White Estrid

Kelda Oxgutter aka GM's page

27 posts. Alias of Insnare.

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Female Dwarf Ranger(Guide)

Hi, here is the discussion

Shot Putter Funkmeister

This is the largest city in the region. There might be others somewhere in Meriga that are larger, but nobody around here knows of them. It boasts a population of 30,000 sentients. It is an open city, where any genotype can enter the city and be welcome. At least, that is the law. In practice, like in any other town, there is a certain amount of intolerance towards "the other guys", who are defined differently by each group, by some sectors of the population. In general, though, the different genotypes get along well enough. The city is divided into different districts. The market district is one of the busiest in Meriga, with many adventurers & traders travelling many miles to get here to trade their wares or buy artefacts from the many vendors. The residential districts are segregated with one area populated by True Men, and others for Altered Ones, New Animals and Green Folk. The fringes of all these districts are populated by a mixtures of all these genotypes. The unlucky ones, the ones whose mutations are useless or even degenerative fill the slum areas of all these districts, sometimes they are taken for fight pits in less civilized villages and towns, for the amusement of the population that lives there. The slums make no distinction between human, animal or plant, and neither do the pit masters. The city itself has a low stone wall (3m tall), which is just high enough to keep out roving animals and prevent an invading army from just walking in. Cannons are mounted ait intervals along the wall. Governor Slyer has foiled three separate attempts by the Peace Brigade to improve the defenses of the city. he wants the city to remain an open city and not become a fortress. One of the principal influential groups in Ascension is the Restorationists.

Please introduce your character and what you are doing in the city to start


I was thinking about running a game of Gamma World probably 4e rules(not the 7e rules under D&D 4e).

Is there anyone interested in going through Gamma Terra and having some fun?


Female Dwarf Ranger(Guide)

Hi, everyone. I just invited a new person to join our group. I figure she saw the commotion in the bazaar and followed you in.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Praise be Zakhara, jewel of the sun, pillar of the rock, prince of all nations, sire of all wisdom, center of the firmament, whose sands are more dazzling than gold, whose springs are sweeter than the honey of bees, whose oceans are deeper than the void of Basim.

Revered be the Loregiver, mother of all knowledge, confounder of genies, deceiver of gods, she whose Fate is that which was given her. Honored be the Grand Caliph, blood of First Caliph, worthy of the gods, giant among men, scourge of the unbeliever, confidant of the genie-races. (And praised be, too, the genies of the four quarters and the genies of the four elements, that they may find pleasure in this tale.) It has reached me, O wise readers, that once there were, somewhere within the great city of Muluk a....


I tried to do this under the name AL-Qadim which is a really cool setting in the Forgotten Realms planet.

I am looking for six heroes up for going mentally toe to toe with Djinn, Jann, Dao and the other creatures of the Land of Fate.

2E AD&D, I am extremely generous going with 5d6 drop the lowest two.
Out of a party of six, I will be cool with two members being Outlanders.( Not from Zakhara)


I am interested in running an old school campaign in the Land of Fate and I was wondering if anyone might could be interested.


Female Dwarf Ranger(Guide)

Chow is open!

Shot Putter Funkmeister

You have been summoned by Admiral Franklin from whatever fun activities you have been enjoying on Absalom Station at The Fleets office at the station. You know something important is about to step off but you are not sure what because this request is somewhat abnormal. The Fleet has been fairly quiet lately and there has not been much call for such secrecy whatsoever.

Maybe there is an extraterrestial invasion imminent or something else.

Please describe your characters and such. I assume that you are being assembled by the Fleet for this mission and that your characters do not necessarily know each other personally but maybe by reputation.

The Fleet has discovered a new World! It was deemed suitable for Terraforming and colonization. If at first harsh; it is represents the ingenuity of the fleet. In rapid succession, experts designed the colony and sent robots to build the station overlooking the M class planet Kask.

The robots were busy constructing the outpost overhead. Where thousands of colonists would train before they set up the colony on the planet below. Exhaustive testing confirmed that all features of the station were nominal and the first shiploads of staff (mostly admin and trainers) were prepared to move in.

Then, suddenly, all communication and telemetry from the station fell silent.

"Fleet, this is Sigma One Delta. We have a problem."

The message continues and "Planet Kask Station is silent.... We have a Dark Outpost"

What we have here is Dark Science Fiction/Fantasy which is one of my all time personal adventures and I am excited to run this game here on the boards using the new Star Finder rule set.

What I am looking for is a crew of six, maybe seven 20 pt bought, 2nd level characters to make up a team of Space Rekkes.

Wealth per level is appropriate for level 2. Any takers?

Top Secret needs 2 covert operatives......

... Budapest, Hungary.... 1980....

Defector, potential....

search and find defector.....bring him back to the west....

memorize then incinerate...

Control Echo out.....

Shot Putter Funkmeister

all encrypted messages may be posted here:

Shot Putter Funkmeister



ISB RECORDS FILE 101217: 23 August 1980

Classified to Priority D for briefing purposes

On 16 August. William S. Long, the editor of Puzzlements maga­zine, received a letter from Laszlo Baracsik, a colleague of his from Debrecen, Hungary. It relayed a curious comment concern­ing an acquaintance from the Soviet Union. Mr. Long, who is also president of the World Puzzlers' Association, consulted a fellow member who worked in Washington D.C., as a crypto­grapher for the Defense Intelligence Agency. Long's message was passed up channels, and he was eventually summoned to a conference with the control agent for Section Mercury, the Eastern Europe bureau of NATO's International Security Bureau.
The relevant part of the letter, translated from German, read as follows:

" ... and you will, of course, remember our friend from the Soviet Union, Mr. Lerekhov. He has little time to write, since his work has him detained. He has found a few defects in his solution for the Schmidt Puzzles, and would like suggestions from his col­leagues elsewhere. He will, of course, be at the convention ... "

The name Andrei Lerekhov is not unknown to the ISB; he is responsible for significant portions of the Soviet military's codes, and is also the inventor of the "Lerekhov Loop," a new type of spatial puzzle every Western toy and hobby producer is eager to get the rights to.

"Schmidt" is the name of an East German puzzle expert who fled to West Berlin two years ago. That, and Mr. Baracsik's use of the terms "detain," "defect," and "suggestions from col­leagues elsewhere," could mean that Lerekhov wants to defect and that he is trying to make contact with people in the West who could assist him.

The convention Baracsik referred to is the European Puzzle Editors' Conference, to be held this year in conjunction with the Socialist Puzzle Experts' Association convention in Budapest.

If Lerekhov wishes to defect, he is an important prize the Soviets will not want to let go; he must be removed from the Iron Curtain with a minimum of delay. Your team must accomplish the fol­lowing objectives:

1.) Verify Lerekhov's identity and intent to defect.
2.) Isolate him from any escort and/or surveillance in such a way that some lead time is gained against an alert or pursuit.
3.) Get Lerekhov safely out of Eastern Europe by the fastest available means.

The most desirable course of action would be simply to try and get Lerekhov out on a commercial flight, disguised as a tourist. But that may not be possible if public transport is under surveil­lance; in that case, contacts will help you with other arrange­ments to get Lerekhov to the West.

This is a delicate time: sensitive East-West negotiations are under way in Stockholm, and the Red Army is conducting a series of maneuvers in Czechoslovakia. For these reasons, no connection between the agents on this mission and the United States can exist, nor can the Czechoslovakian border be crossed under any circumstances. The former will create an interna­tional incident and the latter result in certain capture.

You will be provided with cover identities and booked into the hotel. Once there, you will each obtain a "Lerekhov Loop," which is available behind the Iron Curtain, and leave it in your rooms. A contact in the hotel will use it to give you messages coded into the configuration of the puzzle. Secure your cover by acting in character with your identities; you may receive help from unexpected sources-special contacts are already at work preparing the ground-but you will be needed to get him out.

The convention will last for three days; the best time for remov­ing Lerekhov will be Sunday afternoon. Your objectives are as follows:

FRI: Locate Lerekhov·s room and search out its surveillance. Identify any guards or agents watching Lerekhov

SAT: You will be contacted and told whether or not Lerekhov intends to defect. If the word is "go," contact outside sources to prepare an escape to the West.

SUN: Before the final event of the day, remove Lerekhov from he hotel and get him on his way. If he intends to defect.

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Shot Putter Funkmeister

Your coach was a swinging and swaying cage of the most sumptuous description - an imposing cradle on wheels. It was drawn by six handsome horses, and by the side of the driver sat the 'conductor,' the legitimate captain of the craft; for it was his business to take charge and care of the mails, baggage, express
matter, and passengers. You four were the only passengers this trip. You sat on the back seat, inside. About all the rest of the coach was full of mail bags - for you had three days' delayed mail with you. Almost touching your knees, a perpendicular wall of mail matter rose up to the roof. There was a great pile of it strapped on top of the stage, and both the fore and hind boots were full. You had twenty-seven hundred pounds of it aboard, the driver said - 'a little for Brigham, and Carson, and 'Frisco, but the heft of it for the Injuns, which is powerful troublesome 'thout they get plenty truck to read.' But as he just then got up a fearful convulsion of his countenance which was suggestive of a wink being swallowed by an earthquake, you guessed that his remark was intended to be facetious , and to mean that we would unload the most of our mail matter somewhere on the Plains and leave it to the Indians, or whosoever wanted it.

You changed horses every ten miles, all day long, and fairly flew over the hard, level road. We jumped out and stretched our legs every time the coach stopped, and so the night found us still vivacious and unfatigued.

Please introduce your character and where along the line from Dodge City to Dead Mule you climbed aboard.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Dead Mule's News!

Hi I am GMEdwin and I really enjoy running games. I have been a GM on these boards for over 4 years.

I generally like to keep games running but have decided running APs are really difficult and take forever. Although I do love my Zeitgeist game and have been running that one for over 3 years.

I am interested in running one of three things: Boothill an old school cowboy game from TSR, Top Secret an old school Spy Game or run the Dark Outpost which is a sci fi module that is a ton of fun.

Anyone up for something different?

Shot Putter Funkmeister

The Foundry Tavern

Day 10, Month of Arodus (August), Year 4714

Torch takes its name from the violet flame that burns atop its central hill. The fires ignited spontaneously in 4602 AR, and for nearly a year they lanced into the sky, forming a purple column of fire that could be seen for miles around. By 4604, the flames had died down to a man-sized bonfire, leaving the top of the hill blasted and blackened. Several industrious locals soon discovered the flame's heat possessed two unusual qualities-it was hot enough to smelt skymetal ores and work with difficult materials like adamantine, and the fires themselves radiated a strangely directional heat. A chunk of wood thrown a dozen feet over the fires would instantly burst into flame, yet a piece of paper set a foot from the bonfire's edge would not even smolder.

This unique combination of traits made the fire a perfect forge. After a few sudden flare-ups resulted in the tragic incineration of several smiths and their partially completed forges, the townsfolk learned how to interpret the flares and flashes that presaged such an eruption. Rather than build permanent structures around the fire, they came to rely upon portable workshops transported up the hill via wagon or carriage, so that when the fire began one of its unpredictable surges, the smiths could retreat to safety to wait for the blast of fire to recede.

One of the more popular hangouts in Torch, the Foundry Tavern was aptly named. Its owner, Khonnir Baine, used to make frequent appearances to demonstrate new inventions here- whether mechanical or magical. The tavern itself was always packed, and Khonnir rented out space in his neighboring foundry for visiting smiths and metalworkers to use.

Now with Khonnir gone missing for the last two days, the tavern was a far cry from its glory days. Indeed, strange events had befallen the town of Torch lately.

Arguably, the most important recent event in Torch was the loss of the town's eponymous feature. A strange violet flame had long burned atop the hill the town was built around, and these fires burned hot enough to allow the smelting of skymetal. This had given Torch a singular source of income. Smiths, metalworkers, and scavengers from miles around came to Torch to use its flame to smelt and work with skymetals. Now and then, the flame had pulsed and blasted a beam of fire into the skies above town, during which time it was not safe to be atop the hill, but until a week ago, the flame had never gone out. Now it had, and no one in town knew why.

Without the flame, the town's primary source of income had been removed, and with a number of significant tithes to the Technic League coming due soon, the town's leaders were growing desperate to re-light the violet fires.

One of Torch's most beloved leaders, the wizard Khonnir Baine, discovered strange activity in a number of hitherto unknown caves below the city's central hill, and even recovered a deactivated automaton now stored in his home behind his tavern, The Foundry. But when Khonnir returned to these strange caves to try to learn more, he vanished. The town has grown increasingly desperate for answers, and now looked for the return of their missing wizard as well, but with so many other local and visiting adventurers having gone missing in the caves, fewer and fewer volunteers were stepping forward.

But on a more personal level, someone’s dad had gone missing.

It was mid-morning when Val Baine finished writing the five notes and hoped beyond hope that they would be heeded. The notes were simple; they asked the person to come to lunch at the Foundry Tavern later that day. She then called over a couple of the kids she fed in her tavern and asked them to deliver the notes. Once the kids left, she got busy preparing lunch.

please tell us about receiving the ‘note’ from Val; possible things to include are:
- what you were doing;
- how you reacted;
- describe you're ‘getting ready’; and
- anything else you want to add. Write how your character might know Val, when you came into town if you are not from the village and so on.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Here it is!

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Here is the situation; last week or so I posted a recruitment for either Gamma World or Iron Gods and now I have decided to do both so this is a formal IG thread.

What you'll need to do
- read the players guide. This is a very different feel to normal Golarion.
- create a character using 15 point buy, no more than one stat less than ten before racial mods. 150 gold starting. Two traits, one must be from the campaign itself.
- no third party material.
- if your build includes something not from the PRD on this website, please include a reference from where it comes.
- apart from the alternate races suggested in the players guide, only core races allowed (from the CRB)

This is a party based game. I'm going to choose 4 players with that in mind. General areas to be covered are Melee, arcanists, divine caster, skill player.

When you create your character please let me know which role you see them filling. I know some classes can be a number of roles, but I want you specifying where you really , want to be in he the party.

Gunslingers are good for this one I believe. There are many types of gun weapons coming out of this area. However, start as if you have emerging weapons and I'll work it out from there as we go.

I'm going to run this one as the module lays it out this time. Not much modding from me except to better tie your characters into the game at times.

This is a PbP, so roleplay and character development are going to be important.

I expect a post daily from players. 7 days a week would be great, but probably impossible to keep. So I propose at least 6 posts a week, one per day.
If you miss that I'll NPC an action for you in combat situations. In social situations it's not likely to be as time consuming.

These games take time. However I plan to keep the pace going well.

I can create decent maps and post them, but my time constraints will determine if I can maintain that or not in the campaign. There may be times where we have to go mapless

I will choose the 5 players who I feel best fit the criteria above. Back story is very important at this stage.

So let's see it !!!

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Here is the Discussion thread for the GW campaign in Far-Go!

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Far-Go is dying...the people are afraid...the animals are wasting away...the crops are withering in the fields. No one, not even the
powerful high priest, Arx Skystone, knows what has caused Far-Go's misfortune.
You are part of a group of young adventurers about to embark on the mysterious and perilous Rite of Adulthood. As you travel
through the savage wilderness, all you have to guide you are your wits...your strength...and your dreams!!


I am a long time GM(mostly) on these boards and I am looking to run one or two new campaigns for PBP.

Anyway, right now I am interested in running a GW and maybe an Iron Gods campaign. Is there anyone interested in either, or, or both?


My campaign has gone underwater and since I generally map the fights, I was wondering if there is any tools or such to map out the 3d element of the fight.


Female Dwarf Ranger(Guide)

Here is the discussion thread

Shot Putter Funkmeister

The Fleet has ordered you to investigate the now unresponsive Planet Kask Outpost Station and has provided you with a scout ship for said purpose.

In the current human fleet configuration, recon ships are not armed with ship to ship weaponry, these are observe and report vessels with massive drive systems to get in and out of trouble quickly as well as even larger stealth drives. Using all the stealth technology mankind has to offer, these ships are used to penetrate the veil doing deep reconnaisance, gathering information without being detected. These have the fastest engines known to the fleet.

Your Alpha Scout Ship called the Upsilon carries a 12 person crew where six man the ship while the others sleep. The ship may be operated with less than six and even a lone person. There is enough room for any arms and equipment you wish to bring with you. It has a command cabin at the front, where five members of the crew are located most of the time, a galley where meals are prepared, behind that is the sleeping section and recreation area and behind that is the engine room where one member of the crew is normally stationed and the absolute aft is the storage area for gear and the airlock.

====== Orders from The Admiral -- Battle Fleet One! ======

Scout Ship Sigma is thirty days overdue in reporting to the fleet on the colonization station above Planet Kask.

The station should be up and running and ready to process colonists.
We have had no report from the station nor from the Sigma, who were to have initiated initiated its functions.

As the lead Fleet Recon Squad, you are to take your team and discern the status of the Station and the crew of the Sigma.

Send report drones with full details.

Proceed with extreme caution!

Admiral Franklin

Feel free to introduce your characters or make contact with Admiral Franklin, or access the computer for extra data.

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I am contemplating running an old school(deadly) sci fi campaign based on the "Dark" series by James Ward and co.

The idea is to start with 1st level Pathfinder characters using the Santiago AP sci fi modifications.

I was wondering if anyone is interested in such a thing.


Shot Putter Funkmeister

It has been about ten years since Cordell and the Golden Legion crossed the Trackless Sea and carved out a niche in Payit. This niche is called New Amn and its capital is the dual settlement of ULATOS/HELMSPORT:

These two locations are growing together with each passing day. Helmsport is a great earthen redoubt, rectangular
in shape and housing armories, a blacksmith shop, stables, barns,
granaries, and about 300 men-at-arms living in tents. It
commands the shore of Ulatos Lagoon, which is a splendid
anchorage, a natural harbor for the ships that come with increasing
frequency to these shores.

An expanse of grassy plain, perhaps five miles long, separates
the fortress from the Payit city. This plain is now crossed by several roads, and the savannah itself is being farmed intensively.
Ulatos itself is a city of grandeur. It boasts many tall pyramids, though some of these still show the damage inflicted by Bishop Domincus and his faithful followers upon the
Legion's entry into the city. The pyramid of Qotal is the highest, and bright gardens and splashing streams cascade down all four of its sides Several broad canals give access to the city, and serve as avenues from the central market to the outlying areas. The tallest pyramids surround this plaza, together with the palace of the Revered Counsellor. This is, once again, Caxal,the counsellor who presided at the time of Cordell's arrival. Now,
however, he is little more than a figurehead, and his people know
Gardens, pools, and fountains are common throughout this city, with
its many buildings of stone.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

hello mazticans!!!

Introduction to Maztica

Welcome to a land of vast beauty
and fierce savagery; a land of magnificent opportunities . . . and
dark menaces. It is truly a New World, only now cast open before
the adventurer’s footsteps.

At least, it is new to those adventurers who hail from the
Sword Coast, and other known
regions of the Forgotten Realms. But
for some, it is the land they have
always known, the place of their
heritage and ancestry—and now,
the place of their very uncertain
Maztica is a land of varying
cultures, with unique treasures and
magics. It is strangely vulnerable to
the powers of the Old World, yet it is
resilient as well. It bends without
breaking to the pressures exerted
upon it, and in so doing it combines
the strongest features of its native
cultures with the strongest aspects
of the invaders.
Journey there now, as creatures
and cultures come together to make
a new place—a land that all types of
adventurers can call their own.

Alright, enough of the straight marketing, let's get down to the meat and potatoes. I played Maztica back when I was a teen and I thought it was great, albeit a bit before its time. In the 90s, TSR got a little bit too overzealous with the setting ideas but that is why it is interesting, the setting, I mean.

Character Creation:

In end effect, I would like a mixed Faerun/Maztican party of five maybe six adventurers at level 1 in 2nd edition rules. This means that all Faerunese character classes and races are available, however, Mazticans have some special options and restrictions.
What I am saying is, if you want to have a Kara Turian Wu-Jen Sorceror, do it. If you want to play a wayward seafarer, ala Sinbad the sailor from Zakhara, that is also ok.

BUT, Mazticans have restrictions and options, native Mazticans can only be Dwarves, Humans, Halflings and Half Orcs.

They cannot be wizards or mages, however, there is some really interesting native magic to Maztica. You can play an Eagle or Jaguar knight which eventually gives you the ability to turn into either one of those animals. Rogues can be Plumeweavers or...

Characters from Maztica have
options to become Warriors, Priests,
or Rogues. Wizards and wizardry in
the traditional sense are not known
in Maztica, except as imported from
the Sword Coast. Character Kits
expanding the Warrior and the
Rogue classes are given after
Maztican proficiencies.
WARRIORS are the most common
type of adventuring character. They
can use all Maztican weapons, and
progress at the normal rates of
experience. If warrior kits from the
Complete Fighter.s Handbook are
used, the Barbarian, the Berserker,
the Savage, and the Wilderness
Warrior are all eligible for use with
Maztican fighters. In addition, Eagle
Knight and Jaguar Knight are new
kits, introduced later in this chapter.
PRIESTS of the True World can be
devoted to any of the major
Maztican gods. The spheres of
influence allowed by each, together
with specific benefits, requirements,
and explanations can be found in
the Gods and Battles book. In
general, however, these are the
most common faiths:
Maztica, the Earth Goddess
(Neutral; her followers are druids)
Qotal, the Feathered Dragon
(Lawful Good)
Zaltec, God of War (Chaotic Evil)
Azul, Giver of Rain (Lawful Evil)
Tezca, Sun God (Chaotic Evil)
Plutoq, God of Stone
(Lawful Neutral)
Kiltzi, Goddess of Health and Love
(Chaotic Good)
Watil, Goddess of Plants
(Neutral Good)
Nula, Queen Mother of Animals
(Chaotic Neutral)
Maztican priests can be
embellished by information in the
Complete Priest.s Handbook. The
Savage Priest kit from that book
lends itself to priests from tribes of
the Dog People. Other kits can be
tailored specifically for use in
ROGUES are a slightly awkward
character class for Maztica, since
the concept of personal property is
so much less in evidence in the True
World. However, they exist in so
much as they are adventurous
individuals who have developed
their skills in a broader direction
than mere warfare. The bard is
particularly appropriate, if one
considers him in the context of
storyteller and historian.
The Acrobat and the Scout kits
from the Complete Thief.s
Handbook can be used for Maztican
Maztican Rogues do not have the
pickpocket ability of their .civilized.
cousins. Reading languages for any
Maztican rogue is limited to
Maztican languages.of course,
from those areas where
picture-writing has been developed.
Thief characters do not possess the
open locks skill. Two kits for specific types of
rogues— the Hishnashaper and the

According to the rules from the Players Skills and Options book, I suggest Method VIII: The player assigns 24d6 among a character’s six ability scores. Each
ability score must have at least 3d6, but no more 6d6, devoted to it. If the player desires a
character with a high Strength, he could devote 4d6, 5d6, or even 6d6 to that ability.
Next, the appropriate number of dice are rolled for each ability, and the total of the three
highest results become the score. Any and all other dice rolled for that ability are

The adventure will start off in the new city of Helmsport-Ulatos that was founded by the great/infamous Cordell and it is a gateway to the rest of the Realms, including Kara-Tur or Zakhara, if you wish. I mean Ninjas or Djinnis in the world of Dog People... amazing.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Discussion open!!!

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Out of work, out of luck, out of time, out of choices and out of resources... three distinctively different creatures have somehow someway made their way into this saloon, the dewing-ed blight. The walls constructed from rusted formerly painted aluminum with uneven insignia of the ancients: a running horse etched one part of a wall and strangely on another a weird jumping deer with spikes for antlers on another which appears to have originally been blue or even faded green.

Since it is mid-morning the bar is only barely open, with what looks like a pure strain human cleaning ceramic cups behind the bar and a sleeping bush humanoid sleeping in a chair with a sprawling tentacle or a root rolled out, outside the doors to the bar keeping the doors ajar inserted in the brown clay colored dirt outside.

Enter Players

Hi, I am interested in running either a Gamma World Campaign from the 1992 ruleset or the current (as of September 2014) version of DSA or TDE.

For GW it would be Mutant Master and from DSA it would be a campaign based in the Tulamida(Phex zum Grusse!!!!)

If I get a good response I might consider running both... :)

Shot Putter Funkmeister

The words of Tiadora ""Come, my lords, your ship awaits. Try not to burn this one." repeats in your minds until the demon gives you a look that makes you think... We probably should get going

She leads you to the dock of a ramshackle river barge called “Halstyn’s Folly” tied to Lake Tarik’s bank. The captain and the three man crew
of this shallow-bottomed barge are all thoroughly under
Tiadora’s control. They do not seem to notice that you are there and they are certainly no threat.

Tiadora will tolerate no delay. “The master commands you board. You will learn more later.”

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Hi this is the Discussion thread for the campaign

I know generally speaking these forums are usually for player advocacy, but when as a GM do you say, "alright this isn't working for me anymore" and you say to the players "things need to change or I am done."

I have been playing with a group on Sundays since October, finished two modules for them and I said, "Hey, can someone else GM for a couple of weeks to give me a break?"

And they said that they would like to continue their character arcs. So I tried to ranger on but after two sessions and I would prepare some encounters and they say "Fighting again" and I just don't want to do it anymore.

I feel if they just gave me the opportunity to play for a couple of weeks I will be ok but they said "Let's not play at all for two weeks and then we can restart." Which I think defeats the purpose really. I feel I need some inspiration.....

Any help?

Hi everyone!

After GMing JR to mixed results, I have been playing in Reign of Winter.

The group has stayed the same just I am no longer running the game. One of our players seems to have a problem with making a character that is effective, or better yet makes their character obtuse or more of a liability to the party than an asset.

First, the person made a cleric who was an anticleric chose the option that disallowed using CLW to substitute other spells. And only begrudgingly used her positive energy to help the party.

After two months, the player decided that they didn't like their character and made one of the weakest in power sorcerors I have ever seen all the while complaining that the rest of the party was too bad ass in comparison.

When I was GMing the player, they decided to stop taking levels in druid and took this thing called a brightness seeker which basically left the character falling further and further behind in effectiveness as the campaign went on.

I and the rest of the party would rather the character either rp their quirks but not complain that our characters get the job done or make their character more effective.

The Jade Regent: The Zanzibaran Mystique

Book 1 Brinewall Legacy: August 25, 2012

A lone hero named Streamer who had eliminated the young Black Dragon Broken Fang and was present during part of the time of the Festival came out of retirement to take on a mission from the town of Sandpoint and brought with him a Garundi fighter named Makron Tek and a Cleric named Pixie Lips, saved the halfling ranger named Walthus Proudstump from the Faceless Stalker and started their attack on the goblins of the marsh.

They were met by a young Alchemist by the name of Morvius Mrack in the goblin village where they were then able to eliminate them all and find a map of the marsh to find the chief's treasure. Exploring further in the swamp led the group to a cave filled with skeletons all armed with swords from Tian Xia. Defeating their leader, the group found a message written in the language of Tian Xia and decided to show it to their friend Ameiko who could potentially be able to read the document.

Ameiko read the scroll being a message from her grandfather to her late father written 30 years prior gave her the idea to pay her buddy Sandru to launch a caravan to Brinewall Castle to see what happened to her gramps. They were then joined by a Blazko and a Baba Giza on their journey to Brinewall. The group found a secret entrance to the castle and was able to EVENTUALLY,(after deposing a lot of corbies, a yamagushi tengu, harpy and f&$*ing around with a catapult) get the Warding Box with the Amatatsu Seal conferring scion-ship upon all those present, with a plethora of disturbing visions to wit.

Book 2

Ameiko after being in a coma for the castle affair, felt her family's history needed to be researched and they decided to go to Kalsgard and onward to Minkai. Book 2 was one of upheaval because lots of party members decided that going back to Sandpoint was best for them. Highlights included, breaking into a Jarl's house extorting information from his wife, breaking onto a viking funeral ship to get back a Katana sword only to be bushwhacked by ninjas.

They then murdered a bunch of guild members for kidnapping their Varki friend and then found the location of their nemesis in a castle outside of town. Along the way, a half-elf druid named Treebark joined the group.
Fighting some ogre mages and an oni they were able to retrieve Ameiko's sword and the guide they required to cross the Crown.

Along the way they befriended a Were-bear.


The group stays in Kalsgard for a month, acquiring the proper equipment for the trek across the north pole and sells Ravenscraig fortress for a fine bit of cash.

As the group left the Lands of the Linnorm Kings and entered the Crown they were magically whisked off to another plane by the Baleful coven in which the PCs had to fight a mother scorned for the death of her ogre mage boy, hag and another witch.

Book 3:

After defeating the coven, the group advanced north eventually coming across the last major settlement of the north, Iqualiat, which was being tormented by an evil shaman, who no one knew was actually evil and a white dragon. They dispelled the possessed Naquun, who joined the party and eventually killed the shaman and the white dragon.

Continuing forward the cult's leader who was trying to destroy the world with wild wind storms. The party entered her tower ranger style where the ½ ork cleric fell. They defeated the evil sylph and moved onward into the snow. Where they were being followed by an army of undead creatures. Thanks to the help of a long dead hero they were able to defeat the army.

The cleric as crazy as he was bum rushed a gigantic spider and died for his try. The party then advanced into the Yeti caves and fought off scores of undead and the druid was able to charm the yeti king to allowing them pass.

Book 4:

Finally reaching the Dragon Empires section of Golarion, the party was welcomed to Ordhu-Agenhei in the nation of Hongal and was made guests of honor for the princes festivities. (One of the most fun experiences I had Gming ) The prince's games were entertaining, funny and allowed all of the characters to shine even the NPCs who were always in the back seat. The last feast coincided with a bushwhack by ninjas sent to kill the PCs and Ameiko, where they barely got out alive only with the help of Miyaro a Kitsune Rogue. The prince kicked the group out of the city, not willing to get his brother into a war with Jade Regent's forces.

The group then made their way into the Forest of Spirits where they had some interesting encounters with the varying kami and oni spirits inhabiting the forest. The kami then requested that the PCs go in and get their house back for them. After a grueling four story dungeon crawl, they finally defeated the leader of the Hobgoblin Oni forces and attained another intelligent weapon, who became friends with Suishen. At this point, Mary, Dae-han and Rogue guy showed up.

Book 5:

The group made their way into Minkai and here is where s*#& gets real thick... The big questions get asked: How are you going to run a country you have never been to? How do you get allies? And so on... Miyaro leads the group to meet with a ronin named Jiro who is surpervising a group of farmers and soldiers who are having difficulties with bandits.

The PCs agree to take on their castle while Jiro and his army take on the bulk of the army. The group then assaulted the castle and were able to take down the leadership with some clever interplay between the Paladin and alchemist. Dae-han the tengu fighter died in this battle...

The group was then tasked with gathering the support of the merchants, the ninja, the samurai and the geisha. The group met simultaneously with the Geisha and Ninja clans and went to rescue a key geisha who was being held by her step-father, who turned out to be a powerful Wujen wizard. Treebark was killed in this encounter and then was resurrected into a parrot. They enlisted the help of a turtle guy and were attacked by a sea dragons and then met and defeated the wizard saving the geisha. The other group tracked down the ninja assassin and defeated him after losing Miyaro in the process. A member of the group got the ninja's coin and turned evil, which turned in a pvp situation where the rogue was forced to leave the party.

The group then ambushed Daimyo on his way to his castle and were able to convince him that the Jade Regent was evil, the Daimyo fought for the party during this epic battle taking down some hefty customers, the Daimyou then commited Seppukku and left the governorship to his younger brother. They then went back to the castle and were attacked by a larger group of enemy soldiers. The PCs narrowly defeated them.

Book 6:

The group snuck into the capital of Kasai and were tasked with getting the people behind their coup, and the blessings of the five imperial families. Ameiko was charmed and commited suicide but was resurrected by Koya and the group went into the well of demons. They eliminated certain evil spirits but made deals with others.

Ameiko and the party empathized with the spirit Shojinawa Ito and allowed him to possess her to get out of well of demons. However, he made a side deal with the alchemist to remain in Ameiko's body while he continually cast conceal alignment on him/herself after he conjured a fake him leaving the body. Jiro's sohei assistant was going to be executed and the PCs had to rescue her. They did. The next thing was the taking down the Jade Regent.

The group came in and were able to use the seal to make the terracota soldier join with them and advances on the castle's entrance. The group then made their way to the treasure room to get the remaining seals from the dragon where they were able to sneak in and steal it from him as he meditated.

The pcs then attacked kabuki theater of the castle and were wiped out by the last Commander with her naginata blade.

The Jade Regent and Ammunaron decided to resurrect Ameiko and inadvertently resurrected Morvius Mrak and he went to meet up with the remaining members of the party to plan the assault. Through his roguish ninja connections the rogue reappeared to help the party take down the Jade Regent and went to see the Raven Prince and was able to hire him for a job in Xa Hoi to kill Pham Duc Quan, the dragon king.

Final Showdown:

The group arrived with the regular citizens of Minkai for the execution of Ameiko outside the city gates. The group attacked and were able to bring down the Jade Regent, the Typhoon Commander and Renshii Meiida, she went into a blood rage and was mowed down by an overwhelming onslaught of bombs by the alchemist. However, Anamurumon was able to escape.

Epilogue: Ameiko(Ito) and Morvius get married and bring forth the knowledge that the Jade Regent and Anamurumon were actually oni and they blame everything on the land of Chu Ye and is preparing a large naval armada to destroy the oni once and for all.

Due to the relatively high Rebellion Point score, turning Minkai's problems outward works to unite the people under Empress(or) Ameiko Mraak and her husband. As a one shot I may run a mini campaign for this conflict later.

Finished March 15, 2014

Book 1(Luckily, I am running JR on Pbp so I still remember most stuff)
The goblins and Walthus Proudstump. My players loved the grizzled Proudstump, who broke the mold of how a halfling is usually portrayed with gritty which I laid a layer of Lee Marvin from the Big Red One onto character as a veteran who helped the players get the job done.

The Goblin threat was good and kept the tension up.

After the goblins, I could see how the story can go amiss if the players were totally disinterested in following the tracks in the mud or didn't care about the skeletons. (The book does give some hints on how to get the players back out there, though)

The skeleton cave was well done and the players liked it.

Brinewall was good and the players enjoyed running through the castle with it's inherent dangers. How the harpy turns on them is good but depending on how injured she is I would have her fly off afterwards and come back maybe or just go where she wants to.

Book 2:

After getting to Kalsgard, the tension stays high throughout. When I was running the adventure the group was in complete flux so I couldn't run the tension encounters which was a shame but it did have some really cool moments... taking down the rimerunners guild, Asvig and the ninja battle scene on the burning ship... Ravenscraig was probably the best crawl in the game and its scope is probably what all of the crawls should have been.

Book 3:
The traveling and random encounters were the best with the side encounters on the way Iqualiat were fun and memorable. The second best NPC that my players liked was Naquun, because they were able to dispel the possession on him and my voice acting turned him into a perennial favorite(Think of Rick James as an Eskimo, baby!)

The white dragon was fun and Katiyana's tower was cool but I found the idea of a Yeti being attracted to the ghost of a Sylph ridiculous and then getting possessed dopey, so I augmented it... turning it into a rp battle of wits between my druid and the ghost with the yeti where the druid's diplomacy skill outshone that of Katiyana.

Book 4:

Starts off amazing, the feasts were fun and exciting and the RP was off the chisain... The encounters in the Forest were great as well but that damned House was completely and utterly tedious is beyond mention. The enemies were generally one of two kinds and just more and more boring.

In retrospect, I probably should have run the tournament adventure instead which a lot of people said was a good fit...

Book 5:

All in all a great book, if only they had come up with the option of sneaking into the Daimyo's castle, it would have prevented me from railroading the group but they snuck into the camp instead without any backup and then rp the Daimyo against the Jade Regent, helping the group defeat the Oni who was with him and then he committed seppukku. As I said this one was great.

Book 6:

Part 1 was ok... there should have been more options to make the people like the rebellion, one or two more optional encounters.

Part 2 was great... I liked it because of the lethality and the potential negotiations the party can make if the wanted to avoid a fight. My group chose to fight some and make deals with others. I think that is what makes it great the options.

Part 3:

The assault on the castle was good and the party enjoyed even though they were unsuccessful the first time.

If Ameiko was not possessed I probably would have had her destroy the seals and call for elections and she probably would have head back to Sandpoint to run her tavern and the Glass Factory probably selling that and staying the spunky woman she is. I personally figured that Ameiko would be a horrible Empress

A little shy of 18 months of running the Jade Regent has finally come to an end this evening which culminated in a TPK. The sad part was the fact that it happened on the second floor of the palace only one encounter from victory.

I attribute the TPK to three factors:

1.) I had a last minute cancellation of two players who said they were sick.(45 minutes notice)

2.) Our paladin charged an ogre mage with only 8 hp and got cut down as a result.

3.) I was a bit more aggressive with Koza than I should have been... Although they killed two Oger Mages by the second round.

Tomorrow, I will do a full report.

We are about to hit up the final showdown in the AP and my party decided to let Ameiko become Possessed by Shojinawa Ito... Does anyone know how possession works, what or better said how does the possession function.. Does she retain her current stats, add stats, combine the two or some other hodgepodge that I am not too sure of.

The Alchemist who has been wooing her from the beginning has decided that with the acquiesensce of the rest of the party that this would be more fun. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi everyone,

I have been running the Jade Regent and have finally gotten to the end of book 5. However, I need to put together the four major NPCs up to level 10 or 11 and was wondering if anyone had them already made or at the very least some good ideas that would be more than helpful.

Ameiko will probably be the most difficult, choosing between bard and rake.

Shalelu seems to be all ranger although throwing in a fighter level wouldnt hurt.

Sandru mostly rogue but book one says maybe a little fighter.

and then Koya.

Thanks in advance!!!

I am a bit confused.

How can a player full attack with appendages which are used to keep the creature from falling down, like its legs?

I understand that in a pounce move you can use them but in a normal full attack it doesnt seem to make sense.

Any help would be appreciated...


Shot Putter Funkmeister

And so it begins...

This first event is a bit unusual and doesn’t translate to pbp well. So it’s going to require a bit of patience from everyone involved. The Fortitude save I asked for determines the order in which your characters wake up. Grimma was highest with her bonus added after the roll, so she wakes up first. Unfortunately, she wakes up to an immediate fight. The rest of you will wake up in descending order of your saves, one per round.

Round 1: Grimma
Round 2: Finn
Round 3: Viata
Round 4: Miles

The NPCs won’t wake up until the battle is over. An exception to all this is if any of you take damage at any point while still asleep, you will wake up immediately and be able to join the battle. I realize this means those of you with the lowest saves (particularly Miles) could have a bit of a wait before being able to join in. You’ll just have to patient.

Everyone awakes wearing whatever clothes you had on while eating, including any armor. The rest of your equipment, including weapons, is in a pile on the beach.

Until everyone awakes, I will be placing the battle in spoiler tags.

During battles, I’ll clearly mark the round number at the beginning of every round, and I’ll indicate who’s up next. Feel free to post your actions for the round before your turn comes up to help speed things along. If you do, I’ll simply wait until your turn to resolve them. If the situation changes before your turn arrives and you wish to change your stated actions, you may do so.

If you have any questions about how I’m handling this and other battles, feel free to ask.

Now on to adventure...

Shot Putter Funkmeister

You have all, for various reasons, found yourselves on board the Jenivere, a large Wyvern-class merchant vessel bound for Eleder in Sargava. It left Magnimar on the 15th day of Pharast, 4713, and has made many stops along the way. It is now the 28th of Sarenith, the 104th day of the journey, and the end is finally drawing near. Another day or two at most, the captain says, and you will arrive at your destination.
The journey has seen a mixture of excitement and long, dull expanses of nothing happening. Some of the more noteworthy events include the relatively recent arrival of passenger Aerys Mavato in Port Peril. She immediately got into a fight with one of the ship’s crewmen who made an ill-advised pass at her. She soundly humiliated him in the resulting scrap and has since remained secluded most of the time, even though this occurred before she came aboard, the scuttlebutt has come to her anyway.

You should remind yourselves of the descriptions of the key NPCs on board the Jenivere found in the Player’s Guide.
In addition to that basic information, here’s a bit more for some of you, as indicated by the spoiler tags:

Miles and Viata

Gelik Aberwhinge came aboard in Magnimar, where you also boarded. He came running aboard at the last moment, and declared his intentions to pay whatever price the captain wanted for passage “as far as the ship was going”. He was very happy to see two other passengers from Magnimar on board for the long haul and has made a point of speaking to you on several occasions. He is quick-witted and a good speaker, but he has something of a mean streak when it comes to others’ misfortunes. He often makes a snide comment or a scathing remark at other people’s expense.

Finn, Miles and Viata

The prisoner Jask Derindi boarded in Corentyn.

The fiery redhead, Sasha Nevah boarded Ilizmagorti. She has been boisterous and has mixed with most others on board the Jenivere,

It’s a bright, sunny day today. A brisk wind plays off the waters of Desperation Bay. This evening there is to be a feast commemorating the upcoming end of the long voyage. Until then, this is a good time to enjoy the weather.

Herein lies the exploits of those of the Jenivere....

Herein lies the exploits of those of the Jenivere....

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Okay, first up will be character generation. I won't be able to start the actual adventure for a few days yet, but once the characters are ready, we can start with a bit of roleplay getting-to-know-one-another stuff.

Character creation rules:
Level 1
20-point buy.
Roll starting wealth as per the core rules using the board's dice roller.
Max hp at first level. Roll future levels. If you are unhappy with roll, you can reroll, but if you do so, you must take the results of the second roll.

Please take a gander at the information in the player's guide which should be a great resource. All Paizo accepted, 3pp may be allowed upon request.

I like to see thorough backstories for my PCs, and why your character would be going to Eledor.

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Shot Putter Funkmeister

Here is the gameplay thread as requested. I figure we will get into the full swing starting Monday Morning. So that people who on the weekend generally don't post get in at the same time.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the Zeitgeist campaign, I am excited to be able to present you this and it should be a great deal of fun!!!!

Characters should be 3rd level, 20 pt buy system, standard wealth and gear should not spend more than 25% of money on one item. I have had two characters disappear so they need to be replaced.

At this point in the campaign, campaign traits seem to make no sense. The PCs have just defeated one of the boss guys by entering Brinewall through the backdoor. Be prepared to post at least once a day.

Currently we have a Magus, a Ranger/ninja, a Barbarian and a Witch. Thanks!

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