Gløry's page

1 post. Organized Play character for Dylos.

Shadow Lodge

So I have a character who may be about to take a level into a prestige class, however she doesn't have the skill points required to take a level in that class without first selling her Scarlet and Blue Sphere Ioun Stone and purchasing another with the correct skill.

Her Ioun Stone is currently associated with Ride, but it she needs ranks in Knowledge Arcana, is it fair for me to sell my Ioun Stone and then purchase a new Ioun Stone with the correct skill before I level the character up assuming she already has the XP to level up?

As to why the character is using an Ioun Stone rather then a Headband of Vast Intelligence, the character is a Sorcerer and has a Headband of Alluring Charisma.

Shadow Lodge

Additional Resources wrote:

Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Moon

To create a skinwalker (which includes all were-kin), you must have a Chronicle sheet that opens the race as a legal option at character creation. A wereshark-kin does not gain amphibious as a bestial feature; it instead gains the ability to breath water as well as air as an option.

Note: Racial feats, racial traits, racial spells, and other character options (witch hexes, barbarian rage powers, etc.) are only available for characters of the skinwalker race; all such options are legal for play except: Fueled By Vengeance, Motivating Display, Spell-Scars, Surprising Combatant, Swamp's Grasp, Violent Display, and Wolf Savage (Wolf Trip is not a style feat). Racial equipment and magic items can be purchased and used by any race as long as the specific item permits it.

The becoming a lycanthrope section of this book is not legal for Pathfinder Society play unless noted on a future Chronicle sheet.

Equipment: all equipment on page 30 are legal; Magic Items: all magic items on pages 30–31 are legal; Mystery: the lunar mystery is legal for play.

Blood of the Moon wrote:

New Feats

The following style feats were developed by werewolf-kin monks, but can be used by anyone with an affinity for wolves and their kind. More information on style feats can be found in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat.
Wolf Style (Combat, Style)
You can channel the curse in your blood to hamper foes that turn their backs on you.
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knowledge (nature) 3 ranks.
Benefit: When using this style, whenever deal at least 10 points of damage to a foe with an attack of opportunity, that foe's base speed decreases by 5 feet for 1 round. The base speed decreases by an additional 5 feet for every 5 points of damage your attack deals beyond 10. If this penalty meets or exceeds the remaining number of feet your foe can move during its turn, you may attempt a combat maneuver check to trip your foe as an free action.

Simple question, for the sake of PFS, are Wolf Style and Wolf Trip Werewolf-kin only feats?

Shadow Lodge

Please cancel my subscriptions, including the pending Order #4016723.

Shadow Lodge

I have a simple question regarding multiclassing vigilante and the evangelist prestige class.

If an Avenger vigilante progresses his vigilante class as an evangelist, does he gain full BAB for every evangelist level beyond 1st thanks to his avenger specialization. Specifically due to this part:

Vigilante specialization wrote:
An avenger gains a base attack bonus equal to his vigilante level instead of using those listed on Table: The Vigilante. He adds this value to any other base attack bonus gained from other classes or racial Hit Dice as normal.

Shadow Lodge

Simple question, if a Dhampir, or any creature with Negative Energy Affinity is subject to a polymorph effect, do they keep their Negative Energy Affinity?

Shadow Lodge

As noted by the topic, my March Subscription of Ultimate Intrigue has not been shipped.

Shadow Lodge

I would like to cancel my Adventure Path Subscription.

Shadow Lodge


Kinetic Fist

Element(s) universal; Type form infusion; Level 1; Burn 1

Associated Blasts any

Saving Throw none

You surround your body with energy or elemental matter from your kinetic abilities. You can use this form infusion as part of an attack action, a charge action, or a full-attack action to add damage to each of your natural attacks and unarmed strikes until the beginning of your next turn. Since kinetic fist is part of another action, using this wild talent doesn't provoke any additional attack of opportunity. You deal an additional 1d6 points of damage per 3 dice of your kinetic blast's damage (minimum 1d6), and this damage is of the same type as your kinetic blast's damage. This extra damage ignores spell resistance and doesn't apply any modifiers to your kinetic blast's damage, such as your Constitution modifier.

Simple question, is the Kinetic Fist's damage multiplied on a critical hit?

Shadow Lodge

I would like to cancel my Pathfinder RPG subscription at this time, and please remove Occult Adventures from my pending shipment.

Shadow Lodge

I'm interested in attempting to GM a play by post once again, so I'm going to attempt to gauge interest, as I do not want to walk into the same trap I did last time of accepting the only people to submit characters and then not being satisfied with the result.

So, here's the idea, and I'm not entirely certain how to recruit for it so I am certainly up for advice on forming a successful group which I will be satisfied with. So in the interest of keeping things simple to start with, my plan is to recruit for a Five-Man Band (if you are unfamiliar with this term, go spend half a day or so on tvtroupes). This would mean recruiting a group that not only fits the mechanical requirements of the five man band, but also meshes well together, and it's the meshing I am having difficulty adding to the mix.

Potentially, I could design campaign traits which focus on how the characters work together and predefines their role in the party, but that may mean running homebrew and I was considering an AP group. Alternatively, I could create a GMPC of sorts which each of the roles would relate to (so I could play the tag a long kid or the team pet basically, if I don't intend to fill the role of one of the five man band) alternatively, I could recruit for one position (likely Leader) first and foremost before recruiting everyone else.

Thoughts, suggestions, or anything else its welcomed, or just ignore this thread and I'll move on from the idea for now.

Shadow Lodge

Any chance this order can be authorized at the same time as my June subscription so that they ship together? Also I think something went wrong when it failed to authorize last month and it hasn't attempted to reauthorize at this point in time so it'll likely need to be poked anyway.

Shadow Lodge

First, let's start off with this, which I am sure we are all aware of.



A barbarian who becomes lawful loses the ability to rage and cannot gain more levels as a barbarian. She retains all other benefits of the class.

Pretty self explanatory there, but what happens when an Ex-Barbarian multiclass into the Ulfen Guard prestige class, and most importantly, does the ex-Barbarian/Ulfen Guard retain his rage rounds from his ex-barbarian levels.

Shadow Lodge

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As there are only 6 base classes in Occult Adventures, compared to the 10 in the Advanced Class Guide, should we expect to see some Prestige Classes for the new spell-casters?

I ask because there are a handful of Arcane or Divine only PrCs, but the Psychic can only qualify for the PrCs which don't care which type of caster the character is, such as Hellknight Signifier (which they can only qualify for by taking a useless feat to them, Arcane Armor Training) and Pathfinder Savant, but not things like Eldritch Knight (which could be useful since the Psychic has low bab.) or Mystic Theurge (being able to combine Psychic and Arcane spells with a PrC would probably be cool, though with the Psychic being Int based it would make such a PrC easily SAD).

Shadow Lodge

Could someone please poke the order for my Sihedron Medallion, I know the funds are available and it's been pending for a long time.

Shadow Lodge

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The Hex Channeler Witch Archetype is currently not legal for PFS, and I am not sure that I understand why, so I am going to present an argument in an attempt to get the archetype legalized.

First of all, let's start with what the Hex Channeler is, so that those who do not have access to the Advanced Class Guide can follow along. The Hex Channeler is a Witch Archetype that replaces the Witch's second level hex with the ability to channel positive or negative energy as a cleric of the same level (starting at second level) except it only does 1d6 positive or negative energy. In order to increase the number of dice rolled the witch must sacrifice additional hexes, and the witch can sacrifice as many or as few hexes as they like when they would learn a new hex, each hex sacrificed gives 1d6 additional.

There are two reasons that I can see why this would not be legal, the first is simply because the Hex Channeler witch as written can sacrifice their feat slots in addition to their Hexes by taking Extra Hex in order to add an additional 1d6 to their channel. The second reason I can see to make the archetype not legal would be that it is an arcane caster with channeling, for this issue, please note that Arcane Healer a bard with channel energy, is legal in PFS. The first issue therefore is likely the reason why the archetype is not legal in PFS.

Assuming that the Hex Channeler is not legal from a power standpoint rather then a flavor standpoint, then the issue is likely that a Hex Channeler that sacrifices everything to channeling can channel more powerful then a Cleric. Note that a Life Oracle can already channel as a cleric times and a half their own level if they are Elven, Aasimar, Sylph or Ifrit (there may be more), but the Hex Channeler that sacrifices everything can indeed channel stronger then an Oracle of Life. So let's take a look specifically at level 12 characters in PFS, as that is typically the highest that PFS play goes outside of sanctioned modules.

At level 12, a cleric channels for 6d6 with a DC of 16+Cha Mod 3+Cha Mod times per day. The cleric can channel positive or negative energy depending on their deity and alignment. Similarly, at level 12 an Elven Oracle of Life that puts all Favored Class Bonuses into channeling can channel for 9d6 with a DC of 19+Cha Mod 1+Cha Mod times per day and can only channel positive energy. A Hex Channeler witch could potentially channel for 11d6 with a DC of 16+Cha Mod 3+Cha Mod times per day at level 12, or even higher up to 14d6 if they use retraining to change everything about themselves to only be able to channel and not much else, this is an extreme case character who spends everything on channel dice and while it could tear up undead if channeling positive energy or living by channeling negative energy, it has no effects on constructs and extremely limited effects on the other side of the spectrum.

When the issue of the Aasimar/Elf Oracle of Life channeling better then the cleric came up, it was looked at, however the Aasimar/Elf favored class bonus was only altered for how it effected animal companions from revelations, not channeling (source) so it is acceptable for an Oracle to channel more powerfully then a Cleric, even with higher DCs though the Oracle doesn't have the option of channeling negative energy, so that may be a balancing factor. The Hex Channeler can channel Positive or Negative Energy depending on alignment, or if neutral their own choice, the witch would also not qualify for Versatile Channel feat unlike a cleric and thus would only ever have the option of channeling one type of energy.

So, how can the archetype be made legal if it's too powerful to channel for so many dice? Simple, restrict what the Hex Channeler can sacrifice for it's channeling dice. There are two possible solutions here, firstly the Hex Channeler could be restricted to only using class granted hexes to increase their channeling ability, this would restrict the power of the Hex Channeler to a level below the cleric. The second option is to restrict the Hex Channeler from gaining more channel dice then 1/2 (or 3/4ths) their level, this would restrict them to being only as powerful as a cleric or one level behind (or as powerful as an Elven Oracle of life if 3/4ths is used), assuming that this was spelled out in the additional resources entry for the Advanced Class guide, it would be fairly easy to control.

I think that's all I have to say on the manner for now.

Shadow Lodge

So the additional resources now say

All playtest versions of the ten new base classes from this book are no longer legal for play as of 8/14/14. Anyone playing the playtest version of one of the ten new base classes must have updated his or her character as of 8/14/14. Updating your character means adjusting only the things that have changed, but not rebuilding the character.

I currently do not have access to the Advanced Class Guide, but I do know this, Slashing Grace has changed, and my Swashbuckler does not meet the new requirements. The additional resources say to adjust the things that changed, does this mean that I need to switch Slashing Grace to a different feat because I no longer meet the requirements? I'm going to assume the answer here is yes.

Since I no longer qualify for Slashing Grace, does the new feat for first level need to be one that I qualified for at first level? Can the feat be one I that took at Third and switch my Third level feat as an adjustment? In this case I took Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Aldori Dueling Sword at third level, could I move this to my First Level feat and make my Third level feat Weapon Focus: Aldori Dueling Sword so that I can take Slashing Grace (Aldori Dueling Sword) at Fifth level?

Additionally, the character in question is currently in a play by post that will not finish before Thursday, do I need to update the character as soon as Thursday comes and thus change in the middle of the play by post session or am I allowed to continue to use the playtest rules for the character until the play by post concludes?

Shadow Lodge

In this post, John Compton ruled that a character could change gender as long as barring the use of transmutation magic it took place before the scenario.

Drawing upon that ruling, would it be possible to have two nearly identical (Say half identical) twins to be the same character. Now before you say no, hear me out, as I have a few ground rules that the character would follow.

1. They do not switch during a scenario or module.
2. They have exactly the same stats, class, skills, feats, etc. Only name and gender differ.
3. Regardless of the fact that they are a pair of twins, they still only have 1 life, if they die I don't get a free raise dead.

I want to additionally add, that I could already make a character that changes gender and assumes a different identity when they change gender, the only difference here being that I'm saying that the character is a pair of twins rather then someone with a multiple personality disorder.

Shadow Lodge

Could you please cancel my subscription to the Campaign setting line? Thank you.

Shadow Lodge

41 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

The Prestige class, Ulfen Guard, in Inner Sea Combat requires Ulfen descent, or as defined in the flavor text of the class, typically being at least half Ulfen. Since there isn't really half ethnicities, what counts as Ulfen descent in PFS?

Obviously an Ulfen ethnicity human, but can Half-Elves or Half-Orcs qualify? Would a Half-Elf or Half-Orc be required to be one of the specific ones that lists Ulfen under their human ancestry in Bastards of Golarion? Can Aasimar, Tiefling, Undine, Sylph, Ifrit, Suli, or Oread count as having Ulfen descent, as they are typically born of two human parents? Can a non-Ulfen ethnic human (as long as they have an Ulfen parent in their background) qualify?

Shadow Lodge

Ok, so here is the description of Monstrous Mount:


Monstrous Mount

Prerequisite(s): Handle Animal 4 ranks; Ride 4 ranks; divine bond (mount), hunter's bond (animal companion), or mount class feature with an effective druid level of 4.

Benefit(s): You can select an exotic beast from the list of monstrous mounts to serve as your animal companion or special mount. You acquire and advance this creature in the same way as the mount or animal companion detailed in the class feature used as a prerequisite for this feat. You can also dismiss the creature as dictated by your class feature.

You must meet additional prerequisites to choose a creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher, as described in each creature's entry.

My question is simply this, if I meet the prerequisites by multiclassing (say with a Druid4/Cavalier1) would my levels stack for the Monstrous Mount? I ask because I know that RAW if a creature isn't on both lists that you cannot stack the effective druid level.

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I have a question, it's a quite simple one really, does the Deific Obedience feat allow a character to choose a deity outside of the core deities whose obedience are listed in Inner Sea Gods? Namily, does it allow a character to take an Empyreal Lord or Demon Lord's Obedience since they are deities, and otherwise fit all of the rules of the feat.

Additionally, If a character can take say Deific Obedience (Arshea), can that character take levels in the Exalted, Sentinel, and Evangelist Prestige classes?

I'm really interested in an official ruling on this, because I may want to do this in PFS.

Shadow Lodge

With the upcoming release of the Deluxe Harrow Deck I am contemplating running an AP with an interesting beginning.

I plan on dividing the harrow deck among 6 players (giving them 9 cards each with no left overs, exactly enough for a harrowing from those 9 cards), I will allow them to select one card before dealing out cards, and that one card will represent their character or otherwise be a card that means something to the character. The other 8 cards can be exchanged before I shuffle the 9 cards and preform a harrowing for each character - this is important because the cards will help determine the character's stat points (they will be 10 point buy builds, plus a boost from their cards which will hopefully bring them to at least 20 point buy builds). I plan to incorporate each harrowing into the storyline of the AP, and additionally include a "flashback" type event at the beginning where everyone has the young template and NPC classes before the harrowing (they will also be the 10 point buy builds at this point.) this will help tie the characters to each other.

However, I wanted to get some feedback from the community as to which of these APs would likely work better for such an idea, Rise of the Runelords, or Reign of Winter (possibly with Heldren transplanted in Varisia). Benefits of a harrowing in either AP would be appreciated.

Shadow Lodge

I understand that while a character is engaged in an active play by post, they cannot be played elsewhere, but does this include assigning higher level pregen credit to that character?

Shadow Lodge

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Ok, so the additional resources for PFS have been updated, and low and behold, the Gun Twirling Feat is legal.

Here's the text for the feat:

Gun Twirling (Grit)
You can spin and juggle a small firearm, making it difficult to predict where you will shoot.
Prerequisites: Amateur Gunslinger feat or grit class feature, Dazzling Display, Weapon Focus.
Benefit: You can spend 1 grit point to make a feint attempt using a one-handed firearm for which you have Weapon Focus (instead of a melee weapon). The target of this feint must be within 30 feet of you and be able to see you.
If you have the Quick Draw feat, you can holster a onehanded firearm as a free action as long as you have at least 1 grit point.

So, I was thinking, how can I best take advantage of this feat, I would want to have sneak attack dice so that feinting is useful, and use two guns so that the Quick Draw bonus can be utilized. I immediately began looking at the Slayer class from the Advanced Class Guide Playtest, but to have enough Feats I'm thinking I need to frontload 2 levels of Fighter.

So here's my plan:
Human Fighter2/Slayer10
Stats: STR: 12 DEX: 17 CON: 14 INT: 13 WIS: 14 CHA: 8 (20 point buy)
Front load the fighter levels, so level 1 and 2 are fighter.
1st Level Feat Gunsmithing
1st Level Human Bonus Weapon Focus (Pistol)
1st Level Fighter Bonus Combat Expertise
2nd Level Fighter Bonus Quick Draw
3rd Level Feat Dazzling Display
2nd Level Slayer Talent Rogue Talent Firearm Training
5th Level Feat Rapid Reload (Pistol)
4th Level Slayer Talent Rogue Talent Grit (Amateur Gunslinger+Gun Twirling)
7th Level Feat Improved Feint
6th Level Slayer Talent Ranger Style (Two Weapon Fighting)
9th Level Feat Two Weapon Feint
8th Level Slayer Talent Ranger Style (Improved Two Weapon Fighting)
11th Level Feat Shatter Defenses
10th Level Slayer Talent Ranger Style (Greater Two Weapon Fighting)

I'm not sure this is the best order to take things in, but it's pretty much everything I wanted in the build, post-12th, the character could pick up Sap Adept and Sap Master. Suggestions and advice are very welcome (Remember, this is PFS)

Shadow Lodge

Ok, so shortly, my Legalistic Oracle of Life will be becoming lawful good (she is currently neutral good) and as part of this process, she is either going to draft up a pair of contracts, or employ a Chelish lawyer to do so for her.

There will be 2 contracts, one between her and her deity (actually between her and a high priest of Sarenrae, or perhaps since she is Silver Crusade between her and Ollysta Zadrian) and the other between her and the pathfinder society (which she will insist that her fellow party members sign.)

These contracts, and her turning to Lawful good are part of the character's progression to becoming a Hellknight Signifier.

I'm posting this here for several reasons, firstly I need ideas for the contracts, and they need to have loopholes, as any good Chelish contract would. One clause I do however intend to include in the contract with Sarenrae is that I will not accept any attempt to remove sickness suffered for a breech of the contract (meaning that if my sickness gets removed I am sickened again). Secondly, I want the contracts worded in such a way that they seem like actual contracts, this is something I do not feel that I can accomplish. Thirdly, I want the contract with fellow pathfinders to actually be something that most characters would have no problem signing as I do not want it leading to me not healing anyone.

A little background on the actual character, she is a Chelish born Aasimar exiled from her family due to the taint in her blood. Growing up, she was often assumed to be a tiefling, specifically because the taint is not always apparent. She fights with a scimitar, which is an heirloom weapon, but never does lethal damage if she can avoid it (and as such, she has never in the course of a scenario killed any creature). She is currently 5th level, but will not take signifier until after level 7, as she is a purifier archetype and I want armor training first.


Shadow Lodge

8 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

So I was wondering about something, I've yet to use or heck even print my kickstarter boon, because I've been feeling like the moment I use it I'm going to regret it and feel that it might have been a waste, but then a thought occurred to me, would it be possible to trade my kickstarter boon?

Now obviously the boon includes the line "Only one PC per player may gain the benefits of this boon." but assuming someone didn't back the kickstarter, would it not be possible to transfer the boon from myself to them?

Now normally, there shouldn't be an issue with trading boons, but the kickstarter boon is a little different, since it is watermarked with one's name and email, along with the date which it was downloaded, much like pdfs of paizo products, in order to prove that the boon is legitimate, and this is what leads me to believe that it may not be possible to transfer it to someone else, so I am asking, can the kickstarter boon be transferred to another player?

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Ok, so a few questions concerning the interactions of the Wildblooded Archetype and the Ampoule of False Blood

1. Can the Ampoule contain a wildblooded strain? My assumption here is no because it can mess with other sorcerer archetypes that may not be compatible with a specific wildblooded strain.

2. If 1 is no, does the a Wildblooded Sorcerer have a wildblooded strain version of the bloodline in the Ampoule, with or without drinking it? If this answer is no then drinking the ampoule would make the sorcerer lose the Wildblooded Archetype.

3. And the most important question, how does wearing the Ampoule interact with the Sylvan wildbloodline, since it's bloodline arcana and level 1 power are one and the same. The way the archetype is worded, Sylvan seems to actually lose the first level bloodline ability and simply gains a more powerful arcana, but does a Sylvan wildblood Sorcerer gain a first level bloodline ability from an Ampoule? Do they lose their animal companion?

Shadow Lodge

I've already sent an email about this, but since it has yet to be resolved, I figured I would post here about it too. My pbp gameplay thread for one of my pbp games seems to be eatting posts without displaying them. Post count increased on the alias that mad th post, but the gameplay thread is still empty.

I believe this was caused by me deleting the original post in the gameplay thread. If you could make the post from yesterday show up, that would be great. Here is a link to the gameplay thread, any help would be appreciated.

Opening this thread and sending all of you an email for it.

Shadow Lodge

Additional Resources wrote:
Gunslinger: A gunslinger's starting gun (granted by the gunsmith class feature) is worth 22 gp if sold (the average of 4d10).

Since the above is true, what is the value of the Gunslinger's starting gun when upgrading it for context of fame? Furthermore, since guns are never always available, do I need to meet the fame requirements to upgrade it to +1?

Here's an example, lets say that after the gunslinger's first scenario she upgrades her gun to masterwork using the Gunsmithing feat (and costing 300 gold) is the gun now worth 344 gp for concerns of fame or in the case of a pistol 1,300 gp (1,800 gp in the case of the musket.) this is important, because if the character needs to meet the fame requirements for a +1 upgrade, since guns are not always available it's a difference between the value of the gun being 2,344 gp or 3,300 gp for a +1 pistol (13 or 18 fame respectively.) It will ultimately make less of a difference later on when the 'slinger replaces their starting gun or makes more expensive upgrades, but it's important for when they can have a +1 gun...which is notably around the same time they might actually replace the starting gun.

While the village of Heldren has always typically been a quiet place where the villagers often result to rumor-mongering in order to entertain themselves, it seems that as of lately, the rumors have become stranger. The village is all excited about the latest rumor that although we are already at the height of summer, snow is falling in the nearby Border Wood. Indeed, the hunters speak of unnaturally cold weather that seems to have appeared only days ago. No one know what this strange weather, nor the arrival of dangerous new predators could mean, but the town's soothsayer, Old Mother Theodora has foretold that dark times come to Heldren.

Seemingly confirming Old Mother Theodora's dark prophecy, a man, barely alive, arrived just yesterday, he claims to be a bodyguard to one Lady Argentea Malassene. He informed the village council, and it wasn't long before everyone else knew, that the noblewoman's escort had come under attack by bandits and some strange wintery creatures that no one had ever heard of before near the edge of the Border Wood. Only he escaped, while Lady Argentea was dragged into the forest by the bandits for who knows what. The villagers now cast fearful eyes towards the snowy forest, worried what else might emerge to threaten their peaceful village.

The man in question has since been identified as one Yuln Oerstag, and is recovering in the Willowbark Apothecary. Rumor has it that he is a northerner, and is seriously wounded and suffering from serious frostbite.

The Silver Stoat, although normally quieter during the day, has become even more of a popular destination then typical for the rumor-mongering villagers. Lately, some of the more lazy villagers have nearly stopped working completely just to gossip about Yuln Oerstag and the state of the Border Wood.

Now that we have our party chosen, it'd be nice for everyone to check in. Also, although I have considered the character's finished, I will need to look over them again, and some people may want to change some things. I don't know how having the one evil character in the group will affect things, but I'm ok with it, as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

Additionally, people may want to look over skills, as I noticed that not a single person has Disable Device (any of the experts could freely pick it as a class skill).

So I am considering running Rise of the Runelords anniversary edition or Reign of Winter, at this point I am not ready to recruit, but I wanted to check for interest because I have what I think is an interesting home rule that I'd want to use. The home rule is this, everyone would be a Gestalt character, however one of your class choices at every level must be an NPC class. Thoughts?

Shadow Lodge

So, I'm thinking about building a Razmiran Priest for PFS, and I am looking for some suggestions on what to take for the bloodline on the character. My first thought was Wildblooded Empyreal, but alas it's not compatible with the Razmiran Priest archtype. I'm considering Wildblooded Sylvan, and pretending to be a druid, but if I decide to take a prestige class later on that would ruin the animal companion, even if I take the Boon Companion feat.

So, suggestions?

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

The ARG states that Aasimar, Tieflings, and all other "half human" native outsiders start at 60+ for age, but James Jacob said that this will likely be errata'd due to not matching up with ages of NPCs in published adventure paths, so here's my question, can a PFS legal Aasimar, tiefling, or other half human native outsider be younger then the 60+ presented in the ARG?

Here's the quote, I also linked it above, and yes I know the whole "James Jacobs is not a rules source thing" that's why I am asking.

James Jacobs wrote:


I'm going to try to get the ARG errataed so that aasimars and tieflings reach adulthood and have starting ages equal to humans. Because beyond the two contradictions Mort pointed out above...

** spoiler omitted **

A quick glance at the other race ages listed in the ARG and all those look fine—either they're like drow or svirfneblin and have always had established ages, or they're new races who haven't had significant NPC appearances that rely heavily upon their childhood history being on a time scale equal to that of a human.

Now... I suppose I COULD say "Tieflings and aasimars age differently in Golarion," but that's super obnoxious. The rulebooks don't have a built-in campaign setting, but Golarion DOES assume you're using the rulebooks, and as such, what's in the rulebooks SHOULD match what happens in Golarion as much as possible.


The thing is, I had originally wanted my Aasimar with the scion of humanity trait to not know that they are an Aasimar (and why would they unless they matured slower then everyone else). However, without losing their memory or something, a 60+ old will have realized they aren't quite human.

Shadow Lodge

8 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was thinking about what to build for my next character, and something made me ponder for a moment, in PFS crafting feats are generally not allowed, and if they are granted, they are replaced by something else. However, the Tattooed Mystic from Paths of Prestige gains a crafting feat, namely Inscribe Magical Tattoo, an otherwise illegal feat from Inner Sea Magic, at level 3 in the class, now since the earliest entry into the class is at level 6, making the earliest access to this feat a level 9 character, the question still arises if it is intended for the Tattooed Mystic to get an otherwise illegal feat.

Admittedly, there are very few magic tattoos that can be crafted with the feat (I think only the 3 in Inner Sea Magic), and those are not very powerful. So rather then an oversight, it might be intended that the mystic gets to use the tattoos at half cost, but I wanted to know for certain.

Shadow Lodge

So, I'm considering a character named Arodyn, pronounced the same way as the dead god or at least fairly similar that NPCs should understand that he is named after Aroden, this is a Kingmaker character, and I was wondering what, if any, consequences the character would encounter from being named after the dead god.

Additionally, not only is he named after Aroden, he worships Aroden, not sure if this would increase such consequences or not, but I am fairly curious as to what kinds of cons people come up with as to having such a well known name.

Shadow Lodge

Assuming the summoner takes Gunsmithing, can an Eidolon take Exotic Proficiency: Firearms and use firearms? I realize RAW there's no problem with this, but with the restrictions on firearms in PFS, I just want to be certain.

Shadow Lodge

I have a few questions about the Legalistic curse from Blood of Fiends.

First, the text of the curse:

Legalistic: The shackles of Hell impose savage consequences should you violate a covenant, but also imbue you with remarkable guile. Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally), you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your obligation, whichever comes first. However, once per day, you can make a vow to yourself that grants a +4 morale bonus on any one roll you make while trying to fulfill a promise made to another individual. At 5th level, you gain a +3 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks while talking to an individual one-on-one. At 10th level, you can make a new saving throw each minute to resist mind-affecting effects as your subconscious searches for loopholes. At 15th level, any creature that violates its freely given word to you takes a penalty to AC, to spell resistance, and on saving throws against your attacks and abilities equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for 24 hours.

First and foremost, does lying outright count as breaking one's word, thus making the character sickened anytime they use bluff to lie?

Secondly, if the cursed character in question makes certain promises every day to a deity (thus giving the deity their word to fulfill these promises), can they gain the +4 bonus while trying to uphold one of those promises? As an example, say I promise Sarenrae that I shall not inflict lethal harm to any humanoid creature, would I be able to make a vow to myself to then increase an attack roll against a humanoid target, as long as I am doing so in a nonlethal attack?

Finally, the text says any single roll, that includes damage rolls right?

Shadow Lodge

I've searched these forums in an attempt to find guidelines for a Bonded Object, the posts I have found often seem incomplete, and some even contradict each other. Note that some of these may indeed be general rules, but I am asking about in pathfinder society in specific.

Without further ado, here are my questions.

1) When upgrading a bonded object, does the character pay cost or full price? My initial assumption here was that they paid cost, but I've seen posts saying that they only pay cost for the first time they enhance it.

2) If I upgrade my bonded object to a named item, am I allowed to enchant it further? My assumption here would be no, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

3) Do I need to meet the fame requirement for the total price of my bonded object in order to upgrade the item? This seems to be something I find where posts contradict each others.

4) The bonded object rules say that the starting bonded object can only be an amulet, ring, weapon, staff or wand however the rules also state that you can designate an existing magic item as his bonded item, when doing this is the character still restricted to the same slots as a character who just got their bonded object or can they make another item such as Armor or a helmet into their bonded object? I have not found any guidelines to this at all, aside from the fact that the Hellknight Signifier (which is not yet PFS legal) can make their mask a bonded item.

5) Would a Gnome with the Master Tinker alternate racial trait be considered proficient with a bonded object that they themselves have upgraded? My assumption here is yes as they did some crafting towards the weapon.

Those are all of the questions I can think of for now, thanks in advance for any answers or discussions on any of my questions and feel free to add your own if you have them, bonded objects don't seem very clear to me in PFS honestly (and I can't be the only one).

Shadow Lodge

Simple question, is Darkleaf Cloth a legal material to make an Armored Coat out of in Pathfinder Society?

Darkleaf Cloth:
Darkleaf cloth is a special form of flexible material made by weaving together leaves and thin strips of bark from darkwood trees, then treating the resulting fabric with special alchemical processes. The resulting material is tough as cured hide but much lighter, making it an excellent material from which to create armor. Spell failure chances for armors made from darkleaf cloth decrease by 10% (to a minimum of 5%), maximum Dexterity bonuses increase by 2, and armor check penalties decrease by 3 (to a minimum of 0).

An item made from darkleaf cloth weighs half as much as the same item made from normal cured leather, furs, or hides. Items not primarily constructed of leather, fur, or hide are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of darkleaf cloth. As such padded, leather, studded leather, and hide armor can be made out of darkleaf cloth (although other types of armor made of leather or hide might be possible). Because darkleaf cloth remains flexible, it cannot be used to construct rigid items such as shields or metal armors. Armors fashioned from darkleaf cloth are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below.

Armored Coat:
This sturdy leather coat is reinforced with metal plates sewn into the lining.

Benefit: More cumbersome than light armor but less effective than most medium armors, the advantage of an armored coat is that a person can don it or remove it as a move action (there is no “don hastily” option for an armored coat). If worn over other armor, use the better AC bonus and worse value in all other categories; an armored coat has no effect if worn with heavy armor. The only magic effects that apply are those worn on top.

As the Armored Coat is reinforced with metal plates that means it is primarily constructed of leather, fulfilling the requirement to be made out of Darkleaf Cloth, yet even in the Ultimate Equipment book, Armored Cloth is not mentioned in the description despite that the armor does in fact appear in Ultimate Equipment.

Shadow Lodge

So, after just getting my copy of the Paths of Prestige book, I found myself more interested in Hellknight Signifier then the Dawnflower Dissident for my Oracle, the problem is, she worships Sarenrae.

Now, Sarenrae is NG, one step away from LG, so that would mean that LG would be an acceptable alignment for a Hellknight Signifier of Sarenrae, but the issue that occurs to me is how would such a character please both Sarenrae and the hellknights?

I'd have no idea which Order to join, and I think the Order of the Godclaw would strictly be off limits since Sarenrae isn't LG. I know Sarenrae has paladins, but I think it would be much more difficult for a hellknight to justify worshipping Sarenrae or for a worshipper of Sarenrae to justify being a hellknight.

While Sarenrae is a goddess of honesty, this is the only lawful aspect I can find in her, and it would be extremely difficult for a Hellknight to offer redemption to a criminal (especially when the hellknight knows that the lawful punishment for what the criminal has done is death).

If it helps, my Oracle's curse is Legalistic - which may already end up forcing the character to eventually become LG in due time, but for now I'm more interested in if anyone has any advice on being a hellknight that worships Sarenrae.

Shadow Lodge

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Are any of the legal oracle curses restricted to particular races, such as the curses in blood of angels/fiends?
I ask because I want the legalistic curse on a non-tiefling but our group wasn't sure it was a legal choice.

Shadow Lodge

Simple question, are the Patron spells tied to the familiar for a witch, since table 2-10 doesn't have patron spells listed on it I thought this was the case but I was not sure.

The Bonded Witch Half-Elf Archetype in the advanced race guide replaces the familiar with a bonded item, but it doesn't say what if anything it does to the Patron Spells, does a Bonded Witch still pick a Patron when they pick their Bonded Item?

Additionally, are the spells that the Bonded Witch is able to cast via their bonded item added to the Bonded Witch's Spells Known, or are they only usable via their bonded item?