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RPG Superstar 6 Season Marathon Voter, 7 Season Marathon Voter, 8 Season Marathon Voter, 9 Season Marathon Voter. Organized Play Member. 1,973 posts. 6 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.

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As a player I had a blast when my GM dropped us into the intrigue from this AP. Another great political scenario from paizo.

Great finally to the AP


Lots of fun encounters and ways for creative PCs to avoid the minions of the corpse fleet. As a novice GM it ran well and was only surprised by how quickly my PCs went through it.

GM comment:
I reintroduced escolar I'm book 3 and made her available to the PCs for book 6 ( as info or back up PC in case of death). She has a beta tombstone and wraith program to encourage the party.

Great location


The location is great. Ruined modern like cities with creepy lingering tech from the far past.

It is probably good to allow the pcs to out think the random encounters or evade them with a few skill checks. I had a xenodruid PC in my game who could talk with animals, which was fun.

Watchout for the misprinted and very high ACs on the final npcs.the forum threat has the corrections.

Great setting and NPCs


While not perfect this adventure is fillled with many awesome encounters, locations, and NPCs. The back matter on Eox makes the setting really fun, and gave me many fun ideas. While I have concerns about some npc actions and encounter difficulty levels we all had a great time. This keeps it a 5/5.

Super Space Australia


This book has a lot of cool things but I had a few issues that I didnt catch until I GMed it.

Spoiler Warning:

Part one and part three are fun.
Jungle temples are cool
Awesome monsters (Sky fisher!)
Cool Solarian NPC
Interesting chase (Even if my PCs didnt seem super into it)

Mechanics will likely be wondering why they came
Part 2 is a rail road with no choices or stakes.
The book fails to point out the wonders of ukalam and focuses on monster after monster. - yeah the monsters are cool but they could have been with interesting exploration or hazards.

Looks Great!


Having finally ran Dead Suns 1, I can say it was enjoyable. Absalom Station is a great location and a good start to an adventure path. Any character idea can fit and grow here. The players started to work together better as the challenges became more difficult. I am excited to start dead suns 2.

My before running review:

Having read throught my subscriber pdf i am excited about this AP. There seem to be many interesting things for characters to do. It is exciting enough to spark my creative side and has ideas i want to build on.

I wish the AP had a few new themes, so i might improvise a few but i'll wait to read the rest of the AP first. I think these two ideas will fit in well: Transhumanists, drift mystics (religious reaction to passing to and from the drift).

I have one planned minor change.
[spoiler= in the first room] It will be something stronger than a "stray" laser. Mybe a grenade, trap, or clara with her sniper rifle.

If I have a large group ill add a mechanic npc to rig a cargo cart to explode and aid the gang but not fight. Perhaps have a get away explosion as well that leads to a "man" hunt if he escapes.