Jake Prewitt's page

No posts. Alias of Disinherited Knight.

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Please cancel my Starfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

Dark Archive

I changed my address and my 3 VC copies of Sword of Valor as well as my VC shirt and my paid copy of tomb of the ice queen. Order: 3571621. The order is still showing pending. Could you please check on this and let me know what is going on?

Dark Archive 2/5

I am looking for a little advice here. We are starting Season of the Righteous tonight at my local game store. I am going to play a cleric. I have a converted Class deck Kyra (skill feat: wisdom and power feat: proficient with weapons) or I could go with a WotR Kyra.

I like both options. Class deck Kyra is really good in combat with just a sword which lets me focus support spells but WotR Kyra is a far better healer and divine spell caster. Any suggestions?

Dark Archive 2/5

I would like to be the first to welcome my newly appointed Venture Lieutenant, Erika Sundeen. Erika is relatively new to the card game but quickly got a grasp on the rules, started helping to organize our weekly card game in Topeka, and took over filling out chronicle sheets and being responsible for reporting our games. As our region is continuing to grow and more people continue to join our card game tables I saw a need to have a VL to focus on the card game. I have no doubt Erika was the correct choice for this job! She is going to play a pivotal role in the Card Game's continued success. Let's hear it for Erika!

Dark Archive 2/5

I would like to be the first to welcome my newly appointed Venture Lieutenant, Joe Bernardt. Joe has a vast knowledge and love for the game. He has been gming and helping to organize PFS games up there at the lgs The Arena for around two years now. He will be taking care of the Salina area. I have no doubt Joe will make a great addition to the team and help me continue to grow the Pathfinder Society Presence in the Central to Western Kansas area. Let's hear it for Joe!

Dark Archive 2/5

I would like to be the first to welcome my newly appointed Venture Lieutenant, Chris Sundeen. Chris is relatively new to the game but despite that he distinguished himself quickly as my go-to guy. Before he even knew what a Venture Lieutenant was he was executing the role effectively. He went out of his way to offer any assistance he could. When he saw something I could use help with he volunteered to help without hesitation or me having to ask. I have no doubt Chris and I will make a great team and be able to significantly grow the Pathfinder Society Presence in the Topeka area. Let's hear it for Chris!

Dark Archive

I got tired of waiting for my subscription to ship. I saw the card game in a store. I was tired of waiting for mine. So I bought it with the intention of giving it away once mine came in with my long over due Paizo shipment. So imagine my surprise when I open the box and find several blessing missing!!! There are probably other cards missing too. We don't have an official set list yet so I have no idea. I wouldn't even have enough blessings to play a game if I didn't own RotRL. I think I have been pretty patient with all the problems but c'mon guys. This is unacceptable. Please tell me there is something that can be done about this. It isn't the local game store's fault, this product was shrink wrapped.

Dark Archive

Hi guys,

I have been a subscriber to the adventure path line since it's inception. I added the PACG line as soon as it was available. I probably wouldn't even post but you guys have spoiled me with your great service :)

I have been waiting to receive my e-mail to say my products have shipped soon or that my PDF for the adventure path was available. Today I decided to look at my subscription page. It shows my PACG box set and add on deck pushed back to September and my adventure path order pending.

First, Could I have access to the PDF for Iron Gods adventure 1 since the street damage has arrived?

Second, I am hoping the display is incorrect and my PACG subscription will still ship this month. Could I get a confirmation for this or at least an explanation of what is happening?

Any and all help you are able to provide would be greatly appreciated.

Dark Archive

Hey guys,

I had a problem with my bank but I got it all sorted out now. Could you please try to process my order again so I can get my Pathfinder Adventure Card Game and Wrath of the Righteous goodness for this month?


Dark Archive

I noticed all the +1 weapons have the magic descriptor except the +1 warhammer, is this a mistake?

Dark Archive

Hey great and wonderful Paizo staff,
I had a problem with payment on this order. The problem on my end has since been fixed, I sent a request on Saturday to run my card again but it still says pending. Please help!

Dark Archive

I have been a subscriber to Paizo products ever since Pathfinder came out. I have never had any problems with any products or customer service. I know that trend will continue. I am just a little confused. I set up a subscription to Campaign Setting specifically to get the Inner Sea World Guide PDF before the 23rd. I did this Friday and it still is not available for download and shows that my physical copy is in "the sidecart" and will not ship until mid-April. Please clarify for me how this is supposed to work. Thank you for all you do Paizo!

Dark Archive

Whatever happened to these? There were some (3.5) ones in Legacy of Fire Player's Guide and some in The Andoran Spirit of Liberty book that are PFRPG rules. There have been none newer that I know of. Anyone know if Paizo plans to utilize these more often? I for one think it is a neat idea.

Maybe we could at least get a Designer Tuesday with guidelines on how to make more of these?

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I know this has been brought up time and again but I have yet to see any official answer to how these abilities are intending to interact with each other.

Example: If a 11th level paladin hits an evil dragon with a acid arrow in the first round of combat the dragon takes 2d4+22. The rounds following that does the dragon just take 2d4 or 2d4+11?

Example 2: Same Paladin uses Aura of Justice and grants smite to all allies within 10 feet. Do they have to stay within 10 feet of him or can they move away and still get the benefit?

Basically, does smite damage effect spells and does smite damage effect damage rolls on continuous effects (such as with acid arrow)

I have seen much speculation on this but I would like to hear something official. I will be flagging this for the FAQ and I hope you all will to.

Dark Archive

I am having a problem with the grapple rules. Namely how monks seem to be insanely good grappling machines that can lock down about any spell caster at will. Here is my issue, I have a monk in my party with a CMD of 30 (that is if you rule he doesn't get an additional +2 from improved grapple when an opponent attempts to break free and he doesn't yet have the +5 for his opponent failing to break free). This 30 is 10 base, 4 from dex, 4 from strength,4 from wis, 7 from base attack, and 1 from monk ac bonus for a total of 30.

He recently fought a cleric main boss lvl 9. She had a CMD of 20. With his grapple CMB of +13 (4 from str, 7 from BA w/maneuver training, and 2 from improved grapple feat) he merely needs a 7 to grab her and when she fails to break out (rolling her CMB of 7 against his CMD of 30), he nows adds as +5 to subsequent checks. On his next turn, he pins her (again he rolls his +13 against her CMD of 20). The party then proceeds to beat her to death as she can't hope to break free of his pin.

Note: no combat casting and no spells prepared without somatic components made it an almost impossible feat to cast a spell.

So, have I missed something or is something broken here? As a second question, if she had a spell legal to cast would she make two concentration checks (one to cast in grapple and the second to cast defensively so the rest of the party couldn't get attacks of op) or just one for both conditions?

Dark Archive

Back in March, I had a hiccup with my billing information and was concerned that Pathfinder 20 was skipped in being mailed to me. (I can download the PDF). I never received Pathfinder 20 print version and since I am about to start running Legacy of Fire, I need it. Please help.

Dark Archive

I fixed my billing issue (expired credit card) and my account still says that issue 18 is "pending" and it seems to have skipped issue 20, can you guys fix the problem please?

Dark Archive

So, I know that Clerics cannot cast spells of oposite alignment. For insance a LG cleric cannot cast spells of the evil or chaotic descriptor.
Having said that, should a Favored Soul be under the same restriction? One of my players is playing a CN Favored Soul/Warmage/Mystic Theurge that worships Erythnul. He picked Bolt of Glory (has the good descriptor as one of his Favored Soul Spells. After reading the spell description I ruled that Erythnul (CE God of slaughter) would be able to grant access to Bolt of Glory considering it channels positive energy. Is there an actual rule governing spell selection for a favored soul like that of the cleric?
Any input or help would definetly be appreciated.

Dark Archive

My campaign has currently reached high enough level so the wizard (with all his stored EXP) has begun permancying spells on himself. I am having a problem with Arcane Sight. I can't quite decide how I want it to function. You see magic auras with the spell so I have some concerns/questions:
1. Could you see a magic item through someone cloak?
2. Would there be a mundane way to "cover up" the glow of an item?

I don't see how you can ever get the drop on a character with Arcane Sight if the enemy is using magic to be undetectable.

Dark Archive

I recently pre-order a subscription to pathfinder and the confirmation e-mail I was sent had the wrong mailing address. I have sent 2 e-mails back explaining that I need this changed and I included the address. The second time I requested that I be sent a confirmation e-mail to let me know that you change the mailing address. I have received nothing yet. I know you guys are extremely busy but could you please send me a comfirmation e-mail so I know you changed the address as by the time the subcription starts arriving, I will no longer be at the address your e-mail said you were sending it to.