
Loch ness monster's page

22 posts. Alias of Vidmaster7.


I can help you with that... for about tree fiddy.

Yeah we talk'n real animals up in here. Also can I burrow about tree fiddy?

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Those places aren't real. They're as fake as unicorns, pegasi, and kangaroos.

Yeah man I don't believe in all those fake creatures...

You got about tree fiddy?

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Will he start asking people for tree fiddy? ... wait...

Limeylongears wrote:
That was a good old alias blitz.

I can keep going if you give me about tree fiddy.

Say what now?

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Don't feel bad people say that about me all the time. I know some advice about that it will only cost you...

About tree fiddy.

Oh... *sad face*

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But seriously can I get about tree fiddy?

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Robert it costs about tree fiddy to join this thread. Msg me I'll send you my paypal...

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I'll give you a hint if you give me about tree-fiddy.

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What if I had some grapes?

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Adequate Duck wrote:


*tappy tappy tap*

Hey duck can I get about three fiddy?

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I am offended.

I will let it go and forgive you for about three fiddy.

Edit: Ha was already naked

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But seriously can I burrow about three-fiddy?

I don't know do you got about three-fiddy?

I will if you pay me about three fiddy #threefiddy, #gamehamster, #givemeyomoney.

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starting the hashtag thing instead. #hashtag #lochnessmonster #threefiddy.

Waterhammer wrote:

Heh, heh. April Fools!

** spoiler omitted **

I'm gonna have to charge you about three fiddy for that.

Alas I am without my Loch ness monster treats woe unto me what ever shall I do I do not have a single coin to my name the snack costing a mere three fiddy is all it would take to save me from this life of woe

The next poster is seriously considering giving me three fiddy.

Generous guy who is going to give me about three fiddy.

!!! >.>
<.< !!!


Seriously though can I get about tree fiddy?