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This is discussion thread for closed recruitment of PbP Murder's Mark adventure.

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Let me introduce Max, who is VC for Moscow, Russia.
Kludde already dotted the gameplay - he is 5* GM from Netherlands.
Expecting other continents representatives to arrive soon :)
I'd like to see balanced party of 4-5 characters that is around 1st level. I don't mind one or two 2nd there, but if majority is lvl2, the adventure has less challenge than expected.

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I'd like to submit Camaenor for consideration! Camaenor is a human sorcerer with the undead bloodline...
Camaenor was stillborn. Despite the midwife's best efforts, the baby was cold and dead. Yet, when she placed him in his mother's arms, he drew a breath and opened his eyes. The midwife fainted...
Years later, the young lad had grown accustomed to Death. He knew when people were walking with Death, and could sometimes even convince Death to leave someone on earth for a while longer. At 13, Cameanor started dreaming of conversations and visits from Death, and has increasingly come to believe they are real. Now a young adult, he had to leave his hometown. Too many people mistrusted him. Some called him the Left Hand of Death. Others called him things too vile to be repeated here.
So Camaenor is on his own in this place, looking to maintain the balance he can almost see around him.

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The dwarf wears a leather breastplate, has a battle axe hanging from his belt and a crossbow slung over his shoulder.
The smell of cheap booze and tobacco surrounds him like a cloud as he sips off another tankard of ale. His greasy ash blonde hair turns into a greasy ash blonde beard, both are filled with cheap steel trinkets. His full sleeve tattoos seem to start at his fingers and end at his neck - a combination of arcane scripting and geometric patterns. All of this serves only to draw attention to his face, which is as rough as a five mile patch of bad road.
All that said though, he seems to have a convincing smile - even if it is a little broken.
An equally disreputable looking weasel keeps him company. He introduces it as 'Bully'.

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There are four players applied: three arcane specialists of different focus and a bodyguard brawler.
If someone from our regular group would like to apply, I think we can take one.
Still several days left before we start, so if you plan to attend a game during weekend and do some shopping afterwards, it still can be done.

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OK! I see no objections, so we are ready to start tomorrow. Still one spot left, so I'll plug it into our Fangwood group, since there are active players as well and one might want to fill the spot.

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Hi everyone!
I've played the introduction of Murder's Mark before, but our GM disappeared when we started the actual investigation. We visited one building, that's all.
I'd very much like to join you, if you'd have me. Ayla's level 1 and has 0 XP, so I'm a bit concerned about keeping her HP up, but I think it'll be a fun module to play with her.
Ayla was once an angel, but was bound to the material plane by a demon's spell. She now has to continue her life as a mortal (angelkin aasimar). Over the years Ayla learned to contact the celestial plane and even learned to summon her sister, Layla (angel unchained eidolon), to the material plane.

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Philthy, could you please check your Alias profile.
I couldn't find Prohibited schools. As well, you have Scribe Scroll feat should be changed to Spell Focus (<school>), according with PFS rules.

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Philthy, could you please check your Alias profile.
I couldn't find Prohibited schools. As well, you have Scribe Scroll feat should be changed to Spell Focus (<school>), according with PFS rules.
Yep, not sure why those didn't pick up, but for Thassilionian/Wrath the oppositions are fixed as Prohibited Schools: abjuration, conjuration.
Noted on Scribe, forgot to make the change when copypasta the sheet over :)

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A note about gameplay.
Max, playing Shasta Ananda, informed me he got sick and he will pop up as soon as he will feel himself better. I think he can retroactively introduce himself later. Do not expect him to be Aspis member :)
I'd like to keep a gamethread without me requesting a special checks, even with Knowledge spoilers. More of it, I tend to look into background and origin of people and might allow some slack because of those, f.e. Mwangi-born adventurer may roll Knowledge(nature/local) to get some information about creatures or tribes nearby even if he has no ranks in those. I will supply him with corresponding information according to his check (might be even over DC10 cap). If you think some check might be appropriate to the situation, feel free to roll and ask here or there.

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To explain a bit ooc.
There are regular games/attractions on the Midway. Those are available most time.
There are some bigger shows (more expensive) available any time: the Zoo and All-Seeing Hajeck card reading.
Madame Masque show starts at 19:00
The Lair of the Sphinx is the Pearl of the Carnival, so it starts at 20:00
After the Sphinx performance they tend to wrap it down and close Carnival grounds in less an hour to open again next day, one hour before sunset.
Current time is 18:30

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Sorry about delays. I've been over my head with work. Hopefully it fix itself up during weekend and I return to regular schedule

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Camaenor, despite PCs can use any wands, divine or arcane, character should have effective spell on spell list of available spells. Since, sorcerer doesn't have cure light wounds it takes you Use Magic Device check to make it work.
Try Again: Yes, but if you ever roll a natural 1 while attempting to activate an item and you fail, then you can't try to activate that item again for 24 hours.
This means you cannot take 10 or take 20 and need to roll until you succeed. I'll roll for you this time, but mind that, if you'd like to use wand during combat or time sensitive situation.
UMD vs DC20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

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I'll be on a break until the 21st (I've mentioned it elsewhere, but somehow i missed this thread). Please bot me as needed, and I'll be back in the action once i return.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Enjoy your time off, guys!
I'll be driving action slowly (1 post per day), since I have quite a lot to do except gaming for a moment.

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I've been rather busy the past two days, but I'll be able to post again tomorrow! :)

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I will departure for a 9-day vacation this Saturday and will have no access to Internet (probably). Game will continue on June, 20th and further when I will return. This Summer I have some travel plans, so mostly will be picking speed and dropping back. In September posting will return back to usual pace. If you have any issues, feel free to PM me or comment here. I'd like to make best gaming experience for everyone.

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Dear people, the end of the semester's approaching and I want to focus fully on the assignments I still have to complete. Therefor I won't be making any posts on this forum till Friday. I look forward to continuing our adventure then! Please bot me in my absence.

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I'll be traveling starting tomorrow to Finland Ropecon, then Russia and return to lead local Unicon PFS section.
My appearance online will be flacky and don't expect game will move much till I return to office August, 9th.
If you are tired of long-stretched social stuff, feel free to say it out, so I could skip forward to more long-stretched social stuff (because this is how detective adventure works)

Shifty |

In 24hrs I will fly out to a course/assessment for two weeks, and I am not certain how our comms is looking on arrival. Worst case I will be able to borrow some bandwidth, and I will continue to post but I should have a clearer picture on arrival (all things being equal I should be fine)
Also, as it is a fairly heavy workload I may have a few time poor moments where I might post short/messages, that won't be a sign of disinterest, more a sign of being under the pump.
Wraps up 03 October.

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Dear GM and fellow players, I am unable to post today and will not have internet access for several days. I will be back in the weekend! :)

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My dear friends,
I feel that I overstretched myself with different games I've started. Now I suffer some consequences: I have a lot of work to do and quite few time to get game moving.
I think, I've lost juices and my games switched from something I've enjoyed to mechanical nonsense. Please, excuse me for letting you down. I will understand if you are not ready to wait until I find something inspirational to make this moving.
I will take a break until next Monday, October, 17th to finish my numerous routine tasks and do something inspiring. Might be this will allow me to restart this game again.

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DM Tiaburn,
How far through the module would you say we are?
There are a few options, if you feel you are unable to continue:
1) End the game with no PFS credit.
2) If we are more than half way I believe we can end the game and get partial PFS credit.
3) We can ask for someone to step in as GM to finished the module.
4) continue to wait.
We started the game in Jan 2016 and we have made 495 post. I personally would like to complete the module before the one year anniversary.
No mater the ending , time spend rolplaying is never wasted. Thanks DM Tiabum for starting game and playing to where we are.
What does everyone else think?

Shifty |

Thanks for Tiaburn getting this game started and it has been a pretty good run, and I appreciate that sometimes things just get in the way of continuing the fun.
In my perfect world we'd finish up as we started and see this thing through.
I would also like this to get knocked over and finished, and preferably prior the anniversary.
I appreciate Tiaburn is possibly still not feeling like he is enjoying this though.
My 'problem ahead' is that I know in Dec I will be off sailing around New Caledonia for a couple of weeks and then we hit Christmas.
So in short:
Tiaburn, if you want to get back on board, lets get this finished up.
If you aren't in a position to do so, or you'd just prefer not (thats cool too) let me know and I can swap out from player to GM and I'll get the thing finished up.
Given the current date (and the date I set sail) aren't that far apart, if you could let me know of your intent in the next day or two?