
Kaapelikala's page

Organized Play Member. 31 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 15 Organized Play characters.




Two-part question:

a) A 1st level Wildblooded Sage Sorcerer wishes to take the Bloodline Familiar (from Familiar Folio pg 16) by trading Wildblood's 1st level Power for the Familiar. Is that PFS legal? If yes, is the Bloodline counted as Arcane for the mutation the Familiar gains?

b) A 1st level Psychic Bloodline Sorcerer wishes to take the Bloodline Familiar. Can the Sorcerer do that? If yes, what is the mutation the Familiar gains?

Additional resources lists pg16-17 of Familiar Folio "The Bloodlines are legal to play" so it might mean that a) would be OK and b) not. Or that there should be something completely different written on those two pages.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks a lot! The Bolt Ace is back on track.


The Bolt Ace archetype gains proficiency with all crossbows and starts with a masterwork crossbow of her choice. My question is: wh't are the legal crossbow types to begin with? Is it just one of the simple crossbows or can I take an exotic crossbow (Minotaur double crossbow, heavy repeating crossbow, and so on)? I have wanted to make a usable crossbow build and Bolt Ace works wonders for that.


Since I haven't GM'd at a convention so far (Tracon 2015 at Tampere, Finland will be the first), what does this: " Now every time you GM at a convention, you can earn your choice of that or that quarter's boon that unlocks the ability to play a PC with a rare race" mean? Is it "You get this boon" or "You have a possibility of getting this boon if stars align"?

Also, are these American only?


What would happen if the paladin was possessed/mind controlled/spiderzombied to cast Infernal Healing?


I was thinking the d) option too. Just wanted to make sure, that there isn't any loopholes.

The scenario up to the bbeg gives a pile of cash, experience and possibly some pp, however the corpses would be in the bbeg's office unreachable by conventional means. Also, replayable with gm stars.


A group of people are playing a special module with pregenerated characters (in this case Serpents rise). Due to reasons the pregen pc:s die. What are the costs for a non-pathfinder character to stay alive and contribute meaningly to the player's chronicle stack? All pc:s are dead.

Is it
a) 5pp for body + cash or bazillion pp for raise
b) cash or bazillion pp for raise
c) something completely different.

Cash is from the pregens sold junk.


I'm interested in testing. If needed, I can also send suggestions.


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-How much knowledge of Golarion is required? (or better yet, expected by players and GMs) We've played Pathfinder, but only in homebrew settings, and none of us have time to really get to know the setting intricately.

Players: None, however the more the merrier. GM: None, however the more knowledge the GM has the better the world sounds, looks, smells and so on. A read through Inner Sea World Guide will give most of the answers you might need.

-What do the adventures tend to look like? More action-adventure, or heavier RP?

Both. Some are more action oriented, some are RP oriented and some are used to clean tables (Hardness 10 vs lv1 party and such). Usually the scenarios have more combat than RP.

-What level of optimization is generally expected by players or balanced around in adventures? We want to make characters who are good at their jobs, but we don't want to play in a game of all summoners and druids.

You should not do characters that are waste of space or dead weight. If the character can provide something meaningful to the party, it should be OK. This means that a skill monkey Rogue is a good choice (has skills for everyone) as is a 7 Int Big Stupid Fighter (with 22 Strength and a greatsword). A 20 int 7 cha 7 str melee fighter with social feats is something you shouldn't take to the table.

-Is there a best way to find a game locally? I know I can find some games on the forum. Do most PFSers play that way?

Depends on your location. I don't know about others but in Finland many games are found on local forums.

-Should we just hop into any first level game? Or do we have a sort of official location for our characters? Is it better to start at the beginning of a "season"?

Yes. No. No. You can start at any time with any scenario - even those that are for higher levels since you can add them to your character either to wait until it grows big enough or attach them to lv1 for X amount of cash. Check the guide for this.

If anyone has any other tips to give us, that would be great.

Torches hit swarms. Swimming helps in swimming. Pots are good for launching traps.

Edit: Found this; Seems to be pretty dead, but could be read that there have been players. Apparently there is a place called "Excelsior Comics and Games" that has hosted at least one event last year.

BigBadWolf wrote:
Don't see what being in/out of society has to do with this one

PFS is supposed to be played by the book and as such there shouldn't be any houserules for things (AFAIK).

BretI wrote:
Stuff about Handle animal

That's what I have been thinking as well and it would be how I would like to GM it. Still I am wondering. Can I use the summoned horse (or a dog or imp) as a trapfinder, doorstopper, arrowblocker, meatshield or other similar things without an alignment shift - especially if the deed is done for the safety of the party members? In a home game it is either "go ahead" or "never" - PFS it should be either or across the board.

Hello all,

As we all know, the Mount spell can be theorethically used for multiple different non-travel things, such as activating traps, flanking for the Rogue, blocking hallways, bribery, portable cover and whatnot.

My question is that what are the Pathfinder Society legal ways to use the Mount spell (and to an extent, Summon Monster line and Summon Nature's Ally line)?


Hello all,

I have been planning on visiting some of the big conventions in Europe and possibly in the USA once I have the chance. Of course, I would like to meet new people while having a friendly game of miniature chess.

The problem comes from the following:

I have a character. A variant Tiefling Gun Scavenger Gunslinger, who has items, feats, traits, and other stuff from at least the following books:

Advanced Race Guide (base tiefling)
Advanced Player's guide (Reactionary)
Ultimate Combat (Gunslinger)
Ultimate Equipment (items)
Ultimate Campaign (Highlander)
Blood of Fiends (variant heritage)
Inner Sea Combat (Gun Scavenger)
Inner Sea World Guide (Language, Tian)
and some more.

I have every single of those in dead tree form, but that seems to mean I can't play in for example GenCon without sending them ahead. Am I right or is it Ezren for me because I'm an outsider?


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Gabriel Smith-Dalrymple wrote:
So a little off topic, but if you don't play some elevator music after cramming an entire party into a 2x2 room I think you've missed out on a golden opportunity.

The entire party AND two NPCs. That's crammed.


You just register the second character. Simple as that, no questions asked. It works the same way as a player who does not have a PFS number registered yet. GM reports the game using the given number and if the character is created it will hava all the stuff.

Also, the first dead Pregen character works like this. Just stick it to -99 or something.



I GMd 6-01 yesterday and as I started to report it I noticed the 6th season scenarios can not be chosen. Is this the intention or should season 6 be playable (and reportable)? Or am I doing something wrong?

The same question about Thornkeep and other multiple levels encompassing modules. How do you report specific levels?


Things you keep while retraining/rebuilding at lv1:

items consumed (so you can't sell the potion you drank or the wand you have used charged of)

Everything else can be changed.


Page 39 says that if you don't have a Venture-Officer for your region (and you woould make a good addition), contact Mike Brock ( I don't know if Mike will give OK for events without beign the Venture-Captain though.

I have a feeling you could drop out of the position though if you didn't like it.

Are "Must select X from Y" altering, changing, or replacing the ability for archetypes? What about if the class itself does that? Two situations I can see this coming up:

Pistolero+Gun Scavenger:
Pistolero Gunsmithing says you must take a pistol, while Gun scavenger obviously changes Gunsmithing.

Is the must take a pistol a change or a poke to the direction?

Cavalier: Order of the Paw + Beast Rider:
Order of the Paw (Order, class ability) makes you to choose a dog or wolf as the mount. Beast Rider changes and replaces the Mount Ability. Is the Order of the Paw's Mount ability still the original mount ability that could be replaced or is it something else?

That would mean I need to change the character concept. How about Buccaneer Pistolero? Are they compatible as they change the Deeds feature, but not the same specific Deeds?

Is a Pistolero Gun Scavenger legal? Specifically the Gunsmith part.

The question is that does Pistolero change the Gunsmith class feature or is it just there to tell you to pick the pistol (and not a blunderbuss for example)? Gun scavenger changes the class feature, that's for sure, but does Pistolero (or Musket Master for that matter)?

As I see it it just tells the player to take the pistol and not change the class feature itself. Similarly to an Archer's Weapon Mastery, Horse Lord's Combat Style, or other "Must choose X" for example.

Specific parts:


A pistolero must take a pistol when she chooses a battered firearm at 1st level."

Gun Scavenger:

The gun scavenger's starting weapon is a mishmash of pieces that even other gunpowder enthusiasts fail to comprehend. Anyone other than the gun scavenger treats her starting weapon as broken, even if she uses the Gunsmithing feat to repair it. This ability works in all other ways like the gunslinger's gunsmith class feature."

Beguiling Voice, the Maestro bloodline lv1 ability reads:

Beguiling Voice (Ex): At 1st level, you can use the sound of your voice to lull a target creature into taking no action. This ability acts as the daze spell, except it is language-dependent, has a duration of 1 round, and affects a living creature whose Hit Dice do not exceed your sorcerer level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Am I reading it right that it is a Daze, that the target's max HDs as follows:

Sorc level 1: 1HD
Sorc level 2: 2HD
Sorc level 20: 20HD.

Or am I missing something? Can I somehow affect up to HD4 before level 4 as normal Daze?

Just wondering, why is everything special (such as these and race boons etc.) limited to GenCon and other USA Conventions?


For some reason they aren't in the list. So no.

Here's SRD link:

The GM keeps track part would be rather hard as if two characters (one with Oppressive Expectations on) rolled the same on the same check with OE character failing would be a very good indication that the character has failed in some check between the last failure/success and this point.

The best way would be indeed that if you fail a trap search or similar and the trap is there OE would trigger (you failed and now you know it too).


This came up in a game this week.

I have a character who has Oppressive Expectations (Quests and Campaigns) as a Drawback. It says: If you fail a skill roll you get -2 to that skill until you success in that skill or fail another.

How does this work with GM rolls? GM rolls for detect traps and such "hidden" info. If my character fails the roll (roll < DC) does it fail for Oppressive Expectations too? If yes, I see some problems with this.

If I succeed, I notice the trap. If I don't I'm told that I failed my roll - thus detecting the trap.

How should this be played? Are the GM rolls unaffected by Oppressive Expectations and Doubt and Mark of Slavery or are they affected thus alerting the player on failed rolls.

The same thing comes up with some other rolls too. I search a room - I get 19 - I don't find anything - I fail (DC20 to detect the hidden box). Am I notified that I failed or am I not? Same with all other similar situations: If there isn't a certain way for me to know that I succeed/fail, should the GM notify me of it?


That still doesn't change the fact that that I don't know the weight of my bedroll, iron pot, food or torches.

Why else have stuff weigh anything? I'd be happy to dump Str on my caster while carrying an elephant, but that's not the way it works in PFS. Stuff weighs, you get penalties for carrying too much. If I must drop the whole kit, I don't see the point in them.


Most of the other kits have this same problem too. The Pathfinder's Kit for small humanoids is also strange as the kit weighs more than the pieces together...

Adding the weight of the multiples (food, torches) solves the problem in home games. In PFS I wouldn't do that right away as it's not in the rules. If it could be made into a house-rule for larger areas, it wouldn't be a problem. Now I don't know if my junk weighs 37 lbs or 24 lbs when I go and play with a different group/GM.

Let's hope for an errata.


Ultimate Equipment has kits for pretty much everything.

Now, they weights (and costs) don't add up to the items bought separately.

For example the Alchemist's kit weighs 24 lbs vs 37 lbs when bought in pieces.

How does the kit work in PFS? I use a Torch, what weight should I remove? Similarly if I drop the Iron Pot (smashed to bits by a axe blade trap), how does my weight change? Is it the item's weight (so dropping the kit would be -13 lbs) or (weight of kit/weight of pieces*dropped item)? So for example in the Alchemist's kit is the Iron pot 2lbs or 1,3lbs or something completely different?

Now in a home game this wouldn't be a problem as the (weight of kit/weight of pieces*dropped item) formula could be used of course, but in PFS we need to play by the rules and there isn't a good one for this one.

Ok, how about Eldritch Heritage (fiend) + Wildblood Sage? Does the sorc become a fiend if Infernal or Abyssal is chosen and does the Tiefling's ability activate?

Thanks for the info. Somehow I missed the part of wildblooed being an archetype.

Is this answered anywhere aside PFS?


I started to tinker with a sorceror. How do the above work together?

A Tiefling gives bonuses to a fiendish Sorceror as well as a bonus to Int. Sage changes Sorcerors's used stat from Cha to Int. Does a fiendish/Sage sorceror get the bonus from Fiendish Sorcery to his/her Int for all things Sorceror such as spells per level and so on?

Is a Tiefling Abyssal/Sage Sorceror with base Int 18 effectively an Int 22 Sorceror (18 +2(Tiefling stat bonus) +2(Infernal Sorcery)? Or is it just a Int 20 Sorceror because of some thing or another?

So there are a couple of questions:

a) Is a Abyssal or Infernal/something crossblood a fiend for Fiendish Sorcery?

b) Is the Infernal Sorcery +2 bonus considered something in the constraints of "to determine all class features and effects relating to your sorcerer class, such as bonus spells per day, the maximum spell level you can cast, the save DCs of your spells, and the number of daily uses of your bloodline powers.". The Infernal Sorcery changes all of those things, but I want to be sure.

c) Do they work together.


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