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I guess this is where we post all questions and perhaps a few HomeBrewed rules.
I only have three HBs that I can think of off the top of my head.
1) Channel energy does ??d6 + 1/2 cleric lvl + CHA healing or damage.
That rule came from a lot of 1's being rolled backed to back.
2) accelerated crawling - as a full round action you may crawl at half your speed - normal AoO's apply
3) crawling withdrawal - you may take the withdrawal action while prone but may only move at half your listed ground speed - normal AoO's apply
Any others you have or know of that you wish to implement?

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Whenever everyone gets the chance please head over to Obsidian portal and register (if you haven't an account already) and let me send you an invite to the wiki.
I think that at later levels the wiki will be a good source for tracking builds and items.
Also they have a feature that allows me to post a player secret that only you may read should it be needed.

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@ Azure_Zero - about your comment in the game play tag. Are you saying I should make an alias for every NPC and then post up all their comments separately?? If we get into a conversation with three or four NPCs that seems like a lot of work.
On another note - not having battle maps sounds like a lot less work (we like less work). But I want to know if this is what everyone would like to do first - to not use battlemaps or to use them. Some builds/abilities are built around the map and how far you are from this character or that ally.
If things become to confusing I might do a map on flickr or something. But it would only be to get people "back on the same page" unless the majority wants to use a map in each combat.

Pixel Cube |

On another note - not having battle maps sounds like a lot less work (we like less work). But I want to know if this is what everyone would like to do first - to not use battlemaps or to use them. Some builds/abilities are built around the map and how far you are from this character or that ally.If things become to confusing I might do a map on flickr or something. But it would only be to get people "back on the same page" unless the majority wants to use a map in each combat.
I vote against maps, but I do like the idea of having pictures and images of locations or important NPCs.

NPC_Female_NR |

@ Azure_Zero - about your comment in the game play tag. Are you saying I should make an alias for every NPC and then post up all their comments separately?? If we get into a conversation with three or four NPCs that seems like a lot of work.
No you need a minimum of 2 aliases (one male, one female)
(they are generics)Here is a sample Generic Female NPC
I put no name is the alias, Just a picture
Below will be a sample post from Kendra Lorrimor

Azure_Zero |

It's not a bad trick.
Two alias to cover all the NPCs, instead of one alias for each NPC.
If the NPC is REALLY Important, needs more detail and or stand out more, then it can have it's own alias, to show that it is an important NPC to note.
Mind you I have 4 NPC aliases.
Because I have NPCs that can be recruited and or romanced.
NR = Non-recruitable, and or No Romancing

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At Gavgoyle I sent you your invite to join the campaign over at OP and make a character. Looks like I started Talia once you join I will change her ownership to you.
Sorry if it took a while didn't know I had a mail spot there.
Everyone else please check in and let me know when you have an OP account and are ready to join up.

DM Azure_Zero |

Just giving advice here, and it works for me.
Getting organised, for me is writing stuff down (even for PBP),and making notes and if it's a published adventure read the whole thing and note the critical s*** and how the NPCs act.
For images just do hot linking to an external resource site (photobuck, myspace, etc).
OP is great, but keeping it to ONE site is best for the players and the GM as it'll keep miscommunication down and keeps things in one place.
Use the resources of one site to the fullest. And if an external resource site is needed that is fine.

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Note everyone can make two separate checks.
One for Harrowstone and one for The Whispering Way. Sorry if I didn't explain it well. Even untrained you will be able to get at least some info (up to DC 10)
These checks are what your character knows off the top of his head. Later you will be able research each of these.

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Using a Knowledge check to research a topic allows the PCs two options—simply making the check to see what a character knows about the topic (this is a free action, but can only be attempted once per character), or spending a day looking through references, books, and other materials (this check can be attempted multiple times, but no more than once per day). There are four locations in Ravengro that can be used to research— Kendra suggests all four, but warns the PCs that the locals
might need some convincing before they allow strangers to use their libraries. Using any of these sites to research information about Harrowstone or the Whispering Way allows a character to make Knowledge checks untrained (although doing so negates any bonus on skill checks the research site might provide).
The Lorrimor Place: Kendra offers to let the PCs use her father’s personal library to research, free of charge and regardless of the PCs’ current Trust point total. Lorrimor’s library provides a +2 bonus on all Knowledge checks made to research the Whispering Way.
Ravengro Town Hall: unknown
Temple of Pharasma: unknown
The Unfurling Scroll: unknown

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So the group only needs to make two more (DC 25) checks, one for each topic to get all the info. Now the time it takes is the thing here.
To research I need to know who is going to be making checks, where they want to do their research, and who wishes to aid another to help get the checks up to the DC 25.
As you research and explore Ravengro things will be happening behind the scenes. So don't feel rushed to get everything done in one or two days the adventure is set to take you up to the 30 days if needed.
Anyone not spending the day researching or aiding can do other stuff but in the need to move things along any RPing (at the Temple or Unfurling Scroll, etc.) will be short until all researching is done.

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Saw somewhere else redclover is busy but will give him till tonight to decide what he would like his character to do. Looks like both the research roll and the Diplomacy check to gain access to the temple records could use an aid another. (Cyler still needs to aid but will roll only after a decision so as not to sway the choice).
At Pixel Cube - Sorry if I confused you about the check. I asked for a Gather Info check which is a use of Diplomacy. Maybe I should have asked for a Diplomacy(Gather Info) check instead.
Since you are taking twenty and spending the day I will be giving you to rumors from the chart to bring back to the group tonight.
So again update - 10pm-ish EST.

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Ok great job on the research everyone you all are more than half way through this part. Just a few notes to help you along.
- You need not complete all the research in one day. But since you have opened the Temple for it you will get the +4 bonus to research the prisoners.
- Checks left to complete:
The Whispering Way DC 25
Father Charlatan DC 25
the Lopper DC 25
the Mosswater Marauder DC 25
the Piper of Illlmarsh DC 25
the Splatter Man DC 25
- Everyone trained in Know(history) or Know(local) may attempt a check for each prisoner for knowledge they know off the top of their head.
- After that you may only make one check or one aid another attempt per day. So you need to list which prisoner you want to make a check for.
Need for you all to make your checks and then either post your wish to turn in or to follow up on Jonas's rumor about Zokar and the food he serves at The Laughing Demon.
Time of day IC - hour till dusk.

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Sorry about the XP confusion. Currently everyone has 400xp. Here is the Experience Tracker
As a group you have earned 2,000xp but need to divide that by five characters.
Also while I have you on the subject. A few things.
1- All experience will be earned as a group. This being pbp going off on your own to try and score xp will just help to slow things down and score you nothing.
2- Not all encounters need to be fought and "beaten" to gain XP. Using Diplomacy (like with the thugs), or stealth to bypass a fight, or just leaving a trap lay where it is, is a way to gain the XP from it. You do learn something after all.
3- Not all encounters need to be... well encountered. The goal of the adventure is the key and when you successfully complete the goal of the module I will be rewarding you all the XP/and treasure needed to start the next one. This means you need not explore every room or worry about missing something valuable if you don't take twenty to search every hallway. Focusing on the goals at hand will bring you your fame and fortune a lot sooner and be more fun.
4- I will be giving out extra XP every 3 real time months. Sort of an RP/participation XP that will be 25% of your current needed for next level. This is so if we spend three months RPing with a sage to gain info on this or that you are still gaining some measure of reward for playing. This means that each year you play you will at least level up once.

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Update tonight (have 9 hours of work ahead of me) and will be moving things to the temple for research and then RPing permission.
Before that I still need your free know rolls about the prisoners. And while your at it you will need to make a Diplomacy check to gain permission.
Please roll all that here if you have time and I will use that to help in my post.
SO roll
Know(history or local) - everyone it's free (one for each prisoner you may get lucky)
Diplomacy to be allowed to research - DC 25 This can be done as separate or as a group if someone gets close and needs aid another checks.
Research rolls (as stated in the gameplay tag) if you succeed on the Diplomacy check.
Having all that out of the way and knowing what you already got will add to my posting.
Good Luck.

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The absolute best that Fleisher can do is a 24 on history or a 19 on Diplomacy, so he'll act in an aid capacity.
The Lopper: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Splatterman: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Father Charlatan: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
The Piper: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Marauder: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4
Research subsequent to Diplomacy (if acceptable): using Knowledge (Religion) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Evangline Valeria Aurora |

Research (Prisoner:Lopper)
Know(History): 1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 4 = 13
Research (Prisoner:Father Charlatan)
Know(History): 1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 4 = 16
Research (Prisoner:Piper)
Know(History): 1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 5 + 4 = 29
Research (Prisoner:Mosswater Marauder)
Know(History): 1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 5 + 4 = 27

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Sorry I must have explained this wrong as it looks like you are researching and not rolling your free checks.
Researching takes a whole day to complete so will subtract the +4 research bonus and say those rolls are your free checks.
Got The Piper then.
Only Eva can make these checks as no one else has a rank in the skills need.
You get to research at a spot without a rank and it acts as if you are trained but you don't get it's bonus. So sorry Gavgoyle best you could do above is a 10 for a free check. Will let you re-roll the research help as we do the research.
Ok updating know and you can decide who wants to research and what topic, still on more for The Whispering Way to get.
Multiple people may research a topic, but helping may be better as when using the library Gavgoyle is right best he can do is a 24.
Am going to advance the thread please let me know what your character wishes to do.

Evangline Valeria Aurora |

it is broken in the -1 every night you don't solve it (lots of complaints on it),
I believe it is suppose to be -1 every night "HE" does "SOMETHING" in town.

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But the race against time it portrays helps with the feel of the module. If the group sat around all day everyday and all the events went off troubling Ravengro then after about 20 days or so the mob would be set on them blaming them for their woes.
I have added additional ways to gain Trust (like the Eulogies) as I think the module itself provides very little chances to even get to the max without the -1 per day.
"Trust" me it adds to the fun.

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And the whole the PCs could fail (and yet survive) is one of the main reasons I like this module. If they were to fail and Ravengro be destroyed then it would add to further character development. Each player would have to decide how it effected their character.
Lot of playing before that though.

Peredur ap Erevel |

Hi, all. Replacement player here. My profile should be up to date; let me know how you want me to join the party.

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Character Check Peredur:
- Current XP: same as the groups, will say you gained it on the way to Ravengro.
- Have you at 1 more gp leftover (total 13gp)
- Please list after gear; Weight: 73lbs(medium), for your load carried.
- Under defense please list Immune sleep and add (+2 save vs enchanments) after Will save
- Disable Device is +3 while in armor
- Stealth is +2 while moving in armor with shield
Welcome to the game. I am about to advance the thread and pencil you in please check the gameplay thread in a minute.
Also we will need to discuss Peredur's Favored Community ability as I wish for you to get at least a little use out of it even though there are only a couple cities this AP takes place in.

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Experience tracker can be found - HERE
BTW still need characters posted at OP.
We are dividing by 5 but using the fast progression to off-set both that and the fact that you need not explore every encounter or room. The goal of the adventure is the key.
Also at the end of the year I will give out participation/RP experience and that will help as well.
Eva could use detect magic instead of identify but would still need Spellcraft.
Will put the group at their meeting with Father Grimburrow by tomorrow night (if not sooner) let me know if you are ready top go or wish to do something else before then.

Peredur ap Erevel |

Thanks--OP is blocked at work, so I'll check it from home and post my character tonight.

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NP - to let you know the group is currently at 720xp (out of 1,300) and I have xp on hold (about 800 or 160 each) on hold till you finish researching the Five Prisoners. After you get the other 3 you will get a total of 2,000xp (400 each) for the lot and I will then add it to the XP tracker.
Just didn't want to do them one at a time. And there is still the DC 25 (and 400xp or 80 each) left to try discovering the last clues about the Whispering Way.
So there is 48oxp in research waiting out there just to let you all know.

Peredur ap Erevel |

I'm probably missing something obvious, here, but as far as I can tell I can't set up a character without a campaign, and I can't add a character to the party on my own--I think you have to add me. My OP username is JBWoodford.

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Sent you an invite all you need do is accept and you are set.
Remember the character sheets at OP will be like a base sheet and probably only need updated at level ups. The profiles here at paizo I would like for you to use to keep track of the characters current stats - so if they have a disease or ability drain on them. Stuff like that.