
Lord-of-Boggards's page

105 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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So what are the chances of seeing Versatile Heritages for Wood and Metal? They should have their on equivalent to Ifrits, Oreads, Sylphs, and Undines right?

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I don't get people who complain about the number of races in Pathfinder. Its not like you are forced to have them in your campaign. If someone wants to play something exotic in a campaign where that race logically doesn't belong then it is up to the GM to put the book down.

The more 0-HD races the better. That way when you start a campaign in an atypical setting(as in anything that is not the same boring stereotypical pseudo-Europe) you can have cool races that accentuate the setting.

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Wannabe Demon Lord wrote:

The Hodag's presence in Bestiary 3, and a couple of other things, has led to it becoming one of my default monsters in most of my fictional settings. To the point that I even have an anthropomorphic female one in the main cast of my Monster Girl series. If Hell freezes over and my writing career ever gets off the ground, you can expect a lot more Hodags to enter the realm of fiction.

I wish we had creatures that cool in Florida where I live. All we have is the Skunk Ape, which is admittedly really rather generic, as well as the handful of Seminole creatures that I'm aware of, most of which are unheard of by the general public. One, miraculously, made it into the book though: the Fastachee, which I'm fairly certain is Pathfinder's first Floridian monster.

If only Paizo would take a monster from my home state and throw a Gowrow into the mix. Nothing says fun like a terrestrial, cave dwelling, tusked, whip tailed, crocodile/lizard thingy.

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Myth Lord wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

If you are including grays shouldn't you include the reptoids too? As far as conspiracies and pop-culture go about non human intelligent beings messing with modern humans the reptoids are right after grays as far as importance

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(Dang you had a curse as your origin too. I need to think outside the box next time.)

Nephila- The Golden Spire

LN Metropolis

Government: Sepivalc 7th Lord of the Spire

20,500: 40% driders, 30% grippli, 25% Vanara, 5% other

Once the Driders who would come to found Nephila dwelled deep among the roots of the great trees of the great Western jungle. Carving burrows with their great hairy bodies, lined with their webs throughout the floor of the jungle the driders dominated ruled the ground. But despite their dominance of the floor, great tribes of Grippli and Vanara roamed the trees above, where the driders' couldn't traverse. The roaming tribes of the trees would often sneak down and steal food and valuables from the driders in daring raids only to retreat back to the trees to the frustration of the driders.

After a truly daring thief stole the golden scepter of the lord of driders himself, The lord cried out to the great spider god to give his people the means to ascend to the tree tops. The god granted his wish changing the driders' large ungainly bodies into sleek elegant forms and gifted them with strong golden webs, However as payment the god cursed the driders to never set foot on the ground again. The driders quickly conquered the roaming tribes and founded their great capital Nephila.

Nephila can be seen for miles upon miles around to any who can see above the canopy. The driders originally built the city downwards from the tallest tree in the jungle, they have since erected a great pillar in the center reaching twice as far s the original tree. The great golden webs support a great number of wooden landings where many driders dwell, while the grippli and Vanara and lower class driders remain in a great under city in the branches below the canopy.

While the Driders quickly conquered much of the jungle , they desired to extend their reach further. Using a combination of ingenuity, strong webbing, and a little magic driders have crafted web constructs allowing them glide upon the currents of the wind allowing them to sweep down unto towns normally outside their reach. The driders' have also constructed large, magicked balloons of webbing to carry their vanara and grippli soldiers to act as a ground force when they invade towns. Often the driders will send in their ground troops to secure an area before sweeping down to grab valuables before ascending back to the sky.

The Grippli and Vanaras conquered by the Driders were inducted into the society near the lower rungs yet the Driders do not mistreat them. They work as valued members of the city willing to work for the prosperity of Nephila alongside all others. Nephila is also home to a small number of slaves brought back from their flying raids who work for the most powerful members of the society.

Despite it's power and wealth, the current lord of the Driders is deeply concerned because an overzealous raiding party has recently killed a great sylph priest and the sylphs now threaten to turn the sky against the driders and scatter their city with a great storm if demands are not met.

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My votes were:

Thought Eater- Its a flying, psionic, platypus-skeleton aberration. I had to pick it.

Deep Merfolk- Awesome aquatic humanoid or generic blue multi armed woman. No contest

Su- You turned a rather stupid looking mythical beast into something horrifying. Its amazing.

Roiling Oil- Ooze beats leshy anytime.

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Crystal Frasier wrote:

Ironically, a 0-HD version of lizardfolk was my original pitch for my new race. This was probably one of the most collaborative books we've done in a long time, and we all bounced ideas off each other. There were several ideas that went back and forth before we settled on ganzi, including a termite people (which was a little too close to the new race Adam originally wanted to include) and a 0-HD version of aranea. Still hope we can do those other three in the future.

.... I...... I ....


Seriously all three of those sound amazing

Also just curious were you going to go normal lizardfolk route or something more akin to like a skink, monitor, chameleon, gecko, marine iguana, thorny devil, frilled lizard ect.?

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And I like scifi monsters,cryptids, new types of old monsters(Giants, dragons, ect.), re-imagining old monsters, and completely new monsters. And Oozes.mmmmmm oozes

But I don't want those things and have everything else excluded. I want people who want their fey to get fey. People who want their outsiders to get outsiders. People who want their Duckbunnies to get Duckbunnies. People who want their obscure myths to get obscure myths(I too would like things like the Cherufe). The bestiary is supposed to be inclusive of a wide range of monster that appeal to a lot of people.

If you didn't constantly criticize other people's wants like aliens and new dragon types people would probably be more receptive to your suggestions of more obscure mythical creatures.

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Gisher wrote:
Myth Lord wrote:
Why? The D&D Brain Moles were terrible. I hope they turn out extremely different.
I'm sure you do.

Brain Moles:

Not directly related to a mythical creature
You can pronounce their name
More than 50 people in the world have heard of them

They don't fit any of the criteria for Myth Lord to like them

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nighttree wrote:
Uggghhh....November is FAR TO LONG to wait to hear about the playable Darkfolk....I'm going to implode long before then....

I feel the same except for the Deep One Hybrids in my case

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Dragon78 wrote:
There might be more than one sasquatch like 0HD race in the book.

I really hope that isn't the case... Rather have them all be as different as possible ;)

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chaoseffect wrote:
Lord-of-Boggards wrote:

Obviously we need the oozelord class. We have serious lack of ooze based classes!

You make be joking, but I agree with the sentiment here at least as far as needed archetypes. The lack of a swarm based archetypes also greatly disturbs me. To this day I get mildly upset when I look over Hive Totem and the short description doesn't say something like, "Turns yo ass into a f+#%ing swarm of pissed off bees."

Honestly... I would have preferred an ooze based class rather than vigilantes.

But yeah there are no ooze or swarm based archetypes or alternate companion rules and it makes me a very sad boggard

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So I was browsing through the gelatinous ooze section of Dungeon Denizens Revisited and I found the following paragraph in the section about gelatinous cubes in Golarion:

"Perhaps the strangest story of all comes from beneath
Golarion. Recently, reports have surfaced of a huge vault
located in Orv, the deepest level of the Darklands. These
accounts describe a gelatinous cube of truly mountainous
proportions, worshiped as a god by an aberrant race of
half-ooze humanoids who placate it with a never-ending
tribute of food and slaves captured from neighboring
vaults. Normal-sized gelatinous cubes are said to cleave
like icebergs from the sides of this thing and wander
aimlessly through the tunnels of the Darklands. Thus far,
these statements remain unconfirmed on the surface, and
a Pathfinder expedition to investigate these disturbing
claims, led by famed venture-captain Rixmir Thal, has not
been heard from in months."

I find this really interesting. I would say I hope to someday have some more info on this but considering how old DDR is I assume that this paragraph has since been forgotten. Of course I would really want those half-ooze humanoids to be a 0-HD race...

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I may not want certain monsters very much (Like Fey) but that doesn't mean i hope they aren't included in this book. I really hope they are included because I know some people really like that sort of thing and I hope that there is something for everyone in Bestiary 5.

So while you may not want more 0-HD races or aliens and robots or Giant plants or whatever it is you aren't into I think people should be glad of everything that gets in because SOMEBODY probably really wants the monsters you don't and with 300 monsters I think there will be enough monster you like to make up for ones you dont

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I like the way you think Dragon! Now that you say it I would love if they added a Coyote race. That way one day when they detail Arcadia we can have mesa top cities of magical trickster coyotes!

Also I had almost put molemen on my post. I keep thinking of the Moloids from Marvel comics. They kinda look like they would be some kind of neutral and intelligent goblinoid if you ported something like them to pathfinder

But now that you mentioned it my personal list for races should also include Aberrations, oozes(They don't do enough with oozes), and undead(I would love a ghoul-like race)

And i would love a playable centaur like race! And I love the sci-fi stuff so more aliens would always be great... and pretty much everything you listed...

I feel like if they did another dragonish race they would make it pretty unique

I'm not a big fey person but I hope they have at least one new fey for you in this bestiary.

They really need to just play with the typing more. some more monstrous humanoids really wouldn't hurt.

Still I think even a handful of new races would make both of us happy!

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Movile Cave in real life is a cave system that was sealed off for millions of years and yet had a thriving ecosystem.

The ecosystem didn't have a photosynthetic basis but a chemosynthetic one. Bacteria reproduced and thrived on certain abundant chemicals and various molds fed on the bacteria and herbivores fed on the mold and carnivores fed the herbivores.

Also like 80% reduced oxygen content.

Movile Cave actually has well over 100 unique species of invertebrates as well like spiders who still build webs despite the lack of flying insects in order to catch springtails mid jump.

Anyways my point is you don't need light, natural or magical, in order to have a stable ecosystem. LIFE FINDS A WAY

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For the people who keep saying "Well look at it from the Dryad's perspective and that suicidal mind control is good because they are protecting their home" Well I guess Qlippoth are good in that respect too. Pretty much their reason for attacking people is because the demons have invaded the place they lived since before time began and drove them into the deepest pits. Their only way to take their rightful home back is to wipe out all mortals. They are just doing the only thing they can to protect themselves Qlippoth are now Good-Aligned.

Basically look at things from the eyes of a lot of monsters and they would be Good

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Kasatha summoner! Call in the Mothership!!

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150. A helpful sorcerer's spell to exterminate rabbits turns them into Large sized carnivorous monsters. Rabbits secretly being led by the sorcerer's ex girlfriend wearing a bunny suit is optional.

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I understand both sides of the argument but I was just asking what other races could be easily be PC races... or at least make as much sense as having goblins as PCs. O well kinda figured this argument would start.

3 people in my group like being nonstandard races, the other 3 are always an elf, a half elf, and a dwarf. No one in my group ever cares if one person plays something bizarre. Its not even like he is trying to optimize the Grindylow. He wants to be a Cavalier... Those tentacles will be real useful while riding a turtle... Also our campaign is starting in the Shackles so the Grindylow isn't completely out of left field.

I actually tend to not optimize my characters when I play weird races. My Kobold Fighter was pretty great...

Dragon78 wrote:




I like these write-ups. Lol isn't the little gargoyle write up in the ARG like 28 RP? I like this write up for gargoyles much much better.

Anyways I never really understood why gargoyles are evil in Pathfinder and D&D.

See now i want to be a Gargoyle... Maybe a Gargoyle Alchemist

gnoams wrote:
What makes a race PC playable to me is how it fits in the world. If you set your campaign in Geb then ghouls would be a perfectly fine playable race, but for anywhere else in Golarion they wouldn't.

I get you point. Its like Gnolls are accepted in some places as citizens. I can't remember what city it is but some city has a section called Dogtown that's inhabited by Gnolls. A Gnoll PC doesn't make a sense if your campaign is in Irrisen but if it is in wherever I am thinking of it makes perfect sense.

Though actually I was trying to think of good Darklands races and Ghouls are actually a major and somewhat civilized race. Thanks.

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Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
Lord-of-Boggards wrote:
tsuruki wrote:
Lol yes, bugbears certainly can embody the murder-hobo lifestyle quite well.
To be fair Bugbears may be a little less violent than a lot of murder-hobos. I mean at least a Bugbear probably wouldn't wipe out an entire village in one go just for a handful of gold coins.
Of course not! You wipe them all out in one go, they never have the chance to be afraid & you miss out on all that sweet, sweet, terror...

Yeah thats why you start with taking a people in the dead of night without anyone noticing and then you start leaving toes scattered around the village

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tsuruki wrote:
Lol yes, bugbears certainly can embody the murder-hobo lifestyle quite well.

To be fair Bugbears may be a little less violent than a lot of murder-hobos. I mean at least a Bugbear probably wouldn't wipe out an entire village in one go just for a handful of gold coins.

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So I am new here. Hi. Anyways due to a friend of mine complaining about wanting to be be an aquatic race that isn't A) a Human with gills B) A blue human with gills or C) has base land speed of 5 feeet, My DM had me help him use the race builder to make a playable Grindylow(IDK why but he could not be persuaded to be any other aquatic race). This got me to thinking there are a number of races that I think it could easily be PC characters.

So now I am doing race write-ups for several races that are at the very least as feasible as being characters as goblins are and I was curious to see what races other people think could feasibly be PC races.

My personal list as it stands is:

Lizardfolk (Kinda a classic fantasy race that got the most basic generic treatment in the ARG which really surprised me)

Gnolls (Ditto for what I just said. Was really expecting Gnolls getting a full write up with racial archetypes and everything in the ARG)

Troglodytes (Similar to Lizardfolk i know but there are only a couple Darkland PC races and they have more of a culture than goblins as far as I can tell)

Locathah (Did a lot of aquatic race research for my friend and these guys seem to be the most friendly and non homicidal race in the sea and seem perfect for a PC race... though I question their 10 foot movement)

Grindylow( I guess? IDK they are octopus goblins. Kinda even baffled my DM let a PC be one. Already did work on em though.)

Charau-ka (One of the races I think would be really great as a PC race. They are incredibly prolific in the Mwangi Expanse. Plus a new small race)

Boggards (I like Gripplis but I hate being a 2 foot frogman. Boggards basically have a similar culture except more violent and are 5 feet tall. Honestly I may be biased)

I know we have a ton of races as is with the Advanced Race Guide but still are there any other races anyone can think of that could be a good PC race?