Jurkal's page

Organized Play Member. 85 posts (171 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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usually casting a spell is a standard action but you can use spellstrike to cast it as part of a melee attack.

my question is if I have multiple attacks because of my BAB, so I get to attack additional times when using spellstrike?

using a two handed weapon

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I feel like I searched the program pretty thoroughly but I was unable to locate a place where I can click something and it automatically gives you the enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls when you spend an arcane point. Is there such a function in Hero Lab?

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stuart haffenden wrote:
Westerner wrote:

Fauchard and falcata are both very good exotic weapons. You can get EWP for free as a half elf with the alternate trait ancestral arms, reducing the feat tax.

But it replaces Skill Focus... which is a feat... so it's still a kinda tax, sort of!

sorta but sorta not, since most people would not take a skill focus feat. so being able to change it for weapon you don't have proficiency is nice.