
Lord-of-Boggards's page

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I'm honestly just curious if anyone else is interested in playable Gremlins. Gremlins have always been something that I love in RPGs but I have never held any hope for becoming playable in Pathfinder. Now that I am getting into 2nd Edition the fact that Tiny sized Sprites are apparently going to be playable come the Lost Omens Ancestry Guide and the Lost Omens character guide hinted at a number of evil races I never expected to become playable like Troglodytes/Xulgaths and Morlocks(Both of which I love. I have a thing for fallen civilizations, sue me.) that got me thinking how much I would love to see Gremlins as playable.

Sure they are usually evil little bastards but I think it would be a lot of fun to play as them in some scenarios, some of which wouldn't be quite as evil (In fact one type of Gremlin, the Haniver, is listed as Neutral normally). Combined with a number of interesting possible Heritages like how Pixie and Grig are going to be Sprite Heritages I think they would be a decent if unorthodox Ancestry choice. I also think there are a lot fun scenarios for Gremlins.

When Gnolls finally get added having a Pugwampi joining the party trying to impress the Gnoll could be a fun time. Especially if the Gnoll and Gremlin are of different alignments and classes with the Pugwampi doing the best it can to emulate the Gnoll.

A Vexgit so impressed by the ability of the party to smash up a construct in the first encounter they join along to learn new ways to smash things. Alternatively, if the party fails hard against the encounter, the Vexgit feels the need to teach them how to properly disassemble things.

A Jinkin who feels so slighted by a local tyrant (mostly imagined on the gremlin's part) it is willing to assist a plucky band of rebels just to bring all of the tyrants plans crashing down on its head.

When small fey start disappearing at an alarming rate, sprites and gremlins will put aside their differences, if only briefly, to form a Tiny party of mayhem.

I may be the only one super interested in Gremlins. I also understand some people dislike having every evil race become playable. Do you all think they should be relegated to Serpentfolk level of never ever becoming playable? Would anyone actually be interested in rolling up a Gremlin?

So I am currently working on a setting to take place in my own version of the Darklands/Underdark/What-have-you and I don't want to use any of the existing Darkland races purely because I feel like the same underground races get old after awhile and I like it when people are guessing as to what could show up instead of assuming they will fight Trogs, and Drow, and various short angry greyskinned people.

I actually have quite a bit of work done on the setting but I would like to add two or three more sentient races. All my current intelligent beings are either original things I have made before that I have adapted in or are inspired by various works of fiction from Marvel comics to The Wizard of Oz and several things in between.

What I actually want help with is I want to do is to have 2-3 races being existing PC races that have the typical subterranean treatment. Just like Elves-> Drow, Dwarves->Duergar, Lizardfolk->Troglodytes, Gnomes->Svirfneblin and so on. But i can't decide what races should get that treatment and I am looking for interesting suggestions to spark some creativity. What races would you like to see a Darklands version of? Any PC race or any humanoid/Monstrous humanoid that isn't too crazy that you think would make a really weird or cool addition if Subterranean-ified

So its so close Halloween and I was thinking lets get in the mood by turning our favorite horror monster into a pc race.

Pick your favorite movie monster and just turn it into something playable with 20 or less race points. It doesn't have to be a monster that is normally humanoid or a size that would normally be playable. be creative. No werewolves, vampires, Frankenstein's monster, or generic undead.

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So I was browsing through the gelatinous ooze section of Dungeon Denizens Revisited and I found the following paragraph in the section about gelatinous cubes in Golarion:

"Perhaps the strangest story of all comes from beneath
Golarion. Recently, reports have surfaced of a huge vault
located in Orv, the deepest level of the Darklands. These
accounts describe a gelatinous cube of truly mountainous
proportions, worshiped as a god by an aberrant race of
half-ooze humanoids who placate it with a never-ending
tribute of food and slaves captured from neighboring
vaults. Normal-sized gelatinous cubes are said to cleave
like icebergs from the sides of this thing and wander
aimlessly through the tunnels of the Darklands. Thus far,
these statements remain unconfirmed on the surface, and
a Pathfinder expedition to investigate these disturbing
claims, led by famed venture-captain Rixmir Thal, has not
been heard from in months."

I find this really interesting. I would say I hope to someday have some more info on this but considering how old DDR is I assume that this paragraph has since been forgotten. Of course I would really want those half-ooze humanoids to be a 0-HD race...

A friend of mine and I are currently trying to construct an entire world. While this is quite fun and I really enjoy this kinda thing I would like to for ask some advice.

First of all, one of our primary goals of this world is to create a world where a "party of freaks" as some people like to call a group of non-standard races would be pretty normal by making most playable Pathfinder races just as prominent and numerous as any of the standard races. In order to facilitate this we also are making the world very urbanized with a little bit of inspiration taken from the Ravnica setting of Magic. Not that there are only giant cities but most adventures would be in urban areas with typically high diversity among the races. There are a lot of nations that historically and culturally are dominated by by specific races in the past but at present are more metropolitan with a distinct bias towards the original race of the nation and a couple other common races while other nations are diverse to the point where if you walk into a bar and can't pick out 11 races that aren't your own you would consider it strange.

We plan on making all the partial outsider and other half monster races as full fledged races so there are whole cultures and civilizations of Undines, Aasimars, Dhampirs, Changelings and the like. Does anyone have any opinions on this?

I would like to ask what are peoples opinions on keeping half-elves and half-orcs as races. In a urban area with high racial diversity I feel like half-elves/orcs would be more common but I feel like we can't really fulfill our goal of giving all the races fleshed out background culture if two of our races are primarily hybrids of two other races.

Also with the announcement of Bestiary 5 we are afraid there will be enough new potential playable races that if we overdevelop geography and cultures and whatnot that it will be difficult to splice in new races. I know playable darkfolk and some kind of ape man like race have been confirmed but do you think there will enough new races as to cause some difficulty incorporating them as full nations?

We are wanting to make all races somewhat neutral overall so there aren't races that are always evil except in specific individuals like goblin and drow and the like are often portrayed and also all races to be roughly the same in level of civilization. If anyone has any cool ideas on how they think an advanced non-evil civilization of typically evil or primitive races like gnolls, goblins, gripplis ect. would be we would love to hear them.

Are there any races you think should just be avoided? (We aren't going to use the Shabti because we agree that Shabti should be avoided at all cost)

Also do you think that we should homebrew any races to fill in some lacking areas. For example the only playable aquatic races are humans with gills, blue humans with gills, and humans with gills and tails and the only subterranean races are underground elves, underground dwarves, underground gnomes, and with playable darkfolk underground humans. Any specific voids you think we should fill?

Also just any suggestions about any of it would be most appreciated

Very simple question. I can't seem to find any way to get any sort of super weird companions. I really just want a pet ooze or something with a lot of tentacles. Any idea how to get something along those lines? I know there are plenty of weird improved familiars though i would prefer an actual companion

I'm kinda a big ol horror fan. I love horror all kinds. I want to make some home-brew races based on various horror movies. Here is my first idea.

"The Fly" is a horror movie based on a short story where a scientist creates a teleporter, but when he uses it a fly also enters the machine mixing its genes and body parts with his making him a horrific monster.Basically at some point in the past the ancestors of this race were in a similar magical accident.
This isn't an evil race of monsters but a race of pathetically warped scientists. I have some custom traits and I would like to know how balanced this is.

Name: Brundles(In honor of the 1986 remake with Jeff Goldblum, go watch it)

Physical traits: The Brundle are an utterly repugnant race. They have large insectile heads with multifaceted eyes and twitching antennae. They have mangled mouths somewhere between a human jaw and insect mandibles making speech and chewing a difficult affair. Luckily they are able to vomit powerful digestive enzymes to help them eat. Their body is covered with random chitinous hairs and plates. They often have strangely bent legs that slow them down and make it easy to destabilize them. Typically at least one of their arms and one of their legs is covered almost completely in chitinous armor and their digits on those limbs are covered in vicious claws. With a combination of claws and adhesive pads they are able to skitter and crawl on walls and ceilings like vermin.

Type: Aberration (+3)

Size: Medium (0)

Base Speed: 20'(-1) climb 20'(+2)-Messed up legs but being half bug has advantages

Ability Scores: Weakness, Con+2,Int+2,Cha-4 (-1)- Brilliant minds and twisted bodies that can take a lot of punishment, however they have trouble communicating and are highly repulsive.


Racial Traits:
Plagueborn: (+1)- Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, ingested poisons, and becoming nauseated or sickened.-Just to give them more of a vermin feel.

Expert climber: (+4) -Members of this race can cling to cave walls and even ceilings as long as the surface has hand- and footholds. In effect, members of this race are treated as being constantly under the effects of a nonmagical spider climb spell, save that members of this race cannot cling to smooth surfaces. This trait doubles the normal +8 racial bonus on Climb checks normally granted to creatures with a climb speed (to a total +16 bonus).- They are part bug they should be able to crawl walls

Breath weapon:(+4) 20' acid line, 2 d 6, 3 times per day.- They have powerful digestive enzymes they use to eat food.

Skill training: (+1) Craft(Alchemy) Knowledge(Engineering)- They are scientifically inclined due to generations of trying to reverse the process.

Insectile arm: (+1)Gains 1 claw attack- They are uneven, usually with one insectile arm and one insectile leg. so only one claw attack.

Vermin empathy:(+2) They are able to use handle animal checks on vermin and receive +4 bonus for doing so. - They understand vermin well through generations of trying to fix their bodies

Mangled mind:(-1): -2 bonus on all Will saving throws- Strange impulses and thoughts batter on their psyche

Mangled Mouths:(-1) -4 on all linguistic checks- They have a horrible time speaking through their warped mouths

Mangled Legs:(-1) -4 on CMD checks bull rush or trip attacks- Their legs are often uneven and strangely bent

Total: 13 RP approximately. Not sure how many points the custom traits would really be.

Opinions? I will accept any criticism and try to fix things. Also any other horror movie monsters you guys like?

So I am adore bugs of all kinds. I love creepy crawlies. And now I really want to play a verminous hunter. Honestly most of them besides the giant mantis don't seem so great. I mean I am going to use them regardless from here on out to be honest. I like the flavor of have a large bug as a companion.

Some of them just don't seem very viable though. Especially the giant leech :( I would love having a giant leech if it didn't have 5ft. move speed :P I also am confused why the giant centipede has a 20ft. move and climb speed when a normal giant centipede has twice that...

I was looking at the Vermin companions and was wondering does anyone else ever use them?

I know what Grimlocks are from D&D and they are refrenced in a couple older things like Into the Darklands and the Campaign Setting... But there are no stats for them and no references to them in anything recent... Did Paizo decide they wanted to move the Darklands a little further away from the Underdark by removing the Grimlocks?

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So I am new here. Hi. Anyways due to a friend of mine complaining about wanting to be be an aquatic race that isn't A) a Human with gills B) A blue human with gills or C) has base land speed of 5 feeet, My DM had me help him use the race builder to make a playable Grindylow(IDK why but he could not be persuaded to be any other aquatic race). This got me to thinking there are a number of races that I think it could easily be PC characters.

So now I am doing race write-ups for several races that are at the very least as feasible as being characters as goblins are and I was curious to see what races other people think could feasibly be PC races.

My personal list as it stands is:

Lizardfolk (Kinda a classic fantasy race that got the most basic generic treatment in the ARG which really surprised me)

Gnolls (Ditto for what I just said. Was really expecting Gnolls getting a full write up with racial archetypes and everything in the ARG)

Troglodytes (Similar to Lizardfolk i know but there are only a couple Darkland PC races and they have more of a culture than goblins as far as I can tell)

Locathah (Did a lot of aquatic race research for my friend and these guys seem to be the most friendly and non homicidal race in the sea and seem perfect for a PC race... though I question their 10 foot movement)

Grindylow( I guess? IDK they are octopus goblins. Kinda even baffled my DM let a PC be one. Already did work on em though.)

Charau-ka (One of the races I think would be really great as a PC race. They are incredibly prolific in the Mwangi Expanse. Plus a new small race)

Boggards (I like Gripplis but I hate being a 2 foot frogman. Boggards basically have a similar culture except more violent and are 5 feet tall. Honestly I may be biased)

I know we have a ton of races as is with the Advanced Race Guide but still are there any other races anyone can think of that could be a good PC race?

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