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I'm sure it's been said but make sure that there's a I didn't trigger the trap but someone else did option in the future questions.
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This was a design idea pulled from Starfinder. A lot of the stat block happens behind the scenes and doesn't make sense with the math we see directly. Hopefully there will be a guide on how to build monsters.
But if you look at the NPC section of the Bestiary you will note that the math does add up and acts like PCs. They even make mention of this at the beginning of the section.
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Pan wrote: I was annoyed at first too, but seeing that taking half-elf/orc opens the ancestry feats for both elf/orc and human is a neat benny. I mean you still get the trait like boon for taking the ancestry feat too.
The real problem is ancestry being reduced to a trait like system. Its too sparse, lacking in both theme and mechanics.
It's not a benny though, that was already present in 1E. It's nothing new. I can see that it saves space, but I would much rather have them separate and be able to take other abilities.
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I'm all for goblins being core. It's a nice breath of fresh air to a new system.
Plus there's already at least one settlement where goblins are an accepted part of the community. Thornkeep. They're allowed to come and go and do odd jobs in the town. To me goblins as core is an extension of this.
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I'm not sure on how I feel about this yet. Making save or sucks stronger is not a way to decrease M/CD. I think this only goes to increase it. Of course, this is only one subsystem and other changes could be incoming but it is worrying. The loss of an action was always the gamble with save or suck and balanced them out. Giving them an effect even on a successful save only increases their power and thus casters. Not sure if this has been covered or not, because 10 pages is a lot to go through.
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TheFinish wrote: Madclaw wrote: Saldiven wrote: Darksol the Painbringer wrote: Right. Because sex appeal and Charisma are synonymous in this game.
Except they're not.
Except they are, to a degree. From the CRB:
"Charisma measures a character's personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and appearance." Yeah, but look at Amiri, she only has a 10 Cha and is very attractive. So, really YMMV. Sex Appeal and Charisma need not be synonymous, but they can be. It's just as valid to say that a Sorcerer's CHA 20 is from being someone who turns heads wherever they go, even if they're really introverted and shy, as it is to say a very attractive person is CHA 10 because their personality and ability to lead aren't up to par. Because Charisma is a combination of all those traits, not just one. Precisely what I was trying to drive at. And you did so eloquently.
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Saldiven wrote: Darksol the Painbringer wrote: Right. Because sex appeal and Charisma are synonymous in this game.
Except they're not.
Except they are, to a degree. From the CRB:
"Charisma measures a character's personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and appearance." Yeah, but look at Amiri, she only has a 10 Cha and is very attractive. So, really YMMV.
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42) Will magical pants finally be an option?
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TriOmegaZero wrote: Freakin' morlocks. At least the assassin is pretty cool. I really wish they'd put out a mini of one morlock standing on the other's shoulders, since they usually end up that way in combat.
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I don't think this needs to change. If you have an issue with it in your games don't allow it.
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I know this isn't quite the place for it but I'd love to see a PFS season centered around getting the Society to Arcadia. Building the resources for it, setting out, and then making contacts there. I think it could make for some good times. And with the advent of PF2 coming it'd be a good time as any to do so.
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I know this is a new edition and a number of people are suggesting putting various golden cows on the proverbial pyre but if they're keeping the alignment system I think the current nomenclature is sufficient. Mainly to discourage any confusion.
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Logan Bonner wrote: John Compton wrote: I rather relish any opportunities I get to highlight non-human NPCs and villains, especially in diversifying the venture-captain roster and presenting unexpected foes.
Clearly we need a gnome arch-villain. And not some goofy gnome, either, but an obsessively sinister schemer. The eyes of the ground squirrels are everywhere, John. The squires are organized!
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This has already been mentioned before but more unique gear would be fantastic. We've started to see it more but I want to further encourage it things like certain scabbards and cords made for mules or potions with dual effects. Simpler things like higher caster level potions, scrolls, and wands are almost always bought by players in my area.
On a similar vein I'd like to see items that are in the CRB discounted on chronicles or do what some have done where you can use prestige to reduce the cost of an item. It's made some neat items that are a little to costly attainable.
Thing numero 2 I'd like to see is a balancing of faction boons on chronicles and the difficulty to attain them. There have been a couple of instances of the old season 1 and 2 disparity of difficulty show up between faction goals. One requires succeeding on all 4 difficult checks in a row whereas another faction just had to complete the scenario with both success conditions. Only to find out the more difficult one was less rewarding. Further, having more variety for boons would be nice as well. I'm looking at you Silver Crusade and your 3 to 4 free atonement boons
I'd like to disagree with the death needs to be more meaningful. I think it is already. 20 prestige is nothing to scoff at to get the raise dead and the 2 restorations to negate the two negative levels. That means you're part way through 5th level so you don't have the gold cost. If you're not 5th level you're dishing out gold that is needed for gear. I think death is fine where it is. It's *almost* never fun to have a character die that you've invested time and effort in, even if you have the 20 pp cushion.
That's really all I have. Other than the addition of a magical pants slot but that's more a system request than a PFS one.
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Well, at least we'll get to see more of Tom Cruise running?
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Depends on the scenario level. Mid to higher levels starts seeing casters and many of them will have at least one AoE. Good-bye swarm.
Also, this
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Tell everyone to take off their boots. When dopplegangers shape shift they generally just shift into having their clothes on. If they can't take off their boots then they are a doppleganger. Kudos to any doppleganger that actually wears clothing.
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Well, I was really hoping Tarquin would become one of the, what is it 3 or 4, different factions going for the gates that the Oracle talked about. I really kinda wanted to see a throwdown between Xykon and Tarquin. Where Tarquin tries to fight to see who is the main villian and Xykon keeps asking "Who is this guy?" Or as Tarquin is rushing head-long at Xykon screaming he is the main villian he gets disintigrated by Xykon and makes a comment that he looked like that one blonde guy from that one dungeon.
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If your DM allows it I would suggest PrC into Grey Gaurd from Complete Scoundrel. The class is centered around having a more lax paladin code and using an ends justifies the means approach.
Also, if you're looking for a more wrathful pally, start worshiping the Empyreal Lord Ragathiel. Part of portfolio is wrath and vengence.
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Adamantine Dragon wrote: Julio has some minions on his flying boat I think. I wonder if they will also join the fray.
Looks like Roy might get his sword back too.
A little healing would be perfect about now.
I keep thinking about those wands Haley picked up.
I forgot she still had those.
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Orthos wrote: Inkwell wrote: ** spoiler omitted ** ** spoiler omitted ** If this hasn't happened already.
Also, I find the the show reasserting the theme that, 'it's because of fire benders that we can't have nice things.'
So what was with Nick showing two episodes this week? I don't have cable and watch the episodes on the web. I know I didn't miss a week so I was confused. Anybody know why?
Furthermore, I'm glad they were able to get the previous avatar voice actors back. I really miss Roku's voice.
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96. While fighting some enemies one of the PCs is knocked into a vendor cart, destroying it. The vendor screams, "MY CABBAGES!"
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Chrysanthe Spiros wrote: I fail to see the problem with that~ One word, chaffing.
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I think we also need to do something about her dress as well. it apparently experiences some riding issues.
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She does have magical tattoos. Perhaps one is a permanent mage hand that lifts and separates.
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yellowdingo wrote: Freehold DM wrote: LazarX wrote: yellowdingo wrote: So the Tenzin and family story gets bumped to the B story Line...apparently Aang was a sucky dad.
Of course he was - they continue to not understand that all benders are descended from the Avatar. This means it is the children of the Avatar that refresh the Bender power genome with each generation - and it means that when the Avatar doesn't have children - like with the Air benders who turned Air bender after Air bender into Monk they undermined the continuity of Airbenders.
So Avatar - the Spiritual/political leader is the incorrect belief system that undermines the future - and Avatar the Parent of the next generation perpetuates it.
The Air Nomads were doing just fine... until that slight problem of Fire Lord Azulon going on a genocidal campaign to wipe them all out.
Aang did not stint on his child siring duties. For a short lived Avatar,he had four kids, even if only one of them turned out to have Bending potential, his grandkids seem to be making up for it. I dunno. We don't see air bending married couples in the series when the nomads were at their height. They seem to be the only benders who lack a traditional family matrix, although they seem to care for one another greatly. Which was the problem...Air bending is not passing from parents to children. It is dead ending in the Monastic order of the Airbenders. This leads to less air benders being produced from those who are less likely to produce airbenders. It breeds a culture of genetic extinction. I was always led to believe air benders breed with one another but raise children communally so not as to have attachment to them. It would explain why Aang never really talks about his parents and has Gyatso as a surrogate father figure.
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sometimes I like to pronounce it as pie-show, as in the Chinese game.
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Grey Lensman wrote: LazarX wrote: It's not enough for the show to bring in raw numbers, it's got to bring in the right numbers for the targeted demographic which responds to advertiser dollars. I'm not sure how it works on Nick, but on Cartoon Network if the toys aren't selling, the ratings don't matter. The show will get axed. Hence why Young Justice got cut. But that was Mattel pulling it's funding. It was also expensive because they, CN, were using out of house voice actors and thus weren't on standard contract salaries.
As to some of the above statements, I liked the pro bending stuff. I felt it complimented the over-all theme of Korra. She's a very physical person and thus the show focused on a very physical aspect of the series. We didn't get much of the mystical/spiritual because it wasn't a strong suit of Korra's. This is even said by multiple times throughout the series. Thus why we're getting a very spiritual focused second season.
Also, I was really disappointed by the season finale. My theory was that Amon was Azula's kid or maybe Ozai managed to have another child secretly. It was a long shot but it would have been cooler I think.
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I ran into a similar problem, except I was on the other end. I have a paladin of Ragathiel, who is fervently about wrath and punishment. I was playing The Hydra's Fang Incident. I had just dropped the main boss and his two flunkies surrendered. I asked them if they had committed the crimes they'd been accused of and they admitted their guilt. I told them to assume the position, asked if they had any money/possessions/messages to send to relatives. I said a quiet blessing to Ragathiel and give them quick, clean, and merciful executions. The GM was fine with this but one of the other players was mildly shocked and said, 'but you're a paladin!' I countered with 'yes, but Ragathiel has very clear strictures about evil doers and swift vengeful justice.' I and my character felt they were perfectly in line with LG and Ragatheil tenets of faith.
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Hankie of Sunlight
When shaken this small piece of cloth emits a bright flash of light for up to 5 rounds equivalent to the light spell per day. Once expended it needs to be placed in direct sunlight for 1 minute per round equal to the amount of rounds used. If the hankie is held in the hand of a truly happy person while charging the light spell effect is replaced by a daylight spell effect instead.
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Anyone get the feeling that Tarquin is very similar to a railroading GM?
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Jason Nelson wrote: ThatEvilGuy wrote: Jason Nelson wrote: Imma just leave this right here. Yeah, someone should do somethin' about that. Maybe somebody already has. But 663? Hmmmm.. Just because there's only 3 mythic demons in MA doesn't mean we won't see more than that in WotR. They tend to make a number of custom monsters for APs. I don't know why they'd stop now. Also, I can't wait to see Deskari's stat block and the crazy mythic abilities he'll have.
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Again, just eliminate xp rewards and tell them when to level when the ap does. Worked out for me for years.
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This is awesome! Although, I do see one hitch is when the kids take over as GM they may have some problems getting over the Me versus Them aspect and winning. I think you're going to need to really stress this to the kids and although a game, being a GM is more about helping others have fun, and not winning. I know far too many adults who have this problem.
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Not sure if this has been mentioned yet or not, but Imps have Invisibility as spell-like ability, AT WILL. Have the Oracle stage an instance where the player pretends to banish the Imp and the imp feigns banishment and goes invisible. Then have the Oracle and the Fighter make amends. The imp stays invisible and quiet and stays around to learn to be good and the fighter thinks it's gone.
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Lamontius wrote: Mark Hoover wrote: I use individually sized, hand crafted cases of leather and oak, cedar-lined and felted on the inside. Each is hermetically sealed and generally stored at a comfortable 42 degrees at a mere 6% humidity. They are removed only by my man, Timbles, who must wear gloves and a mask to handle them or else he spends a night with the dogs. In transport these cases are further sealed in plexiglass. I employ a fleet of temperature-controlled vans which are loaded and unloaded by robots.
Or rather, I use a backpack. All my spines are ruined. It's not an investment - it's a lifestyle.
Well said, Mark Hoover
Also just a reminder that I will be flying by promptly at 2 o'clock to pick up both you and Timbles for our weekly meeting to drink six thousand dollar scotch and then spit it upon Timbles for basically no reason
Excellent! I'll meet you both there. We might be a little late though because Woodhouse FORGOT TO CHANGE THE OIL IN THE CAR! So I'm making him take me by rickshaw. I'll be sure to bring the bowls full of cobwebs and we can make Timbles and Woodhouse eat them.
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Be happy they haven't thought of the portable hole full of shadows idea yet. Truly one of the best ways to kill a dragon.
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Putting a layer of Sovereign Glue between the cross brace of his sword and scabbard or in his helmet.
Placing a stone of alarm in his room at the tavern.
Replacing his armor with an exact replica only one or two sizes two small. This is really only a flavor thing but still reall funny.
Obtaining a hand of the mage and knocking drinks on him as a barmaid goes by in the tavern.
Filling his boots with cold porridge, just enough to make it annoying, but not enough it will be seen when he puts them on in the morning.
And then there's the long con if you want to go for it, setting him up to ultimately fall and to have him loose his paladin powers. I strongly recommend against this one. But should make for a nice long revenge con.
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One of the players that I killed, the sorceror, actually made a barb and is going the two-handed bast and forgoing the Ex wpn prof. I asked why and he said it seemed appropriate. I just shrugged and said fine by me.
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*stands up*
My name is Chewie, and I'm addicted to making characters.
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TOZ wrote: Why does the thread title read like a challenge to me? Because it is. Question is whether or not you accept it.
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Anyone else notice how this quickly devolved into a physics debate?
52) Dwarves, which lived unground for millenia and moved to the surface have no light sensitivity. Orcs on the other hand who were driven before said dwarves do.
53) No natural evolution/adaptation of a species. Orcs have been on the surface for hundreds of years and yet they still have light sensitivity.
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But something I liked was that I could tell people that played KOTOR, Neverwinter Nights, and various other rpg video games that they played the 3.0 system of D&D and have the basics. Wanna play?
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I'm gonna go the opposite direction and say my least favorite. And that is all the lack of d12 support. They're just so sad and lonely.
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Haters and their Hatorade?