Corrik |

https://drive.google.com/file/d/100yHhnFwcTsf3lNkQcC0rEPfTRrSKw3y/view?usp= sharing
Okay hopefully I did that right.
John Pimento: Basic character concept of a mercenary/soldier recently turned by an assamite to be used as a disposable asset. A role he is oddly happy to fulfill.
John has transitioned well to his new condition. Seeing as he was already living an amoral life of killing in blood service to monsters who didn't care if he died, things haven't changed for him much. However now he has a nice set of superpowers and he never has to do another day deployment in a desert.
I'd definitely prefer to weave the character in with the other assamite. Possibly having them be John's sire?

Lapyd |

I like VtM, but I prefer games that are more about RP and intrigue than dice rolling and combat... The fact you have an assamite and a tremere seems to suggest it's not much the case for this one. Am I assuming incorrectly? I do have some experience with the game (mostly GMing) and would love to put something together if the focus is not in building fighting blood robots :) nothing against it, just not my cup of tea (and honestly, I'm not skilled enough to build this kind of character! lol)

GM Ring of Gold |

This entire game has had one small skirmish in a year and that was against mortal security guards after a dominate roll failed. If you get into combat in VtM it's not a good thing. Ancient powerful creatures don't fight unless they must.
I go for the gothic horror of it all and love that aspect of it.

Lapyd |

Oh then in this case… I’d very much like to submit something!
- how many freebies and xp points? If it had been going for one year, then I would prefer being close in the power level to the existing group.
- merits and flaws are okay?
- paths of enlightenment are okay?
- any limits on age? I already saw the generation custom rules above.
- where can I read more about your setting? Are we going to be newcomers introducing to the prince?

GM Ring of Gold |

I will most likely shotgun a bit to keep the story moving for the two standing characters and intro you in the prologue. No use of age merit please, and 7 pts of merits and flaws as normal, also I will entertain a path but give me a good story as to why a Canirlla kindred would have one?
10 xtra XP for each player including old players for a nice bump before this upcoming game. So old players will add 6xp more.

KeeperofRunes |

Okay, I think I figured everything out https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nQ5K6XIueP2LkCpoByhsFzzQB7zID_Ee/view?usp= sharing
This should be Stevee a Well to do local political Speechwriter who was turned by the Ventrue well working for Eugene McCarthy. She is well connected in the city and has kept close with many of her national political contacts, She keeps a small heard in a family home in South Saint Paul, the trait that her prey all have to share is having butchered an animal in the past 24 hours which is why she chose South Saint Paul home to the largest Slaughterhouse in the state (and in 1980 I think the world? Contradictory info there.).
Does everything look rightish here?