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Organized Play Member. 85 posts (171 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.
i got some spells from Xoveron when i became a gargoyle and helped destroy a metropolis of cyclops.
Gargoyle's Gifts:
Sanctuary 3/day
Shatter 2/day
Vamphiric Touch 1/day
since I don't prepare these spells are they considered spontaneous spells? if so can I become a dragon disciple?
I can't find how he came up with these spells I was unable to find it on google.
Wild Arcana says you can add metamagic feats to the spell you cast so basically you can cast a 1st level spell and add metamagic feats till its at or below 6th level spell right?
my game is still going on pass level 20 and was wondering what else should i do next dip into classes or?
I am a large creature if i cast undead anatomy (size large) on myself do i still gain the extra strength and natural armor, i get the undead traits that the spell gives i am sure but not sure about the strength and armor bonus
we freed someone powerful (trying to avoid a spoiler) and was granted a wish or something similar, I asked to be turned into a 4 armed gargoyle since thats the monsterous physique shape i take the most. but there is no template for it like other monsters so how do i apply the "stats to my character?
https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/monstrous-humanoids/garg oyle/four-armed-gargoyle/
is where its located thanks in advance
Played a game of cards and I got lycanthropy, but another card permanently either reduces or enlarges me by 1 size category. At the time I was a dwarf so I instantly became Large size Dwarf. but than another card came into effect making me into a Gnome but I am a Medium size Gnome. And a few weeks later when the moon was full the 3rd card that didn't have any effect finally took place and I became a werewolf.
background done. how imputing this into hero lab
1. changed race to Gnome
2. under Personal tab i did +1 Size Category
the issue is My weapons should still be a Heavy Flail 1d10 damage? because the program is saying that it is 2d8 damage and that seems wrong.
another issue is when i am a gnome i am actually a medium gnome so I gain 2 strength lose 2 dexterity and 1 AC (size penality) and -1 to hit? thereby having the same stats I had as a dwarf?
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usually casting a spell is a standard action but you can use spellstrike to cast it as part of a melee attack.
my question is if I have multiple attacks because of my BAB, so I get to attack additional times when using spellstrike?
using a two handed weapon
Is there an item got a barbarian can use to increase their levels like sorcere and fighters
Corwin Illum wrote: Not counting feats, A creature with blindsight would bypass stealth completely. A creature with blindsense might not see the creature that is stealthing, but it would know there is something "there". Thus, a rogue using stealth against blindsense still might get sneak attack as it effectively has total concealment.
Keep in mind too, many creatures with blindsight can not actually "see" with vision at all.
this is how I interpret Blindsense and Blindsight
The facts are:
level 16 fighter
Strength +8 mod
Improved Trip
Greater Trip
Weapon Focus: Flails: +1
Weapon Training Flails: +5
Gloves of Dueling
So my bonus is +36? and +38 with flanking?
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I feel like I searched the program pretty thoroughly but I was unable to locate a place where I can click something and it automatically gives you the enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls when you spend an arcane point. Is there such a function in Hero Lab?
if you are a wizard or sorcerer all you need is rope trick it lasts for 12 hours at level 12 caster.
the first time the paladin tries to Lay on Hands or channel to Heal your butler who may get hurt in battle, you will probably be smote and die.
you might get double channel but you have to give up getting revelations ant 3rd 7th and 15th level so you will not be able to get any revelation from the life oracle. at first level you get channel and at 3 level you choose a spirit of life for more channel and that't it you can't get safe curing, energy body, or other revelations.
Scratch that you get 1 additional "revelation" as a hex Life Link.
Using Hero Lab
I selected life spirit and than selected channel from mystery and it increased the amount of channels by 4 more which is 1+ cha modifier so it does stack.
hmm does that mean if an animal companion deals 10 damage you do 15 instead? cause that's stupid crazy good or
does it mean you add .5 dmg per level
also what is this racial trait called
Shield Spikes are enchanted as weapons +5 enhancement bonus to attack and damage with +5 to special abilities.
the actual shield can be enchanted for +5 enhancement bonus to AC and +5 to special abilities.
even though its one item you enchant it twice for attacking bonus and ac bonus.
i did this in hero lab and once you get 2nd level you get to choose one of those and it seems permanent.
I chose toughness and it automatically gave me 2 Natural armor and endurance feat
Upon reading the domains section of cleric it does seem like you can cast spells that are not on cleric list, you have to prepare it in the dormain slot and cannot memorize it in your regular slots so technically you are casting the spell. at least once per day if not more if you have pearls of power.
Spell Trigger: Spell trigger activation is similar to spell completion, but it's even simpler. No gestures or spell finishing is needed, just a special knowledge of spellcasting that an appropriate character would know, and a single word that must be spoken. Spell trigger items can be used by anyone whose class can cast the corresponding spell. This is the case even for a character who can't actually cast spells, such as a 3rd-level paladin. The user must still determine what spell is stored in the item before she can activate it. Activating a spell trigger item is a standard action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
so that means it works =D
Each domain grants a number of domain powers, dependent upon the level of the cleric, as well as a number of bonus spells. A cleric gains one domain spell slot for each level of cleric spell she can cast, from 1st on up. Each day, a cleric can prepare one of the spells from her two domains in that slot. If a domain spell is not on the cleric spell list, a cleric can prepare it only in her domain spell slot. Domain spells cannot be used to cast spells spontaneously.
Clearly states the domains spell is not on cleric list so you need Umd if you want
to cast fireball or some other domain spell you can't memorize domain spell into regular slots unless it's on cleric spell list
you can use pearls of power to cast a domain spell multiple times I think .
Usually every bonus for fighters stacks to 5 nit 6 so the six is typo
for example armor training and weapon training goes up every 4 levels not ev e y 3 levels
Shae'ura-Drae wrote: Elven Curved Blade wouldn't work for a magus build though. Has to be a one handed weapon. depends on if you plan to use spell combat or not I went with the 2h build that just channels spells through the weapon and put the crit enhancement on weapon so I can crit on spell & weapon damage with a roll of 15-20
Snorb wrote: Or hell, just get an elven curveblade. Those are two-handed finesse weapons (and prior to Ultimate Combat, what I actually used for katanas.) agree if you need a feat to be able to use a katana just get elven curve blade instead its 1d10 18-20 instead of 1d8 18-20
The hand is incorporeal and thus cannot be harmed by normal weapons. It has improved evasion (half damage on a failed Reflex save and no damage on a successful save), your save bonuses, and an AC of 22 (+8 size, +4 natural armor). Your Intelligence modifier applies to the hand's AC as if it were the hand's Dexterity modifier. The hand has 1 to 4 hit points, the same number that you lost in creating it.
So I would say you can hit it with magical weapons or spells but it doesn't provoke
+2 breastplate armor +2 ring of protection +2 amulet of natural armor +2 heavy steel shield
you get +16 armor and sit at 26 ac without much effort.
also you can have a higher dex even 14 is fine than you can get a ioun stone for +2 dex for 3 ac from dex
like some of the posters are saying if you avoid taking 40 damage its like auto healing once per round or what ever, most things might hit you but not everything otherwise you will be unconscious before its your turn and you won't be able to heal
paladin and oracle of flame
Jeremias wrote: Morning,
I just read the FAQ. And to me it seems that with the new wording for Dragon Ferocity the attack-to-damage ratio from Power Attack changes to the progression for twohanded weapons. Am I right?
seems like it first attack you do double str dmg all other attacks do 1 1/2 times str dmg
so if you have a +4 str modifier
1st attack deals +8
all other attacks deal +6
if you add power attack to it though it will still scale on a one handed progression of -1/+2
blackbloodtroll wrote: Majuba wrote: At that cost, they should be. Irrelevant.
The same complaint exists for the Mask of Stony Demeanor.
It still works exactly as described. thats irrelevant since mask of stony demeanor is a transmutation effect so it actually changes your appearance I agree with the other posters saying its an illusion effect like glamor armor
If it says make a ranged touch attack it does
you can use both katana in main hand and Wakizashi in the off hand
my dwarf fighter has 40 ac at level 14 and rune giants have a hard time hitting me they have to roll a 15 or better if advanced and without power attacking, since i have 44 ac against giants. but in general most things still have to roll like 15 or better to hit me so i say AC is nice.

lantzkev wrote: seebs wrote: Yeah, but before they made the official ruling that bloodline arcana affected other class spellcasting abilities, people probably felt the same way about that idea. It's ridiculous. Until it's in the FAQ. There's a large difference between an ability that says "it does this to all spells of this type" and "this class may do this as part of it's class, this class can spontaneously lose it's prepared spells..."
one refers to spells in a general sense, the other in a specific sense of it's own class (and thus it's spells)
Quote: A good cleric (or a neutral cleric of a good deity) can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time. Quote: Abberant Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the polymorph subschool, increase the duration of the spell by 50% (minimum 1 round). This bonus does not stack with the increase granted by the Extend Spell feat. The difference is large, one is refering to the classes spells and the other is just referring to any polymorph subschool spell. Agrees with this " a good/evil/ neutral cleric can replace.... it does not say a good wizard can replace stored spell to cast healing spells
its in hero lab when i tryped in bolt it shows crossbow bolts 1d4 damage x2 crit sorry when i clicked it to look at the text it says it can be used as a light improvised weapon doing 1d4 damage.
its in hero lab when i tryped in bolt it shows crossbow bolts 1d4 damage x2 crit
looking at light crossbow it deals 1d8 damage the bolts say they deal 1d4 damage does that mean when I shoot the bolt it deals 1d8+1d4 damage?
Put returning or calling on weapon and your fine although as a trip fighter I never fail by that much
if u want to enchant a monk weapon use the Sansetsokon it does 1d10 damage crits on 19-20x2 and you can flurry with it. so it will be as good as a monk of 8th to 11th level and you can enchant it. problem solved =D
there's no reason to be a paladin and oracle of life, being oracle of life is one way to heal like a god the other is to be cleric. you take paladin if you want to hit things and use lay on hands on and sometimes channel.
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stuart haffenden wrote: Westerner wrote: Fauchard and falcata are both very good exotic weapons. You can get EWP for free as a half elf with the alternate trait ancestral arms, reducing the feat tax.
But it replaces Skill Focus... which is a feat... so it's still a kinda tax, sort of! sorta but sorta not, since most people would not take a skill focus feat. so being able to change it for weapon you don't have proficiency is nice.
monstrous humanoids are humanoids category as well hence the keyword humanoid so enlarge person would work since he is large he has a natural reach of 10 ft if he uses a reach weapon its 15 feet if he enlarges himself its 20 feet. he can use a Huge weapon with -2 penality since he can normally use large weapons being a large humanoid.
the short heft thing they can do is only close or reach you wont able to hit all targets within your reach.
all he has to do is use a non reach weapon and for 10 feet of Whirlwind or be enlarged and get 15ft of whirlwind there's no need to use a reach weapon when you are large already at most you will be figting like 3 to 5 enemies at once and some of them might be ranged so realistically 15ft reach is more than enough to take on all melee opponents.
you can ride a wolf or boar or something like that
basically u make a spiked shield, the spikes are enchanted so you hit harder and do more damage the shield itself is enchanted to provide more ac
its no longer weapon training so you cant use the gloves of dueling anymore.
Leaping Attack (Ex)
At 5th level, when a mobile fighter moves at least 5 feet prior to attacking, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 5th.
This ability replaces weapon training 1, 2, 3, and 4.
School conjuration (creation) [force]; Level sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a piece of cured leather)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no
An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC.
Unlike mundane armor, mage armor entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Since mage armor is made of force, incorporeal creatures can't bypass it the way they do normal armor.
the important part is it says ... "providing a +4 armor bonus to AC." the following text basically tells you how its different from regular armor but the mage armor itself isn't armor.
otherwise it would say something like it creates an armor of force that provides a +4 armor bonus to ac.
I want to charge on a mount but use a weapon other than a lance, which you can use one handed. Is there any other weapon that lets you charge on a mount like a lance.
Looking for a mini that has a paladin/armored person riding a horse. I want to buy one but I have no idea what names to search for on ebay or whatever. So if you know of miniatures that has a horse mount with a paladin/armored person that would be great.
I it is targeted you don't take damage. If you cast aoe and you are in the area you target you also take damage but if you are not in the area you target you don't take damage
if there was cover within 10 feet of the target than you would get a sneak attack with the first throw, but other throws will be without sneak attack...
once you step out of cover you no longer have cover so will not do sneak attack UNLESS you can get into cover again but even in this case you would still only get 1 sneak attack throw.
the only way to get multiple sneak attacks is to be flanking or if the target is blind or you have greater invisibility.
there is a way a ninja can do that by taking the ninja vanishing tricks. what you can also do is take the feat dirty trick and blind the target for several rounds of combat than you can do sneak attack all the time.
there are a lot of spells in the wizard spell list that is mostly in the magus spell list, what spell or spells per spell level would you memorize using this class feature?
I myself am having some difficulty sorting what spell is what because the wizard spell list is sorted by type of spell where as a magus spell list is by spell level only.
my suggestion is to pick up the trait magical knack and apply it to shocking grasp that way you can empower spell using a 2nd level spell slot and use a 1st level spell slot for intensify spell or elemental spell and a 3rd spell slot for intensified empowered spell or elemental empower spell. good stuff.
plus buy some pearls of power 1st level and you are set for life as a Magus.
also use a scimitar or rapier or other 2h weapon with crit range 18-20 and put Keen on it so you crit on 15-20 with both the spell you channel and the weapon damage. your weapon damage will be pretty good since you are str magus.
meta magic rods are nice too, at some point you want 1 of each of the metamagic feat i mentioned above so you can have lots of different combo of metamagic on your shocking grasp spell