![]() jimthegray wrote: looks like i had my actual charge go throug, so about a week since my 1st pending notification, no pdf and not shipped yet but im hopeful that it will be soon :) My charge went through when they authorized on the 14th. (It used store credit). So I've been waiting about 10 days for shipping. Not worried, they get it out eventually. ![]()
![]() I'm not missing any stars from my organized play page, but it looks like the system added a 5th star, probably because I have more than the required games, but never had the games observed. So I'm not sure if that is an issue for anyone else. Thanks. Edit: The fifth star doesn't show up when I post in the PFS forums, but it does show up if I download the ID card. ![]()
![]() jon dehning wrote:
Yeah that second bolded statement... wow. ![]()
![]() Sir Loin - Knightspawn wrote: Or am I just being silly and should continue playing him as is? I can't speak for other GM's, but my opinion is if you were at my table you could play the character as is as long as you have and others at the table have fun. Sex causes enough hurt for people in real life that forcing fantasy characters to conform just seems wrong to me. ![]()
![]() Anguish wrote:
Or, we could believe the victim. I'll take believing the victim. ![]()
![]() nosig wrote: Ah! so now it's a Teamwork feat, which means that NOW we actually CAN'T "jog each other’s memories to remember essential facts" without this feat. It does two things, allows a player to use aid another as a free action (normally they would need to use a standard to aid, which is why many times when players get knowledge checks to ID monster for free they can't be aided because I've never seen a player actually spend actions on it.) It also allows both people to know the information which means that the person with the info doesn't need to speak the information. Remember when players start shouting out monster vulnerabilities in combat the monster can probably hear them and if they're intelligent use that to their advantage. ![]()
![]() Virgil wrote:
That's completely horrible. To help make sure this get handled the way it should may I suggest you send a e-mail to Louis Manko Levite at [ VLTaenia @ gmail.com ] and Steven Huffstutler at [ steven.huffstutler @ gmail.com ] If you could please give them the info of what happened, what day and time it happened, and the Number and of the GM on the bottom of the Chronicle Sheet and if the signature is legible the name of the GM as well. I believe those two were in charge of recruiting for the PFS events and they are probably the best suited to make sure the GM is handled appropriately and the best way to make sure things like this don't happen again. ![]()
![]() Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
To save time, Religious Tenant is just trying to use humor to point out that Bret meant to use the word tenet and not tenant. ![]()
![]() Markov Spiked Chain wrote: All of our local Season 7 Con boons had a Race Boon one one side and 2016 GM Boon - (Alternate) Expanded Narrative on the other. Maybe they were just saving paper and we were supposed to choose between two different sheets when we got the boon? Yes, it's suppose to be a choose one of the two. I had about a third of my local GM's choose wrong at my most recent convention... ![]()
![]() Fred Strauss wrote: Allowing unlimited Aiding gives a huge boost to seven player tables and the DCs should be higher than a four player game. But I rarely see that in the modules. Since season PFS scenarios have been written to be balanced for 6 player tables. So the DC's are set to be higher than a four player table. Many times if the social encounter is important to the story and progress the 4-player adjustment for the scenario will reduce the DC's. ![]()
![]() I personally wouldn't penalize people failing to aid another on a diplomacy effect, and rarely do I enforce the rule that players need to be able to achieve success on their own to aid another when using diplomacy checks. A lot of times the Diplomacy DC needs Aid Another in order for the PC's to be reasonably successful without a diplomacy expert. And preventing players from aiding another in a social situation can prevent players from speaking up at the table. I do normally require the people aiding another to say something whether it's in character or just a summary of what they are trying to say to help. ![]()
![]() Fromper wrote:
And it could give a disease, but yeah Harm has never been meant to kill outright. ![]()
![]() DM Beckett wrote:
Uhm, the only difference between the 3.5 version and the PF version is a 3.5 has comma and Pathfinder has a period. And if you read the 3.5 FAQ they were clear that Harm was suppose to work the same way it does in Pathfinder. Pathfinder just has better grammar. ![]()
![]() ryric wrote: It would also be nice if the prize table had some more ACG specific boons - my wife and I ended up with 4 tokens; my wife scored a crit and got a prize from the side table. I got a normal roll and got an RPG boon - and while I do have RPG characters, it would be nice to have some ACG boons for those of us that primarily play the card game. They had 5 ACG boons (I think), but you needed to tell the Prize table staff that you wanted a ACG boon or they would think you were rolling for a RPG boon. You couldn't get an ACG Boon rolling on the RPG table and vis versa. It's just that the majority of tables were RPG and the Prize table people just went with that unless told otherwise. ![]()
![]() DM Livgin wrote:
Carry Companion isn't banned, it just doesn't persist after a scenario. It can also function fine without needing to persist. Generally only spells and effects that need to persist to be useful are allowed to persist. ![]()
![]() Steven Lau wrote: This has not been confirmed yet since this was a FAQ not something in the Guide and the FAQ still states you can. The question has come up at Gen con and the answer from Tonya was that the change is intentional, I'm sure after Gen Con the conflicting FAQ will be removed. ![]()
![]() Jeffrey Fox wrote: Shield of Blades doesn't say you get to ignore the prerequisites for Power Attack so I'm not sure it lets dex based characters ignore the strength requirements. And the extra rider of shield defense is ok, but doesn't work on charges, or cleave, or if you only make one attack and use furious focus. To highlight that I did in fact present my arguments in this thread based on it being the second part of Shield of Blades that didn't work on Cleaves or Charges and that was my context I was working from. That was from my first post in this thread. ![]()
![]() I edit my thread to apologize Rysky, before your last post. The bonus to AC only happens when you take a penalty to attack rolls from Power Attack while using the attack or full attack actions. I made the effort to distinguish them in my first post and assumed that you had read the first post and understood the context in which I was reply. I once again apologize for the confusion i did not understand you were talking about power attack I merely thought you were arguing against the context since you cut the quoted text from me from that context. I again apologize because I didn't realize I wasn't clear about the context of my post. ![]()
![]() Rysky wrote:
Both Strike the Unseen and Signature Weapon have it listed that you get to ignore prerequisites. They are on the same page as Shield of Blades. ![]()
![]() Rysky wrote:
I said the second portion of Shield of Blades the part that adds a shield bonus to your AC doesn't work with Charge or Cleave because "When he takes an attack or full attack action" is a requirement for that part to work. And that part doesn't work on cleave and charges. I did not make any statements saying power attack didn't work on them. Sorry for the confusion. Edit: Sorry I posted faster than my brain should have allowed. Sorry for being rude. ![]()
![]() Rysky wrote: In the most politest way I can say it, that is the dumbest thing I've read on here. Please read the FAQ on Vital Strike.. The ramifications of that FAQ have been known on the rule boards for years, but what it boils down to is that being granted a melee attack [as granted by feats like Cleave, or by charging] is not the same thing as using a standard action to use the attack action. Any feature that says "as a standard action you can" and grants you an attack is not considered to be using the attack action which is a specific action on the combat action chart in the core rule book. Charge is a separate action on the combat chart in the core rulebook directly underneath Full Round Attack if I recall. Which is why it's not a full round attack. This is also why Spell Combat couldn't benefit from haste originally until that ruling was overturned in 2013. To surmise, making an melee or ranged attack does not mean you are taking the standard action called attack from the combat chart. Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
I'm not calling it a charge action while playing, but it's a seperate action on the chart so I'm calling it that the same way people use attack action, for clarity. No, Cleave is like Vital Strike in that it requires you to take a standard action to use. In earlier 3.x game systems Cleave was a free attack that could trigger as a result of any melee attack, but not in Pathfinder. ![]()
![]() Alexander Augunas wrote: Plus I don't think the downsides of the AC bonus are that big of a deal—you can't spend ki for an extra attack when you charge (unless you have pounce) or use the Cleave feat, nor if you were only making a single attack (ki for a ninja requires the full attack action after all). Ki attack still shouldn't work on a pounce, as that's still not a full attack action, and yeah power attack is going to be more useful but it's just a feat. Ninja Ki can give you that extra attack, or as long as you have a point it pretty much doubles your jumping distance, or can give you extra speed, or a bonus to stealth. Or if you are this archetype you can use it to fuel barkskin when you get a unchained monk power. It's pretty useful on this archetype, plus it's not like this archetype gives up the ability to get vigilante talents so you could have both. Rysky wrote:
Bonus Feats don't generally ignore prerequisites unless it says so, other wise fighters wouldn't need to use prerequisites to get their combat feats. Shield of Blades does not say you get to ignore them. It doesn't work on charges because charges are not full attack actions, they are Charge actions. Cleaves are also not attack actions, they are a standard action separate from the attack action. ![]()
![]() Alexander Augunas wrote:
Shield of Blades doesn't say you get to ignore the prerequisites for Power Attack so I'm not sure it lets dex based characters ignore the strength requirements. And the extra rider of shield defense is ok, but doesn't work on charges, or cleave, or if you only make one attack and use furious focus. I'd personally rather have a ninja ki pool. ![]()
![]() Jeff Hazuka wrote:
No Andrew is correct. And the fact that an option that wasn't meant to be presented to players was left in erroneously probably contributed to us not getting draft of the guide released for public vetting after that. Especially since players still act like free recharge was something they had that was taken away. ![]()
![]() Ragoz wrote:
Sounds like a Charity Boon. The suggestions above are more powerful then the charity boon I've seen. Even if the boon was a full page of text. ![]()
![]() Yes I was referring to the ones on that Kevin linked and not the Paizo ones. Though for completeness Paizo also released level 1 and 7 pregens in NPC Codex that are legal for PFS [Another version of the core ones]. As for the witch trick, it technically works because you aren't required to play a character you built, another player can build a character for you. The player wouldn't get the benefit of the pregen death rules, or the ability to play the character after 1st level without locking the character in. I don't generally recommend it, but I've known people who refuse to play pregens and don't like building their own characters. Also I was just thinking [a first] and another reason Paizo might not want to get volunteer help here is because they might not like the idea of having people freelance for them and not get paid for the work and in the end would just be more comfortable having their own employees do the work. ![]()
![]() BigNorseWolf wrote: How humans are the only thing in golarion that can't see in the dark but its considered normal is beyond me. Yeah well that's because nighttime should be dim light because of the moon, and not darkness. Darkness should be for pitch black when humans can't see more than a few inches in front of them. But then again depending on your perception roll you may not be able to see a football player in the endzone from the other endzone since that's DC 29 [base 0 plus 29 for distance]. Luckly I watch football all the time so I know I have at least a +19 perception for when I take ten. I must be high level to account for my low wisdom. :-) ![]()
![]() Nefreet wrote:
Look I understand your point of view about the treatment of other animals by humans. But like you said society is speciesist and the majority of people feel that treating people like animals is wrong. Now you seem like a good person with a good heart who is very passionate about the causes you support. I admire that. The issue is that PFS isn't about one player having a teachable moment for six other people sitting around the table. It's a time for people to relax and enjoy a game. Campaign leadership has decided that since slavery is evil in Golarion that evil should not be represented in game by having players engage in selling and buying slaves outside the scope of the scenario. In addition having a group of people sitting around the table talking about enslaving people and buying slaves is very bad PR to casual players and non-gamers that happen by. And feels morally wrong to myself personally and to others. In addition your example of a getting a dowry for a wife doesn't require the purchase of a slave. You can just write Dowry on your ITS with the money you spent and have the same effect without forcing a slave to marry your character. Slave NPC had no in game effect anyway. Also you could just have the boy be a worker on your farmstead who you support and take care who was once a criminal but your character is educating him and helping him find his way in the world. It says more for a Paladin to have a person who isn't chained up and is willing to change then one he has to force to do it. As that would have the same mechanical effect in game you should have no problem. You could even tell people that your farmstead is unfenced and that you let your livestock choose whether to graze from your fields or wander away. And that you care for them as a herdsmen in order to support them like other paladins protect cities and settlements because animals are just as alive as humans and deserve the same level of protection. You could tell the same story and be still be teachable when people are ok with it, without showing the hypocrisy, but by be an example against it. Sorry I'm a bit rambly in the morning. ![]()
![]() Murdock Mudeater wrote:
Obviously I'm not Rob, but I've used retraining several times. I've retrained more feats than I can remember and a few class levels here and there. In my area retraining happens fairly often despite the price because it is an extremely powerful tool. ![]()
![]() Claxon wrote:
Correct and one of those things are current and max hit points are lowered based on the penalty inflicted by constitution damage. ![]()
![]() Terminalmancer wrote: Huh, okay. Well, thanks! I will try to keep that in mind for the future... my newbie has gone and played another PFS game before mine, so he's no longer eligible. I think! They can apply it if they are on their first character and that character has less than 3xp. So still safe with 2 games. Talk to your local VO about getting the boon. ![]()
![]() Gorthog wrote:
Have you shot the PFS Gen Con leads an e-mail at genconpfsvolunteer@paizo.com ? They should be able to help you. ![]()
![]() Terminalmancer wrote:
Venture officers can get access to them. If you need some talk to your local VO. ![]()
![]() Thomas Graham wrote: Cayden's crawl we got Last years GM #1 and This years GM Boon #1 and that was it. I don't think either of those were recharging boons. I have been trying to coax my GMs to use their shots already and every one but me and James hoard theirs like a dragon with gold. Usually for convention I get a race boon or expanded narrative to offer for GMs. Expanded Narrative is labeled GM boon Alternate. My thoughts on the free recharge of GM stars are that I'd hate to see GM stars recharge for free because it puts less incentive on GMs to GM more to gain stars, or recharge them with expanded narrative. I have given out a few expanded narratives this year and I'd hate to see those GM boons become worthless. ![]()
![]() Ms. Pleiades wrote: The question is in the name of the thread, folks, I have a character concept that is skilled in the 'acquisition of talented individuals, for a variety of tasks from the mundane to the exotic', and I want to know if I can do it in Pathfinder Society. Please don't. This thread is a good reason not to do it. S~$% like this is not fun at a game table or to read on the forums.