![]() You miss the lesson. If one is limited to one hundred one learns how to wisely deploy. If you can have more, …. But I am not ready to bring in this leader. Like others he still has too young family. Ultimately it does not matter much what level his alt is. That will be true with other strategic players. The biggest settlements do not deploy PvP anywhere near their size. 3 settlement claim 1/6 of the field of play. They have a quarter of the players, but how many are PvP under the terms of settlement warfare. ![]()
![]() I come into this concept from Kingdoms of Camelot and other team games (sorry, do not recall names). These were teams of max 100 who would develop their "kingdom (much like developing character) and take on other teams. Maybe that is my naive view of GW, based upon my past. But they speak to settlement vs settlement play. Not individual play, but teams of individuals. I think that is still there. That is something Bluddwolf, Andius, Nihimon, Cheatle, Decius and not addressed. The question is how I bring my General into this game now, when it is not there, yet. This is about generals. But it is not stable enough , yet. ![]()
![]() If is it Andius commenting or not does not matter. At this point there are more non-PvP players because the PvP is minimally supported. THat is about to change. Meanwhile EBA has, in this thread, announced that they claim large stretch that they do not need for defense. It is a mere grab because to the power they have, not the desire to prevent RPK. Can we then assume that any place out of this claim, they are fair game, if we are fair game inside? I have been told that is not the topic of this thread. That discussion of EBA claim of a quarter or more of the initial map is not subject of this thread and I should go somewhere else (unspecified) to discuss this. Next I know, the thread police will be tracking my alts with bounties. The maps includes hexes that are 8 away from any EBA settlement. And there are hexes two way form other settlements, weaker settlements One is three hexes by crow flies or seven by overland from your settlement and two from another settlement. This is a grab based upon power and size. It is based upon the thought that there will never be large PvP crowds. If that is the case this game concept fails. The game from the outset has been PvP Yes you have the power. And it is right at proper that others apply pressure to change that. WIth the attitude my alts have received in EBA, with this attitude of control, with this idea that the far lower left is security concern of the EBA is just laughable. I am glad I did not stay there. Go take care of your PvP afeared players. with outposts and raids, the game should have more room for physical and economic PvP. ![]()
![]() I think the gross usurpation of the entire south east many hexes from yous settlements, including to the north of your hills where you have no settlements. Yes, you are the largest and can back that. Just don't try to convince us it is lawful or good, only greedy. If you said anything 2 hexes from a EBA settlement, all of your mountain, and any hexes at range 3 or 4 internal to those above (2 hex range) which touching 2 or more of the previously claimed areas. OK, But there are huge amounts to southeast which represent future town sites which you calm to own. And there are huge amounts of the middle. You are claiming huge tracts you probably don''t even visit. And to think I considered joining. ![]()
![]() This is more about the largest settlement asserting that they can have whatever they want. While in many places settlements are mere 3 hexes apart(though 4 is more common), EBA has decided it will claim far more than that. Its claims are four (or more) hexes from its settlements and yet one from another (e.g. Kindleburn) and the whole of the SE corner up to 7 hexes form any member settlement. There are many potential settlement sites in claimed area. If this assertion goes forward, by time settlement founding is enabled, those new settlements will be in the already crowded portions, not in the open SE corner. This is not being done because it is right and proper, but because TEO has a lot of weight to throw around. THis is not about what is in the EBA neighborhood, but is a blatant land grab. If EBA would stick to 2 or 3 hexes beyond its settlements, that would be fair. This is just the BIG DOG marking his territory. ![]()
![]() The limit hits at about 1 month. The NPC sites train to level 8. Local settlement supports based upon tower level. Level 8 gets to some tier 2. Then is is just a matter of sitting on experience and not bing tempted until alliances are in place. Work on achievements and leap ahead whn alliances happen. This is EE! Or Do not play until there are alliances. ![]()
![]() Nihimon wrote:
In Alderwag next to AH, "Favors for lady luck" Slay Ogre Shamans ![]()
![]() I am not sure how I pick them up. I will accept all the raw gems ( Bloodstone Chrysoprase Moonstone Onyx Tigereye)
![]() I will be sending alt to Brighthaven. Looking for sage Tier 2 recipes and Greater (Conso, Numin, Vital) gems (raw tier 2). What would you like me to trade (tier 1 items general)?
![]() I think diamonds are Superior or tier 3. Per Nihimon's ingredients and substitutes list: Intact Golden Yellow Topaz, Intact Jade, Perfect Jade, Perfect Yellow Golden Topaz
Sspitefire crafting recipes list is good. Was there one for refining? ![]()
![]() IF the soon case applies to EE, each pro to settlement will only be able to its two roles trained to max and others will be limited to NPC levels. E.g. a crafter settlement will not be able to train up the CFRW types needed to protect the harvesters and "harvest" the PVE. I am not sure where that leaves experts and freeholders and the skills may be picked up in the shops in non=craft town, but the role traits (armor and ???) must be learned in those new support buildings add in Alpha 14 (which I have not played. ![]()
![]() I think we are part of the foundation of the game when it goes live at the end of EE. We will be the economics, the source of raw materials and crafted items. When we start EE, those items will not be available. When game goes live, those items will be available from the game itself. And advise will be available for newbie on how to proceed, what works, and what doesn't. Those of us starting EE may find XP misappropriated, partly needing to having freeholder and experts to make the material that is needed. There are few restrictions from getting into the game earlier. If there is interest others can join in month 2 or 3 or …. #2 Bugs will come in EE. The debs will need to decide whether to roll version back or not. XP will keep accumulating. ![]()
![]() I need to figure out how to make this part of a bug report. 1) hexes that are next to communities that are not active in harvesting ( say small population or militant) are usually easy to harvest. After 2 easy harvest ( 90% or better), the third hess has major reduction. If no one as been harvesting a hex should active (stripper) be prevented from harvesting.
![]() 12 steel wire and 4 silver. +3 would be better. I am not sure what effect Talongard craft level will have. I am making a batch of +3 Sepia in Talonguard. Do you know an Iconographer local? This is enough for 2, one for you and one for me (upgrading my +1 to a +2 or plus 3 is the craft level is good enough). ![]()
![]() @RHMG Animator, Let me see what I need to make another +1 symbol. I expect I need more Plus steels wire or silver bar. PM about where you are and what the spell options are.
I need to return to tavern hold where most of my material is banked. ![]()
![]() I did not notice this is 12.1, but it was real obvious when 12.2 came out, was that Tuesday? Given Thursday - Sunday is a popular US holiday, there was probably not time from error reports to send of Wednesday to fix and test the fix. An update (12.2) on Thursday holiday reboot would be risky as there would be no one working to even re-issue 12.2. And yes the team needs down time for the holiday. Some schools around here closed for the whole week. My office was only open Monday - Tuesday. THis particular problem came at a bad time and 12 was a problem child from the 12.0 which couldn't be released, to 12.1 which was fixed to 12.2 which has this odd effect that some resources can not be harvested. And that problem had seemed to vary by hex. I went south under 12.1 and noticed no problem, logged out in the wilds. Logging on next day and moving into new hex and the problems showed up. I saw the effect more in some hexes than others. also seems less issues for sparks than shiney rocks. ![]()
![]() Goblinworks has said they would prefer multiple characters on one account vs multiple accounts. In Alpha one can have multi[le characters on one account and multiple characters active in separate windows. Earlier on all characters earned XP but that was shut off mid alpha. It has been said that multiple characters will no be supported in initial EE and DT would come later. More recently they seem to imply they will have DT from early on. In EE, the problem on multiple characters in one account has issues based on tracking charging/bill/using months of time. Still the goal isa multi characters and multi-boxing within one account. ![]()
![]() Locke is a Dowser/Sage with minor Iconographer skills and a Divine combat (and minor heal has saved my ### several times while solo gathering and failing to avoid far enough). Need to get to 18XXX d\for sage 7 and then XP the spells, but need to buy them first. Thanks, Rathglen is not far from Talongard. ![]()
![]() Not good for solo play. One can solo adventure, a little, as a harvester or just taking on small goblin groups. But to get better equipment you will need to interact with vendors. This is intended to be settlement vs settlement conflict further down the line (armies vs armies, scouts, … So you can solo, but that is not really where the game is going. It is intended to be social game once the economy is built by the initial and later characters. ![]()
![]() Ryan Dancey wrote: I am absolutely not surprised that server population is low. I think we have been in Alpha a month too long. The initial rush of "how does this work" is over. Now most people are just waiting for the "real game" to begin. The stuff that is hard to do will be wasted when we start Early Enrollment. And the benefits of having a lot of people logged in and playing won't materialize until the results of all that work is persistent. I hear your worry and it is valid. I play late. THere are not many on week nights when I get home. My settlement is small. Playing with groups has been fantastic. 2 such were lost in teleport and all I didi was erased. It is a but to be fixed before EE. In a small community, my harvester has trouble finding recipes, and level 6 is remote. The a sales are over so fast, I can not buy what I need (even if no one else bought any thing). on the other side the substantial good I have to sell, I can not because no one buy and I am out of coin.The real truth is that EE is about setting up the economy that OE will need. BOOTSTRAPping There needs to be option for long term posting of the cheapest offer. Things that are just not selling, but 2 months from now someone could buy. If it sells, there may be producers coming back to market. If things cost to list and do not sell, and disappear in 2 day; they will not be offered at market, they will not but made, and customers will assume they are not available even is there are 6000 available at 1 Cp each. ![]()
![]() Proxima Sin of Brighthaven wrote:
The best that testers can do is what the devs did not think of. THe design team hold have a collection of test, scripts, challenges to ascertain whether the known problems have been fixed. As always the greatest challenge in the unknown unknowns. That is what testers really bring. At this point, there are no good "tests"/"scripts" that can do all of the different things users do at the same time. The test should be recording what we do and simulate that data set around failures. --- new subject Is there a Movember plan for this year?