Goblin Baby

Jeffrey Fox's page

**** Pathfinder Society GM. 618 posts (680 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 46 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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What pawns sets are needed to cover all the monsters in the hardcover?

Is it just AV Pawn Box, and Bestiary Box 1?

Thanks for the help.

Please cancel all of my subscriptions.

Thank you.

Hello, I have a Lost Omens subscription but for some reason it doesn't seem to show the Lost Omens Character Guide as upcoming item for me and tells me that my next item is God's and Magic. Should my subscription include the Character Guide?

Also the discount from having four subscriptions won't kick in until I receive an item from the rule book line, correct?


Date up top say Monday, January 20, 2016...

Congrats to the new service coins recipients. Especially James because you've been awesome for years and I appreciate all the hard work you did for me as my VL.


Congrats to all!

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Some of the things I'd like to see with StarFinder are...

Fractional BAB system. This would be a bump to multiclassing which seems more fitting in a space faring adventure where everyone needs to know something about everything.

Core Rules based equipment modification system. I'd like to see a simple system on gear modification akin to the one used in Star War SAGA. Customizing equipment helps players get attached to gear and could be a good substitute for magical items which I'd like to see more as artifacts then common.

More standard attacks then full attacks. I'd like to see feats encourage moving around to find cover and taking one shot rather then multiples in a round. This means feats like Rapid Shot should be changed to be more Vital Strike like and that Cover bonuses to AC and abilities granting dodge bonuses should be more prominent then armor bonuses.


Heavy Weapons. One of my favorite things in Star Wars stuff is a full armored mando with a repeating blaster, I'd like that to be a viable build. Not broken, but viable.

Grenades. I'd like to see a feat chain that allows people to make grenades bounce before exploding after they hit the ground. Or let's it roll to get a few more squares. Or even feats that allow more control on the random direction die.


A class that is kinda shadowrun rigger-like with the ability to control turrets or robotic companions.

A blaster class that more 3.5 D&D warlock with a techno vibe.

Re-Done Chase Scene Mechanics that are more open ended and group based rather then individual. I'd like to see players who blow up the door when they go through not have to see the players after them still have to beat the door DC.

An Escape From... scene system. Like a chase scene but to avoid getting caught in the exploding ship, or the black whole, or that skeevy dude who hangs out in front StarHortens coffee...

A bartering system that is more then just opposed diplomacy rolls. For example diplomacy could get you a 5% discount, but using diplomacy with a blackmail info (knowledge: local) plus bringing your street tough with you (intimidate) could be more. Of course failing that blackmail check could make things more interesting, and should.

Flumphs. Techno Flumphs.


I want Starship Trooper (book) type suits of armor!

Space Obstacle course scenes. Who doesn't like having to dodge asteroids!

Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters and Gin and Tonics.

A lucky base system that allows for crazy luck opportunities to avoid death, or achieve great success. Maybe a permanent sore that depletes as you use it and can only be regain when accomplishing amazing feats without luck?

That's my spitballing for now, if I think of more I'll post again.


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Now that it's official I want to welcome aboard Everyman Gamer and a great guy to the fold. So if you could please welcome, Alex Augunas!


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Thanks Linda and everyone else that made this happen!

Also shouldn't this be posted in the PFS boards and not just website feedback? Though I may not be understanding how the technical stuff works.


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Hello Everyone,

I wanted to take a second to announce that the Philadelphia region has added it's first three Venture Agents! All three are hard working folk who are finally being recognized for the help they've been doing. Hopefully they'll pop around an introduce themselves but they are...

(this needs a drumroll)

Robert Barker who runs his games out of Allied Hobbies in the Northeast and generally finds himself all over the place helping out.

Ted Leon Guerrero runs out of the Games Keep in West Chester and is helping PFS get a foot in the door in Delaware County.

Tim Stapleton is stepping into the roll of shot caller for Redcap's Corner and helping Benn make sure they weekly games run as smooth as they do now that James has moved away.

So please give them so congratulations and thanks because they're awesome people stepping up to the plate.


Can't wait. Going to be great this year.


I would like to be the first to welcome Joshua Klingerman as the new PACG Venture Lieutenant of the Philadelphia region.

Josh has been a huge asset in the Philadelphia region running both the RPG and PACG events for me and is a great guy to work with.

Congratulations Josh, you deserve this.


I can't wait to get my hands on the new scenario's they sound great.


Thanks, looks good.


I would like everyone to welcome Alex Nudd to the ranks of 4 star GMs.

In a 2 years Alex has gone from new to Pathfinder to being a GMing juggernaut GMing tables local, online, and at conventions all over the Northeast US.

Thanks for the hard work Alex.


Awesome stuff as always.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

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Color me impressed with all of this. I'm thrilled to see things changing and adapting based on feedback from your players and coordinators (and GMs, I suppose).

Now, if you'd just start publishing three scenarios per month and always have a new 1-5 every month, things would be so dynamic with this campaign I might not know how to proceed. (-;


Ok, so am I wrong or are their some errors in the stat blocks.

”Act One 8-9 tier:
Larro is listed as +4 Greatsword +19/+14 (2d6+9/19-20)

He only has a +2 Greatsword, BAB 10, Str 20, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Weapon Training +2

So he should have +2 Greatsword +20/+15 (2d6+13/19-20)

The Thugs are listed as +1 Rapier +7 (1d6+3/18-20)

They have +1 Rapiers, BAB 4, Str 15, Weapon Focus

So they should have +1 Rapier +8 (1d6+3/18-20)

”Act One 5-6 tier:
Larro is listed as +2 Greatsword +12 (2d6+8/19-20)

He only has a +1 Greatsword, BAB 5, Str 18, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Weapon Training +1

So he should have +1 Greatsword +12 (2d6+10/19-20)

Am I missing something or are the stats wrong?


I just wanted to say Congratulations to Philadelphia's newest four star GM, Benn Roe. Benn and his game store have tirelessly championed Pathfinder Society for four years in Philadelphia and have done an amazing job.

Thanks for all the hard work Benn, and congrats!

Ok, so I was running a PFS game yesterday when a couple goblins with bows got glitterdusted and blinded. The caster moved away from the square he was in. On the goblins turn I was going to have them shoot into the square he left but it was point out to me that blind creatures can't make ranged attacks. So because they couldn't shoot I just shrugged and switched to melee weapons, but the rule had me thinking. Here's the rule.

PRD wrote:
Ranged Attacks: With a ranged weapon, you can shoot or throw at any target that is within the weapon's maximum range and in line of sight. The maximum range for a thrown weapon is five range increments. For projectile weapons, it is 10 range increments. Some ranged weapons have shorter maximum ranges, as specified in their descriptions.

So does this mean that even if an archer has line of effect to someone in a deeper darkness spell he can't shoot him even if he can pin point what square he is in?

Because he wouldn't be able to see the square to target it?

How would these rules interact with something like a 10' high, 5' thick wall with an alchemist on one side and a target on the other. Would he be able to legally lob a splash weapon over the wall?

Obviously I'm looking for help on the RAW implications are as for home games I can always go with what is cinematic and fair.



Please welcome James Mcteague as the new venture lieutenant of Philadelphia. James is a tireless gm running over a hundred tables in the philly area and online. He never hesitates to help new players GMs and venues and promotes pfs whenever he can.

Please join me in welcoming him to his new role.

Silver Crusade

So I'm looking at starting a new PFS character. I want the character to be a summon monster based character who is a decent support character as well by the time I get to higher PFS levels but I also want to be useful at lower levels.

The first build I was thinking of is a Aasamar Mystic Theurge build who at higher level summons good outsiders and uses Litany of Righteousness, but that won't kick in to around 10th level.

The basics of the build are

Race: Archon-Blooded Aasamar for Continual Flame as a 2nd level Arcane SLA.

Point Buy 20: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 10

Level One and Two: Separatist Cleric to get the Fate Inquisition (Augury as a 2nd level divine SLA) I would also have a second domain as well. For gods I'm thinking of taking one of the Archon Empyreal Lords either Damerrich for the Glory Domain, or Smilad for Nobility. I need a good domain spell list and useful first level power because that's all I'll get from the domain. For my first level feat I would take Tribal Scars (Bearpelt) for 6 bonus hit points and a +2 Fortitude

Level Three: Wizard with Teleportaion School grabbing Spell Focus (Conjuration) as my free spell focus and Acadame Graduate ad my 3rd level feat to cast summons quicker. And snapping turtle to boost my Fortitude to make Acadame Graduate more reliable.

Level Four thru Six: Mystic Theurge and with my 5th level feat grab Magical Aptitude (To get pathfinder savant prestige class)

Level Seven: Pathfinder Savant and grab Augment Summons as my 7th level feat.

Level Eight and Nine: Mystic Theurge again, grab Superior Summoning as my 9th level feat.

Level Ten: Pathfinder Savant, now I'll have 4th level spells as both a cleric and Wizard and the second level of the class will allow me to add Litany of Righteousness to my spell list.

So at tenth level I'll be able to use Litany of Righteousness to allow my Good subtype summons, and allies that I've cast Imbue with Aura on to do double damage against an evil target. Plus I should have enough spells to buff, and heal the party out of combat.

The downside is that I'm a three levels behind either a wizard or cleric at getting the next level of spells. And my feat selection isn't that great.

My other option is to go Wizard 6/ Pathfinder Savant 2 and be able to do the same with Litany of Righteousness and Summoned Monsters, but I wouldn't be able to allow my allies to do the double damage as well. Though my Wizard abilities are way better.

Or I could go Cleric 6/ Pathfinder Savant 2 and I'd be able to let my allies benefit by Litany of Righteousness but I would have to rely on Sacred Summons which means that for lower levels my summons would take longer do to the lack of good subtype summons. Though I'd be able to actually have two domains and channel.

So if anyone could help me with thoughts, or upsides or downsides I'm missing it would be greatly appreciated.

If a first level wizard with spell focus [evocation], varisian tattoo [evocation], gifted adept [fireball] and bloatmage initiate tries to use a scroll of fireball what does he roll for the caster check.

Would it be +4 vs DC6? Or just the +1 vs DC 6? Or something in between?


I'm playing a Urban Barbarian 1/ Seeker Oracle of Life 1 in Pathfinder society play. I'm thinking of grabbing my 3rd level as a sorcerer in order to cast gravity bow. So I'm planning on going Tattoo Sorceror and getting a Varisian Tattoo. I'm just not sure what school would be best as I plan to take the rest of my levels as an oracle.

thanks for the help.


I am hosting a Pathfinder Society Gameday Saturday October 27th, 2012 at the Compleat Strategist in King of Prussia.

Sign ups are here http://www.warhorn.net/constrategist/

Slot 1: 11am - 3pm will feature

Among the Living (1-7) and the Darkest Vengeance (1-5)

Slot 2 4pm - 8pm will feature

Among the Dead (1-7) and You only Die Twice (5-9)

Blurbs for these adventures are below.

The Compleat Strategist
580 Shoemaker Road
King of Prussia, PA

Hours: Monday-Thursday - 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday-Saturday - 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Sunday - 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m

PSS #7: Among the Living

By Joshua J. Frost. A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 7th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 3–4, 6–7). Famed Pathfinder Bodriggan Wuthers disappeared from his dig site beneath the House of the Immortal Son in Taldor's gilded capital of Oppara. Once a grand temple to Aroden, the Immortal Son is now Oppara's most opulent theater. Sent to locate Wuthers, the Pathfinders must attend an opera with members of the Oppara elite in order to gain access to the secretive theater's dig site. When a cult crashes the performance and the nobility change into hideous walking dead, the Pathfinders are forced to choose between finding Wuthers or saving themselves.

PSS #47: The Darkest Vengeance

By Tim Hitchcock and Mark Moreland. A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 5th level characters (Tiers: 1–2 and 4–5). When a newly opened Ustalav Pathfinder Lodge goes silent, it's up to you to investigate and report back to the Society as to the source of the disappearance. The mystery deepens when you arrive and find the house silent but infiltrated by an old threat now in control of one of Ustalav's most powerful artifacts.

PSS #49: Among the Dead

By Joshua J. Frost. A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 7th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 3–4, and 6–7). Several years ago, a Taldan Zyphus cult took over a famous Oppara opera house, murdered a Pathfinder, and turned dozens of Taldor's wealthiest citizens into the walking dead. The Pathfinder Society has finally tracked down their hideout and sends you to Oppara for one purpose: revenge. Can you face the servants of Golarion's god of accidents unharmed or will you find yourself among Zyphus's cursed souls? Among the Dead is a follow-up scenario to Pathfinder Society Scenario #7: Among the Living. When played together, the scenarios create a mini story arc in Taldor's gilded capital, Oppara.

PSS #2-25: You Only Die Twice

By Hyrum Savage.. A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 5th to 9th level characters (Tiers: 5-6 and 8-9). The Pathfinder Society sends you into the undead-ruled nation of Geb for an undercover mission, not disguised as undead, but temporarily transformed into a shambling, zombie version of yourself. Can you survive the ordeal to return to the land of the living, or will your final grave be among Geb’s bones?


One of the GMs who runs games for me has been disappointed at how easy the scenarios are. The combats in game have been lasting two rounds on average and not really posing a threat to the players. The fact that it's over so quick is hurting his fun as a GM. What can be done to help him out and find some scenarios that the players can't just steamroll

Also he had a question about creative solutions, does it count as a creative solution if one player stealth into a room and sees monsters and then has the rest of the players avoid the encounter?


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I play a gunslinger and I just wanted to check my math to see if I have the right prices for different types of ammo. I'm going to assume the 1/2 cost that Gunsmithing grants in PFS.

Adamantite Paper Cartridge would be 36gp

Alchemical Silver Paper Cartridge would be 7gp

Blood Crystal Paper Cartridge would be 21gp

Cold Iron Paper Cartridge would be 12gp

Elysian Bronze Paper Cartridge would be 16gp

Mithral Paper Cartridge would 10.5gp? [No weight listed makes this hard, and probably not able to be bought.]

Viridium Paper Cartridge would be 16gp

Also I wouldn't be able to use Ghost Salts because it requires the item being put over a hot flame right? Which means if I want ghost salted ammo I have to stick with non-alchemical ammo. Which kinda sucks because it prevents full attacking with ghost salted ammo.



Saturday, July 28th 2012 I will be hosting the July gameday for Pathfinder Society at the Compleat Strategist game store in King of Prussia, Pa. To sign up please go to http://www.warhorn.net/constrategist/

If you have any questions or concerns please e-mail me (Jeff Fox) at jfox257@gmail.com

For information about Pathfinder Society please visit http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety

Starting at 11am and running to 3pm we will be offering two tables of play. And then starting at 4pm and running to 8pm will be two more tables of pathfinder goodness.

11am - 3pm

Scenario #3-01 The Frostfur Captives

By Jim Groves. A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5. Tasked with escorting a group of goblin prisoners from their camp to civilization for interrogation by the Pathfinder Society, you must protect them not only from the beasts and hazards of the wilderness, but themselves.

Module Master of the Fallen Fortress

By Rob McCreary. The ruined siege castles outside Absalom have long beckoned adventurers looking to make a name for themselves. Now an earthquake has cracked open one of these fabled ruins, and its lost mysteries and fantastic treasures lie exposed for the first time in centuries. But the tower's empty halls once more echo with living footfalls, and a new master has claimed the Fallen Fortress as his own. Can the PCs find a way to get inside its shattered walls? What ancient dangers and fresh threats will they encounter inside its crumbling chambers? And will the PCs be able to defeat the current Master of the Fallen Fortress? This is a former Free RPG Day module and is set to run in a 4hr timeslot as an introductory module for pathfinder legal character of levels 1-2.

4pm - 8pm

Scenario #3-21: The Temple of Emyreal Enlightenment

By Ron Lundeen. . In order to learn about the esoteric faith of the Empyreal Lord Korada, the PCs are sent by the Pathfinder Society to explore an abandoned aasimar temple to the benevolent deity. But what they find there is anything but an opportunity for peaceful reflection and enlightenment. For characters level 1-5.

Scenario #5: Mist of Mwangi

By Nicolas Logue. A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 5th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 4–5). Pathfinder Lugizar Trantos recently returned from the Mwangi Expanse with haunted eyes and a pack full of strange idols. Absalom's famed Blakros Museum purchased his pieces and Lugizar vanished. The strange monkey idols he pulled from the misty jungles of Mwangi carry with them a fell curse, and now their power has laid claim to the museum. Can the Pathfinder Society uncover the source of the curse in time, or will the Blackros Museum be forever lost to the mists of Mwangi?

The Compleat Strategist
580 Shoemaker Road
King of Prussia, PA

Hours: Monday-Thursday - 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday-Saturday - 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Sunday - 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m

Would it be possible for some one to a rapport with small rodents, or even just rodents? Or does the animal type have to be a monster group from the bestiary [such as all dinosaurs, all bears, all eagles. no all birds]?

Also does anyone know a way for the bard to get small animals as a pet? Not as a full combat option like a druids companion?



So I'm trying to grow Pathfinder Society in the FLGS where I play my games but I'm having a problem, and that's having more players than I have GMs to run games for them.

I use Warhorn for sign ups, but I have only a pool of 2 for GM's, myself and one other player. So since January I've rain 15 tables, earned my self a star, and played once at a table.

I'm having problems recruiting people to run games because frankly most of the players are coming over from 4e and don't really know the rules for Pathfinder enough to run games, and most of them really don't want to bother learning more rules than they need to play.

Without GM's though I can't recruit players, because I can only sit so many at a table. And since I use Warhorn people know when tables sign up so they don't bother signing up. Which leads to people signing up, not showing up, and leaving spots open on a table where it could have been full. WHich if I had GM's wouldn't be a problem because I'd have multiple tables for people to sign up too so that I'd have room to slide people around if we had no shows.

But at the point I'm at now I have people who are new to PFS and want to play, but can't sign up because I don't have a table for them to play at because I can only GM one table at a time [Well I could figure out how to do two at once but that would be a rather bad idea. And probably not allowed.]

And I hate turning people away, I loathe it, but I can only do so much. The worst part is I had a couple e-mail me asking if I could get them a table this weekend, and I can't because the one person who could run the game can't make it. It sucks.

I can't even steal LFR DM's because only the LFR players have started playing Pathfinder and not the GM's.

I just don't know what to do and I hate not knowing what to do.


Pretty simple question, if I'm running a module and a player who has a permanent negative level from being raised finds and uses a scroll of restoration in the module [or scenario even] does that mean he gets one of the negative levels removes for free? And then he would be able to buy the scroll after the mod for future use?


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So what happens if a new player plays a pre-gen and the character dies during the scenario?

Do I give him a chronicle and mark the character slot 1 as dead and his first character would be number 2?

Does he get a chronicle as if his character lived with the gold, xp, and prestige earned at the table?

Or is it something else I'm too thick to realize?

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