
Joshua N Hancock's page

****** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 81 posts (106 including aliases). 7 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 56 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

No mention of improvements in prize support distribution...

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

A 2 charge wand of greater invisibility for 450g? But greater invisibility is level 4, so it should cost 840g.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Right across the river from St. Louis is Die Con 2018. Surrounded by assorted gaming, there will be plenty of PFS and SFS including all the latest scenarios as well as a couple oldies. We will also have the brand new Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set available.

Event Page


Con Website

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

In light of the new 5 nova requirements, might 1-98 be released for 4 nova GMs?

Edit: I can bring whiskey to Paizo Con if it would help.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Nok Nok, who's there?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

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Shaudius wrote:

This is directly from Tonya, "The only items covered by the NDA are Paizo business operations, as sometimes venture-officers have knowledge of upcoming activities and products before their information is released to the general public. At no time have I meant to imply that venture-officers may not speak their minds; barring extraordinary circumstances like systemic or egregious breaking of community guidelines, we do not take action against those who do so. There are many posts on the boards where officers speak their minds and we have left them for public consumption. This thread received the moderation it did because I was out of town working UK Games Expo and unable to comment on the situation. We do not talk about disciplinary actions or investigations to protect the privacy of those involved and the sensitive nature of the investigations, not because it is against the NDA." (emphasis mine.)

I'm really not trying to make every thread about the NDA, but Tonya has made very clear what the NDA you are under does and not cover.

Beyond that, the amount of secrecy people think is warranted around Paizo organized play is frankly appalling, the adage, the cover-up is worse than the crime seems pretty appropriate regarding all of this. I mean seriously, what is everyone so afraid of.

I understand taking things seriously, but the amount of volunteers I see clam up when certain topics that are clearly not Paizo business related come up you'd think you were all under some sort of gag order.

Well said.

I would say the clamming up is partially due to the fact that many of us venture officers are socially awkward and situations like these make such people uncomfortable. Or we like to keep our focus on our region. I fall into both categories.

Liberty's Edge

I'd like my maps subscription cancelled, please

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Right across the river from St. Louis is Die Con 2018. Surrounded by assorted gaming, there will be plenty of PFS and SFS including all the latest scenarios. We will also have 8-99: The Solstice Scar, Version B.

Event Page


Con Website

Liberty's Edge

After a week of getting no response from customer.service@paizo.com, I tried to forward my request to webmaster@paizo.com and got the following response:

This is the mail system at host mailext.paizo.com.

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.

For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the attached returned message.

The mail system

<root@paizo.com> (expanded from <webmaster@paizo.com>): host
mailext.paizo.com[private/dovecot-lmtp] said: 550 5.1.1 <root@paizo.com>
User doesn't exist: root@paizo.com (in reply to RCPT TO command)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Cog Con Spring Revel is March 23-25 in Rolla, MO. So many cons, so little time!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I was dragged into PFS kicking and screaming by two friends of mine in January 2012. I was playing every week 3 months later and have been ever since. Two and a half years ago I became a Venture Lieutenant, then Venture Captain six months later.

I can find a game just about anywhere with people who will welcome me with open arms.

PFS is acceptance.

Liberty's Edge

When will this be reportable? I'm running it at my FLGS on Thursday.

Edit: Also, will there be a PDF of at least the pregens?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Bromance is in the air.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Andrew Shumate wrote:
Joshua Hancock wrote:
Andrew Shumate wrote:
Joshua Hancock wrote:
Has Beliac been effectively eliminated from this scenario? Without the Cheliax faction mission, it is extremely unlikely for the spectres to ever come out.
No, Dark Archive players get the Chelish mission.
Did someone from Paizo say this at some point? It doesn't seem to be the case RAW.
It is the case per RAW. See: Secondary Success Conditions page 1 and the notes on #2-22.

I don't see how 2-22 is relevant to 1-46.

#46: Eyes of the Ten, Part 1: Requiem for the Red Raven wrote:

Primary: The PCs complete the adventure.

Secondary (individual): The PC earns 4 or more Campaign Points.

It seems the only RAW way to have the faction missions is for the players to opt for them.

Secondary Success Conditions lines 3-8 wrote:
With few exceptions, these faction missions are no longer tied to earning Prestige Points, but the players may opt to receive and perform these missions for Season 0–4 scenarios for no special benefit. In those few cases where the scenario still uses the faction missions, treat members of the Grand Lodge faction as though they were members of the Osirion faction, treat members of the Sczarni faction as though they were members of the Taldor faction, and treat members of the Silver Crusade faction as though they were members of the Andoran faction.

I'm going to strongly encourage my players to do the faction missions. I just wanted to protect myself from any wayward rules lawyers. I think the final encounter is greatly diminished without the Cheliax faction mission. This will be a moot point if there are no Dark Archive players at my table, however.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Andrew Shumate wrote:
Joshua Hancock wrote:
Has Beliac been effectively eliminated from this scenario? Without the Cheliax faction mission, it is extremely unlikely for the spectres to ever come out.
No, Dark Archive players get the Chelish mission.

Did someone from Paizo say this at some point? It doesn't seem to be the case RAW.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Has Beliac been effectively eliminated from this scenario? Without the Cheliax faction mission, it is extremely unlikely for the spectres to ever come out.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Ultimate decks! (See today's blog)

Liberty's Edge

Kevin Hanley wrote:
This sounds like a cool idea. It's a shame that Flenta, from the fighter deck, already has Disintegrate. What else does she need?

She needs to stop pretending to be a wizard. :P

Seriously, though, this sounds fantastic.

Hopefully, the unlocks will be tied to single adventures. Maybe completing Adventure 1 could unlock an Ultimate deck of the player's choice, with subsequent adventures unlocking more. That way, someone doesn't have to play most of an adventure path to unlock the only Ultimate deck they care about.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I replied to my volunteer e-mail on February 9th with, "I accept." I have received nothing since.

Liberty's Edge

Playable with the Goblins Burn! deck in Adventure Card Guild?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

rknop wrote:

I have to admit, I listed different seasons as my favorites for my six characters.

Once or twice I tried to aim for my personal favorite as a player (which is either 7 or 3). But through the lens of each character, I have different favorite seasons. For instance, my Cypermage became that because of playing Cyphermage Dilemma. Then, as a Thassilonian lore specialist, she went through the whole Lissala Arc as her "retirement" arc (ending with 12.0xp after Waking Rune). (She did play Eyes after that, though.) So, for her, favorite season was definitely 4.

Me, too!

Season 5 for my riftwarden, because riftwarden.

Season 7 for my ranger with the Aspis Slayer boon.

I can't pick a favorite season. They all have their virtues and vices. Mostly virtues!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
I trust all of my players, even the ones who have proven unworthy of that trust.

This is my guiding philosophy as well. Generally, people bring up questionable circumstances to me and I talk to the person in question. That clears it up 99% of the time. I also do the "how did you do that?" when someone does something that seems like it might be too amazing. I roll in the open, which once led to an unfortunate greataxe crit at tier 1-2, but has otherwise served me well.

I may not get as worked up about cheating as I should, but I always address it when it comes up.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *


Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Jack Brown wrote:
You mean Venture-Captain John Compton, don't you? Just add glasses and a bandana and tell me if you don't see it.

I was thinking Venture Captain David Copperfield myself.

Liberty's Edge

Dogfinder states in the second paragraph: "If you have the Goblin trait, banish this card to shuffle 1d4+1 cards from your discard pile into your hand."

I've been changing "hand" to "deck" when I play because I've never heard of shuffling anything into my hand.

Apologies if this is a known issue, but I couldn't find it posted anywhere else.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Tucked in the corner of all the anime and fantasy is 6 tables of Pathfinder Society (RPG and card game). Come and brave the latest scenarios. Don't let the Korholm Agenda create a rift!

Event Page

Con Website

Liberty's Edge

Squee! I have a ratfolk Gulch Gunner/Gun Scavenger in Roleplaying Guild. He wears a copper colored cloak and has glowing yellow eyes.


Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

A lot of Paizo staffers are at Origins, and have been since Wednesday or Thursday.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

St. Louis's biggest gaming con is finally here, and there will be plenty of PFS!

Event Page


Con Website

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

A month and a half ago.


Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Apparently, it's based on the treasonous and heretical weapon enchants from Quests and Campaigns, which are both +2 equivalents.

Liberty's Edge

There's a typo on Amiri in the first ability, last sentence:

"If it is your exploration, bur it is not the first exploration of your turn, add an additional 1d6 ([] 1d8)."

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Alexander Geuze wrote:
Gayel Nord wrote:
Any news about the price of the sword?

Still quite interested in this as well.

A definitive reply from campaign management would be nice :).

I have a character who bought this today and found the question in three different threads. I'm guessing there has been no official response because it is a very specific question about a specific item on a specific chronicle sheet.

Having said that, I would like an answer to this question since I'm about to take this character into Bonekeep 3 in a month and 10,000 extra gold would help a lot.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.

They're already showing up! Thank you Tonya and congratulations to Brett and my Venture Agents!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

kinevon wrote:

Congrats to all!

Just one question:
Bill Loescher, Venture-Captain—Springfield
Which Springfield? Or is he covering all of them?

Springfield, Missouri

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Excited for the opportunity to grow and nurture PFS in St. Louis. And well deserved promotion Barb and Allen!

Liberty's Edge

Steal Soul wrote:
When a character at your location defeats a monster that is not immune to the Attack trait, display this card next to your deck to add 1d4 to your checks while displayed. At the end of the scenario, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card.
Wrath Base Set Rulebook wrote:
Display: Place it faceup in front of your character, unless stated otherwise; this card's powers function until it's discarded.

It doesn't say it's ever discarded. Does this mean I get 1d4 to my checks for the rest of the scenario?

Liberty's Edge

I reported a fake session, downloaded the session sheet, then deleted the fake session.

Liberty's Edge

And when I enter a number of sessions, it won't save.

Liberty's Edge

Event: Archon 2015
Event Code: 65724


I created this event. Why can't I download tracking sheets for it?

Liberty's Edge

I played with this at Gen Con. Eagerly awaiting.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Edward Harrison wrote:
Hey, Josh! just the person I'm looking for. Annie Moon's on Roger Av. (South Tower Grove) is looking to start a regular gaming session. Any suggestions for the owner? Can I give him your link, here?

Check your PMs.

Liberty's Edge

I had this problem when I tried to report it at 7 AM and again at 4:30 PM right before I posted this, but it works now.

Liberty's Edge

I can't report 7-03: Bronze House Reprisal. It's in my drop down, but when I select it, it doesn't show the line with boxes for the GM info and ABCD boxes. When I go in to edit the event, it doesn't show as being selected or selectable, but it's listed on the event page.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Wrote a review, and may I add, probably my most fun table experience this year.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I played 322 and in the last fight...

Three of us walked in with fly cast on us. The wizard had see invis running, then the magus glitterdusted Aram Zey. He made the save, but the damage was done. I, as 322, cast the scroll of slay living and flew up to him to deliver it. I nat oned and had to use my reroll to hit him. He failed the save by one and died.

There was too much amazing roleplaying to recount.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

I was mostly going on the word of a VC at a table next to mine.

Also, Chris, I do not appreciate the loaded question.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Chris Mortika wrote:
Joshua, can you cite that exception, since it runs counter to the written guide text?

John Compton said it over the PA at Gen Con.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Jay Zicht wrote:
The GM also always gets to pass any pass fail conditions. I.E. faction objectives or the better of any social condition

The exception to that is specials, as everyone (including GMs) in Sky Key Solution at Gen Con on Friday received 1 prestige point.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Validorn wrote:

Great thread!

VC Michael VanHossen?, Wounded Wisp Thursday morning. I played with a group who was very new to Pathfinder of whom also confessed a knack for falling under bizarre circumstances and general shenanigans. Staying true to their warnings (and apologies) the run was a lot of fun and Michael was very patient and friendly throughout the scenario.

I apologize that I did not catch the name, but the great wizard GM running Out of Anarchy Saturday at 1pm. The voices of Papov and Madge, in particular, were hilarious and perfect. Thank you for putting up with my fake Russian accent!

Last but not least, Joseph Reader of MO?, the GM 'pulled off the streets' to run our Serpent's Rise game Sunday morning. Everyone was exhausted, including him, but hung in there and was very helpful, patient, and friendly with our group (which I am quite aware gets bogged down in table talk). Also props to his friend who was kind enough to share some magnificent sets for that scenario. The final room (trying not to spoil it), was simply amazing! My only regret was running out of time and being too conservative with 322's abilities. Very cool pregen!

Michael VonHasseln is the Cape Girardeau, MO VC

Jason Roeder is the Columbia, MO VC

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