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i got some spells from Xoveron when i became a gargoyle and helped destroy a metropolis of cyclops. Gargoyle's Gifts: Sanctuary 3/day Shatter 2/day Vamphiric Touch 1/day since I don't prepare these spells are they considered spontaneous spells? if so can I become a dragon disciple? I can't find how he came up with these spells I was unable to find it on google. ![]()
we freed someone powerful (trying to avoid a spoiler) and was granted a wish or something similar, I asked to be turned into a 4 armed gargoyle since thats the monsterous physique shape i take the most. but there is no template for it like other monsters so how do i apply the "stats to my character? https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/monstrous-humanoids/garg oyle/four-armed-gargoyle/ is where its located thanks in advance ![]()
Played a game of cards and I got lycanthropy, but another card permanently either reduces or enlarges me by 1 size category. At the time I was a dwarf so I instantly became Large size Dwarf. but than another card came into effect making me into a Gnome but I am a Medium size Gnome. And a few weeks later when the moon was full the 3rd card that didn't have any effect finally took place and I became a werewolf. background done. how imputing this into hero lab
the issue is My weapons should still be a Heavy Flail 1d10 damage? because the program is saying that it is 2d8 damage and that seems wrong. another issue is when i am a gnome i am actually a medium gnome so I gain 2 strength lose 2 dexterity and 1 AC (size penality) and -1 to hit? thereby having the same stats I had as a dwarf? ![]()
there are a lot of spells in the wizard spell list that is mostly in the magus spell list, what spell or spells per spell level would you memorize using this class feature? I myself am having some difficulty sorting what spell is what because the wizard spell list is sorted by type of spell where as a magus spell list is by spell level only. ![]()
I tried to find information about putting a lower level domain spell in a higher level domain spell slot and I found 1 post that says you can. http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2qc6m?Question-on-Domain-spell-slots#1 but when I tried to do it in hero lab when i was creating the cleric it shows red when i try to memorize more fireballs, so is hero lab wrong or what? thanks in advance ![]()
Greater Mercy Feat
Benefit: When you use your lay on hands ability and the target of that ability does not have any conditions your mercies can remove, it instead heals an additional +1d6 points of damage Extra Mercy Feat Prerequisites: Lay on hands class feature, mercy class feature. Benefit: Select one additional mercy for which you qualify. When you use lay on hands to heal damage to one target, it also receives the additional effects of this mercy. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, select a new mercy. so the question is do you get 2d6 extra healing if you have 2 mercies that you do not have to remove? ![]()
a bit confused how this works, most gods show domains, alignment and the lore but this also has boons and an obedience buff Obedience: slay a proven wrongdoer in Ragathiel's name. It is not enough for the sacrifice to have an evil heart or evil intentions, the sacrafice must have commited evil or unlawful deeds. Gain a +4 sacred bonus to saving throws against spells and effects cast by evil creatures. Boons
my question is do i get all the boons or choose one?
so I am not a druid, cavalier or what ever but I want my animal mount to be able to wear Light or medium Barding, Since they do not level I don't think you can give it a light armor proficiency or anything. read somewhere on the boards that combat training gives it armor proficiency but I was unable to find it in any of the books I have or are available online. ![]()
Oracle level 9 A ninja player character is doing secret things which takes the player and DM away from table to talk . What I need is suggestions on how to find out what he is hiding. I want to role play it as a halfling who is curious about this fact. At the moment I gave him a platinum band and said it was a magic focus which it is. And I use locate object to try to spot patterns and where he goes. ![]()
I am going to be DMing for the first time and had some questions on how you guys handle certain situations. for example each section of skulls and shackles is proceeded by day 1 day 2 and so forth but sometimes it skips a few days before, do you let them do ship ship actions on those days or skip to the next day section?