Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
cartmanbeck wrote:
Oh, hey, I need to make time to come by and see the ACG greenskins deck. Eager to see it in action!
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
On the first Saturday of every month we have a Starfinder game from Noon to 4pm at Geek Life in the Heights. Sign up here!
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jordan Agudelo wrote:
Cool. I'm GMing one of the 10-2 slots so hopefully I'll catch you at the end of that.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Best of luck to everyone. All the items I've seen this weekend could be in the top 32, so even if you don't make it, know you crafted a great item. And congrats to every single item of my workshop friends. All of you made it through 5 culls. Not too shabby!
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Thunderfrog wrote:
It is entirely possible. I can't confirm or deny anything though.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I know one of the things that makes Setting books interesting to me are the story hooks given to various places and factions. I see something like the Valley of the Birthing Death (Land of the Linnorm Kings) or Skywatch (Brevoy - Inner Sea World Guide) and can't help but think of the stories hinted at in the description. Do you as authors have moments like that with the setting, or do you prefer to do all your world building on your own?
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Inspired by Winter Witch, but a question for everyone:
Specifically, there is a tendency for characters in continuing series to grow in power (as they overcome the core conflict in each tale) to the point where it eventually becomes difficult to significantly challenge them. Especially in a shared setting series like Pathfinder Tales where real world threatening events are going to have repercussions that are outside of the scope of the novel line.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
JoelF847 wrote:
This would be awesome. Thieves World was a personal favorite back in the day. Even if there was only one book of collected shared city stories a Thieves World style book for Golarion would be fantastic. I would donate to this Kickstarter.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Dave Gross wrote:
Red Country is the real capstone for the Abercrombie trilogy. And a spaghetti western fantasy story, if you can belive that. Also, this is the best thread ever!
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Thanks! The Fey template never even occured to me. Nice! I like the idea of the sending usage actually passing the ring off to the recipient too. I had originally planned for the ring to be an actual fey animal - one with a life cycle that depended on mortal tragedy to reproduce (the butterfly form only returns to the First World to mate and lay eggs after the sending is used), but that is a lot of back info to try to cram into a ring, so I just hinted at it. The revision makes for a much stronger item.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mystic Lemur wrote:
I liked and voted for that ML. It had some problems (lack of Rage requirement, the question of what you are going to do with the staff once you've activated anything but Beast Shape 2 and need to get into melee combat) but had great flavor and I liked the Rage rounds recharge idea.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Huge thanks to Raynulf, Blitterbug, Lorathorn, and Jaragil for the critiques! Now if I could only figure out a way to get this kind of feedback before submitting next year... Steven Helt, if you have a chance I'd love you hear your thoughts on Springheart
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
You were spot on about that last sentence Brigg. I must have revised it six or seven times, but your revision is the wording I prefer. Looking forward to what you come up with! Springheart: Aura weak transmutation, moderate evocation; CL 7th Slot ring Price 850 gp Description Occasionally given as a token of affection by fey creatures, Springheart appears to be a dull green caterpillar tightly curled up in a spiral. When placed into the palm of a hand it uncurls, crawls to a free finger, and encircles it. After a few moments it brightens to a lustrous green and gold color. Springheart provides the wearer with 1 temporary hit point, replenished each morning at dawn. On command it begins a 2 round process - on the first round it uncurls, climbs to the end of a finger, and quickly wraps itself in a cocoon; on the next round it bursts forth as an incorporeal butterfly that departs to carry a message to a specific individual as Sending (but without a chance to fail if the recipient is on another plane.) The cocoon then crumbles to dust and Springheart is destroyed, while the incorporeal butterfly returns to the First World after delivering the message. If the wearer should die without having used the Sending power, one round afterward Springheart begins the process on its own, taking the sad tidings to the former wearer's dearest loved one. Construction
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mark Seifter wrote:
Thanks to Thomas, Mark, James, MechaPoet, and Petty Alchemy! I'll definitely work on my rules-fu and be back next year.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I'd love some feedback if anyone has the chance: Springheart
If the wearer should die without having used the Sending power, one round afterward Springheart begins the process on its own, taking the sad tidings to the former wearer's dearest loved one. Construction
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I was fond of Rondelero's Kiss myself. Strong visuals and an interesting play style mechanic. Also, thanks for the praise on Springheart. Looking at the winners I can see I'll need to bring something stronger mechanically next year, but at least someone liked it.