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![]() In my Ultimate Wilderness Deck, I have 2 copies each of a couple of Item 1 cards: Altitude Fern and Goblinvine. Multiples of low-level items strikes me as unusual for a Class/Ultimate Deck, so I wanted to confirm if this is on purpose or a printing/packaging error. I have 109 cards (plus the "instruction" card) in the deck, so if this is an error, I'm missing a couple of cards. Any insight, anyone? Thanks! ![]()
![]() A few queries about Adventure 4-3B: Breaking and Entering. (Spoiler alert if you haven’t played it and don’t want to know ahead of time whether or not it’s broken.) 4-3B wrote: When you would close a location, if the number of Evidence henchmen displayed next to the scenario is not equal to the number of characters, instead search the location deck and banish any number of boons from it. What happens if the number of Evidence henchmen displayed is GREATER than the number of characters? Does that render the scenario unwinnable? The folks playing were thinking that they could corner the Villain and temporarily close the remaining locations. But can the Villain’s location be closed with an unequal number of Evidence displayed? If not, the Villain will always have at least one open location to escape to. OR, does a Villain defeat closing the location not count as “you” closing it, so the “When you would close a location…” scenario rule not kick in? Thanks! ![]()
![]() We're doing a Demo Day for new (or lapsed!) players to give the Mummy's Mask set a whirl (Look, kids, Triggers!) and get geared up for the Season of Factions' Favour! Date: Wednesday, November 15
Any questions or to save your spot, please post here or message me directly. See you across the dunes... Or at least across the table. ![]()
![]() Had posted this in the Card Guild forum, but it's not getting any attention there, so maybe the rules gurus here can offer some insight. This may be a bit spoiler-y for Adv 3-6A, so proceed at own risk... ... ... ... Relevant Scenario Text:
3-6A: A SAGE BESIEGED wrote: Display the Mnesoset role card next to the scenario. On your turn, you may recharge a card to gain the powers on that role card until the end of your turn. Relevant Mnesoset Ability: Mnesoset wrote: When a character at your location defeats and would banish a barrier, you may shuffle it into a location deck. When, precisely, can a character use the scenario power to get that particular Mnesoset ability? The scenario power doesn't state any timing window other than "during your turn," so is there any reason one couldn't do this during an encounter? For example, say I encounter and defeat a barrier as "myself" (so I could make use of all my character's own awesome barrier-busting abilities). Right before I would banish it, can I recharge a card to call upon the Spinel Sage to toss the barrier in, say, the Five-Pointed Sun? Or would I have already had to activate Mnesoset's abilities? If so, at what point can I do that? When I encounter the barrier? Before exploring? Thanks! ![]()
![]() This may be a bit spoiler-y for Adv 3-6A, so proceed at own risk... ... ... ... Relevant Scenario Text:
3-6A: A SAGE BESIEGED wrote: Display the Mnesoset role card next to the scenario. On your turn, you may recharge a card to gain the powers on that role card until the end of your turn. Relevant Mnesoset Ability: Mnesoset wrote: When a character at your location defeats and would banish a barrier, you may shuffle it into a location deck. When, precisely, can a character use the scenario power to get that particular Mnesoset ability? The scenario power doesn't state any timing window other than "during your turn," so there's no reason one couldn't do this during an encounter, is there? For example, say I encounter and defeat a barrier as "myself" (so I could make use of all my character's own awesome barrier-busting abilities). Right before I would banish it, can I recharge a card to call upon the Spinel Sage to toss the barrier in, say, the Five-Pointed Sun? Or would I have already had to activate Mnesoset's abilities? If so, at what point can I do that? When I encounter the barrier? Before exploring? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Relevant text:
Burning Child wrote: If defeated with a combat check, shuffle the Burning Child into a random other open location. If you defeat the Burning Child from the seige deck with a combat check, where does it go? It wouldn't go back into the seige deck, would it? That would make winning a Defensive Stance scenario impossible. I think it should go into a random open location other than the one your character is at when you encounter it. Is that correct? It just seems weird somehow, moving a monster out of the seige deck and into a location, but I think that's right. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Say I play a Blessing of Nethys (or use MM Alahazra's ability or some other scouting tech). The first card I examine is a monster (with no trigger). The second is Shrieking Plant, and I fail the triggered check. Shrieking Plant wrote:
Is the monster I already examined (which was on top of the Shrieking Plant) now back among the "top 3 cards"? Or is an examined card sitting in some kind of out-of-deck limbo, so I should look at the NEXT 3 cards? Thanks! ![]()
![]() A question about this reward from the Cosmic Captive scenario 8-00B1: Cosmic Captive 8-00B1 wrote: Each character chooses a card from the box that has an adventure deck number less than or equal to the scenario’s adventure deck number and notes it on her Chronicle sheet. When she earns her next scenario reward, she may use the chosen card as a bonus deck upgrade. Emphasis added. Here's the situation: That was the last scenario a player successfully completed in that adventure. He's carried that character over to SoPluTo. Does the "next scenario reward" in the emphasized text refer to ANY scenario he completes next? Or is it intended to only kick in after completion of the next scenario of Cosmic Captive? Can he take his bonus upgrade after completing the first SoPluTo scenario? Thanks! ![]()
![]() A couple quick ones (hopefully) about Scenario 2B-2C and the Season reward... 1. 2B-2C's During This Scenario text includes: "When you defeat and would banish a monster that has the Animal trait, shuffle it into a random unoccupied location." That would include the Animal henchmen, Owly Thing and Piggy, correct? (Giving our pint-sized green heroes "extra" chances to close locations?) 2. The Season reward is: "Each player chooses one of his Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild characters. That character may treat the loot Lamashtu’s Bauble as if it is in her Class Deck box." I can't help but notice the Lamashtu's Bauble card printed in the PDF is labelled as a Loot 2. Meaning the future character it's assigned to would have to use a level 2 upgrade to include it in their deck. Is that intentional, or should it be a Loot P, like SotRi's Scales of Remembrance and SotRu's Runewell's Echo? (SotS's Councilor's Ring was eventually edited to be a Loot B-Basic, so that's an option, too.) If a change is made to the We Be Goblins Too! PDF, would it be possible to fill all the blank space on the last proxy page (pg.12) with additional copies of Lamashtu's Bauble (as was done with Scales of Remembrance in SotR Adv 6)? That way one could hand out physical proxies to multiple players without have to print off the same page over and over. Thanks very much! ![]()
![]() Goblins descend on Edmonton! Be a part of the swarm! We're gonna squeeze every drop of green juice out of the Runelords set while we wait for Mummy's Mask to arrive, so let's get our Goblin on! Date: Wednesday, November 23 (and every Wednesday)
New players are always welcome, and the start of this "mini-season" is the perfect opportunity to jump in with two green feet! Any questions, please feel free to post here or message me. ![]()
![]() I don't suppose it would be possible to get the Adventure 2-6 PDF updated to include a page that's just a bunch of Runewell's Echo (the reward card for SotRu)? I'd like to print off physical copies to give to everybody who finishes the season here ("Congratulations, you can put THIS in your next character's deck!"), but it's wasteful to print off the existing page (packed with 2-6 villains and henchmen) over and over for a single copy of Runewell's Echo each time. Please and thanks! ![]()
![]() Another clarification request... 2-4D: THE RUNELORD’S HANDMAIDEN - During This Scenario wrote: When you attempt a check to acquire a boon, each other character at your location attempts a check to acquire it. The character whose result exceeds the difficulty by the largest amount acquires the boon (if there is a tie, those characters reroll), and each other character who attempted the check is dealt 1 point of Mental damage that cannot be reduced. 1. Can one decline to attempt a check to acquire? I seem to recall seeing somewhere that you cannot, but if someone could point me to the latest update on that, it would be much appreciated. 2. What if nobody succeeds at the check to acquire? Does nobody take the damage? Or does everybody take it...? >8) Thanks! ![]()
![]() Looking to confirm exactly what happens with banished cards in this scenario. 2-3C: Curses! Foiled Again wrote: At the end of the scenario, when you rebuild your character deck, first make it match the list you recorded before setting up: put any cards you have that are not on the list into a reward pile, then add back any cards that you no longer have regardless of where they ended up, but do not add back cards that were removed from the game. Say my Barbarian gets hold of some of his Alchemist pal's potions. During the scenario, he (very unsurprisingly) smashes them (banishing them for their powers/effects). Does the Alchemist get them all back at the end, or does he have a bunch of tincture-shaped holes to fill in his deck (that must then be replaced according to the B-Basic-first hierarchy)? They were banished, which is of course different from "removed from the game," so I'm leaning toward him getting them back. Thoughts? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Just want to make sure I have this all straight... Our local OP group is pretty much all ready to start Adventure 4 or 3 (a few folks joined a few weeks into the season). Last week, a new player came by. Some of us played 2-1A and 2-1B with him, playing a pregen Valeros, as an introduction to OP. If he wants to jump in with the group about to begin Adv 3, he can build a character using the "Play a Higher-Level Character" rules on page 8 of the OP Guide... AND he'll get to add the scenario rewards, feats (skill and power), and any available upgrades from the two Tier 1 scenarios he played to that character (as described under "Option 3 - Taking One for the Team). Is that correct? Thanks! ![]()
![]() This is probably going to come up in our OP campaign, so... Does the parenthetical part of Amiri's power: "At the end of your turn (□ or when your location closes), you may move." ...apply to temporary closes? If so, when someone else encounters a villain, would she be able to temp close one location, hop to another, and temp close it as well? That seems odd, so I'm wondering if the ability needs to specify "when your location permanently closes." Thoughts? ![]()
![]() The discussion of confusing phrasing on the rewards of different the Season 2 scenarios to date has popped up in a few threads. I thought it might be nice to have one place to parse through them all. Theryon put together this great overview (thanks!):
Theryon Stormrune wrote:
To add further comment: 2-1B: I don't really have a problem with adding 6 more cards to the upgrade pool (all different types; something for everyone!) without a bonus upgrade here, as this is a very bane-heavy scenario. Seems OK as written. 2-1C: Instructions are pretty clear: Take extra cards out of the GAME BOX, pick 2 upgrades from everything available. The bonus upgrade is explicit. 2-1D: OK, this one's a head-scratcher. Everybody takes 1 card of a specific type out of the GAME BOX, but still only gets one upgrade. To clarify, do all the drawn cards go in the party's collective upgrade pool? It seems to me this one should REALLY say "box," so everybody gets a potential reward card from their Class Deck in addition to a scenario upgrade. Maybe it's just the phrasing that's throwing me. Has there been a similarly phrased reward in a previous season? I can't recall one off the top of my head, and that might be why this one's causing confusion. Thanks in advance for any more comments and clarification! ![]()
![]() Take your place among the heroes of legend at the dawn of a new campaign! The Season of the Runelords begins with some good ol' fashioned goblin-stompin', dragon-huntin' fun! Date: Wednesday, February 24
If you have any questions or would like to reserve a spot, please feel free to post here or email pacg.edm@gmail.com See you in Sandpoint! ![]()
![]() This probably falls under the category of, "It's your game, do what you want," but I'm curious… When it comes to rebuilding decks, the "Between Games" section of the Rulebook says: Wrath Rulebook, pg. 18 wrote: If you can’t construct a valid deck from the cards your group has available because you don’t have enough of certain card types, choose the extra cards you need from the box, choosing only cards with the Basic trait. After you begin the adventure Demon’s Heresy, you may ignore the Basic trait restriction; instead, you may use any cards in the box from the base set and the Character Add-On Deck, as well as any cards from an adventure whose adventure deck number is at least 2 lower than the adventure you’re currently playing. My question is: Do Class Deck cards count? Or is the lack of their mention in the emphasized text intentional? I'm doing a "bad guy" run of Wrath with Darago and Wrathack (fight evil with eeevil!). I liked the idea that these ne'er-do-wells are "cheating" by bringing their own tools and tricks to the table (stuff like Augury, more two-handed weapons, Staves of Healing to help keep 'em alive, that sort of thing), so the Wizard and Ranger Class Decks are mixed in. This dastardly duo just sprung the imprisoned Succubus Arueshalae, and I'm wondering if she can select cards from among the Class Deck Bs and 1s to build her deck… or if that would be cheating… >;) Thoughts? ![]()
![]() Regarding the second power on Spherewalker Staff: Spherewalker Staff wrote: Reveal this card and recharge a card that has the Desna trait or a spell to ignore a location's trait until the end of the turn. Who, exactly, gets the benefit of ignorance (heh-heh) here? Just the character who played the Staff, or anyone at the chosen location that turn? For example, say Doombringer Wrathack runs into a particularly heinous Outsider at an Abyssal location (so the bane loses the Outsider trait) and wants to get her bonus 1d8 against it. If Arueshalae played the Staff, naming Wrathack's location, could Wrathack ignore the location's Abyssal trait and go nuts on whatever passes for said Outsider's hindquarters? Or would Wrathack have to be the one playing the Staff to benefit from this power? Thanks! ![]()
![]() So you've freed the succubus held captive in the Tower of the Fourth Sphere. Nicely done! Say you want her to join the party. I'm a little unclear on exactly when you build her (and whether or not the timing actually matters). Do you build her right away, giving her access to the cards/loot acquired during the scenario? This makes sense, as you can start her off with the Starbow, Bracers, and Staff loots that mark her as their owner. The downside of this could be that you may have to fill her card slots with less than ideal choices. For example, if you picked up a bunch of maces, those would have to go into her weapon slots. Conversely, if she's set apart and built from scratch, you get to choose everything you put in the deck, but you have to select from Bs and 1s (deck number 2 lower than the current Adventure), correct? Is it possible for her to start with her "owned" cards? Or, if you want to get Arueshalae's stuff to her, would other characters have to take the loot cards, then pass them to her at the start of the next scenario? That would be a drag if others don't have the slots to spare. I'm probably way overthinking this. How have others handled Arueshalae's starting deck? ![]()
![]() A question about the reward for scenario 5-5:
Redeeming the Herald Reward wrote: ...A character may exchange his mythic path for the path Shield of Iomedae or Sword of Iomedae. Does "A" character mean ONE character? (Can there be only one?!) If you have a multi-player party, can only one of them choose one of the new paths? Can two of them each choose a different one? Or is it unlimited? Can as many players change their paths as want to? Thanks! ![]()
![]() If you're using the Purge Basics and Elites by Adventure Deck instructions on page 9 of the OP Guide, should you remove all the Blessings of Ascension along with the Basics/Elites of all other card types? The AP "card" of SotS specifically said not to remove Blessings of the Gods, but there's no such guideline on SotR's. Text in question: OP Guide wrote: Purge Basics and Elites by Adventure Deck: Each season’s Adventure Path tells you when and how to begin removing cards with the Basic and Elite traits from the game. To make things more interesting and to help you remove the right cards faster, when you add a new Adventure Deck to your game box after adventure 3, remove all cards with the Basic and Elite traits with adventure deck numbers at least three lower than the adventure deck you just added. Side Note: Is anyone using the standard style of Basic/Elite removal ("when you would banish...") described on the SotR AP for OP? It would seem to add an awkward level of bookkeeping if one box was being used by different groups/players. Thanks! ![]()
![]() In 1-1D: Crusaders Assemble, do the players actually gain the cards in the boon pile at the end of the scenario? 1-1D During This Scenario wrote: When you acquire a boon from a location deck, put it facedownin a boon pile next to the scenario. When you defeat a Corrupted Soldier henchman, draw a random armor or weapon from the box and put it in the boon pile. When you fail to permanently close a location or defeat a henchman, banish a random card from the boon pile; if the boon pile is empty, instead banish the top card of the blessings deck. 1-1D Reward wrote: Each character may choose one of the boons in the boon pile and use it as a bonus deck upgrade. As written, it seems that the only cards available for characters' regular deck upgrade are the armour(s) and item you draw on closing the Guardpost(s) and Labratory. And you can only pick one of the boon pile cards as your "bonus deck upgrade." Is this as intended? Or should the scenario reward include gaining the cards in the boon pile? Thanks! ![]()
![]() "So," I think to myself, "I have my event announcement posted on Paizo's Event page, two places on BoardGameGeek, three on Facebook… Yep, that should cover it. Hey, pie! I love pie..." Sigh. Better (almost) late than never… Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild Organized Play is back as monstrous fiends overrun Demonton, I mean, Edmonton! Date: Wednesday, June 10
Our heroes -- whoever they may be -- will face the first challenges of the Season of the Righteous, including the introductory scenario 1-0A: Demonic Politics and -- depending on player interest, time, and success -- 1-1A: Cloven Tail. This is your chance to get in on the ground (underground?) floor of an all-new Pathfinder Card Guild campaign! If you have any questions or would like to reserve a spot, please feel free to contact pacg.edm@gmail.com See you in the infernal pit! ![]()
![]() Should Wrath Kyra's first power count as playing a spell (so Blessings of Pharasma can give it maximum punch)? Or does it just happen to share similar phrasing with other spontaneous casters' powers? WotR Kyra Character Sheet wrote: For your check to defeat a bane that has the Demon or Undead trait, you may recharge a spell (□ or blessing) to use your Divine skill + 1d8 and add the Attack, Divine, and Magic traits.
![]() Quick question about the "and…" part of the reward for Scenario 0-4A:
0-4A: A TALE OF TWO ALCHEMISTS wrote: Each character gains a skill feat and, during any one encounter in this Adventure Path, gains 1 skill feat. When "during" the encounter can a character pick this skill feat? For example, if I'm fighting the final boss of Adventure 6, make my roll, and would fail the check by 1, could I take the skill feat then to bump up my result? Or does it have to be determined before/during the "Play cards and use powers that affect the check" step of Attempting a Check? Just want to nail down exactly what "during" means in this situation. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Just received the updated PACG Adventures downloads, and couldn't help noticing the loot reward ("For the rest of the Adventure Path…") is still listed on all the Adventure 3 Reward descriptions. Which is particularly odd given the Adventure 3/4 reward switch was the biggest single impetus behind the update. I'd like to take this opportunity to offer copy editing and proofreading services at a very reasonable rate. 8>) ![]()
![]() Our group is set to tackle 0-3B this week, and the random reward presents a bit of a brow-scruncher for me. At the beginning of the Season, the random pulls were quite likely to offer the chance for an improvement over the B-Basic cards your starting deck was composed of. As you get into the higher-level adventures (3B, 3D, 4B…), though, all those Bs you upgraded out are back in your Class Deck box, and get shuffled into your random pulls. The chances of a high-level reward for a high-level scenario actually diminish as you go along. That doesn't seem right. My appeal to the goddess of OP is this: how about adding a set indicator requirement to later random rewards? As in, "Each character chooses weapon or spell and gains a random card of that type (minimum set indicator number 1)." Thoughts? ![]()
![]() I just want to be very clear about whether or not you can die after defeating a villain for good. S&S Rulebook pg. 16 wrote: If the Villain Has Nowhere to Escape to, You Win! Is that immediate? Cornered villain, zap/stab/thud, game over right then and there? OR does the player who just beat the villain have to go through the rest of his turn, up to and including reseting his hand? If it's an immediate win, then there's no problem with someone with, say, a 5-card hand and only 2 cards left in their deck going all out to defeat the villain. "What a heroic effort! Let's get you healed up and carry on to the next adventure!" If they have to reset, then they would die after taking out the villain. Also heroic, but way less fun. There was a FAQ issued about avoiding death via draining-the-Blessings-deck shenanigans, but it doesn't appear to apply to the defeating-the-villain, game-ending victory condition quoted above. Clarification would be much appreciated! Please and thanks! ![]()
![]() I don't know if anyone is interested in a bunch of "Character X would be better if…" threads starting up all over the place, but Theryon started it! (By the way, I think his Tarlin idea has merit, thematically and mechanically.) If proposals are being entertained, I'd like to humbly submit that Tontelizi's Cards List could use a bit of rearranging. His Legbreaker role is all amazing things to do with allies, but he can only ever have a maximum of 3 in his deck. As you gain card feats and his deck grows, you get diminishing returns on the power feats you select. What if one or two Ally card feats were added to his Cards List, pulling from, well, any of the other four card types he can take? Starting with still 2 seems fine -- he has to build his "gang" -- but I can't help thinking you'd get a lot more mileage out of his Legbreaker powers if that could grow to 4 or 5 over time. Thoughts? ![]()
![]() The "How did you do?" thread has brought up a few discussion items about "The Treasure of Jemma Redclaw," but I was hoping to get a couple specific things cleared up. For starters… DURING THIS SCENARIO wrote: When you would defeat Master Scourge or Mister Plugg, display him next to this sheet. If he would escape, shuffle him into the location deck he came from instead. Say you defeat one of these no-goods, but there's still an open location he could normally escape to. The second sentence kicks in. Since the "Close the villain's location" part of encountering a villain happens before the "Check to see whether the villain escapes" part, does that mean you end up with a villain as the only card remaining in a closed location? That sequence makes sense to me, but the "shuffle him into the location deck" has me wondering... Second question: Do the Scourge/Plugg villain encounters ever lead to extra Blessings going into open locations, whether defeated or undefeated? My guess would be no, since the "During This Scenario" text seems to change how you handle the entire escape. But it would be nice to know for sure. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Just to clarify something on Love's Labours Lost…
DURING THIS SCENARIO wrote: When you have cornered and defeated the villain, instead of winning, close the last location, then summon and build the location Tidewater Rock... It mentions closing "the last location." But what if you cornered Master Scourge by temporarily closing other locations? I assume it's just Scourge's location that closes, and the others re-open after the encounter is resolved. Correct? I realize that once Tidewater Rock is built, you don't have to worry about closing any other locations to win, but just wanted to be sure I had that procedure correct. Thanks! ![]()
![]() So Tontelizi's Legbreaker role come with all these nifty ally-related abilities… But he can only ever have 3 allies, max. Kind of a drag, that. Especially when it's really difficult to imagine anyone thinking, "You know what this deck needs? FIVE armours!" Compared to his similarly ally-rallying colleague, Valeros (who can gather up to 5 pals), Tontelizi seems to have gotten the short shrift (gnome pun intended). Thoughts? |