Daveak Bringer of Destruction's Untitled Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Daveak Bringer of Destruction

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Shadow Lodge

Are we planning on playing this week end? I thought someone mentioned the 5th. Just let me know.

Grand Lodge

I'm working this weekend, there will be no game. :(

However, I am getting a playtest copy of a Richard Pett adventure. Is anyone interested in an emergency session sometime next week to test it out? Not sure what level it is, but it won't be PFS restrictions.


Something is coming to a wedding:)

Grand Lodge

GAH! Speak his name and he appears!

Shadow Lodge

I'd like to give it a try, I will just need to know when, and time restrictions might be an issue (for everyone).

Grand Lodge

Indeed. 7th level characters. If people are interested I will figure out the rest of the creation guidelines.

Shadow Lodge

Is there anything we should focus on playtesting in particular?

Grand Lodge

Ben McFarland wrote:

For playtest reports, we like to know how things played-- if it was good, why, if it was bad, why?

Details trump vagarities.

"I liked X because of Y" is always better than "It was meh." In fact, if you use the word "meh," I will find a way to crawl through the wire and horribly maim whomever uses it, because it's so useless. ;)

"It was X because of Y." I need to know what makes something good or bad or indifferent.

If there is an endemic problem, note it, but I don't need to know every instance.

One line of "The monsters all forget to add deflection bonuses to CMD," not 12 lines noting each mistake.

Keep the language pleasant and civil, even if something has tanked. This is someone's hard work, and you're being constructive. If it's a hot mess, well, we need to know it, but we don't need to be cruel.

That's the big aspects-- what did you play, how did it play, what did you like/dislike and why, are there plot holes, are there gaps in logic, is there something missing that needs to be there (How do we get from encounter A to C?)

Round by round combat reports are nice for big battles, but not necessary. We do need to know party composition and how...tactically optimal they tend to run. If you're using 3PP mechanics or supplements, or a variant character creation method, that's ok, we just need to know. If combats run too long or too short, we need to know. If DCs seem off for some reason or monster design is too light or heavy, we need to know.

Grand Lodge

Will be at Bookstan tomorrow night ready to run a mod. Which one will depend on who shows.

Grand Lodge

Thanks to an anonymous donor, I have picked up the Quest for Perfection series and will be reading it over the next week.

Grand Lodge

Okay, my plans for this week are to run at Bookstan on Thursday at 6PM and at my house on Saturday at 11AM. Thursday will probably be The Gods Market Gamble or The Pallid Plague, so if you missed that feel free to show up. Saturday will be Quest for Perfection Part 1 for the regular group. Let me know if you will be out of town for the holiday weekend.

Shadow Lodge

Ill be there Sat. My friend will be out of town though.

Grand Lodge

That's fine. If not everyone can make it, I might run Midnight Mauler instead. I forget who said they had already played it however.

Liberty's Edge

Hey Steven I have a battle interested in learning game if he is serious then I would like to bring him Saturday if possible please let me know

Grand Lodge

Saturday should be a good time for him to learn, he's welcome to come. Depending on who shows up, I may not have space however!

Shadow Lodge

I have not played either and still plan on showing with my level 2 Fire Cleric.

If I need, I've been itching to try either a Oracle concept or a Cavalier, but every time I go to build it, it just doesn't look like it will hold up, so we will see.

Grand Lodge

If anyone has the Monastery flipmat and can bring it, please let me know.

Shadow Lodge

Excelent game guys

Scarab Sages

Had a great time, as well!

Grand Lodge

Thanks for showing up, I had an excellent time running for everyone!

Shadow Lodge

So it looks like they are saying Negative Energy Affinity works a little wonky. I still disagree, but honestly kind of tired of arguing it. :)

So Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment probably should have been a TPK. and TOZ missed the chance. Ha ha.

Grand Lodge

Please, my aasimars saved you all anyway. :P

Shadow Lodge

Only because we didnt kill them. :)

Grand Lodge

Are you guys available for a one-shot session this Saturday? I still have that playtest mod, but it has to be done by next week or they won't have time for editing the feedback.

Grand Lodge

Planning on 7th level characters, 25 point buy, regular wealth. All books allowed. I'd like to start around 1PM instead of the usual time.

Shadow Lodge

I have my daughter all day (wife is working) so sadly I will not be able to make it. And wow, I just saw this, and it was posted on Thur.

Grand Lodge

No problem Joe, I should have enough. Sorry you'll miss out tho.

Liberty's Edge

So how many do you have total right now

Grand Lodge

You, Shanna, and Gavin. And Joe, if he's coming with you.

Liberty's Edge


Grand Lodge

Also, we're putting together a pasta bar for lunch/dinner. Let me know if you have any allergies.

Shadow Lodge

Yah, it's cool. I'd like to know how it goes, though. I was really hoping to take part, but that's life.

Liberty's Edge

Running threw drive threw then on way

Grand Lodge

Okay, next PFS session is going to be Sunday the 21st. When is a good time for you guys?

Grand Lodge

I'm thinking of moving game time to 1PM from here on out, since we don't have to worry about store hours now.

How does 1PM on Sunday sound for everyone, and 1PM on Saturdays from then on?

Liberty's Edge

Sounds good my Joe that I brought and I can't be there tomorrow he works and I found out that I going to regular field for a week so I staying home with family but we would like it if you ran it at stans not this week cause I still in field but the week you run part 3

Shadow Lodge

I am good. My friend (Chappy, there I think 3 gaes ago), should also be joining us again. As far as we know, we are not going to the field now until mid Nov, but they still are not telling us for sure. My unit is absolutely terrible about that.

Shadow Lodge

Also, would anyone be interested in maybe trying a Halloween themed game after this week? Not on Halloween, as many of us have kids or plans, but one around that time.

Grand Lodge

Sounds like we will have enough people then. Sorry you guys can't make it, we'll work something out for you.

As for Halloween, I'll be in the field that week, so we can't offer our house for that game. :( I hope you can get something together for it.

Shadow Lodge

My friend will not be able to make it, so it will be just me.

Did we have a game planned? I have my Cleric which will be level 3 after this or an build a new level 1 if we need, I'd just like to know before hand if I need to to put a little into it.

Shadow Lodge

Also, a heads up, when I hit level three, going to take Tien as a language.


Grand Lodge

Yes, we will be running Quest for Perfection II: On Hostile Waters.

Edit: Tien is a good language to take for some of these. :)

Shadow Lodge

I took Tien (and a rank in Linguistics as it seems like the go to for Silver Crusade), and can finally start doing a little Soundburst Blasting.

Thanks again for the game. Kind of sucks I had to lave so early. I forgot we had homework to do with my daughter and some other paperwork. I really hope it's not a tpk.

Grand Lodge

Close, but not quite. ;)

Silver Crusade

So I live in Universal City and am looking for a group, ya'll have any openings?

Shadow Lodge

We should. Right now, as far as I know, there are two main groups (that do itermingle). One is every other Saterday and on is every (I believe) Tuesday.

Are we planning anything for tomorrow?

Grand Lodge

I've got duty tomorrow night, so I'm taking the day with the wife. Sorry guys.

Weeknight game is on Thursdays right now tho. Next Thursday should be good.

Shadow Lodge

I just got back from the field. How is everyone doing?

Grand Lodge

Happy that we only have short weeks this month, sad that I'll be working two weeks straight afterwards. :( Damn field exercises.

Shadow Lodge

I'm honestly right there with you.

Anyone want to give the Mythic Rules a try this weekend?

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