
Guen's page

10 posts. Alias of bluedove.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

So here is discussion for your campaign. I will add maps and images via Google Slides, shortly. Let me know if that works for everyone. ^_^

Standard introduce yourself sort of scene. Feel free to narrate through some lead-up time as well. We're aiming for a swift pace with descriptive roleplaying and an interactive party dialogue. Please let me know if you have any questions!

The day is the 27th of Calistril, and the Gala takes place on the 28th. This just leaves room for any last minute prep your characters might want to attempt such as Gathering Information, crafting, etc.

Let's have some fun. ^_~

Lady Martella Lotheed

It’s a beautiful day in Oppara! The chill of early spring clings to the morning air and a pale lavender mist curls above the River Porthmos as the fishermen bring in the day's catch. As the day progresses, the sun rises from her cloudy bed-curtains and stretches high into an azure sky, burning off the last clinging mists and beaming down her warming rays like a blessing from Sarenrae herself. The sunlight shines so golden off the white stone skyline of Oppara that you could almost believe the long-since stripped roofs and domes of The Gilded City had miraculously regained their precious gilt.

Tomorrow is the Day of the Grand Exaltation, where the Taldan nobility will don their finery and make an extravagant show of accepting a commoner into their ranks. Meanwhile, they will put far more effort into furthering their own agendas before the Senate convenes. In a pageant of elegant fashions, they will be vying for advantage. During a sumptuous buffet, they will be jockeying for position. And while Lords and Ladies twirl to magnificent music, who knows what strange bedfellows may arise. And you will be among them. For tomorrow is also the day that the Senate of Taldor will vote on the long awaited repeal of the ancient practice of Primogeniture. And if the repeal is to pass successfully, there is still work to be done.

Today, you have a lunch meeting with a mysterious correspondent. You have come to recognize the penmanship in the missives you have received, but are as yet unsure of the identity of your anonymous benefactor. But an advance of 50 gold and an invitation to the most prestigious social event of the season has more than piqued your curiosity.

You arrive at the appointed time and place and open the door to a quaint little eatery. Long, golden beams of the afternoon sun dance through the cafe’s smoky interior, highlighting breads, cheeses, and wine bottles behind the only counter. And there the riddle of who has been writing to you is solved. Lady Martella Lotheed smiles in greeting as she motions you closer. She sips casually from a steaming mug, dressed in an elegant but reserved gown — at least by Taldan standards. A hand-sized brass cricket buzzes quietly on the tabletop beside her. “I’m so pleased you could join me for lunch,” she begins. “Please order whatever you like; the fig jam is particularly lovely here. And feel free to speak candidly. I’ve taken measures to ensure our privacy.” She says with a glance down at the little clockwork contraption.

"I know that some of you are already acquainted, but others may be meeting for the first time. Please, do not be shy, introduce yourself. We are among kindred spirits here. If you have any questions, please go ahead and ask. We have a long evening ahead of us, and the better prepared we are the better our accomplishments are likely to be." Lady Lotheed’s warm smile sets you at ease, you think back on what you know about her.

You may roll Diplomacy to Gather Information, with the intention that the time spent gathering occurred at an earlier time, Knowledge(Nobility) and/or Knowledge(Local) to access the spoilers below:

DC 11+:
The wealthy Lotheed family has been a strong supporter of the Stavians for almost 100 years. They have a long family tradition of arcane magic, adding to their wealth and prestige.

DC 14+:
Martella is the black sheep of her family, being a result of an extramarital dalliance with a Qadiran diplomat. She lacks her family’s gift for magic as well, adding to their resentment.

DC 20+:
Despite her family’s disdain, Martella still commands some wealth and has extensive contacts, having attended the Sinora Academia, Taldor’s most exclusive girls’ school.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

Cheerio, everyone! And if you've been directed here by PM, Welcome to the game!

I very much enjoy both reading and writing, in-depth characterization, sensory invoking descriptions, convoluted plots and multi-faceted heroes and villains. All of which you will find here in this Adventure!

We will begin Gameplay before the actual event that truly begins the Path, so that we can set the tone of the city of Oppara and define the PC's places in it. These "prequel" events can also set-up meetings between the PCs so that at least some characters have some prior associations before the big event, the Grand Day of Exaltation. Please feel free to hammer out any prior associations and relationships here.

There will be shopping, meetings, and other preparations in these early days but most of all, there will be celebration! So be sure to tell me how your character likes to party!

Gameplay is open for dotting. Be sure to let me know if you have any questions.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

"Life in Oppara isn’t difficult to handle, once you’ve learned the rules:
if a senator tells you that what you want to do is illegal, talk to a different one;
if the district tax you pay is too high, move to the next house over;
if you require a diplomat to get the upper hand in negotiations, hire your rival’s out from under her;
if you need an honorable noble, promote the nearest farmer;
if you make a mistake, act like it never happened until people feel awkward and follow suit;
if you don’t like your past, pay a historian to write a new one;
if your office needs more funding, buy a weapon and declare yourself a military branch;
and if you need to keep something hidden forever, claim it’s urgent and hand it to a government official."

~Baronet Solmon Menander, Taldan bureaucrat

For my 5,000th post on these Paizo forums, it is my very great pleasure to announce that I am opening a Play by Post game of the War for the Crown AP. This Adventure Path has proven to be unfailingly popular and lends itself exceedingly well to the Play by Post format.

This game will be recruited by PM, given the wealth of passed over characters in previous recruitment threads for this AP. If you notice this thread and want to submit a character because you missed the more recent recruitments, please contact me via PM.

Character Build:
Gestalt level 1 character, 20 point buy, Max HP and Max gold per best class. Background skills, no feat-taxes, 2 traits, 1 from the Player's Guide and 1 drawback allowed.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

So sorry about my delay, everyone. My charging cord for my laptop got mangled in the inner workings of my recliner and would no longer work to charge the battery. Then it took a little time to find a replacement cord of the right type and get it shipped to me. But it arrived today and now I'm back online and trying to catch up all over the boards.

To better facilitate getting chronicles out to everyone quickly once we are done, please reply to this thread with the form below filled out.

You may roll day jobs now, if you prefer, or wait until we are nearing the end of the scenario. If you do not roll it before I am filling in sheets, I will complete it as if you had taken ten on the roll. There WON'T be an opportunity to make purchases after the mission briefing, so it would be a good idea to have those resolved before we begin.

Player name: (as you would prefer to see it listed on your chronicle)
Character name:
PFS number:
Day Job? (Yes or No)
Email: (you may spoiler, space out, or PM this if you prefer it not be shared on the boards)

Please feel free to ask any questions you have and let's have a good game all!

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

You have been called in on another rescue mission, a group of Pathfinders has gone missing. Venture-Captain Calisro Benarry awaits your arrival aboard her ship, The Grinning Pixie. Your destination is the treacherous Gloomspires.

Opening gameplay for #7–19: Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts. Will be contacting the players by PM. As we will begin in transit, it is advised that you finalize purchases before we begin the game.

Hello! I've taken over a Rise of the Runelords game that is in need of fresh recruits. We are only a few days beyond the festival and raid, the characters are currently set to guard Sandpoint while the Sheriff is away.

The party currently consists of:
Cordwin Ironbeard Male Dwarf Bard(Archaeologist) 1
René Treize Male Human Witch 1
Tylur Thorn Male Human Fighter 1

We are in need of a healer and someone able to deal with traps well. I expect to be able to update the game at least 3 times a week, but if we get rolling with a faster post rate, that is fine too.

We will be selecting based on how well a character fits the needed role as well as fits in well with the party dynamic. It won't be first come, first served, but I will be looking to pick characters quickly so as not to drum up more interest than we can satisfy. Thanks in advance for your applications!

1st Level
20 Point Buy
Average Starting Gold
Max HP

Races: I'm open to most humanoid races, but probably best to steer clear of anything your average commoner would likely expect to be hostile on sight.

Classes: I'm open to most classes as well, but best to avoid anything too off-putting. NO EVIL ALIGNMENTS!

2 Traits + 1 Campaign Trait. Players should each select one campaign trait from the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide or from pages 330-331 of the APG to tie their stories into their recent (or not so recent) arrival in Sandpoint. I am open to most other traits, but remember not to take 2 traits in the same category and please no traits meant for other AP campaigns.

Character Background: Please write up a few paragraphs on personal history with some insight on the character's motivations and goals for the future. It needn't be long, but substantial enough to give us an idea of who the character is. If you prefer to provide a roleplaying sample, that will be acceptable as well.

Lastly, I will be happy to apply PFS credit once we have completed the sanctioned portions of the AP.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

This discussion is for #6–06: Hall of the Flesh Eaters. We will be running at sub-tier 4-5.

To better facilitate getting chronicles out to everyone quickly once we are done, please reply to this thread with the form below filled out.

You may roll day jobs now, if you prefer, or wait until we are nearing the end of the scenario. If you do not roll it before I am filling in sheets, I will complete it as if you had taken ten on the roll. If you have already rolled it via Recruitment, please link to the that post on your form. I don't yet know if there will be an opportunity to make purchases after the mission briefing, so it might be a good idea to have those resolved before we begin.

Player name: (as you would prefer to see it listed on your chronicle)
Character name:
PFS number:
Day Job? (Yes or No)
Email: (you may spoiler, space out, or PM this if you prefer it not be shared on the boards)

Please feel free to ask any questions you have and let's have a good game all!

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

Shrouded in thick fog, the shifting Gloomspires north of the Shackles have long frustrated explorers. However, a recent discovery by the Pathfinder Society has revealed a brief opportunity to navigate the columns safely and search for the lost treasure of the legendary pirate Sevenfingers. The only problem is that the Pathfinders are not the only visitors to the Gloomspires.
Written by Tom Phillips.

#6–06: Hall of the Flesh Eaters (sub-tier 4-5)
Thallin Quin - (Magus Myrmidarch 2 / Rogue Unchained-Sniper 1)
The Restful Spirit - Monk (Spirit Master) 4
Carax the Golden - Human cavalier (strategist) 1
Fingalad Eldahir(or whomever caps decides to bring =P)
Herr Magt Jaeger - Lvl 3 Bloodrager
Dreggar - Slayer 2 / Investigator 2

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

This discussion is for #7–05: School of Spirits. We will be running at sub-tier 1-2.

To better facilitate getting chronicles out to everyone quickly once we are done, please reply to this thread with the form below filled out.

You may roll day jobs now, if you prefer, or wait until we are nearing the end of the scenario. If you do not roll it before I am filling in sheets, I will complete it as if you had taken ten on the roll. If you have already rolled it via Recruitment, please link to the that post on your form. I don't yet know if there will be an opportunity to make purchases after the mission briefing, so it might be a good idea to have those resolved before we begin.

Player name: (as you would prefer to see it listed on your chronicle)
Character name:
PFS number:
Day Job? (Yes or No)
Email: (you may spoiler, space out, or PM this if you prefer it not be shared on the boards)

Please feel free to ask any questions you have and let's have a good game all!

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

Seven years ago, Pathfinders entered Absalom’s shattered Precipice Quarter in pursuit of a ruby ring but also rescued a strange survivor. She has since grown to adulthood and exhibited a rebellious spirit connected to the ruined school where the Pathfinders found her. The woman’s family has contacted the Society, hoping that its agents can escort her back to the haunted site and unravel the Drownyard’s relentless mysteries.
Written by Alex Greenshields.

#7–05: School of Spirits (sub-tier 1-2)
Cerim Felberry - Oracle 2
Esh Kethar - Swashbuckler/magus 2
Y'serid Elenel - Medium 5
Aiden Richter - Slayer 1/ URogue 1
Eugeni Zcona - Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 2
Amun-Heth - Monk (Perfect Scholar) 1

Play will begin on opening day of the Gameday: August 27, 2016.

This is the official recruitment thread for the Fifth Online Play by Post Gameday. We will be playing Scenario #7–19: Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts, which is designed for levels 3-7. Play will begin on the halfway point of the Gameday: October 11, 2016.

Paizo wrote:

Following a successful mission into the mist-shrouded and shifting Gloomspires, the Pathfinder Society sent another team to explore the tomb of the legendary pirate Sevenfingers. Unfortunately, this team never returned. The spires have momentarily halted, allowing a new team to brave the tomb’s many dangers, hopefully rescuing their allies in the process.

This scenario is a sequel to Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–06: "Hall of the Flesh Eaters".

Written by Tom Phillips.

Players should:

  • Be a registered member of Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

  • Apply & post with a complete, legal character of appropriate level. Please include your PFS number for your submitted character on the Alias profile and/or post it to the discussion thread with the form I provide for information for your Chronicle Sheet. I am open to any format of character sheet, but please make sure all information is available and easy to find.

  • Make sure you are familiar with the rules included in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. It's a free download and part of the core assumption.

  • Commit to check in and post at least once per day on weekdays. Post rate is key in keeping a PBP fresh and interesting to all who participate. I will always understand that life comes first, but this is Official Society Play. Habitual stragglers will be asked to step down if I feel they are not carrying their weight as Pathfinders.

  • Recognize that the rules of Pathfinder Society Organized Play require the player to own the Additional Reasources used to build his/her character. While I will not ask for any proof of ownership, I will expect to be provided with a link to the Online Reference Document when asked. Coding the links into your sheet will save time and is especially appreciated.

As your GM, I will:

  • Finalize tables by October 10, 2016, if not before then, and begin the game before 11:59 pm my time on October 11, 2016.
  • Update the Gameplay thread at least once per day during the week as well as once over the weekend or do my best to notify the group of the reason for the delay as soon as I am able.
  • Report our progress and send out Chronicle sheets at the conclusion of each scenario we run.
  • Respond in a timely manner to any questions or concerns.

I have a lot of affection for the Play-by-Post format. I like that it gives players the opportunity to really think through their character's actions, strategize and plan with their teammates and really flesh out their PC's personalities with (at least a little!) characterization and role-playing. If you apply to this game, please be prepared to provide more in your posts than a one-line directive with all the flare and personality of "rook to queen bishop 4".

I'm looking forward to a great Gameday. Let's have some fun!

This is the official recruitment thread for the Fifth Online Play by Post Gameday. We will be playing Scenario #6–06: Hall of the Flesh Eaters, which is designed for levels 1–5. Play will begin on opening day of the Gameday: August 27, 2016.

Paizo wrote:

Shrouded in thick fog, the shifting Gloomspires north of the Shackles have long frustrated explorers. However, a recent discovery by the Pathfinder Society has revealed a brief opportunity to navigate the columns safely and search for the lost treasure of the legendary pirate Sevenfingers. The only problem is that the Pathfinders are not the only visitors to the Gloomspires.

Written by Tom Phillips.

Players should:

  • Be a registered member of Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

  • Apply & post with a complete, legal character of appropriate level. Please include your PFS number for your submitted character on the Alias profile and/or post it to the discussion thread with the form I provide for information for your Chronicle Sheet. I am open to any format of character sheet, but please make sure all information is available and easy to find.

  • Make sure you are familiar with the rules included in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. It's a free download and part of the core assumption.

  • Commit to check in and post at least once per day on weekdays. Post rate is key in keeping a PBP fresh and interesting to all who participate. I will always understand that life comes first, but this is Official Society Play. Habitual stragglers will be asked to step down if I feel they are not carrying their weight as Pathfinders.

  • Recognize that the rules of Pathfinder Society Organized Play require the player to own the Additional Reasources used to build his/her character. While I will not ask for any proof of ownership, I will expect to be provided with a link to the Online Reference Document when asked. Coding the links into your sheet will save time and is especially appreciated.

As your GM, I will:

  • Finalize tables by August 26, 2016, if not before then, and begin the game before 11:59 pm my time on August 27, 2016.
  • Update the Gameplay thread at least once per day during the week as well as once over the weekend or do my best to notify the group of the reason for the delay as soon as I am able.
  • Report our progress and send out Chronicle sheets at the conclusion of each scenario we run.
  • Respond in a timely manner to any questions or concerns.

I have a lot of affection for the Play-by-Post format. I like that it gives players the opportunity to really think through their character's actions, strategize and plan with their teammates and really flesh out their PC's personalities with (at least a little!) characterization and role-playing. If you apply to this game, please be prepared to provide more in your posts than a one-line directive with all the flare and personality of "rook to queen bishop 4".

I'm looking forward to a great Gameday. Let's have some fun!

This is the official recruitment thread for the Fifth Online Play by Post Gameday. We will be playing Scenario #7–05: School of Spirits, which is designed for levels 1–5. Play will begin on opening day of the Gameday: August 27, 2016.

Paizo wrote:

Seven years ago, Pathfinders entered Absalom’s shattered Precipice Quarter in pursuit of a ruby ring but also rescued a strange survivor. She has since grown to adulthood and exhibited a rebellious spirit connected to the ruined school where the Pathfinders found her. The woman’s family has contacted the Society, hoping that its agents can escort her back to the haunted site and unravel the Drownyard’s relentless mysteries.

Written by Alex Greenshields.

Players should:

  • Be a registered member of Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

  • Apply & post with a complete, legal character of appropriate level. Please include your PFS number for your submitted character on the Alias profile and/or post it to the discussion thread with the form I provide for information for your Chronicle Sheet. I am open to any format of character sheet, but please make sure all information is available and easy to find.

  • Make sure you are familiar with the rules included in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. It's a free download and part of the core assumption.

  • Commit to check in and post at least once per day on weekdays. Post rate is key in keeping a PBP fresh and interesting to all who participate. I will always understand that life comes first, but this is Official Society Play. Habitual stragglers will be asked to step down if I feel they are not carrying their weight as Pathfinders.

  • Recognize that the rules of Pathfinder Society Organized Play require the player to own the Additional Reasources used to build his/her character. While I will not ask for any proof of ownership, I will expect to be provided with a link to the Online Reference Document when asked. Coding the links into your sheet will save time and is especially appreciated.

As your GM, I will:

  • Finalize tables by August 26, 2016, if not before then, and begin the game before 11:59 pm my time on August 27, 2016.
  • Update the Gameplay thread at least once per day during the week as well as once over the weekend or do my best to notify the group of the reason for the delay as soon as I am able.
  • Report our progress and send out Chronicle sheets at the conclusion of each scenario we run.
  • Respond in a timely manner to any questions or concerns.

I have a lot of affection for the Play-by-Post format. I like that it gives players the opportunity to really think through their character's actions, strategize and plan with their teammates and really flesh out their PC's personalities with (at least a little!) characterization and role-playing. If you apply to this game, please be prepared to provide more in your posts than a one-line directive with all the flare and personality of "rook to queen bishop 4".

I'm looking forward to a great Gameday. Let's have some fun!

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

This discussion is for #5–19: The Horn of Aroden. We will be running at sub-tier 4-5.

To better facilitate getting chronicles out to everyone quickly once we are done, please reply to this thread with the following form filled out. Please also check out the Maps and Dice Blocks link above and insert your character's name and relevant modifier for quick access later.

Player name: (as you would prefer to see it listed)
Character name:
PFS number:
Day Job? (Yes or No)
Email: (you may spoiler, space out, or PM this if you prefer it not be shared on the boards)

The following players are expected at this table:
Gayel Nord
GM Evil

You may roll day jobs now, if you prefer, or wait until we are nearing the end of the scenario. If you do not roll it before I am filling in sheets, I will complete it as if you had taken ten on the roll. You will have an opportunity to make purchases after the briefing. Please feel free to ask any questions you have and let's have a good game all!

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

You have traveled to the town of Silverhall in Brevoy, the fortified capitol of the Lebeda family’s territory, on a diplomatic mission for Lady Gloriana Morilla. You and your fellow Pathfinders are now in the audience hall of Silverhall, awaiting the arrival of your hostess. A fire burns merrily in the large hearth of the audience chamber, casting warm light over the long wooden table and high-backed chairs.

To pass the moments, you recall Lady Morilla's words in her letter concerning your task here.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

We have a deadline in mind, so everyone please do your best to keep a good pace. The following players are expected at this table:
Wei Ji the Learner
Gayel Nord

To better facilitate getting chronicles out to everyone quickly once we are done, please reply to this thread with the following form filled out. Please also check out the Maps and Dice Blocks link above and insert your character's name and relevant modifier for quick access later.

Player name: (as you would prefer to see it listed)
Character name:
PFS number:
Day Job? (Yes or No)
Email: (you may spoiler, space out, or PM this if you prefer it not be shared on the boards)

You may roll day jobs now, if you prefer, or wait until we are nearing the end of the scenario. If you do not roll it before I am filling in sheets, I will complete it as if you had taken ten on the roll. You will have an opportunity to make purchases after the briefing. Please feel free to ask any questions you have and let's have a good game all!

Based on the APL and full party of six characters, we will indeed be running at the 8-9 subtier, so everyone hold onto your arse... lest someone else try and hand it to you! XD

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

You have answered the call to volunteer for a search and rescue mission that will take you into the mysterious and treacherous Zho mountains. Your passage is secured to the Pathfinder lodge in Katheer, the capital of Qadira, where you will meet with Venture-Captain Esmayl ibn Qaradi for your briefing.

Knowledge(geography) DC 15:

Although the mountains rarely more than 2 miles high, they are nonetheless a formidable barrier between Qadira’s Ketz and Meraz Deserts.

Knowledge(geography) DC 20:

Two of the most famous peaks are Zhonar and Zhobl, a pair of large volcanoes that violently erupted nearly a thousand years ago.

Diplomacy(gather information) or Knowledge(local) DC 10:
It is common knowledge that the Zho Mountains are home to feral beasts, draconic monsters, and other dangerous creatures.

Diplomacy(gather information) or Knowledge(local) DC 20:
Qadira’s spellcasters have long practiced elemental magic and conjured genies, and geniekin are relatively common in the region. It is believed that most have gravitated toward settlements in the Zho Mountains, though nobody seems able to confirm this rumor.

Diplomacy(gather information) or Knowledge(local) DC 25:
The few explorers who’ve tried to locate these communities have found the mountains to be deceptively difficult to navigate, and what looks like a mountain pass from afar is often merely a mirage.

Opening the thread for preliminaries. This game is for the following players:
Wei Ji the Learner
Gayel Nord

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

The following players have been selected to play in this campaign.

Yours is mined

To better facilitate getting chronicles out to everyone quickly once we are done, please reply to this thread with the following form filled out.

Player name: (as you would prefer to see it listed)
Character name:
PFS number:
Day Job? (Yes or No)
Email: (you may spoiler, space out, or PM this if you prefer it not be shared on the boards)

You may roll day jobs now, if you prefer, or wait until we are nearing the end of the scenario. If you do not roll it before I am filling in sheets, I will complete it as if you had taken ten on the roll. You will have an opportunity to make purchases after the briefing. Please feel free to ask any questions you have and let's have a good game all!

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

The Pathfinder Society sends you to the fabled Kingdom of the Impossible, the island of Jalmeray, to stop an Aspis Consortium black market relics dealer who is organizing the local bandits and violently robbing Jalmeray and Pathfinder Society caravans laden with relics, artifacts, and magical mysteries. When a venture-captain is murdered by the Aspis Consortium agent, it's up to you and your team to find him and do whatever it takes to stop him.

Your passage is booked and you are advised not to speak about your mission until you have arrived safely before Venture-Captain Vasuman Mihir for your briefing.

This is the official recruitment thread for the Fourth Online Play by Post Gameday. We will be playing Scenario #33: Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible, which is designed for levels 1-5. (Tiers: 1–2, 4–5)

Beginning on September 19, 2015.

The Pathfinder Society sends you to the fabled Kingdom of the Impossible, the island of Jalmeray, to stop an Aspis Consortium black market relics dealer who is organizing the local bandits and violently robbing Jalmeray and Pathfinder Society caravans laden with relics, artifacts, and magical mysteries. When a venture-captain is murdered by the Aspis Consortium agent, it's up to the PCs to find him and do whatever it takes to stop him.

This is the official recruitment thread for the Fourth Online Play by Post Gameday. We will be playing Scenario #2: The Hydra's Fang Incident, which is designed for levels 1-5. (Tiers: 1–2, 4–5)

Beginning on September 19, 2015 aka International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrr mateys, come join us for some good piratey fun!

After an Andoren village is razed by the Hydra's Fang, a renegade Chelish slaver-ship, outrage threatens the stability of both nations. You and your fellow Pathfinders are sent to capture the Fang before the Inner Sea is pitched into political frenzy. Avast, me hearties!

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

You are seated in the main hall of the Grand Lodge of Absalom, waiting for the arrival of Absalom’s newest venture-captain, a tall, dark-haired and olive-skinned Varisian woman named Eliza Petulengro. Renowned for her composure under pressure and the author of more than two dozen Pathfinder Chronicles entries, she appears in the hall suddenly, a stack of chronicles in her arms, and looks you over before speaking.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

Discussion posts go here. If you have any questions on purchasing gear, spending Prestige points, party tactics, or anything really, ask away!

To better facilitate getting chronicles out to everyone quickly once we are done, please reply to this thread with the following form filled out.

Player name: (as you would prefer to see it listed)
Character name:
PFS number:
Day Job? (Yes or No)
Email: (you may spoiler, space out, or PM this if you prefer it not be shared on the boards)

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

I have created the campaign now and this will be our gameplay thread for our Play by Post game in the PbP Gameday 3 event! We will be playing #5–09: The Traitor’s Lodge and we begin on November 1, 2014.

Please feel free to dot in so you can see updates on your campaign tab. A little description of your character's appearance is always fun. There will be opportunities to shop for gear before we proceed, if need be.

Let's have a good game! Explore, Report, Cooperate! ^_^

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

Discussion posts go here. If you have any questions on purchasing gear, spending Prestige points, party tactics, or anything really, ask away!

To better facilitate getting chronicles out to everyone quickly once we are done, please reply to this thread with the following form filled out.

Player name: (as you would prefer to see it listed)
Character name:
PFS number:
Day Job? (Yes or No)
Email: (you may spoiler, space out, or PM this if you prefer it not be shared on the boards)

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

I have created the campaign now and this will be our gameplay thread for our Play by Post game in the PbP Gameday 3 event! We will be playing #5-08: The Confirmation and we begin on November 1, 2014.

Please feel free to dot in so you can see updates on your campaign tab. A little description of your character's appearance is always fun. The scenario begins in Absalom, so there will be opportunities to shop for gear before we proceed, if need be.

Let's have a good game! Explore, Report, Cooperate! ^_^

This is the official recruitment thread for the Third Online Play by Post Gameday. We will be playing Scenario #5–08: The Confirmation, which is designed for levels 1-2.

I have a lot of affection for the Play-by-Post format. I like that it gives players the opportunity to really think through their character's actions, strategize and plan with their teammates and really flesh out their PC's personalities with (at least a little!) characterization and role-playing. If you apply to this game, please be prepared to do more than post a one-line directive with all the flare and personality of "rook to queen bishop 4".

Players should:

  • Be a registered member of Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

  • Apply & post with a complete, legal character of appropriate level. Please include your PFS number for your submitted character on the Alias profile or post it to the discussion thread along with email and information for your Chronicle Sheet.

  • Make sure you are familiar with the rules included in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. It's a free download and part of the core assumption.

  • Commit to check in and post at least once per day on weekdays. Post rate is key in keeping a PBP fresh and interesting to all who participate. I will always understand that life comes first, but this is Official Society Play. Habitual stragglers will be asked to step down if I feel they are not carrying their weight as Pathfinders.

  • Recognize that the rules of Pathfinder Society Organized Play require the player to own the Additional Reasources used to build his/her character. While I will not ask for any proof of ownership, I will expect to be provided with a link to the Online Reference Document when asked. Coding the links into your sheet will save time and is especially appreciated.

  • Provide an abbreviated stat block with your most referenced values on your Classes/Levels field of the character's profile, i.e:
    Class/Level | HP 10/10 | AC: 18 /T: 13 /FF: 15 | F: +4 /R: +3/ W: +0 | CMB +5 | CMD +17 | Speed 20 | Init. +3 | Perc. +4 | S.M. +4 |

  • Provide at least a short section on character background that coordinates with traits selected. This is not a requirement, but very much encouraged as it enriches the role-playing experience.

  • Please, be bold and roll your own actions when you post it! (via the dice expression, see "How to format your text" below the post window) Leaving it to me to look up your attack/skill bonus and roll it for you just makes more work for me. I will make missing rolls, passive rolls for the party as a whole as well as saving throws when necessary.

As your GM, I will:

  • Finalize tables by October 30, 2014, if not before then and begin the game before 11:59 pm my time on November 1, 2014.
  • Update the Gameplay thread at least once per day during the week as well as once over the weekend or do my best to notify the group of the reason for the delay.
  • Report our progress and send out Chronicle sheets at the conclusion of each scenario we run.
  • Respond in a timely manner to any questions or concerns.

I'm looking forward to a great Gameday. Let's have some fun!

This is the official recruitment thread for the Third Online Play by Post Gameday. We will be playing Scenario #5–09: The Traitor’s Lodge, which is designed for levels 3–7.

I have a lot of affection for the Play-by-Post format. I like that it gives players the opportunity to really think through their character's actions, strategize and plan with their teammates and really flesh out their PC's personalities with (at least a little!) characterization and role-playing. If you apply to this game, please be prepared to do more than post a one-line directive with all the flare and personality of "rook to queen bishop 4".

Players should:

  • Be a registered member of Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

  • Apply & post with a complete, legal character of appropriate level. Please include your PFS number for your submitted character on the Alias profile or post it to the discussion thread along with email and information for your Chronicle Sheet.

  • Make sure you are familiar with the rules included in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. It's a free download and part of the core assumption.

  • Commit to check in and post at least once per day on weekdays. Post rate is key in keeping a PBP fresh and interesting to all who participate. I will always understand that life comes first, but this is Official Society Play. Habitual stragglers will be asked to step down if I feel they are not carrying their weight as Pathfinders.

  • Recognize that the rules of Pathfinder Society Organized Play require the player to own the Additional Reasources used to build his/her character. While I will not ask for any proof of ownership, I will expect to be provided with a link to the Online Reference Document when asked. Coding the links into your sheet will save time and is especially appreciated.

  • Provide an abbreviated stat block with your most referenced values on your Classes/Levels field of the character's profile, i.e:
    Class/Level | HP 10/10 | AC: 18 /T: 13 /FF: 15 | F: +4 /R: +3/ W: +0 | CMB +5 | CMD +17 | Speed 20 | Init. +3 | Perc. +4 | S.M. +4 |

  • Provide at least a short section on character background that coordinates with traits selected. This is not a requirement, but very much encouraged as it enriches the role-playing experience.

  • Please, be bold and roll your own actions when you post it! (via the dice expression, see "How to format your text" below the post window) Leaving it to me to look up your attack/skill bonus and roll it for you just makes more work for me. I will make missing rolls, passive rolls for the party as a whole as well as saving throws when necessary.

As your GM, I will:

  • Finalize tables by October 30, 2014, if not before then and begin the game before 11:59 pm my time on November 1, 2014.
  • Update the Gameplay thread at least once per day during the week as well as once over the weekend or do my best to notify the group of the reason for the delay.
  • Report our progress and send out Chronicle sheets at the conclusion of each scenario we run.
  • Respond in a timely manner to any questions or concerns.

I'm looking forward to a great Gameday. Let's have some fun!

I have the privilege of running in really fun, story-rich Kingmaker campaign with a great group of players and GM. I tend to have a more "who are they?" sort of approach when I build a character, and as a result, they are rarely optimized. For the most part, I'm ok with that.

I built Seraphina to be an effective sorceress and then later decided I wanted to see her go Dragon Disciple, as well. Upon looking over Oterisk's guide and some of the advice on builds here, I'm concerned she won't be able to pull her weight in combat as is.

I may be able to shift the ability stats some if the GM agrees... But the majority seems to go with the higher Str, more melee focused build and I'm really going for more the "Puff the Magic Dragon" idea, strong Caster/Blaster/Buffer who can also whip out her claws and shred if an enemy closes on her. We have a wizard in the group, so she isn't the only arcane caster, but she doesn't have the AC to just wade into melee yet. We don't really have a tank, 1 Dex based fighter, 1 Knife Master Rogue, 1 Cleric/Paladin, 1 Wizard and then me.

So how should a caster focused DD build look? I think it might be wise to switch the 14 on Dex to Str, but then I worry I'll miss the bonus to my ranged touch attacks, especially since she's Copper lineage and the Acid spells are often ranged touch. And if I switch to melee touch attacks, I'm back to wading into melee without the necessary AC. She's going up to level 3, so she will finally have her Mage Armor, but I'd hate to think that's enough and be dead wrong!

Feats are another thing I'm really unsure of. Combat casting sure seemed necessary, in theory, but then I've had it all along and it's gotten zero use. Did I take it too early? I'm awful at long-term planning and even though there is a lot of info on the right feats to take, I can't seem to get a handle on the order you take them. Help?
I do have a story feat from my GM that I intend to take, just not sure if now is the time or not:
Bloodline Awakening
You've made a startling discovery about your heritage.
Earned from: Learning about the source of your power
Available to: Seraphina
Benefit: You may use the claws granted by your bloodline at will, instead of a number of rounds/day. In addition, add +1 to the DC to resist your bloodline spells and spells with the energy descriptor of your bloodline's type.

Her high Cha really must stay though, as she's the only one in our group with high Cha for the Leader role. Sera's not power-hungry, but her player has dreams of seeing her become "Our Lady of the Shining Scales, Queen of the Salvaged Lands." ^_^

Current build, Sorceress Level 2:


Seraphina Medvyed
Female Human Sorcerer 2
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +4,

AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, )
hp 14 (2d6)+5 (+2 Con,)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3 (+4 vs Fey)

Speed 30 ft.
Melee claw +1/+1 (1d4)
Ranged sling +3 (1d4)
Melee dagger +1 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged dagger (thrown) +3 (1d4/19-20)
Known Sorcerer Spells [CL 2nd, concentration +6 (+10 when grappled or casting defensively ]:
1st (5/day) - color spray (DC 15) , vanish (DC 15)
0th (at will) - acid splash , daze (DC 14) , detect magic , light , mage hand , prestidigitation (DC 14)

Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Magical Aptitude, Simple Weapon Proficiency,
Traits Ease of Faith, Noble Born (Medvyen)
Skills Acrobatics +2, Appraise +1, Bluff +8, Climb +0, Craft (Untrained) +1, Diplomacy +9 (+11 vs Fey), Disguise +4, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +5, Perception +4, Perform (Untrained) +4, Ride +2, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +2, Swim +0, Use Magic Device +10,
Languages Common, Sylvan
SQ Bloodline Arcana, Bonus Feat, Bonus Sorcerer Spell (2x), Cantrips, Claws, Draconic Bloodline (Copper), Skilled,
Gear Wearing:[outfit (traveler's); belt pouch [Acid (Flask); Alchemist's Fire (Flask); ); Tindertwig (x3); Vial (x3)] bullets, sling (10); dagger; signet ring; waterskin (filled); Sling; Case (Map or Scroll)]
Backpack(carried):[Bedroll; Bell; Blanket (Winter); Candle (x5); Chalk (1 Piece) (x5); Fishhook; Flint and Steel; Ink (1 oz. Vial); Inkpen; Parchment (Sheet) (x5); Sewing Needle; String (50 ft.) (x2); Rations (Trail/Per Day) (x5); Rice Paper, Sheet (x5); Sack; Waterskin;] Cold Weather Outfit, Bracers of Armor +1, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Light Crossbow, 18 bolts.
Gold: 3 gp, 7 sp, 3 cp

Bloodline Arcana Whenever you cast a spell with the acid descriptor, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.
Bonus Feat Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Bonus Sorcerer Spell (2x) Add one spell known from the sorcerer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast.
Cantrips You learn a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells. These spells are cast like any other spells, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.
Claws (Su) You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. This is a supernatural ability. You can use your claws 7 rounds per day.
Draconic Bloodline (Copper) At some point in your family's history, a dragon interbred with your bloodline, and now its ancient power flows through your veins.
Ease of Faith Your mentor, the person who invested your faith (in this case, Sera's father) in you from an early age, took steps to ensure that you understood that what powers your divine magic is no different than that which powers the magic of other religions. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for you.
Noble Born (Medvyen) You claim a tangential but legitimate connection to one of Brevoy’s noble families. You’ve had a comfortable life, but one far from the dignity and decadence your distant cousins know.
Although you are associated with an esteemed name, your immediate family is hardly well to do, and you’ve found your name to be more of a burden to you than a boon in many social situations. You’ve recently decided to test yourself, to see if you can face the world without the aegis of a name you have little real claim or care for. An expedition into the storied Stolen Lands seems like just the test to see if you really are worth the title “noble.”
Medvyed: Your family has long a deep respect for the wilderness and is superstitious about the creatures that dwell therein. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all Diplomacy checks made to deal with fey creatures and a +1 trait bonus on Will saves made against their spells and supernatural abilities. Your family motto is “Endurance Overcomes All.”
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

'Stand by...' You think bitterly to yourself for maybe the fifth time today as you can't help but look up as the Inn door opens again. And again you sigh and fidget restlessly as you think again,
'Stand by may be the worst thing to hear as a Pathfinder. No going home, no work, no leads and nothing to do but wait for the higher-ups to get their ducks in a row and remember where they stashed their "tools"...'

But this time, after nearly a week of downtime with noting to do but spend your own gold, you see a familiar face behind the door. The studious Pathfinder your group was sent to rescue last time, Cestis, waves as he enters with a hastily scrawled note clenched in his hand. He looks completely recovered from his ordeal.

He quickly assembles your team and bids you to hurry and gather your gear. "Venture Captain Themis needs to see you at the Cassomir Lodge immediately. I'm to guide you there. These are the Pathfinders she's selected for the next mission."

1) Odo the Bold - Paladin 2
2) Dietrich Wenger - Fighter 2/Rogue 1
3) Selter Sago de'Morcaine PFS - Druid 2
4) Marla Gunddur - Summoner 3
5) 'Hellion' Svetlana Irriseni - Fighter 2
6) Li Shuo - Zen Archer/ Qinggong Monk 2

Once ready, Cestis guides the party to the small Pathfinder lodge here in Cassomir. Venture-Captain Hestia Themis, a small, dark-haired, and dark-eyed Taldan woman, sits in her offices, looking even more mousy and diminished behind her enormous blackwood desk. She clears her throat and looks up at you with red-rimmed eyes.
“My friend, the Countess Arieta Patrizia, is dead. She was among some of our more prominent citizens that had gone missing, though she is the only one who managed to come back. She escaped her capture by the fiends who operate beneath Cassomir only to succumb to disease and wounds incurred in Cassomir’s disgusting sewers. Ordinarily, this would be a matter for the Taldan authorities, but Arieta came to me directly after escaping and recounted a story that leads me to the natural conclusion that only the Pathfinder Society can resolve this issue.”

Venture-Captain Themis rises and paces back and forth behind her desk. “Arieta told me of an artifact she saw while in captivity below Cassomir. This artifact, called the jet rat, is known to us, but we must confirm that what she saw is indeed true. She claims to have seen it transform normal rats into something bigger, more vile and mean. If that’s true, the artifact she saw down there is old, evil, and should be stored safely in the vaults beneath the Grand Lodge in Absalom where we can study, catalog, and examine it. Worse, she claims to have seen this object in the hands of the derros, vile Darklands creatures that we have long suspected are lurking below Cassomir. Since your group brought us news that the derros were involved with the Cult of Nature's Cataclysm, I knew you would want the chance to follow up. I have a map here that shows the location of the sewer grate Arieta was dropped through when she was kidnapped. She could not, due to her fever, recall much about how she got to the location where they kept her in captivity, but she knows where they dropped her into the sewers and you’ll find that location on this map.”

Themis stops pacing and eyes you across her desk. Though her tone is all-business as usual, her eyes burn with a vengeful fire.
“Bring me back this artifact—if you happen to free a few captured Taldans along the way, that’s good news, but the artifact is your mission. Any questions?”

I've been arguing with myself about some decisions on the new Bard I'm building for Pathfinder Society and thought I'd seek some input from folks on the boards.

I mean for her to be a classical bard and want to maximize her ability to aid her allies with her vocal performance. This is what I have for her thus far, just a starting point really.

Build so far:

Female Human Bard 1
None Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +4,

AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, )
hp 9 (1d8)+1
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2

Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks Distraction, Fascinate,
Known Bard Spells (CL 1st, concentration +5):
1st (2/day) - cure light wounds (DC 15) , sleep (DC 15)
0th (at will) - dancing lights , detect magic , prestidigitation (DC 14) , read magic (DC ) , resistance (DC 14)

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Extra Performance, Lingering Performance
Skills Acrobatics +2, Appraise +1, Bluff +4, Craft (Untrained) +1, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (Local) +6, Knowledge (Local/Art & music) +8, Knowledge (Untrained) +2, Perception +4, Perform (Dance) +8, Perform (Sing) +9, Perform (Untrained) +4, Ride +2, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +6, Use Magic Device +8,
Languages Common
SQ Armored Casting, Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Performance, Bonus Bard Spell, Bonus Feat, Cantrips, Countersong, Inspire Courage, Skilled, Weapon and Armor Proficiency,

I'm not sure on several choices though, I'll detail my thoughts below:

I think I will probably try her as both human and Aasimar, with the

Azata-Blooded (Musetouched) template:
Azata-Blooded (Musetouched)

The musetouched epitomize freedom and joy, and travel the world to liberate less fortunate individuals.

Ancestry Azata

Typical Alignment Cg
Ability Modifiers +2 Dex, +2 Cha
Alternate Skill Modifiers Diplomacy, Perform
Alternate Spell-Like Ability Musetouched gain glitterdust as a spell-like ability.

before she moves to level 2. I prefer the character flavor of the Musetouched and there are some strong benefits to a musetouched bard. Glitterdust as a SLA and I could have her +2 Inspire Courage as early as 4th level and her +3 by 8th (normally have to wait for 11th!)
Hmm, now that I did that math, the extra feat, skill points and bonus bard spells from the human are looking less and less attractive.

Probably leaning toward a pure bard, but I do keep eyeing the Songhealer. The Enhanced Healing looks like it could really help with getting your money's worth out of cure wands, etc. I'm just not sure it's worth giving up Versatile Performance, especially if I go with Musetouched.

So far was leaning toward Shelyn focused traits like Ear for Music and Inner Beauty, but then I really like the Helpful (Halfling via Adopted) benefit of providing a +4 from an Aid Another. A musetouched aasimar raised by halflings... interesting fluff, great background for a halfling sympathetic Andoran Freedom Fighter.
Then of course there is Maestro of the Society for more performances, but assuming I take the Lingering Performance feat, does that place too much focus on the Bardic Performance?

These choices are usually the hardest. She's built to be a Caster/debuffer Bard, but would she be more help early on if I focus the feats on her ranged attack to start? Bow or crossbow seems most effective, though I'm not really decided on her weapons yet. I don't need her to be a strong damage dealer, as I'm happy to act in supportive roll.
So it looks like (if I take the musetouched) it becomes a choice between Spell Focus, Point Blank Shot, and Lingering or Extra Performance.

Thoughts? Thanks in advance for any input.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

The door to the front door of the Inn opened abruptly and a skinny youth stumbles over the entryway as he is ushered, somewhat roughly, into the room by a hulking man with a sour look on his face. A woman with a similar expression and a quick, determined step follows behind them. She gives the innkeeper a brief smile and then surveys the room with a critical eye.
"Good, most of you have arrived. Please, take your seats where you find your names."
Namecards on a long table dictate your seats:
Team - Beta
1) Odo the Bold - Paladin 2
2) Dietrich Wenger - Fighter 1/Rogue 1
3) Selter Sago de'Morcaine PFS - Druid 2
4) Marla Gunddur - Summoner 2
5) Tanselle Bashar - Gunslinger 1
6) Tresca Versei - Alchemist 1
7) Gaius Pellandir - Sorcerer 1

Venture-Captain Hestia Themis, a small, unassuming woman of Taldan heritage with dark hair and eyes, holds a large sheaf of papers in her small hands and clears her throat. Her booming voice, the antithesis of her stature, fills the sprawling common room of the quaint Inn in the Taldan city of Cassomir.

“One of our own has been kidnapped. Pathfinder Cestis was taken just days ago from a relics auction in the Imperial Naval Shipyards, and we believe his disappearance to be related to the six dozen or so kidnappings of the last several months. Now that one of our own is missing, this has become a Society matter—something we’ll get to the bottom of.”
Themis gestures to a teenage boy standing beside her, who nervously regards his surroundings and sweats profusely, his thick brown hair matted and wet against his head.
“This is Nefti, the assistant to the biggest thorn in my side in Cassomir—an agent of the Aspis Consortium named Kafar.
Kafar is also missing, taken from the same relics auction along with Pathfinder Cestis and a dozen other citizens of Cassomir. Nefti was at the auction, saw where a small group of the kidnapped victims were taken, and his handlers in Cassomir have give us access to him so that he might guide us to our missing Pathfinder. If you happen to find Kafar...”
Themis grinds her teeth. “Let him go, per the agreement I’ve just made with his superiors. Your priority is Cestis, and I think Nefti can lead you to him. Any questions?”

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

The door to the front door of the Inn opened abruptly and a skinny youth stumbles over the entryway as he is ushered, somewhat roughly, into the room by a hulking man with a sour look on his face. A woman with a similar expression and a quick, determined step follows behind them. She gives the innkeeper a brief smile and then surveys the room with a critical eye.
"Good, most of you have arrived. Please, take your seats where you find your names."
Namecards on a long table dictate your seats:
Team - Alpha
1)'Hellion' Svetlana Irriseni - Fighter 2
2) Li Shuo - Zen Archer/ Qinggong Monk 2
3) Jorag - Cleric 1
4) Frindlikh Ardig - Rogue 1
5) Otiophon - Paladin 1
6) Mujenbai Kayunga - Saurian Shaman 1
7) Marco Vail - Sage Sorcerer 1

Venture-Captain Hestia Themis, a small, unassuming woman of Taldan heritage with dark hair and eyes, holds a large sheaf of papers in her small hands and clears her throat. Her booming voice, the antithesis of her stature, fills the sprawling common room of the quaint Inn in the Taldan city of Cassomir.

“One of our own has been kidnapped. Pathfinder Cestis was taken just days ago from a relics auction in the Imperial Naval Shipyards, and we believe his disappearance to be related to the six dozen or so kidnappings of the last several months. Now that one of our own is missing, this has become a Society matter—something we’ll get to the bottom of.”
Themis gestures to a teenage boy standing beside her, who nervously regards his surroundings and sweats profusely, his thick brown hair matted and wet against his head.
“This is Nefti, the assistant to the biggest thorn in my side in Cassomir—an agent of the Aspis Consortium named Kafar.
Kafar is also missing, taken from the same relics auction along with Pathfinder Cestis and a dozen other citizens of Cassomir. Nefti was at the auction, saw where a small group of the kidnapped victims were taken, and his handlers in Cassomir have give us access to him so that he might guide us to our missing Pathfinder. If you happen to find Kafar...”
Themis grinds her teeth. “Let him go, per the agreement I’ve just made with his superiors. Your priority is Cestis, and I think Nefti can lead you to him. Any questions?”

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM

The inn was the sort of place the pampered might call "charming" with a derisive sneer as they passed on by, but Pathfinders were more practical than that. Especially when they must be. The directions included in your note were a bit obscure, seeming to double back on themselves along the bustling dockyards of Cassomir before reaching your destination. You pull the now well worn paper from your pocket and review it once more for good measure.

You have been selected for a team reporting to V.C. Hestia Themis in Cassomir. She will meet you at the inn my directions will lead you to, so follow them carefully. You'll know you've found it when you see this symbol.

A hand drawn sketch of a dove in blue.

If it were not for the nondescript sign painted in blue paint holding an olive branch in its beak, you could not be sure you'd found the place. The business simply proclaims itself "Inn" on it's moisture warped and weathered sign. The image of the dove looks curiously like graffiti, definitely fresher by comparison.

As you enter the door, you begin to notice discrepancies to the unkempt appearance of the outer facade. The interior is solid, though still simple. The main bar in the open common room looks as if it may be one solid piece of dark wood that has been polished so well it gleams in the lantern light. The place is less crowded than you might expect it to be as well with only a few patrons and one barmaid. She looks up and meets your eye as you enter, giving a polite nod.

Welcome to our Discussion thread! I'd like for us to use this for both off-duty roleplay as I've introduced above and any out-of-character discussion players prefer to have. Tactical ooc discussion is fine to post on the gameplay thread since that is where it is most relevant. This roleplaying is just my personal campaign flavor and does not "count" toward your PFS credit. It's just for fun if anyone is interested. ^_^

This is a bit of flex time before the V.C. arrives to brief you all. Feel free to narrate your lead up to entering the Inn, speak to the barmaid, order something, look at other patrons askance or whatever you like. Please do include at least a short description of your character's appearance.

As for the parties, I had drawn up my own in an attempt to round out the teams. Looks pretty close to what Broken Prince posted on recruitment, I had just swapped out the rogues and druids I think. Let me know if you see a problem or just want to trade to play with friends.

Proposed Teams:

Team - Alpha (or could name the teams?)
1)'Hellion' Svetlana Irriseni - Fighter 2
2) Li Shuo - Zen Archer/ Qinggong Monk 2
3) Jorag - Cleric 1
4) Frindlikh Ardig - Rogue 1
5) Otiophon - Paladin 1
6) Mujenbai Kayunga - Saurian Shaman 1
7) Marco Vail - Sage Sorcerer 1
Team - Beta
1) Odo the Bold - Paladin 2
2) Dietrich Wenger - Fighter 1/Rogue 1
3) Selter Sago de'Morcaine PFS - Druid 2
4) Marla Gunddur - Summoner 2
5) Tanselle Bashar - Gunslinger 1 (Yes, the namechange is fine.)
6) Tresca Versei - Alchemist 1
7) Gaius Pellandir - Sorcerer 1

Greetings and salutations, Pathfinders! I am an aspiring Pathfinder Society GM and I'm planning to start my first PFS PBP game this week, so I am officially opening recruitment.

I intend for this to be an ongoing Play-by-Post game beginning with The Devil We Know-Part 1 (Tier 1-2). We will play the whole series, 1-4, in order and follow that up with Darkest Vengeance. Beyond that, we shall see! I am known to cater to friends with requests. ^_~
I am relatively new to Pathfinder and still learning, so I can pretty much promise that I will make mistakes. But I can also promise that I will do my homework and strive to be fair and diplomatic with regard to any disputes.

I have a lot of affection for the Play-by-Post format. I like that it gives players the opportunity to really think through their character's actions, strategize and plan with their teammates and really flesh out their PC's personalities with (at least a little!) characterization and role-playing. If you apply to this game, please be prepared to do more than post a one-line directive with all the flare and personality of "rook to queen bishop 4".

Players should:

  • Be a registered member of Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

  • Apply & post with a complete, legal character of 1st or 2nd level. Please include your PFS number for your submitted character on the Alias profile.

  • Make sure you are familiar with the rules included in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. It's a free download and part of the core assumption.

  • Commit to check in and post at least once per day on weekdays. Post rate is key in keeping a PBP fresh and interesting to all who participate. I will always understand that life comes first, but this is Official Society Play. Habitual stragglers will be asked to step down if I feel they are not carrying their weight as Pathfinders.

  • Recognize that PFSOP requires you to own the Additional Resources you use to build your character. While I will not ask for any proof of ownership, I will expect to be provided with a link to the Online Reference Document when asked. Coding the links into your sheet is especially appreciated and will save time.

  • Provide an abbreviated stat block with your most referenced values on your Classes/Levels field of the character's profile, i.e:
    Class/Level | HP 10/10 | AC: 18 /T: 13 /FF: 15 | F: +4 /R: +3/ W: +0 | CMB +5 | CMD +17 | Speed 20 | Init. +3 | Perc. +4 | S.M. +4 |

  • Be bold and roll your own action when you post it! Leaving it to me to look up your attack/skill bonus and roll it for you just makes more work for me. I will make passive rolls for the party as a whole as well as saving throws when necessary.

  • Provide at least a short section on character background that coordinates with traits selected.

As your GM, I will:

  • Finalize tables within 48 hours of opening this thread. I will be looking to build a full table of 6 or 7 characters with 2 positions reserved so far. I might run more than one table if there is enough interest.

  • Begin the game before 11:59 pm my time on November 13, 2013.

  • Update the Gameplay thread at least once per day during the week as well as once over the weekend or notify the group of the reason for the delay.

  • Report our progress and send out Chronicle sheets at the conclusion of each scenario we run.

  • Respond in a timely manner to any questions or concerns. Since I'm sure I forgot to cover something here. ^_^

Looking forward to running a good game for my fellow Pathfinders!


I am very pleased to announce that Tyler, TX is having it's First Annual Comic Con and Sci Fi Convention. Yes, that's right... East Texas is finally getting it's Geek on October 26th and 27th at the Quality Inn Conference Center! Whoo hoo!

My friends and I are bringing a Pathfinder Society presence and we are planning to run three tables over the course of the weekend. I'll be running part one of First Steps on Saturday, the 26th at 4pm and my good friends will be running The Midnight Mauler at 9am and Mists of the Mwangi at 4pm on Sunday, the 27th.

I hope we can meet some new Pathfinders and have an absolute blast! Feel free to post questions here or PM me for more info. Happy Gaming! ^_^

Link to Event Page here.

Their journey had been a long one and especially tiring as of late. One can only subsist on bedding rough and choking down jerky and dry rations for so many days before it takes its toll. It did not help matters that young Ravencourt had taken to brooding recently. Donovan would attempt a smile for curious glances but there was no denying he was in a more somber mood than was his usual habit.

The whole company was in low spirits this morning. Unusually quiet as they gathered up camp and set off on the last leg of their journey.

Perception DC 15:
You detect on the morning air the sweet smells of hardwood smoke and cooking meat. The smell is faint, but definitely drifting to you on the breeze coming from the direction you’re travelling. For many of you, the smell prompts a physical reaction from noisy stomachs and watering mouths. You suspect you have not far to go before you find civilization again at last.

Hello and welcome to the planning and discussion thread for my Ravenloft Romp mini-campaign!

First order of business is to check in and ground our characters in Golarion and give them a common recent history whereby they will have travelled together as companions and possibly friends. You will be stopping to rest, re-equip and celebrate your recent victory over...?

The character invitation list:
1)Dimitrio Carini - Human Rogue
2)Nathaniel Artegal Boote - Halfling Paladin
3)Sir Donovan Ravencourt - Human Lore Warden Fighter
4)Luc "Ninefingers" Rockborn - Dwarf Cleric
5)Rannveig Pack-Bound - Human Wolf Shaman Druid
6)Esmerelda "Black Esme" Proust - Changeling Witch

Greetings and salutations! I am new to PbP, but I have entirely too much time on my hands this summer and wanted to try my hand at GMing a favorite old 2nd Ed AD&D module I've been holding onto for... well, we won't so say how long precisely. ^_~
What I would be looking for is a roleplaying focused group of players with characters who share an intertwined backstory. They could either be characters that have run together before or new characters with coordinated backstories. Target level 2-3

The story will find an already established party of adventurers between jobs/causes travelling through an unfamiliar area and stopping in a small town during festival time for rest/relaxation/re-equipping. You are meant to be in an "off-duty" state of mind and eager to interact with your companions as well as the folk of the town.

I'll need to look into how you convert 2nd Ed AD&D, and I might have to take some liberties with the rules for the sake of the story of the module (hopefully not though). I'll be able to update several times a day on most days and would prefer players to be able to weigh in at least daily as well. So what do you think? Sound like fun? Questions? Comments?

I've just started a new Council of Thieves campaign and am trying to finalize my character. I initially chose the Urban Ranger, but I've also been looking at the Infiltrator and maybe even just leaving it a straight Ranger and choose urban terrain. What is most beneficial for CoT? (Note: I don't actually want spoilers! Just some input on good choices)

My party:
Aasimar Paladin (front-line, armored + greatsword)
Tiefling Sorceress
Half-orc Barbarian
Half-orc Rogue
Half-elf Cleric of Desna
Elf Bard
Elf Ranger <- me

STATS (rolled and adjusted for race)
STR 15
DEX 18
CON 12
INT 15
WIS 14
CHA 12

First Fav Enemy: Outsiders (Evil)

Planning to choose Archery style and get the animal companion. Also may attempt the Switch Hitter from TreantMonk's guide as I am the last line of defense for our spellcasters.
I'd also really love some input on a good animal companion in this campaign. Thanks in advance!