Kusari-Gama Monk

Hobbun's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 3,053 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Keep in mind what else has been happening the last few years with COVID. After speaking with some employees, Paizo was more cautious this year in the amount of participation coupled with the amount of GM's that were able to attend.

When I spoke with Erik, he indicated where the Sagamore will probably not increase to it's full size next year, they are going to expand the amount of tables available (barring GM availability).

It just sounds like they are going to take it slow after everything that has happened, and it's understandable. They don't want to go full bore like 2019 where it could hurt them (financially).

I will say it was disappointing for me too as it was the first year I had issues finding PFS events. I wasn't able to sign up for any of the 2e scenarios on my wishlist, all sold out before it processed. The special was the only thing in prior years where that ever came close to selling out for me.

But again, I understand with everything that has happened and hopefully within a few years Paizo will be back to it's full participation/space in the Sagamore.

Oh, ok. That works, as long as there are options to put runes on it down the road.

Thank you.

Guntermench wrote:

A shield is never a weapon, but it can be used as a martial one, similarly to unarmed. Or you can put attachments on that are very much weapons.

When you use it to attack you use your martial weapon proficiency, but it's still not a weapon because you can't put runes on it. When you raise a shield your armour proficiency is irrelevant for the shield, it's just a circumstance bonus. When you shield block your proficiency is again irrelevant it just matters that you have the reaction at all.

The easiest solution to "what is a shield" is to look at Chapter 6 of the CRB. Shields have their own section, they aren't under Armour and while they do have an entry under Weapons that entry expressly says that it's not a weapon. So the answer is neither.

I actually just started up playing 2e again, my only experience previously was the playtest a few years ago. Created a Champion for PFS and have only played one scenario and so far it's been enjoyable.

I do use a shield with him, and really don't plan to be offensive with it, but have to say I'm not too happy with how limited shields seem to be for attacking purposes.

There were some great builds in 1e that used shields offensively and it's a shame that it seems, at least right now, we won't see that in 2e. First and foremost in not being able to put runes on shields offensively. I really liked in 1e that you could do both (enchant them with AC and attack/damage bonuses). It would cost you double the amount, but at least you had the option and was important to have that option if you had a build that attacked often with a shield.

So where this is only a small aspect of 2e, can't say I am too happy with this limitation and likely will won't have a build where I attack with a shield. At least how it stands now.

Alex Speidel wrote:
Zergo78 wrote:
I'm really disheartened that the Saturday night Special is so limited. I couldn't get a ticket, and I look forward to this every year. Any chance that it will be expanded?
We would be delighted to do so if we get more GMs! Right now they are scheduled based entirely on how many GMs we have for each tier; we have no room for expansion without additional volunteers.

Count me as another who hopes to see you are able to get some more GMs/expand the tables (specifically for tiers 1-2).

This is my first year returning to Gen Con since 2019 and was an annual player to the Saturday special (or multiple night specials when that happened) and this is the first time I also wasn't able to get a ticket.

I fortunately was able to pick one up yesterday during the day in keeping watch as someone apparently returned one, but do need another one for a friend of mine.

Also, wasn't able to get into any of the normal PFS events, as well, which is very much out of the ordinary compared to prior years. Do you have less GMs/tables this year overall?

Wonderstell wrote:
Hobbun wrote:
An anti-magic field was just one example, it's just being completely reliant on an item to use my main weapon. If something happens to the ioun stone (like if someone also tries to sunder, grab it or something else) then I would still be screwed. But as you can see, I like to look at worst case/more rare scenarios. :)

Might have taken you too literal there, then. In addition to the Wayfinder solution there's also the option to implant it. Then it would be completely safe, although the process is reliant on a Cha check so you'd have to try a couple of times.

Hobbun wrote:
So what level would you recommend retraining out Stand Still? I was hoping to continue using that even later on. Does it become that difficult at higher levels?

Well, it's a straight CMB check that doesn't use a weapon. So your CMB check won't add Weapon Training or the weapon's enhancement bonus, and enemy CMD scales way faster than enemy AC. In addition to that you'll add the Power Attack penalty to the check.

The average CMD of a CR 10 creature is 32. You'd be expected to have a Strength of 22 at level 10, so you have a straight CMB of +13 (16-Power Attack). So a 10% chance of making it against a tough opponent.
You might have another +1 or +2 from spell buffs or so, but you get the picture.

Ok, thanks for your help. I think I'm just going to go ahead and discard Stand Still. Especially since reading it more closely in it only works against opponents that provoke in adjacent squares.

Wonderstell wrote:
Hobbun wrote:
I did already debate on the Cracked Opalescent White Pyramid Ioun Stone, but I am just very leery relying on being able to wield my weapon via a magical means. If we are in a situation with anti-magic field I couldn't use my Fauchard. Of course I could have a back-up weapon (like a Nodachi), but then would lose access to my Improved Crit range.

Right, right. But if you are in an anti-magic field then you're already screwed. It doesn't matter that you're no longer proficient because your stat belt, magic weapon, spell buffs, and four kinds of AC bonuses are all gone. Your priority is "run away from the anti-magic field", not "try to attack with severely gimped stats".

Tidal Swiftness is kind of a hard sell since you're effectively using two feats for it. You need to invest in Know: Planar which might be hard as you have few skill ranks, and 1 skill rank per level is worth one feat (Cunning).

If you switch out Tidal Swiftness, EWP, and retrain Stand Still later (the CMB check is really hard at higher levels) you have three more feats to spend.

An anti-magic field was just one example, it's just being completely reliant on an item to use my main weapon. If something happens to the ioun stone (like if someone also tries to sunder, grab it or something else) then I would still be screwed. But as you can see, I like to look at worst case/more rare scenarios. :)

Even though we aren't going to be Pathfinders, my DM did say I could get access to an item equivalent to a Wayfinder, something to put the ioun stone in. Then I would keep it an unexposed area. So maybe I can get away with switching out EWP.

The reason I was going with Tidal Swiftness is my lower movement. I will have a 30' move, but was looking for something to get out ahead more quickly than that with my type of build. Dragon Style would be another good one, but that requires a second feat (Unarmed Strike). With Tidal Swiftness, that doesn't have any prereq feats, only a prereq. of dedicating 1 skill rank a level for 5 levels. Being a human Fighter and 12 Int, I will be getting 4 ranks a level.

And especially since I won't be able to get Boots of Striding & Springing, due to Boots of the Winterland will be basically a must for our campaign (Reign of Winter), I won't be able to increase my movement that way.

So what level would you recommend retraining out Stand Still? I was hoping to continue using that even later on. Does it become that difficult at higher levels? Of course I would need to pick and choose wisely with the creatures I would do so, but 'normal' enemies (i.e. not Huge or bigger, multi-legged creatures) I would think I should be ok?

Wonderstell wrote:
Hobbun wrote:
As the subject line says, I am a straight Fighter

Is that a hard requirement? Is the goal specifically to be an unarchetyped fighter?

There's not much wiggle room atm, except to say that you can buy proficiency with the Fauchard for just 1,500 GP (cracked Opalescent White Pyramid Ioun Stone) instead of taking the feat.

It's not so much it's my goal to be un-archetyped Fighter. It's just that most archetypes require you to switch out either Armor or Weapon Training, and I want to keep both. I've played several Fighters, but have always played one with an archetype so I've always lost either Armor or Weapon Training. Wanted to play a Fighter this time with both abilities.

I did think about trying the High Guardian archetype, as it doesn't require me to switch or Armor or Weapon Training, but found the drawbacks outweighed the benefits for me.

I did already debate on the Cracked Opalescent White Pyramid Ioun Stone, but I am just very leery relying on being able to wield my weapon via a magical means. If we are in a situation with anti-magic field I couldn't use my Fauchard. Of course I could have a back-up weapon (like a Nodachi), but then would lose access to my Improved Crit range.

I realize there a lot of 'must have' feats for my build, but I just figured I would throw it out there and see if there was anything I was missing or anything anyone could suggest that I haven't thought of.

avr wrote:

Shield brace is not viable for a tower shield user - the shield's armor check penalty applies to attacks with the weapon, and while you'll be reducing that it's still going to be a huge penalty. 10 base, reduced by 1 by masterwork or 2 with darkwood, 3 by tower shield specialist, 1 + 1 per 4 levels for armor training, 1 more for armor expert - that's a -3 or -4 penalty when you get shield brace. Not as bad as I feared but still not workable.

On the plus side that gives you a couple of feats to play with. Advanced weapon training is a good pick at 5th level; the best option IMO is warrior spirit but you could get armed bravery then. Lunge can be useful, or you could get power attack. Advanced armor training has some useful options like steel headbutt on offence or armor specialization or armored sacrifice on defence. If your party is planning builds together there are teamwork feats to consider like outflank.

I won't be wielding the Fauchard until 8th level, when my Tower Shield Specialist kicks in. Only reason I have Shield Brace at 6th level is because it's the closest slot I can put it without moving feats I don't want to move, both Mobile Fortress and Tower Shield Specialist. Those are the earliest I can take those feats per the prereq. and don't want to take them any later.

When Tower Shield Specialist kicks in at 8th level I will have a -2 penalty.

-1 Shield Expert
-2 Darkwood
-5 Armor Training (At this point I will have Sash of the War Champion which gives +4 to my Armor Training level)

Also, my DM has indicated he will allow me to purchase the Comfort enhancement equivalent for shields. He says he will write it up, but in the end it will accomplish around the same in giving at least a -1 to ACP. So that will drop the penalty to -1.

And since I will only be one level away from 9th at this point, of course when hit 9th, I will hit my next Armor Training level to knock my penalty to 0.

I have actually altered my feats a bit since making my post. I replaced Bodyguard at 2nd level with Power Attack and moved Stand Still to 3rd instead of In Harm's Way. I also took out Shield Brace at 6th and moved Tidal Swiftness there. However, Shield Brace is still key to my build and at 8th level I plan to use my Fighter re-training ability to put Shield Brace back in (for 6th level slot) and I may or may not take Tidal Swiftness at 10th. I'll see how its benefitting me/how much I need it.

I do like Warrior Spirit, but just don't have the room for it at 5th level with the other feats I want (need) to take. Maybe if I don't end up taking Tidal Swiftness again at 10th I will go with Warrior Spirit at 10th. Or put Armed Bravery there instead and have Warrior Spirit at 9th when flipping out a weapon group.

We recently started up campaign of Reign of Winter. The GM actually ran an introductory module for us, as he put it, the AP is 'quite challenging' and getting us to 2nd level would actually be something we might need.

Before I get into my build, I should probably describe our party a bit. Besides myself, we have:

Verminus Hunter/Witch (will focus on Witch)

Rogue (has said will not focus on combat, more on skills in between combat)


Ranger (not sure which combat style, but we think she wants to do ranged)

We did talk a bit after the first session (module) and several of us came to the conclusion it would be a good idea to have 2nd front-liner. Even the Cleric, who could be one, is going towards the medium armor route with a 13 Str.

We did speak to our friend who plays the Ranger and asked what combat style she wants to do and she was leaning towards ranged. But after our discussion of needing a 2nd front-liner, she said she could be willing to go TWF. I did suggest there are other combat styles she could look at, as well.

The thing is I don't know if she really wants to play a melee Ranger as she's always been one to hang back for combats, doesn't like to get into the thick of it.

We have made do in other campaigns in not having quite a balanced party, but I will admit, having a 2nd front-liner would not only really benefit the party, but also would work well with my character.

Ok, should post my build now. As the subject line says, I am a straight Fighter (no archetype) that is going down the Tower Shield route using the Mobile feat-line and also Tower Shield Specialist. Here is my build:

Str. 18
Dex. 14
Con. 14
Int. 12
Wis. 10
Cha. 8

Trait: Armor (Shield) Expert (DM is allowing me to use a shield version for Armor Expert)

1st – Combat Reflexes, Shield Focus, Mobile Bulwark Style
2nd – Bodyguard
3rd – In Harm’s Way
4th – Mobile Fortress
5th – EWP: Fauchard
6th – Shield Brace
7th – Mobile Stronghold
8th – Tower Shield Specialist
9th – Improved Critical: Fauchard, AWT: Armed Bravery
10th – Tidal Swiftness
11th – Pin Down
12th – Stand Still
13th – Warrior Spirit, AWT: Fighter’s Reflexes

I understand this character is going to be more of a control Fighter than an all-out damage one. I did think about taking the High Guardian archetype, but didn't like the limit of Bodyguard and In Harm's Way for only my Obligation. Never mind it forced me to push out a couple feats later on.

Just looking for suggestions. One thing I am concerned about is will I be doing enough damage? Between my Str+Weapon Training+Weapon enhancement damage?

I know my character is really focused on control, but I also still want to deal enough damage to be worthwhile at higher levels.

I've debated on switching out the Bodyguard and In Harm's Way feats, one of them for a Power Attack. Originally I had a Nodachi instead of Fauchard, but felt the Reach would be worthwhile for the EWP feat.

Many of my feats are locked, like the Mobile line, Tower Shield Specialist, Shield Brace, Shield Focus, Combat Reflexes (doesn't have to be 1st level), but the others I am open to suggestions. And I really don't want to go to an archetype as I want to keep both Armor Training (actually this is a necessity) and Weapon Training.

Any help is appreciated!

I just spoke to customer service and had them go ahead and ship mine, but yes, there was definitely an increase in shipping cost. Basically an increase of 300% for Ground shipping, which is what they normally ship.

The option was given for Priority shipping (USPS) which was much less. Only added about $20 per case (total of around $55 per case). The incentive was quite expensive at total of about $35 per case.

The incentive I don’t have as much of an issue with, as this is probably an exception with the larger than normal incentive (Goblin Village). But I am sure the increase in price for the normal case is due to the Huge miniatures added to this set. The customer service rep. indicated the normal case is increased in weight of around 7 lbs to 12 lbs (!).

Is Huge also an exception, or did Mark say we are going to see those more in future sets? The rep on the phone indicated that Erik (Mona) is speaking to Wiz Kids now on what is coming for future sets and what steps can be taken to alleviate this.

Jim Butler wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

2,075 backers!

$24.5k to the map-pack with a ruined bridge, ruined village, ruined tower & overgrown temple!

So what happens if this map pack is unlocked in the last few minutes of the campaign? It looks like it is an optional add-on that nobody gets automatically, so there could be a very short time between this option being unlocked and the end of the campaign -- and at a very late time for anyone east of the Pacific time zone.

There will be a late pledge period where you will be able to add non-exclusive items to your current pledge. That would include the Flip-Mats.

Any idea yet on when that late pledge period will start? Will we receive an email on it?

So when does this 'late pledge period' begin? I hope it hasn't passed already, I did not get a chance to purchase the River Kingdoms Ruins and would like to do so.

Bob Jonquet wrote:
More tickets will be added sometime in the week or two so keep an eye out.

Will that apply for Saturday's special, as well? Siege of Gallowspire?

I'm guessing there was much less copies of this printed than Rise of the Runelords. Wish this was still available. I can't find it anywhere (besides at astronomical prices).

Would love to see this re-printed, but I highly doubt it would be.


Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Bill Baldwin wrote:
Tempted to stop by the Ninja Division booth just to give them a piece of my mind. Normally I wouldn't bother, but they have a lot of nerve showing up at GenCon this year after all the bad feelings they caused with the Starfinder community.

Wait. Wut?

They have the money for GenCon but not to produce the minis? That's not just nerve; that is brass testicular fortitude.

So what has happened with Ninja Division and Starfinder minis, exactly? I have seen some of their minis on the shelf, and bought one of the sets for a friend for Christmas. Are they not making them anymore?

Just as a FYI, if you're counting pennies, some of the rare dressings are actually cheaper at other sites. Like Canopic Jars, they go between $3-5 on ebay.

But I went ahead and purchased 4 Crypt Walls and all were applied with the 30% discount.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

How does it look inside?

Are there squares?
It is 4' x 4', isn't it?

These can all be answered together. But inside the back wall of the mausoleum has a couple of running cracks on it, as if not completely structurally sound. In the front, there is a grated door that can be moved/swung, although it is stiff (which I think is a good thing). The floor is actually 3 x 3 (so 15' x 15'), and yes, there are definitive squares on the floor.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
2' tall?

Do you mean 2" in height? The total height of the mausoleum, from the highest portion of the round part of the roof to the ground is actually 4". Without the roof, it is just under 2 1/4" in height.

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Marco Massoudi wrote:
Hobbun wrote:
Fumarole wrote:
I'd say the chances of this being the case are extremely likely.
Well, it’s really hard to tell sometimes in written replies. But when you see comments in stating the obvious, or like “It is 4 x 4, isn’t it?”, it certainly does sound like sarcasm or being snarky.

I wasn't trying to be sarcastic, i really wanted to know the measurements (they are 3 x 3 actually). :-)

I really hate warped minis, i hope you'll receive a replacement, Hobbun.

As i am writing most posts from my mobile, i think i was writing that post before your post showed up, so that wasn't even a response but just a general question. ;-)

I do apologize then, Marco. My bad. I meant to get back to you last night on your questions, but we lost power with the storm. I will let you know tonight.

Fair enough, I see your point.

If that's the case, then i apologize, Marcos.

To answer your questions, I'm pretty certain it is 4 x 4 but will need to confirm the rest later as I am not home right now.

Fumarole wrote:
I'd say the chances of this being the case are extremely likely.

Well, it’s really hard to tell sometimes in written replies. But when you see comments in stating the obvious, or like “It is 4 x 4, isn’t it?”, it certainly does sound like sarcasm or being snarky.

Marco Massoudi wrote:

How does it look inside?

Are there squares?

It is 4' x 4', isn't it?

2' tall?

So what's your point? Because it has squares, is 4'x 4' and is 2' tall I am not in the right to replace it?

The mausoleum itself doesn't sit flush against a flat service, as I said, it rocks/wobbles. The roof also does not fit flush to the mausoleum, unlike my other one.

Sorry if I offended you in expecting product to be in good condition after paying good money for it. And if I mistook your post as being sarcastic (and it wasn't), I apologize.

DropBearHunter wrote:

I‘d just place it in my oven at 120ish Fahrenheit/ 50 Centigrade then put it in the fridge.
worked a treat on the Portcullis of the Maze of Death set. That was twisted and didn’t match the flipchart grid till I heat treated it.

I would probably end up warping/making it worse than it is now. Not good with working with product like that.

I just tried both mausoleums again and finally was able to remove both roofs.

The mausoleum that I mentioned above that is slightly warped the roof was incredibly difficult to pull off. And now that I have it off it doesn't even fit snug on the bottom portion of the mausoleum. There is small gaps in a couple of the corners and wobbles. I'm quite certain because it's warped on why I am having issues with both parts of the mausoleum.

My other mausoleum is fine. The roof actually fits well to the bottom portion and is now easy to remove. And as I said above, the bottom portion of the mausoleum sits firm to a flat surface (no wobble).

Will need to talk with Paizo about replacing my other mausoleum. If I have to replace the whole incentive set, so be it.

Fumarole wrote:
Hobbun wrote:

I opened up my Cemetary of the Fallen today and will have to say it is a very nice cemetary set! The only complaint I have about it is the mausoleum door. It is easy to open but difficult to close. It is stiff and therefore difficult to pull close towards you and close. There is nothing to grip on the door to pull it closed.

I actually had to grab a plastic knife and slightly wedge it in between the bars on the door to pull it closed. There really should have been an easier way to close the door, unless I am just missing it.

The roof of the mausoleum comes off.

It does?

It seems pretty solid and firm to me. I've tried to pull it apart a couple of times and it hasn't budged. I'm afraid of breaking it.

Edit: Yeah, the roof seems to be on their pretty tight if it's meant to come off. Also, just noticed the actual bottom of the mausoleum is maybe slightly warped? It doesn't sit firmly on a flat surface, it wobbles a bit.

Has anyone noticed this with theirs?

Edit 2: Ok, opened up my second Cemetary of the Fallen. The roof is just as firm on this one (will not come off). I don't think it's meant to be removed. However, this mausoleum is 'not' wobbly at all, sits firmly on a flat surface. I will contact Paizo on Tuesday to talk about getting a replacement for the other one.

I opened up my Cemetary of the Fallen today and will have to say it is a very nice cemetary set! The only complaint I have about it is the mausoleum door. It is easy to open but difficult to close. It is stiff and therefore difficult to pull close towards you and close. There is nothing to grip on the door to pull it closed.

I actually had to grab a plastic knife and slightly wedge it in between the bars on the door to pull it closed. There really should have been an easier way to close the door, unless I am just missing it.

Naarg wrote:
Piling on to this thread. I also got a part 2 ticket but not a part 1. Hoping for added tables.

Same happened with a couple of friends of mine.

I was at 3102 and fortunately was able to get all my events/tickets, which included 2 tickets at Siege of Gallowspire 10-11 Soldier. But both of my friends were in the 6000s and one didn't get any tickets at all and the other only received two tickets on the first go around.

I told him (and my other friend) to check back a couple of hours later (when Wishlists would expire) and one of them was able to get enough tickets to cover the three of us (with my tickets as well). We have all but Siege of Gallowspire. Right now we are short on one ticket.

First year this has happened for us. Hopefully more GMs/tables can be added.

Jeff Alvarez wrote:

The Kingmaker Kingdom Tracker is free to the Ruler level. The text is missing from the graphic but should be remedied shortly.


Any idea what the cost will be for the Kingdom Tracker? I assume it will now be enough to justify the cost to upgrade to the Ruler level.

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Joe M. wrote:
Hobbun wrote:
Joe M. wrote:

And the picture of the glass cannon character sheets in this tweet shows that they'll be playing at level 7. So that'll be a nice break from the level-1 slog of Oblivion Oath.

Also shows:
* Rock Dwarf
* Gutsy Halfling
* Woodland Elf
* A half-orc
* Miner, Gambler, and Noble backgrounds
* CG Champion, Sorcerer

Tweet appears to have been taken down.
Try here. Looks like he reposted it. Maybe there was a typo in the text or something.

Yep, that works.

Thanks Joe and Jason. Will definitely take a look at that Glass Cannon stream!

Joe M. wrote:

And the picture of the glass cannon character sheets in this tweet shows that they'll be playing at level 7. So that'll be a nice break from the level-1 slog of Oblivion Oath.

Also shows:
* Rock Dwarf
* Gutsy Halfling
* Woodland Elf
* A half-orc
* Miner, Gambler, and Noble backgrounds
* CG Champion, Sorcerer

Tweet appears to have been taken down.

Jeff Alvarez wrote:
The Kingmaker Kingdom Tracker is free to the Ruler level. The text is missing from the graphic but should be remedied shortly.

Ok, thanks Jeff.

Although that is not going to unlock for awhile yet. I'm guessing it might, but still have about 75K to go on that one. Will see how that turns out.

Kvantum wrote:
Hobbun wrote:

Wish there was an option at the Ruler level to just receive the standard book instead of the faux leather.

So how do you choose add-ons after you've purchased your original reward level?

I went with the General (may go with Ruler, depending on what it ends up getting), but I do want to add on the Noble Manor flip-mat right now. I already paid for my reward level the other day and now trying to add the Noble Manor flip-mat but it won't allow me to do so.

Go into My Account at the top right of the page, and then My Order. You can change and upgrade, as well as add on other things.

Hm, did go into ‘My Order’, but didn’t go through ‘My Account’, first. I guess that makes a difference. Thank you.

Does anyone know if anything else that may unlock will be included as part of the Ruler reward?

Reason being if there is going to be other things included as part of the Ruler reward, I will just go ahead and upgrade to it now. But if not, it’s actually cheaper to not get the Ruler reward, even with the Kingdom Management screen and map folio add-ons. (Unless you view the faux leather as a bonus).

Marco Massoudi wrote:

I think that the much higher sales of D&D and the financial power of Wizards of the Coast has more to do with that.
Paizo isn't the apex of RPG anymore and the PFB minis don't sell as many copies as they did anymore, so they don't receive the A treatment anymore, but the B treatment.

I know this is a relatively old post but have just recently been on the forums again. However, this is disappointing if the case. I had to skip Kingmaker, but I hope WizKids isn’t playing Paizo second fiddle to Wizards for the mins line.

Especially now that I understand Wizkids will be taking care of Starfinder, as well.

Wish there was an option at the Ruler level to just receive the standard book instead of the faux leather.

So how do you choose add-ons after you've purchased your original reward level?

I went with the General (may go with Ruler, depending on what it ends up getting), but I do want to add on the Noble Manor flip-mat right now. I already paid for my reward level the other day and now trying to add the Noble Manor flip-mat but it won't allow me to do so.

Cydeth wrote:

As Erik Mona said on Reddit (thanks to Joe M. for the link):

Erik Mona wrote:

I wanted to circle back now that the campaign is live.

Ultimately, we decided to go with a 1E Bestiary similar to the 5E version that was part of the original plan. This will provide rules and stat blocks to help players run the campaign in 1E, as a companion to the big 2E campaign.

Printing up a big archive edition didn't work economically into the model for this crowdfunding effort, so we decided to go with something else that would allow 1E players to run the expanded and (hopefully!) improved campaign.

So that's where we're at with 1E support. Thanks for your feedback. It was very helpful!

Edit: To be clear, I'm just saying that if it's unfeasible for them to print an archive of the originals, it's pretty much certain they can't do a 1e version of the updated version.

Personally, I have no skin in this game. I started a Kingmaker campaign, and it fell flat for me as the GM and my group, so I'm not backing either way.

Thank you for the information.

As long as the information in the Bestiary has conversions for all of the encounters throughout the AP, then I am ok with it. For example, when having to make a skill check it will of course have the 2e skill and DC, hopefully the 1e equivalent skill and DC is in the Bestiary (for each skill encounter). Same with the Kingdom Management rules, if anything is 2e specific, as long as it is converted in the 1e Bestiary book.

I mean it would be nice to have it all in one book, instead of having to flip back and forth between the books, but I understand where Erik is coming from and I do appreciate Paizo taking the extra step, they originally weren't going to do, and making the 1e Bestiary.

There is still part of me that has a feeling that there will be a decent amount not converted and would need to do so on my own. But I can ask more on that directly at Gen Con, hopefully they will have more of an idea at that point.

Cori Marie wrote:

Yes things were added to both previous compilations, and things were changed to be updated to the current system (making characters that were wizards into alchemists and making a certain vigilante, a well, vigilante), but the primary reasons for the books were that the previous print versions were sold out, and that they were originally written for a previous system.

Not going to go back and forth here, but my point still stands that making the new compilation is still worthwhile for those who would want to play it in 1e, with all the changes and updates they have made with it. If there were very minimal changes, I would agree with you. But with the Companions alone, and now taking it up to 20th level are huge changes, those who still play 1e would also appreciate.

And the requirement of it being sold out certainly applies with Kingmaker in 1e, as it has been sold out for awhile now.

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Justin Franklin wrote:

So you want the same book they are already making for 2E as a 1E book and you want to pay $30 less?

Excellent point. I had forgotten what the cost of the 2e Kingmaker book was. I would certainly have no issues paying the same amount for a 1e book as part of an add-on.

Keep in mind I am saying it would be an add-on. I wouldn't expect them to allow people to purchase the 1e book instead of the 2e book, as this was the drive of the campaign. Just some of us want the treatment done for 1e as well as we still love and play it.

Cori Marie wrote:
But that was the point of the Rise and Curse books too, updating for a new edition. Both of those were originally written for 3.5.

It doesn't have to be a previous edition to only make it worthwhile. Also remember that there were other changes and updates done with the other compilations as well, at least I know with Rise of the Runelords. And Paizo has made it clear there are going to be a number of updates to this Kingmaker as well, besides converting it to 2e. Those of use whom still love playing 1e would appreciate those also, besides it being condensed in a nice hardcover volume.

I understand Paizo "wants to move on" with 2e. I respect that. With new sourcebooks I would completely understand that. I wouldn't expect them to release a 1e counterpart with every new hardcover that is released. But when releasing something originally from 1e, and the book is also being updated with a chock full of new info as well, I do feel in those situations releasing it also in 1e is reasonable to ask for.

I truly do appreciate they are releasing a Bestiary for 1e with the converted monster and NPC stats, as well as other 'rules' (as they've indicated). But for those of us that will want to run this new Kingmaker in 1e, I just have concerns there will be a lot in the book that will still need to be converted, so it would be great if we could get the new version of Kingmaker AP in 1e, as well.

Cori Marie wrote:
Hobbun wrote:
Wish there was an unlock to have the AP itself for 1e (not just the Bestiary, although still appreciated). Obviously put in as an add-on. I would happily pay another $50 for the book. As I am sure there would be many others.
The AP itself already exists as a 1E product.

Not with all the updates that will be in this one. And would love to have it compiled in the nice, hardback book. Much like Rise of the Runelords and Curse of Crimson Throne.

Wish there was an unlock to have the AP itself for 1e (not just the Bestiary, although still appreciated). Obviously put in as an add-on. I would happily pay another $50 for the book. As I am sure there would be many others.

I can't say I ever had an issue filling my spell slots in Pathfinder 1e, even for 1st level slots. With my arcane casters (usually I've played Sorcerers/spontaneous casters) Magic Missile always served me well, no matter what level I was.

And it was useful at higher levels because it improved on it's own as I leveled. No needing to use higher spell slots to make it better. But really, do I want to burn a 6th level spell slot for Magic Missile to have it do good damage for my level, where I can just cast Disintegrate? Honestly, you should be able to do both (on different rounds).

That said, my perspective is coming from the playtest and I understand a lot of changes have been made on the power of spells. But it just still doesn't sit well with me in needing to burn higher slots to make my spells more powerful, to where they did it naturally before. But I plan to purchase the core rulebook and read it over in detail, as well as play a couple of the scenarios (and maybe the special) at Gen Con.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
These are the correct tiers.

Thank you.

It's a shame that Siege of Gallowspire does not go as high as both of these (10-22 and 10-23).

I will be taking a 17 Alchemist through both of these scenarios, but won't be able to take him as my main in Siege of Gallowspire.

So can I take it the levels stated here are accurate? The levels shown on the Gen Con event sign-up for both 10-22 and 10-23 indicate levels 12-15.

Which one is accurate?

NielsenE wrote:
I'm scheduled to GM 2e games, so I'm expecting they'll show up at some point.

So I am just curious, how is Paizo handling it in allowing GMs access to the ruleset? I assume you will have at least have access to the PDF ahead of time so you can be as familiar as possible with the rules before you need to run the scenarios?

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Lesser amount of spell slots would not be as much of an issue for me if the system still worked how it did in 1e. However, with the need to burn higher level spell slots to heighten the spells it would only make sense to me to keep the same amount of spell slots from 1e, or at least very close to it. From what I recall with the Sorcerer, their slots max at 4. It was 6 in 1e, but those 2 are a huge difference, especially considering they also did away with the bonus spells slots due to your ability score.

On you saying that others not bringing this up during the playtest as an issue at all, actually surprises me a bit.

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What about casters getting more spells per level? What I remember from the playtest, even the Sorcerer received a pitiful amount of spell slots.

Jeff Alvarez wrote:

Hey Bellona,

The Kingdom Management screen will be 2E but shouldn't be any harder to use in 1E as the adventure and bestiary.

All the Flip-Mats in this campaign will have NEW ART (as in never used on a FM or MP before...some might be right from the pages of the adventures though) so no need to worry about duplicating already purchased FMs and MPs.

It's easy to change between pledge levels but if you are going down in levels, then you may need to contact our CS team for a refund.

Address changes should be simple to handle between when the campaign ends and when we ship. There will be complete instructions on Game On and on the Paizo.com FAQ on how to handle this.


I think Bellona is asking (and I am wondering the same) is can you use the Kindom Management screen without needing to convert. Although by you saying the screen is '2nd edition', it doesn't sound like that's the case.

I mean honestly, it's difficult to say right now just how hard it will be to use the 2e adventure book/how much converting is needed if you want to run 1e.

I'm hoping as little as possible. Would it be possible to have at least a 1e adventure book done if enough money is brought in? Maybe have it as an an add-on with a higher reward level unlock?

Ok, thanks.

Hopefully what you say is the case, but I would think there would be some sort of rules dependency with the use of a screen. Although I hope that isn't the case.

Will the Kindgom Management rules be the same through all three editions (1st, 2nd and 5th)? Without having to convert?

Or is the Kingdom Management screen only going to be useful for 2nd edition?

Cori Marie wrote:
5E is getting the same thing as PF1. A bestiary addition to the main book.
Jeff Alvarez wrote:
Correct, both 1E and 5E will be getting similar treatments.

My mistake, thank you both for clarifying.

Jeff Alvarez wrote:

Hey Hobbun, The updates I was referring to would be Game On crowdfunding updates for backers and those are typically like blogs that explain how the process is going and how the books are working out. Not actual content but updates as to what content is making it into the books...that kind of thing. Hope that makes more sense.
thejeff wrote:

Would it be reasonable to distribute the original PDFs with the new version?

It's essentially cost-free and I can't imagine there'd be a lot of lost sales - not many people are going to be interested in buying the old version and the new one.

Doesn't get you updated new content, but it's a big part of what you'd want.

The original Kingmaker PDFs as a free download would certainly be a great gesture and appreciated, and definitely better than what I would have now. However, if there is quite a bit more additional content, like especially with the recent unlock of taking the AP to 20th level, I would hate to 'not' see that as converted for 1e, as well. Even if it's only a PDF.

And I say this respectfully, but is the reason that an AP 1e book is not being printed because you don't feel there would be enough sales to justify the additional costs, or is it mainly because you (Paizo) wants to let us know that you are done with 1e now, it is in the rearview mirror, and want to send the message to not expect anything else.

With new content I would completely understand and agree with that, but I just don't understand why compilations of older APs (like this one) or book series' cannot be given the 1e treatment. We aren't talking about a long dead edition here, you have a huge following. There is a LOT here that I am quite certain would continue to buy 1e hardcover compilations.

I don't know, maybe I am completely wrong. You have the sales numbers. But I know myself and my friends would certainly continue to buy your 1e product (compilations). And there are many on this thread that have stated they still have their support for 1e, as well. So please don't shut the door on 1e completely, at least in regards to products like this one.

Jeff Alvarez wrote:
Hobbun wrote:
Count me as someone else who still would like to play this with 1e. I see it has the 1e Bestiary, but what about converting all the information in the actual AP itself? Like what skills to use in which situations, the DCs involved, etc?
Hey Hobbun, estimating what's going to be in the final 1E and 5E bestaries is tough business right now as we've just barely started on these projects so far. I'm sure as we work through the content, there will be plenty of updates to the campaign that will speak to topics like these.

Thanks for the response, Jeff. I understand it is early on right now with the project, but any idea on how the update with the content (1e skills, DCs, etc) would most likely be distributed? Maybe a free PDF download?

And I know it’s been stated this information is in the original PDF of Kingmaker, but I don’t have the AP (in softcover or PDF) and really don’t want to have to purchase Kingmaker twice. Also, would like to see whatever brand new content is in the AP to be updated as well (besides what is given in the Bestiary).

I honestly would prefer to have a nice, hardcover 1e Kingmaker AP book just like D&D fans are getting for 5e, but I understand it is something Paizo feels is not feasible (financially and/or otherwise). Disappointing, but a free (or very cheap) PDF download would work for me.

Count me as someone else who still would like to play this with 1e. I see it has the 1e Bestiary, but what about converting all the information in the actual AP itself? Like what skills to use in which situations, the DCs involved, etc?

Ok, I see it now. I dl’d the rulebook at the top of the page.

Thank you.

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