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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 912 posts (1,110 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 2 aliases.

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Goblin Squad Member

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I think the gross usurpation of the entire south east many hexes from yous settlements, including to the north of your hills where you have no settlements. Yes, you are the largest and can back that. Just don't try to convince us it is lawful or good, only greedy.

If you said anything 2 hexes from a EBA settlement, all of your mountain, and any hexes at range 3 or 4 internal to those above (2 hex range) which touching 2 or more of the previously claimed areas. OK, But there are huge amounts to southeast which represent future town sites which you calm to own. And there are huge amounts of the middle. You are claiming huge tracts you probably don''t even visit.

And to think I considered joining.

Goblin Squad Member

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This is more about the largest settlement asserting that they can have whatever they want. While in many places settlements are mere 3 hexes apart(though 4 is more common), EBA has decided it will claim far more than that. Its claims are four (or more) hexes from its settlements and yet one from another (e.g. Kindleburn) and the whole of the SE corner up to 7 hexes form any member settlement.

There are many potential settlement sites in claimed area. If this assertion goes forward, by time settlement founding is enabled, those new settlements will be in the already crowded portions, not in the open SE corner.

This is not being done because it is right and proper, but because TEO has a lot of weight to throw around. THis is not about what is in the EBA neighborhood, but is a blatant land grab. If EBA would stick to 2 or 3 hexes beyond its settlements, that would be fair. This is just the BIG DOG marking his territory.

Goblin Squad Member

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My alt hung around in Emerald lodge for a week once and in Golgothat later for another week based upon contracts discussed with settlement members. They did not cheat me, but then neither contract was… let's say completed. She experienced no chaos nor law nor good, …

She saw no evidence they are not evil and no evidence that they are chaotic.

Goblin Squad Member

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Things must be going well in the game if this much effort is focus on Cheatle's statement.

Goblin Squad Member

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I thought River Bank was on east side of pond. You may not see them if you play late. When towers are here we will see who is on when.

Goblin Squad Member

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Weapons (Melee/Ranged/Staves/Wands/Foci) match Keywords to Attacks/Cantrips/Orisons

Armor (Clothe/Light/Medium/Heavy) match Keywords to your Armor Feat
Belts/Gloves match Keywords to your Utility Abilities
Expendables match Keywords to your Feature Feat

1) Domains are feature feats. They have specific benefit which seems to not need keyword match.

Expendalbes are spells/maneuvers. These can only be found, not made.
The implements have size and volume, but no keywords.
What does a spell with no keyword match do?

All the consumables I have lack keywords. Does this mean they have effect whether or not there is keyword? Or is this not implemented? Are there recipes for consumables?

It seems mildly beneficial to advance domain, though costly, while the keywords are useless without expendables.


Cheatle wrote:

• Fingers: Rings can be enchanted with any of the other types of effects. You can wear two rings.

• Head: Head slot items generally provide bonuses to skills or to crit resistance if it is a helmet.
• Back: The back slot is either used for cloaks, which generally provide some bonus to defenses or resistances, or is used for a backpack that increases encumbrance.
• Feet: Boots provide the major keywords for mobility- or defense-related Utilities, and can be enchanted to gain an additional bonus effect when using those Utilities.
• Hands: Gloves provide the major keywords for attack or healing-related Utilities, and can be enchanted to gain an additional bonus effect when using those Utilities.

The above does not mention waist or neck.

Role pack included belt and gloves. Presumably gloves match gloves expendable (key 0) but what can belt (waist) match?

The finger slots for rings. How are they 'fired'?

3) There two magic item slots on the paper dolls. WHat goes there, what do its key words match, and how is it activated?

Goblin Squad Member

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I have seen +3 generate +4, but I have not seen +0 generate +1.

Goblin Squad Member

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Many are waiting for EE. What you are proposing is giving advantage to those in alpha over those not willing to put up with desync etc. Really not balanced.

Goblin Squad Member

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Hmm, I thought guide was related to freeholder guide.

I am losing it

Goblin Squad Member

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Complain and crowd forge a solution, e.g. ask for a shared bank account

Goblin Squad Member

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I think we are part of the foundation of the game when it goes live at the end of EE. We will be the economics, the source of raw materials and crafted items. When we start EE, those items will not be available. When game goes live, those items will be available from the game itself. And advise will be available for newbie on how to proceed, what works, and what doesn't.

Those of us starting EE may find XP misappropriated, partly needing to having freeholder and experts to make the material that is needed.

There are few restrictions from getting into the game earlier. If there is interest others can join in month 2 or 3 or ….

#2 Bugs will come in EE. The debs will need to decide whether to roll version back or not. XP will keep accumulating.

Goblin Squad Member

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Did you try drag?

Goblin Squad Member

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Xeen wrote:

BTW, you are mistaken, they were originally going with Good and Cheap. Now it looks like Fast and Cheap.

Let me give some pointers:
Write stage one program, and test it, once good go to stage two
Write stage two program, and test it, if there are any errors correct them, then take a step back to stage one and make sure it is not affected, fix more errors if present, once good go to stage three
Write stage three program, and test it, if there are any errors correct them, then take a step back to stage one and two and make sure they are not affected, fix more errors if present, once good go to stage four
Continue with above till complete

That is how it is done in large scale projects.

First of all Better, Faster, Cheaper; pick one, hope for two. Getting two is not easy; it is a small compromise. All three is a big compromise that achieves none. Engineering is the art of making those compromises. Management is choosing which is most important.

This works with a single designer/developer/programmer/QA/tester. When the there are more involved with more limited scope, this does not apply. THe art team can not fix the database bugs. And the "real time" team can not fix the art.

Yes, regression testing is part of a proper development, and should be automated to allow testing of intermediates.

While it is nice to believe that the designers have thought of everything, the users are going to do things never thought of (e.g. the human towers).. There are thoughts on how players will play and what they do, but until they show they do something else, …

I suspect the "stress test" was running on at most 4 blades, not the full server. Each blade was expected to cover bigger areas and more users to cause failures. I like breaking new products! 8-) Good developer love me. Mediocre developers hate me.

Goblin Squad Member

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Depends upon where I teleport to on next login. Something north would be nice.

Goblin Squad Member

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Goblin Squad Member

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WHy are clerics limited to drops instead of a lll the divine spells appropriate to level, alignment, and deity as they can in PF TT? THis means that clerics can swap out utility and others as needed. Not as powerful as wizards, but more versatile.

AND, harder to implement, any spell could be replace on fly by a cure of same or lower level. No need to slot cures, just decide what to burn. Stock up on utility/buff.

Goblin Squad Member

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Bonny Paz wrote:

Id like to note:

This will be taking place while I drink my special Merlot! <3

I suspect that wold not happen in the shop. Or you could join us in Tavernhold.

Goblin Squad Member

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Isn't the visit a tavern to restore power a variant on this? Consider how these might combine. The tavern cooks create the meals to restore power. The Kickstart Taverns come with NPC cooks, but these can be improved with PC cooks. Cooks facilitate production of campsite. Which may mean that cooks are refiners converting food, game, fish, herd, certain herbs with wood/coal to pantry item which is part of a crafted camp? Cooks could also be involved in transformation of BULK FOOD to support POI Taverns or even in support of settlements.

Goblin Squad Member

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Dark Sasha wrote:
KC needs a jester's cap. :)

he was wearing one last time I saw him.

Goblin Squad Member

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My daughter reports FedEx left a computer on my doorstep.

I would like an invite


Goblin Squad Member

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Thanks for all the help and advice, but I went with a prebuilt Asus M51AD with a 3.1 GHz i5 and 8 GB 1600 MHx ram with a NVDIA 760 a 120 SSD and 1 TB 7200 SATA HDD. Possibly I should have got a CPU cooler as the few weeks a year it does reach 40 C or more. Mainly in Sept, but by time I am home it is more reasonable. I will see. Added a small monitor and wireless keyboard.

Goblin Squad Member

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Nihimon wrote:
And now I begin to understand why I've averaged over 10 11 and a half posts per day for over two and a half years...

Some of that is due to the formalization of the "Summon Nihimon" spell.

Goblin Squad Member

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and blackmoor

Goblin Squad Member

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Isn't the siege system needed for settlement war or at least for damaging POI, smallhold, or settlement?

Goblin Squad Member

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Goblin Squad Member

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Being wrote:
<-being a tree

What type of tree are yew?

Goblin Squad Member

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Drake Brimstone wrote:
Just buy a new PC ;)

To what specifications?

Intel i5 -- which one
16 GB ram, what speed
NVIDIA Geforce 750, 755, ??? 2 Gb or 4 DDR 3 or 5
Motherboard requirements
Power to match
HOw much SSB
I Tb disk (5400 rpm)
What else?

Is there a package which meets this, or is this self built?

How does one get Windoze 7? I only see 8 for sale.

Goblin Squad Member

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Need to get crafting on tuns for fermenting and barrels for finishing.

Goblin Squad Member

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In discussion at Paizo Con, that had not been fully considered. Yes, it might be that one could go in and find resources (is that true in alpha or are these barren), but probably not build POI and outposts. So, so far, these are not just other wild spaces.

I would agree with Guurzak that these should just other wild spaces until someone settles them. And it helps the big 3,5, 9 (over 90, over 80, over 50 players) a control over terrain by denying other settlements until they want a vassal of their own making.

And it no longer the number of players, but the number of characters to hold an area. THere is a certain pay to win in that; but it is hard to keep a player form having multiple accounts, so why not support just one (per my provider contract, I can have 5 more email addresses and have friends who would support me setting up new domains on their class C network. I do not have the funds to do it, but that is why I am not in alpha either.)
Attending Paizo Con was a fluke coinciding with vacation my significant other had already asked for. Seattle is amazing. I am not averse to another go. Need to work a better coordinated plan with SO.

Goblin Squad Member

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I think they deserve tankards of IPA instead of tame ice cream. I get the rocky road, but they not had enough of that? Time to put feet up and savor.

Goblin Squad Member

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Abie Normal

Goblin Squad Member

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Nihimon wrote:

"The sky is blue."


"The night is not black if you know that it is green", so there. Now a days Clancy can't even


Goblin Squad Member

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BrotherZael wrote:
And money to apples says right now we have as many grafters, gatherers, and merchants as we do PvP/PvE types.

Emphasis added by me.

Goblin Squad Member

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The banquet seemed over 900, which my local fire marshal would not have allowed. Not all were players (volunteers, staff, spouses). Next year at Doubletree on Memorial weekend -- 4 days F-M, as it has much bigger space.

Goblin Squad Member

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Gol Morbis wrote:

Oh, right. Sorry. Morbis is a veteran of the Great Edition Wars. I have a bit of a trigger finger when it comes to 4E.

("D&D 4E is basically just an MMO" is one of the stupidest ways to disparage the game is all. There is plenty wrong with 4E. Being like an MMO isn't one of them.)

What is this editions thing? THere was the Chainmail fantasy supplement, and then the three books and then a couple more, but I was "AWAY". THen there was this ADnD thing and it got confusing after that.

Goblin Squad Member

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Thank you. we have 4500 questions.

Goblin Squad Member

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Andius wrote:

You mistake my quitting TEO as a lack of dedication to my goals. You know how you can tell that isn't the case? The fact the I'm still here. I have a lack of dedication to any group not useful in helping me reach my goals. TEO and TSV proved they were not, nor is it likely they will be any time again in the near future so I quit. They also pissed me off, so now I'm your enemy.

This was my finish, but maybe it belongs at top:

Lillies that fester smell far worse than weeds.
Before the land rush 1, I had a lot of respect for you. Your inputs on these fora were informative. But so where others.

Then what happened, happened. I was not there. You rail and emit what seem to me as hate. I do not know is that is your intent. It is what you present.

Your posts seem less insightful and much more hateful. You did not get your way. You tell us that. You actively advocate for the destruction of your former partners. Other times you say it is not you that will do that, but it is inevitable. And then you rail again in ways that seems hateful. And then you say you help your settlement attack …!

I do not know what you know. I am naive. You are not behaving in a fashion that leads me to believe you are other than hateful. What message do you want to present? Positive play suggestions or hate? Each time you speak to what is happening in the south you emit hate, not suggestion of improvement. Are you real that <sorry that is character assassination>?

{Maybe you should have a friend look through what you have written since Land Rush 1)

I think that you are now saying if "they" do everything you wish, you will come back.

Sorry sounds like terrible twos.

I guess there is once agin a huge target on my back that you will send you Aragon minions to gank me. I no longer care. Like Cal I had no idea what PvP meant when I bought in. I came from PF TT. (When will summoners be implemented?!)

Goblin Squad Member

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A package containing 7 items from Paizo Order #XYZ is expected to ship from the Paizo warehouse by Friday, June 20 via UPS Ground, estimated 2 to 5 business days in transit.

The following products are included in this shipment:
1 x Pathfinder Flip-Mat: The Emerald Spire Flip-Mat Mega-Pack Print Edition
1 x Pathfinder Campaign Cards: The Emerald Spire Superdungeon
1 x Pathfinder Tales: The Crusader Road Print Edition
1 x Pathfinder Module: The Emerald Spire Superdungeon (PFRPG) Kickstarter Backer Edition~
2 x Pathfinder Miniatures?Goblinworks Kickstarter Combo Pack: Baron Tervin Blackshield & Murgmo~
1 x Pathfinder Battles: Emerald Spire Full Set~

Goblin Squad Member

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I am all for those who want to test in alpha. However it does no good to set a fixed date for EE and then find there is a bug which means the game is not ready. I applaud Ryan for NOT announcing a date.

No EE before it's time.

Thank you GW for the hard work and long hours. I hope you get time off for Paizo Con.

Goblin Squad Member

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Have other deity changes been made? What deities are in the game now? How do these effect cleric play?

Goblin Squad Member

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And Nihimon is an authentic source of answers. Xeen is OK, even good (or evil as it maybe), but Nihimon is the platinum standard.

Goblin Squad Member

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Under 20 ****
20 - 24 *******
25 - 29 ***************
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61+ *****

Goblin Squad Member

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Nihimon wrote:


Guild Recruitment & Helpful Links

Or one could bump the link itself, again.

Goblin Squad Member

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In a way picking an alignment as early/first choice does not sound right. For those not of the D&D canon, understanding of this decision will take a time to resolve. Picking skill and developing roles happens over time and experience can improve the choices. Alignment colors the future and does not seem to allow for future changes. It has been discussed that players can change core alignment, but how will that contrast with the skills, roles, and achievements of the past.

Goblin Squad Member

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Pax Phyllain wrote:
So basically Bludd wants to run a protection racket.

It has been discussed, but really he has said he wants to be a bandit.

I do not know if anyone has placed the concern in this fashion.

In TT (P&P) and in theme parks the challenges presented to player characters is guided to be challenging but mostly achievable by the character.

In PvP there are greater challenges than a theme park can manage. But there does not yet seem to be a way to meter the challenges to the abilities of the challenged. This lack of balance and the history in other systems of the attacker choosing to take simple challenges and let the big ones go bye the way. The bandit is not going to take the real challenging targets, and the easy targets do not have any choice.

Bandits have the choices and few risks. Some feel this is not balanced. That is the issue. The bandits know too much and the targets too little. The bandits can reduce their risk. The targets can try to avoid, but never know if they are"lucky" or doing a good job or overkill.

The obvious way to deal with bandits is a honey pot and calvary to the rescue, yet the bandits argue against such risks. It is argued there can be no risk for the bandit!

Goblin Squad Member

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Put a time/skill/?? limit on newbie means that at some point they move on. I believe it was also proposed there was material/arms/areas that could not be carried with the newbies flag. Carry it ant newbie no more. It should also include go into certain areas/zone. "advance into ##.## and lose newbie protections." In no way should carry on if entering into "combat in progress" zones.

Goblin Squad Member

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Ryan Dancey wrote:
The most dangerous player characters will be in the hexes where those characters face no NPC law enforcement, and where the interior lines of communication with nearby Settlements will be most lengthy.

Eh, Moster Hexes will not be adjacent to settlement hexes. I suspect "most lengthly" line to settlement.

Goblin Squad Member

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I still do not see what happens when a bandit chooses to be a merchant. This is an inefficient structure. It is being used because it is there, not because it is a good model.

What about bandits who want to rob bandits?

See the world as two sides is really a poor model.

A two year old with a hammer sees everything as a nail.

This mechanism serves to make players of less dimension. Interaction is lost or constrained to the mechanic, not player interaction.

Goblin Squad Member

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I seem to repeat this in several threads and it is ignored. There will be no super city. Each city will have limited territory/lots. Higher level building take up multiple lots. While a settlement may have every facility at level 1. It may only have a couple at level 3. Support of other high level buildings will need to come from other settlements. even the lowest settlement of the nation or even allies may need to be supported for the good of the whole.

It seems that level 2 is really going to be the sweet spot, but I suspect, when we see the numbers, there will be no more that 1/2 of the needed level 2 buildings in a settlement. Having 2 settlements each having its complement of level 2 facilities, but each in 2 of 3 or 4 settlements would make a nation more robust.

Goblin Squad Member

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I suspect that they are treating commoner, crafter, and aristocrats as roles just as cleric, rogue, warrior, and wizard. Mixing rolls might lead to loss of dedication bonus.

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