Gavgoyle's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 1,856 posts (2,546 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 20 aliases.
I understand your trepidation, CraigShaw, and it's not completely unfounded. But just like with the rest of the hobby, there are lots of variables in what the GM brings to the show... And, if you try a couple of sessions and determine that PFS is not really grabbing you, you can still use it as a 'dating pool' to meet up with other gamers to start a home game.
Also, I've had lots of success monkey wrenching PFS scenarios into my home campaigns... Need to level your group up before the next AP issue? Use a couple scenarios to give them the extra XP and resources.
The Blackross Museum adventures are a series of great location-centric events.
If you like Varisia, there are several Season 3 mods in particular that could be daisy-chained together pretty easily.
And do yourself a favor and get Season 0's scenario #4 The Frozen Fingers of Midnight. You could pretty much drop it anywhere and the story is loads of fun!
Ooooh.... pretty! I want to touch it!
This AP sounds epic, I can't wait to see it! And Logue!! YES!!
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Q: But how should you address someone with a higher degree?
A: You don't really have to address them, just tell them you want to supersize the fries and soda.
The matrix is breached. I'm in and registered.
Cool! Very much looking forward to playing with y'all!
I'll go ahead and add that I lean a bit towards Shattered Star, myself, but I'm pretty open to anything. If it is SS, I'll probably run a half-orc druid, unless some other gap is needing filled.

So very interested, Blake!!!
I've played with you before at Paizocon. I've been an avid gamer for years, and have both GMed and played in Pathfinder campaigns.
I tend towards liking 'natural' type characters (rangers, druids), but typically, I like playing whatever my last character wasn't.
I should be able to post at least every other day if not every day. It will probably be in the evening, because several gaming related sites have been blocked by my workplace. On my home PC I can meet all of your requirements.
Familiarity with Golarion: Pretty damn proficient, and what I don't know, I'll be driven to look up.
Panzo Fairwind sighed as he turned the corner and the comforting smells and sounds of the waterfront district were gobbled up by the City at the Center of the World's urban bustle. Cities weren't his favorite, but then again, there were no other cities like Absalom. His hometown, Cassomir, was big, but Absalom dwarfed it tenfold. Keeping one hand on his belt pouch and one on his sword hilt, Panzo made his way through the streaming humanity (and clusters of other races) as he proceeded on towards his appointment in the Foreign Quarter. Dodging between an axebeak cart being driven by a hulking half-orc in a wide brimmed hat, the large bird hissing threateningly, and a group of gnome mimes putting on a complex spectacle for a roadside crowd, Panzo made his way up the street, over gutter filth and past heaving-chested whores. Truth told, he favored most of the whores with a lascivious grin and wink, however.
"Business comes first, love," he chuckled "then sport if there's time enough. And there's always time enough."
A short time later, he stood before the main gates of the Grand Lodge of the Pathfinder Society and a weary looking guard.
"Name's Panzo Fairwind, friend, and I am officially setting forth my claim of desire to be a Pathfinder. Show me to my trials and let my greatness ring forth!"
Yar!! I love the grindylow and these look marvelous!!! Really looking forward to getting some.
She looks so forlorn... I want to give her a hug.
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Ballsy as F*CK!!! I am SO SO SO SO looking forward to this!!
I'm thinkin' Alaznist can rage on me anyday! Damn sexy redheads!
Maren Fuln, a transmuter from the Arcanimirium has shown up in at least 2 scenarios. He's the central figure in the (RETIRED) scenario, Eye of the Crocodile King, and he's a minor foil in 3_07 Echoes of the Overwatched.
I ran this just last week (My first PFS GMing!) and the only player to subcome was the party's barbarian who already had a 6 CHA. *Shakes fist at the dice gods* He saw it as nothing but a benefit and wanted It was a highly enjoyable game for all, I believe!
Had a great time, as well!
Congrats Hugo!!
Both on the product AND on the prolific breeding! ;)
BTW, the paladin does not know that there is a powerful devil out there that owes the wizard a debt. This is up to the party's wizard to figure out THAT delicate little dance...

Name of PC: Brim (Male half-orc)
Class/Level: Sorcerer 1/Fighter 4/Dragon Disciple 5
Adventure: Fortress of the Stone Giants
Catalyst: A stone golem and a butt-load of bad luck!
Story: While making their way through the lower reaches of Jorgenfist, the party found the stone golem guarding the runeslave cauldron. It was a pitched battle with the silent behemoth as it pounded them relentlessly. They were whittling way at it, until my wife, the paladin, fumbled and sliced Brim a decent chop from her scimitar. A relentless slam in the round by the golem had Brim in a tender spot, but he went for the damage to wear the construct out. Unfortu nately, he chose that time to roll a '1'. Drawing his card, he hung his head and announced that he critted himself. One blow, 34 hit points of damage that took him to -24 hp from his own greatsword.
Now the group has a delicious quandary... They are down their heavy hitter; they are in a very dangerous dungeon with sensitive time slipping away; and in order to sneak out and try to get him resurrected, a lot of luck would be needed in backtracking. OR, they could simply call on the devil that owes them a favor. What's the worst that could happen, right?
...cloth....maps.... ??
I think my eyelids just fluttered and I made one of those Homer Simpson drooling over a donut noises!
Mikaze wrote: One day we could raid the nonexistant shores of Ustalav and fight vampires, flesh golems, and ghosts. Ustalav is bordered by Lake Encarthan on the south. So, weigh anchors and wear their guts for gearters!
Oh, and let me just say... vermin don't bother me at all, but isopods kinda squick me the freak out!
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Ambrus wrote: If I were in a game with someone playing a arcane caster with a toucan familiar, I'd feel obliged to play a druid with a tiger animal companion so that we could embark on some breakfast cereal themed adventures together; preferably vs a leprechaun BBEG. It'd be GRRRRREAT!!! I'll play Diggum the Boggard barbarian!
Nick! Damn, you've been missed! I'm VERY happy you are working on a road to a well you and wish you all of the best! Sadly, I can't make PaizoCon this year. Keep healing and know that just coming back into the gaming world has given a lot of us a huge sense of happiness.
Lou, you're a freakin' exemplary human being, as always!
Male Human (by at least 25%)/Gargoyle Lovable Rogue 11th, Antiquarian 7th, Test Officer 6th
Waltz wrote: It was fun playing with you if it's any consolation. If your real life things are merely a temporary inconvenience and you where able to return to a more active role in any reasonable span of time I've got no issue if you decided you'd like to stick around provided you can or want to.
I hope things go well for you and life hasn't become difficult, I wish you all the best.
I appreciate the kind words. The main problem is I don't know how long it will take to establish 'the new normal' and I don't want my inability to be a regular poster hamper the game. It has been great gaming with you, and I hope this campaign continues to flourish! Many crits to you all!
Male Human (by at least 25%)/Gargoyle Lovable Rogue 11th, Antiquarian 7th, Test Officer 6th
We have experienced an upheaval at my workplace and I have had to take on additional duties. This is pretty much precluding me from being an active member in the game. I appologize, as this was an entierly unforseen event. Please feel free to use or dispatch Lugdro in whatever manner you feel most suitable for the narrative. Again, I am very sorry.
Male Human (by at least 25%)/Gargoyle Lovable Rogue 11th, Antiquarian 7th, Test Officer 6th
I'm sorry I've not posted recently, but I've been completely swamped by work this past week and staving of a sinus infection. I'm still around and willing to go on, but will probably be into next week before my work slacks up. I really do apologize.
Male Human (by at least 25%)/Gargoyle Lovable Rogue 11th, Antiquarian 7th, Test Officer 6th
Thanks for the heads-up on the miss!
Male Human (by at least 25%)/Gargoyle Lovable Rogue 11th, Antiquarian 7th, Test Officer 6th
And to you as well! Hope you all have wonderful holidays!!
The dire rat seems to hold something in common with FARK's Nutsy the Squirrel... The sculpt as a whole looks really good, though.
Male Human (by at least 25%)/Gargoyle Lovable Rogue 11th, Antiquarian 7th, Test Officer 6th
I understand, it was an incredibly busy weekend and I hadn't had the opportunity to get on since friday evening.
Roshan wrote: lol it's funny that you got universal solvent, our halfling was glued to the barbarian the other day and it took almost 3 days to get him unstuck, mostly because we were laughing half the time. It's good to have on hand apparently.
Soveriegn glue... Good to have on hand; bad to have on your hands.
Um, Roshan... I'm not on your list. Is there something I'm missing?
Looks like you could use some arcane spell support... I would like to play a Sorcerer with either the Accursed or Protean bloodline. I'll try to get something to you in the next two days or so.
Male Human (by at least 25%)/Gargoyle Lovable Rogue 11th, Antiquarian 7th, Test Officer 6th
No prob, I understand. My work week was relatively horridly full and next week might be a bit slow posting due to holiday travel (or not, service can be wonky in my parent's town, but they are creeping out of the stone age). Just wanted to touch base.
Male Human (by at least 25%)/Gargoyle Lovable Rogue 11th, Antiquarian 7th, Test Officer 6th
Hey Zombie Master/Lost Gamer, everything okay? We haven't heard from you in a couple days. Just rattling the cage a bit...
Male Human (by at least 25%)/Gargoyle Lovable Rogue 11th, Antiquarian 7th, Test Officer 6th
I'm fine with that, but if Eva or one of the others want the Hide from Undead scroll, they can have it. And if anyone wants to give me another holy water that would be a fine... throwing things is kinda my forte. If not, that's fine, as well.
Jam412 wrote: James Jacobs wrote: Bonus Nerd Points to the first person to figure out WHY the Yithian's in Bestiary 3 and not an AP! My guess is that they aren't on Golarion. Distant galaxy and all.. Probably not so much a question of distance as much as time. Since they are a race capable of mental travel, they very well might be on Golarion, just trying to adjust to the bodies of the locals. The crinoidal horrors are the bodies they inhabited on temporally distant Earth.
Actually the Handy Haversack is one of my faves through all the editions. Reach back and grab what you want quickly and easily!
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My patent pending "Wench-in-a-Haversack" Want all the comforts of service at an inn and an ample wench on the road? Open up the Wench-in-a-Haversack and have a good carouse by the campfire*!
*We will not liable for attracting Wandering Monsters or impared action/judgement due to intoxication.
Katrina Sinclair wrote: Gavgoyle wrote: Serpent Shaman from APG. I'll allow it, but I don't think it's a particularly good choice, since it's too cold for snakes to thrive where the adventure is taking place. It's not an obvious fit and I was trying to retool as little of Vergor as possible. There are snakes up throughout lower Ontario and Quebec, though. Particularly, I'm thinking about the Massasagua (a breed of rattlesnake) which is native to Ontario. There are Canadian timber rattlers, too, but they occur farther to the west (like BC).
How long term of a game are you planning to make this? Will it just be a couple of levels or are you looking for something longer?
I have a human druid from a game aborted long ago... my original concept for him was a creole-ish swamp druid, but I can field-strip him and retool for this game. I'll take the druid!
Edit: Use of traits?
Male Human (by at least 25%)/Gargoyle Lovable Rogue 11th, Antiquarian 7th, Test Officer 6th
Cool. Thanks for the update!
Oooooooh! Must conference with the wife to see if it's tenable!! Want! Want! Want!!
Mikaze wrote:
Did anyone else ID ** spoiler omitted **
Yeah, I absolutely did in the intro and figured it was a foreshadow of a side quest and was super excited! It makes me much more hopeful for the...
I haven't been able to play enough to get super-deep in it (about 30% and invested in several side-missions) but damn is it fun! It is nice seeing Mr. Zsasz as more of a player than just a tutorial mook as he was in Arkham Asylum.
Male Human (by at least 25%)/Gargoyle Lovable Rogue 11th, Antiquarian 7th, Test Officer 6th
The absolute best that Fleisher can do is a 24 on history or a 19 on Diplomacy, so he'll act in an aid capacity.
The Lopper: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Splatterman: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Father Charlatan: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
The Piper: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Marauder: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4
Research subsequent to Diplomacy (if acceptable): using Knowledge (Religion) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Just as an aside to what Dragnmoon posted, we will be playing this weekend (15 Oct). You can find game information on Warhorn.net. You can search by location for Austin.