Well we're already at six with Bully, aren't we? And my sister will join us later on. So we'll have quite a large party."

Dark Archive

Human Sorceror 1 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | HP 3/6 | F +2 R +4 W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +0

Camaenor looks at each person in turn - a long look, and not exactly directly at them but more like through them. He tilts his head slightly as if he is listening to someone whispering in his ear once in a while, too. Once his inspection of the party is complete, he smiles with relief and seems to warm up to everyone. "It seems I am in healthy company this day!"

The Exchange

Dwarf, HP88/88 - AC 24, T 14, FF 21/ F +10, R +9, W +8/ CMD 23, CMB +9/ Per +21(Dk Vis), Init +6, Move 30ft
Ayla, the "Moonlight Angel" wrote:
She turns to Philthy. "Well we're already at six with Bully, aren't we? And my sister will join us later on. So we'll have quite a large party."

Philthy points an accusing finger at the weasel "Don't say that too loud or he'll get ideas he is entitled to a slice of any treasure"

Lantern Lodge

Male Human GM Murder's Mark

Sheila pointed to another cup, sitting on the table.
- I expected that another agent will join us, but might be he been delayed by customs at the harbor. He had a good recommendation from Amara Li, a Venture-Captain on the other side of the world. He spent last weeks travelling from Tian Xia to Magnimar. Meanwhile, enjoy your coffee and cookies.

The Exchange

Dwarf, HP88/88 - AC 24, T 14, FF 21/ F +10, R +9, W +8/ CMD 23, CMB +9/ Per +21(Dk Vis), Init +6, Move 30ft

"Ha! Customs spend less time trying to shake you down for taxes when all the booze is smuggled in your belly"

Silver Crusade

Female human Swashbuckler 2: HP 20 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: -1 | CMD 16 | Perc. +3 | Init. +3

"I can understand a reasonable custom taxes, but it does seem most countries are over eager to collect more than is reasonable. Let hope the sixth member of our group makes it through customs soon."

The Exchange

Female Varisian Human Fortune Teller 1 | hp 8/8 | AC 10 (MA 14) T 10 FF 10 (MA 14) | F+1 R+0 W+3 | Init +0 Prc +1 |

Madame Iridestine closes her eyes: A cloud of history hangs over this room.

She raises an arm, stretching her palm out to Kelee, concetrating Struggles? Hardship... I feel... something lost? before turning to Camaenor a life denied? then to Philthy but a secret found? before addressing Ayla and a light may shine again?

The Exchange

Dwarf, HP88/88 - AC 24, T 14, FF 21/ F +10, R +9, W +8/ CMD 23, CMB +9/ Per +21(Dk Vis), Init +6, Move 30ft

"Lots of secrets found, and so many more yet to go! Not sure there's many left in here..." he shakes his dented hipflask again and there is only a light sloshing, clearly almost empty. "The cloud is the cigars, sorry, want one?"

Silver Crusade

Female human Swashbuckler 2: HP 20 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: -1 | CMD 16 | Perc. +3 | Init. +3

Keelee looks skeptically at Madame Iridestine, " 'Struggles? Hardship... I feel... something lost?' Is that a reading of my future or past?"

The Exchange

Female Varisian Human Fortune Teller 1 | hp 8/8 | AC 10 (MA 14) T 10 FF 10 (MA 14) | F+1 R+0 W+3 | Init +0 Prc +1 |

Time moves in circles, my dear, future and past are one and the same.

Liberty's Edge

M Nagaji Brawler 2|| HP 22/22 || AC 17, TAC 12, FF 15 || F+6, R+6, W+3; +2 vs. mind-affecting effects and poison || Init +2; low-light vision; Perception +8

A tall man, clad in very fine scalemail hastily enters the room. When he removes his cloak in becomes obvious that it is not a calemail, but real scales. The newcomer is a nagaji.

- Good day, Captain Heidmarsh. I am very sorry for my late arrival, I hope you will forgive me.

He makes a short bow to all the agents in the room.
- My name is Shasta Ananda, humble hingu shao of the Northern school. Pleased to met you.

Silver Crusade

Female human Swashbuckler 2: HP 20 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: -1 | CMD 16 | Perc. +3 | Init. +3

Keelee returns a bow to Shasta, "Well meet."

Replying to Madame Iridestine "Here I though time was like an arrow where the future and past only meet at the present. There is much to learn in our world."

Liberty's Edge

M Nagaji Brawler 2|| HP 22/22 || AC 17, TAC 12, FF 15 || F+6, R+6, W+3; +2 vs. mind-affecting effects and poison || Init +2; low-light vision; Perception +8

- Have I been so late that you are already talking pholosophy? Could anyone give me a short summary of the mission ahead, please?

The Exchange

Female Varisian Human Fortune Teller 1 | hp 8/8 | AC 10 (MA 14) T 10 FF 10 (MA 14) | F+1 R+0 W+3 | Init +0 Prc +1 |

You'd like to know what the future holds in store for you? Let me see your hand, so that I may peer through the mists of time...

The Exchange

Dwarf, HP88/88 - AC 24, T 14, FF 21/ F +10, R +9, W +8/ CMD 23, CMB +9/ Per +21(Dk Vis), Init +6, Move 30ft

The disreputable looking dwarf shakes his box of cigarillos to Shasta, offering some up "Ran out of breakfast rum though, the meeting went over time" he apologises.

"So anyways, we have to get this old relic, convince any Aspis who are also trying to get it to go die in a fire, and bring it back here... it is safe enough an object and shouldn't be dangerous of itself... so a little wander down a long road and see the sights with a few nights sleeping under the stars. A bit of sight seeing and a splash of possible violence and as you don't look like a poet or philosopher I reckon it's your line of work"

Silver Crusade

F Aasimar (Angelkin) Unchained Summoner/3 (HP 24/24 | AC:17 | T:13 | FF:14 | CMB:6 | CMD:19 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+4 | Will:+1 | Init:+3 | Perc:+3 | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-15
Lv1: 4/4 | Summon Monster II: 5/5 | Bond Senses: 2/2 | Alter Self: 1/1

"Good day, Shasta. I'm Ayla." Ayla waves at the newcomer.

"The relic Philthy mentioned is supposed to be in some kind of locked box. It doesn't sound like a particularly hard mission, but you never know."

Dark Archive

Human Sorceror 1 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | HP 3/6 | F +2 R +4 W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +0

"Death is in your future. I guarantee it. But perhaps our philosophy lessons can wait until we are actually on the road..."

Lantern Lodge

Male Human GM Murder's Mark

Sheila nodded. Your colleagues are right, Shasta. I expect nothing extraordinary: you just travel to Ilsurian, find your contact there, retrieve a relic and return back to me.
She carefully recorded Shasta name into journal.
- As I said, you might choose your preferred pace to start, but I would like to see you going there tomorrow morning, at last, because it might be that Aspis will figure out the truth, stop pursuing our agent and return to retrieve the relic. If it gets into Aspis hands, we might count it lost forever and I don't think we would like that for Society.

Silver Crusade

F Aasimar (Angelkin) Unchained Summoner/3 (HP 24/24 | AC:17 | T:13 | FF:14 | CMB:6 | CMD:19 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+4 | Will:+1 | Init:+3 | Perc:+3 | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-15
Lv1: 4/4 | Summon Monster II: 5/5 | Bond Senses: 2/2 | Alter Self: 1/1

Ayla nods. "Understood. I'm ready to go right now."

The Exchange

Dwarf, HP88/88 - AC 24, T 14, FF 21/ F +10, R +9, W +8/ CMD 23, CMB +9/ Per +21(Dk Vis), Init +6, Move 30ft

Philthy picks himself up and packs up his various indulgences "Ready to go, we all walkin'?"

Silver Crusade

Female human Swashbuckler 2: HP 20 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: -1 | CMD 16 | Perc. +3 | Init. +3

Keelee stands "Agreed, the sooner we leave the less chance for Aspis to cause mischief. I am ready to leave without delay."

Dark Archive

Human Sorceror 1 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | HP 3/6 | F +2 R +4 W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +0

Camaenor heads towards the door, eager to be on their way...

The Exchange

Female Varisian Human Fortune Teller 1 | hp 8/8 | AC 10 (MA 14) T 10 FF 10 (MA 14) | F+1 R+0 W+3 | Init +0 Prc +1 |

Let us see what fate holds in store for us...

Good to go

Liberty's Edge

M Nagaji Brawler 2|| HP 22/22 || AC 17, TAC 12, FF 15 || F+6, R+6, W+3; +2 vs. mind-affecting effects and poison || Init +2; low-light vision; Perception +8

- Madame, I would we happy to discover my future. By I would prefer to learn it the long way, as our lady Desna teaches us to.

Shasta bowed to Captain Heidmarch.

- Let's move out.

The Exchange

Female Varisian Human Fortune Teller 1 | hp 8/8 | AC 10 (MA 14) T 10 FF 10 (MA 14) | F+1 R+0 W+3 | Init +0 Prc +1 |

The long way will cost you more, young friend

Iridestine smiles.

Lantern Lodge

Male Human GM Murder's Mark

After party gathered their stuff, they started their journey. As Sheila expected, it took them about several* days to reach Ilsurian. They saw small city in the evening of third day. Tired by the dusty road, hard bedroll nights and other fun of travelling, adventurers were slowly approaching the town, anticipating warm food and fresh ale.
This small town was surrounded by big farms, but agriculture wasn't the only business here. Lots of fishing boats could be seen on the Lake Syrantula, near the shore.

I misread numbers in Golarionwiki and was counting Ilsurian being 64 miles from Magnimar instead of 360 actual.
With dwarf in a party it should be 20 days, but I expect this is not crucial detail. Let's assume you've been provided some high-speed horses and you made it in a week

Picture in handouts

Dark Archive

Human Sorceror 1 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | HP 3/6 | F +2 R +4 W +2 | Init +2 | Perc +0

Camaenor stops at the edge of the lake, admiring the city on the other side. "What a beautiful sight - I shall return one day and stay a while to bask in the peaceful countenance here." he sighs.

"But business first, I suppose. Do we have time to locate our package, or will that have to wait until the morning?"

Silver Crusade

Female human Swashbuckler 2: HP 20 | AC 17, T 13, FF 14 | F: +1, R: +6, W: -1 | CMD 16 | Perc. +3 | Init. +3

Keelee looks on the small city, "Looks peaceful enough. Perhaps we should stop at the local tavern before seeking out Mr. Archivin Walder. Find out what the local news is."

The Exchange

Dwarf, HP88/88 - AC 24, T 14, FF 21/ F +10, R +9, W +8/ CMD 23, CMB +9/ Per +21(Dk Vis), Init +6, Move 30ft

"Yes! Stopping by a tavern to find out what's what is a good idea. A bit of local news, a roast dinner, a few fresh pots, a wash, and a comfy cot." Philthy looks rather lively at the suggestions.

Liberty's Edge

M Nagaji Brawler 2|| HP 22/22 || AC 17, TAC 12, FF 15 || F+6, R+6, W+3; +2 vs. mind-affecting effects and poison || Init +2; low-light vision; Perception +8

- Allright, I will join you in the tavern then. First I will go find a Desna temple. I wanted to visit it after the journey, give a short prayer.

Is there a local Desna temple?
Knowledge(local): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Trying to gather some information about the local Aspis activity.
Diplomacy(gather information): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11

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