
GeneticDrift's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Marathon Voter, 7 Season Marathon Voter, 8 Season Marathon Voter, 9 Season Marathon Voter. Organized Play Member. 1,973 posts. 6 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.

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Cellion wrote:

Poor Iomedae... That lady must have gone through a lot to become a deity of rage and awkward stances.

It's probably because it looks like she has one high heel and one boot.

I did love most of the art, triune, Oras, nyarlathotep, ibra, eloritu, the devourer, and desna all look amazing. The character art from the other sections are also awesome.

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Opsylum wrote:
It's her favored weapon in battle, an upgrade to the dagger she's historically used. If Clerics of Pharasma existed in Starfinder, they'd be proficient with zero knives, emulating their training after the goddess.

It's not an upgrade as it cannot function as dagger, it doesn't cut. Has pharasma secretly had sick switch blade skills and passes them to midwives? The dagger aligned with her domains the is just seems tacky.

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I thought many of the designs were bad. The little I've read of the section just makes me confused, pharasma apparently loves zero knives (or whatever), did she get a brand deal?

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From the FAQ
Under "Actions" on page 322 it is stated "Class features and items affect crew actions only if specifically noted in the class feature or action." Does this mean I can't benefit from the skill bonus of operative's edge, or an envoy's skill expertise?
No. When actions taken in starship combat call for a skill check, any class feature that grants bonuses to or allows rerolls with the relevant skill applies when using that skill as part of starship combat. This is an exception to the rule.

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Matthew Downie wrote:
Well, if the party was level 13, you could make them fight a Cloud Giant (CR11) instead of a CR13+ giant. I think GeneticDrift is just saying, "Don't make them fight two Cloud Giants at once to bring it up to a CR13 encounter, or your players will get upset again."

I think they understood. Haha.

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Use lower cr giants and don't make up the cr by using more giants?

The Exchange

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The computer interface helps melee. It can turn on your jet pack or haste circuit.

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Mythic is mixed for me,I didn't play test so I can't complain too much.

I didn't experience rocket tag, more turn slow down as everyone had counterspells, immediate action responses, infinite AoO, and/or 20+ buffs. The gm also buffed and threw everything at us at once.

It has some fun things in it still but not for every campaign. And PF experience helps.

Edit: at least the "new" mythic burn is a super option for kineticists. I also found the normal extra standard action (mythic initiative?) And extra move from mythic haste was amazing for my kineticist.

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For mythic, it’s good to go first. Mythic initiative is nice.

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Received shipping notification and subscriber PDF. It looks cool, wish I had time to dive in and read it. New spells defrex hardiness and personal gravity look fun.

The battle leader archetype also looks cool. Like an envoy and stackable. It uses reactions to give similar buffs. "Got 'em!" "Regroup!" "Listen up!", "Keep moving!", Etc.

Capital ships can get ramming weapons. Hahahahahahaha. Get out of their way.

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Buy the 5th Ed kingmaker book? link

It is a bestiary but looks like it has tips, not sure if helpful though.

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Medium. Weather they brand it as downloading advanced AI programs, spirits, or something else.

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Anyone look closely at the

mystic option:
to gain a solar weapon.
I feel like I need to read all the abilities closely to figure out the catch and it’s too late in the evening right now.

The Exchange

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These feats may help, item mastery .

As for good spells:
Teleport, fireball, haste, summon monster (make them cast spells), simulacrum, combat buffs.

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It's also a good spell if an enemy is spamming darkness/deeper darkness and you can't see through it but they can. Even the playing field.

Also the feat magic trick is cool with it.

The Exchange

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An AI species would be awesome. Maybe comes with rules for sleeves to experience this universe.

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The ShadowShackleton wrote:

I think this is a fair question. Created a thread that maybe should have gone in Advice on what to do when players don’t show up but just found it in Homebrew instead.

Probably should have phrased the title and question better but it’s hard to know what General Discussion is supposed to mean in that context.

I took a look at your thread. You asked for help in making a system for running PCs as minions for missing players. 100% homebrew forum.

The Exchange

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Did I miss someone pointing to the Transmuters focus power Physical Boost

Seems easy to put a 10 min duration and choose int, wis, char skills for the same benefit.

The Exchange

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Occult content. PF1 occult adventures is amazing and I want to see more in pf2.

Spirit loci around the world, strange occult phenomenon, spirits, haunts, occult groups (good to evil), wierd items and artifacts. Piles of Rituals.

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Magic exists outside of the rule books. Future releases are not new discoveries, they existed the while time.

The Exchange

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Corwin Icewolf wrote:
What about a naked barbarian? That's a pretty common fantasy trope, Is it doable without going to a monastery for a while? Because it's doable in 5e. It's trickier in pf1 but it can be done. Actually I think pf1 might have an archetype for it, so maybe not so tricky.

Barbarians are masters in unarmored defense, it holds up well if you keep your dexterity high.

The Exchange

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Ashborne wrote:

*** Caution - - - - Rant Ahead ***
All the complaining about spellcasters being too powerful in late-game forget that in order to get to that point, they had to suffer agonizingly to get there. They deserved to be rewarded for not having the same amount of fun as the others for most of the game. Also, when you look at the practicality of it, they should be anyway. Martials are mortal, bound to the physical world. Spellcasters, as they progress, shuffle off mortal constraints and draw closer, metaphysically, to becoming ascended beings, and a fighter or barbarian can't, and shouldn't be able to compete with that. Also, a GM should be able to balance fights to keep a spellcaster from dominating the playing field, or any class really. Either by specific enemies that spellcasters can't...

[edit] I reread my post and decided to just say I disagree completely. From experience and my understanding of character class assumptions. Casters start strong and become OP and have since at least dnd 3.0. I’ve never seen fluff on casters being beyond mortal flaws and limitations. Sounds like you are thinking of Gandalf and other divine beings.

The Exchange

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Physical boost is good and can target others.
Shifting form looks good too. It can open up your spell slots for other spells.
The lack of choice with cantrips is sad though.

The Exchange

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Colette Brunel wrote:

How are 2e player characters supposed to stack up to the skill modifiers of NPCs and monsters? From what I understand, a level X PC is equal in overall power and competence to a level X NPC or monster. This is why four monsters of level X are an "extreme" encounter for four PCs of level X: both sides are evenly matched, and thus have a 50/50 chance of taking one another down. In other words, a 1st-level PC is supposed to be equal in overall power and competence to a 1st-level catfolk stalker from the bestiary, a 13th-level PC is a match for a 13th-level dryad queen (hamadryad), and a 20th-level PC is an equal peer to a balor or a pit fiend. I have faith that Paizo has hashed out the math to make this true for combat purposes, but does it really apply to skills?

This is actually relevant for skill-oriented challenges, which I believe Paizo is trying to emphasize as actually meaningful in 2e.

A 13th-level dryad queen (hamadryad) has Acrobatics +25, Athletics +19, Crafting +23 (+25 woodworking), Deception +30, Diplomacy +30, Intimidation +27, Nature +24, Performance +28, Stealth +25, Survival +24. The Deception +30 and Diplomacy +30 are beefy.

How high can, for example, a 13th-level PC's Perception get to counter that Deception? 13 level + 6 master + 5 Wisdom modifier = +24, and that is assuming master Perception and Wisdom 20. I cannot see how that is supposed to stack up with an equal-level skill monkey monster's own skills.

A Dryad queen sounds like something that should be better than an equal level pc at charisma skills. It’s in the same ball park as the equal lvl pc skill.

The Exchange

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DC 10+1/2 lvl + stat. Unless stated otherwise infusion save stats are:
Form infusion saves are dexterity based saves.

Substance infusions are constitution based saves.

Kinetic form increases your reach but doesn't adjust damage at all. I find it worth it's 1 burn per day. But if you have multiple defense talents you may want burn to go elsewhere.

Elemental overflow is what improves your stats and other bonuses.

The Exchange

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My aether kineticist used quickened force blast w/ride the blast to get into position. Then kinetic whip full attack. I believe whip reach stacks with the bonus reach from size.

Flanking rules don't change so if you are airborne the flanking buddy would need to be below the target.

Force Ward was amazing in my experience as it counts attacks that don't breach the temp hp as a miss for rider effects.

Disentigrateing infusion was fun for making doorways when dealing with fortified positions.

Foe throw was fun for bonking enemies together. Targeting minions with low saves to throw at their boss.

If you don't expand gaining an extra water/universal talent is useful, So I won't say it is needed.

The Exchange

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Sounds like you don’t need advice!

I have a kineticist with Kinetic form which makes you large/huge, increasing your reach. You might want the feat combat reflexes to run with a build like that.

Expanded element wise, aether is great if you need to funnel burn somewhere and telekinesis is fun. Earth is great too, especially with its magnetic blast.

The Exchange

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Sneak attack is part of the damage and would be limited by the spell. link

The Exchange

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Kineticist is my favorite class. So I think people underrate it and think it is more complicated that it really is.

The Exchange

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alien archive:

Dimensional shambler CR 8 Outsider
Magma ooze CR 7 Ooze
Magmin CR 3 Outsider
Pyric Harbinger CR 8 Aberration
Pyric Heliacus CR 10 Undead
Pyric revenant CR 4 Undead
Pyric Wraith CR 6 Undead

The Exchange

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j b 200 wrote:

The way this is set up, why even have exp at all? Why not just write into the rules "you level up when the GM tells you." Right? That's in essence what they're doing.

Our group rotates GMs, and one PC may play under multiple GMs or even move from one Adventure to a different one (say b/c I'm starting an adventure for 5th level PCs and you already have a level 5 PC that isn't currently in an adventure).

How are they going to handle Society play, where you are pretty much guaranteed that no two PCs will be at the same spot for advancement short of starting at level 1 with brand new characters?

These are not problems. It’s what society play already does and it works just fine.

The Exchange

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Or just reduce the xp needed to lvl by 100 for each level a PC is behind.

The Exchange

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Imperial vs metric. Different numbers don't mean the thing being measured has changed.

The Exchange

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There is a surprising lack of flower themed spells.

The Exchange

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My PCs, after fighting off the skyfisher, cast fog cloud to approach. Climbed up the the side pushed the enemy off the statue. Continued to explore from top down. It was fun.

The Exchange

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You can't prove all iconics are not astrozoans.

The Exchange

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confused targets will attack people that attack them so chain confusion is hard to do. Its a lot of work to pull off.

If you are attacked while you’re confused, you always attack the creature that last attacked you until that creature is dead or out of sight, unless it is otherwise impossible for you to attack it that round. While confused, you can’t make attacks of opportunity against any creature or thing that you aren’t already committed to attacking.

The Exchange

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A medium archetype. A daily option of what spirit to bind with. Kinda like the adaptive fighting feat but your spirit determines the bonuses. Maybe choose new concepts instead of the mythic paths.

anonymity spirits (Operative)
data spirits (technomage)
Spirit loci (mystic)
Celestial songs (solarian)
Media spirits (envoy)
Machine ghost (mechanic)
Kaiju spirits (soldier)

The Exchange

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BigNorseWolf wrote:

Ya'lls melee mystics got your wisdom cranked too high. You don't need to start with more than a 14 ish to keep getting bonus spells off of your leveling equipment. YOu don't need to take damaging spells with jacked dcs because you're the damaging spells.

you DO need strength to overcome that BAB as you level

I agree. My example was to show a non optimized PC that is still effective.

I'm honestly surprised by the responses about needing to min max for fun. Maybe starfinder has a higher floor to be successful in combat but it can be reached with just a little investment.

The Exchange

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Octopus. I'm happy we have have weird cuttlefish though.

The Exchange

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Just got the subscriber pdf. This book has a new theme, a few feats, and spells. Also the corrupted Navasi art is creepy.


theme: paranormal investigator. Think bounty hunter for mysteries.
Feats: craven ploy, indirect retreat, startled scream, steel nerves, wary withdrawl
Spells: nightmare, paranoia, shadow body
Corruptions: give a boon and hinderance as they progress. I am not familiar with the pathfinder system system to compare them. The book focuses on one specific corruption but offers ideas on how to do others.

The Exchange

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I love the whale on page 140. Feeling the breeze among the clouds, it makes me smile. I hope to be it's friend.

The Exchange

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Ravingdork wrote:
A Mite Excessive wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Yqatuba wrote:
What is the most powerful creature in the book please tell me?
The Living Apocalypse. It's a CR 20 civilization killer.
Is it a playable race? Asking for a friend...
Yes, but it's PC stats are nothing like the real thing. /tongue-in-cheek

GM:Bob's character walks into the spacebar, to meet his new crew. Please describe your self.

Bob:I am a colossal all powerful being of death and destruction. Everyone needs to save vs high radiation due to my awesomness.

Other Players: haha great. So what are you, a shobhad soldier? dragonkin?

GM: no, bob is a living apocalypse, make your saves,

The Exchange

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Maybe borrow from pf1 kineticists and add an action for a boost in damage.

3 actions is a big investment worthy of a boost.

The Exchange

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Crits are great. I've had characters who died to critical hits in appropriate and memorable ways. Breath of life and ressurection/reincarnation options are also available at pretty low levels.

More games with crits: fading sun's, Firefly (extra damage for rolling high, called shots), numenera, trudvang).

The Exchange

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I love the cuttlefish PC race

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My pcs were done with ksariks by then so i swapped in a different opponent of the same cr.

Panellier was a very tough fight for my 4 player party.
If your pcs don't have command undead yet and really dont want to fight Panellier you could have the nearby enemy group join the fight and accidentally break the spell with a grenade.

Avvisa wasn't much of a mini boss. My pcs rested before fighting Tahomen. After the rest, Tahomen, two grunts, with the two guardians (i forgot about them being in the temple) was just about perfect for the 4 pcs (hurl force disk was great).

All in all your adjustments dont seem to put the large party at a significant risk of tpk.

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I am more for removing all the flaws. It seems too limiting with the profenciency system of pf2.

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I like the idea. Use an item to cast a spell? That will cost one resonance.

Bags of holding taking resonance on each use is not fun.

I'm ok with wands costing rp and charges.

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